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Instrucciones: Lea cuidadosamente el examen y responda en la hoja

de respuesta. “No raye la prueba”


In this section you will read short passages and answer questions about them.
Choose the word or words that best complete the sentence. For each item, fill
in you answer.

Passage 1: What are you doing today?

Betty Chan: I usually stay home on Sundays and take it easy. I read, clean
the house and do stuff like that. But today I'm still at the mall. I'm buying
some things for my kids.

1. Betty is _____ today

a. reading
b. cleaning
c. resting
d. shopping

Passage 2: What do you do?

Tony Perez: I'm a flight attendant with a major airline. Flying isn't dangerous,
but it can be stressful. When I'm up in the air working, I always have
something to do. I like my job because I meet a lot of interesting people.

2. Tony's job is _____.

a. dangerous
b. boring
c. busy
d. relaxing

Passage 3:
Sandra Miller: I feel off my bike yesterday and cut my knee. My father took
me to the clinic because the cut wouldn't stop bleeding.

3. The doctor said I needed _____.

a. a cast
b. stitches
c. a driver's license
d. a sprain
Passage 4: The electric lightbulb
Thomas Edison was called the Wizard of Menlo Park because he found a
simple, efficient way to light up a room at night. By 1877, many other
scientists had been successful using electricity for light, but their inventions
were not practical for home use. Edison's patient experimenting resulted in an
easy to use lightbulb which produced just enough light for a room in a house.
Edison's victory came in December of 1879 when he used a piece or
carbonized (burned) cotton thread as the filament or wire in the bulb. An
electric current passing through the thread made it shine.

4. In 1877, electricity was not used to light homes because _____.

a. electric power hadn't been invented yet
b. there were no practical electric lights
c. people were afraid to use electric lightbulbs
d. no one had experimented with electricity

5. The filament in a lightbulb is used to produce ______.

a. light
b. thread
c. electricity
d. carbon

Passage 5: The “zone”

You're deeply involved in a task and can ignore everything around you ringing
phones, your neighbor's TV, even your own hunger and still do things in record
time. This is similar to what athletes call the “zone”. It's the power to
concentrate so hard that you can ignore everything else. This ability can bring
success in any field, but in athletics, it can mean the difference between
winning and losing a game or event.

6. In this passage, the “zone” refers to a person's _____.

a. neighborhood
b. intelligence
c. state of mind
d. physical fitness

7. Athletes in the “zone” are likely to _____.

a. fall
c. win
d. relax

Passage 6: It's a big country!

When it comes to body weight, Americans stand out. Most visitors to the
United States, no matter where they go across this vast country, comment on
the size of many American's. In fact, these impressions are backed numerous
statistics. For example, the average 5' 4” American weighs 162 pounds, or 15
pounds more than the average person of the same height from Western or
Central Europe. Another comparison: At 150 pounds, the average 5'4”
American woman is 24 pounds heavier than her Japanese counterpart.
Why are Americans so heavy? Some blame the American diet. Certainly it's
true that Americans eat more high-fat foods – meat, dairy products, and
processed food and fewer grains and vegetable than people in other countries.
But fat isn't the whole story. Lifestyle factors including the tendency for
Americans to drive rather than walk or ride a bicycle to work, to snack
throughout the day, and to have so many labor saving devices in the home
appear to contribute to the problem.

8. According to the article, visitors to the United States often comment

on the size of the _____.
a. population
b. cities
c. country
d. people

9. In comparison with Americans, people in other countries eat

more _____.
a. meat
b. dairy products
c. processed food
d. grains

10. According to the article, the average Western European

weighs _____.
a. more than an American
b. more than a central European
c. less than an American
d. less than a Japanese person

11. The article implies that Americans would lose weight if they _____.
a. snacked more often
b. rode bicycles to work
c. stayed at home more
d. ate fewer vegetables


In this section, you will answer questions about the use of English. Choose the
word or words that best complete the sentence. For each item, fill in your
answer on the answer sheet.

