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aos a0 COURSEBOOK Megan Roderick and Carol Nuttall with Nick Kenny q Contents Paper Pars Paper3 a2 resent dipss! Paper 2Part1 Have yougot Mile choice darer or (pp 8-8