12. “Where are the stamps?”

“_____ on the desk.”
a. There are
b. They're
c. They
d. Their

13. I live _____ 4040 Oak Avenue.

a. On
b. at
c. in
d. next

14. “I can't speak German.”

“_____ can I.”
a. No
b. Never
c. Not
d. Neither

15. David enjoys _____ sports on TV.

a. watching
b. watch
c. to watch
d. watched

16. I don't have a computer, but _____ my friends do.

a. The most
b. almost
c. most of
d. most

17. Yesterday's game caused a lot of _____.

a. excited
b. exciting
c. excite
d. excitement

18. “Is the report done yet?” “No, but I hope _____ it by tonight.”
a. finish
b. that finish
c. to finish
d. finishing

19. This apartment is _____ one we`ve seen all week.

a. cheaper than
b. the cheap
c. the cheapest
d. the cheaper
20. Ted's never gone mountain climbing, _____ he?
a. does
b. is
c. has
d. was

21. The package still hasn't arrived. I wish I _____ it earlier.

a. Was sending
b. had sent
c. am sending
d. have sent

22. Excuse me. Could you tell me where _____?

a. the bus station is
b. is the bus station
c. it is the bus station
d. is it the bus station

23. My suitcase would have been much lighter if I _____ all my books.
a. don't pack
b. not packing
c. hadn't packed
d. not pack

24. Janice moved to Paris _____ there for a year already.

a. She's living
B. She lives
c. She`s been living
d. She was living

25. This book is interesting. It's really worth _____.

a. you read
b. read
c. reading
d. being read

26. I'd play the piano better if I _____ more.

a. practicing
b. can practice
c. practiced
d. will practiced

27. Would you mind ____ down the radio?

a. turn
b. to turn
c. you turn
d. turning
28. My sister is interested _____ about Japanese literature.
a. learn
b. learning
c. to learn
d. in learning

29. The washing machine needs _____.

a. being fixed
b. to be fixed
c. to fix
d. you fix it

30. By the time you get this postcard, _____ New York.
a. I'd left
b. I'm leaving
c. I'll have left
d. I've been leaving

31. You look tired. You must _____ hard today.

a. worked
b. have worked
c. working
d. to work

32. _____ Lena and Steve dancing?

a. Are
b. Is
c. Can

33. The manager is _____ the living room.

a. on
b. at
c. in

34. Susie can _____ the piano.

a. plays
b. playing
c. play

35. It's across _____ the sugar.

a. from
b. over
c. to

36. Susie _____ like Chinese food.

a. isn't
b. doesn't
c. don't
37. Jack _____ eats lunch.
a. every time
b. yesterday
c. usually

38. Melissa didn't _____ her mother.

a. called
b. calling
c. call

39. Lucy isn't _____ the movies.

a. going
b. go to
c. going

40. Last night I _____ my friends.

a. visiting
b. visit
c. visited

41. Where ____ you go on you last vacation?

a. do
b. did
c. went

42. How _____ is it from Hawaii to Boston?

a. tall
b. long
c. far

43. He doesn't _____ dance.

a. knowing how to
b. know how
c. know how to

44. I'm upset _____ my daughter.

a. to
b. with
c. of

45. She is tired _____ her job.

a. Of
b. with
c. about

Name: ________________ ID:_________________ Email: _________________________

Phone Number: ______________ Career: _______________________ Score: ___x________
Level._______x___________ Date: ___________________

1.__d______ 18.________ 35.________

2.________ 19.________ 36.________
3.________ 20.________ 37.________
4.________ 21.________ 38.________
5.________ 22.________ 39.________
6.________ 23.________ 40.________
7.________ 24.________ 41.________
8.________ 25.________ 42.________
9.________ 26.________ 43.________
10._______ 27._______ 44.________
11._______ 28._______ 45.________
12._______ 29._______
13._______ 30._______
14._______ 31. _______
15._______ 32. _______
16._______ 33. _______
17._______ 34. _______

“The limits of your language are the limits of your world”

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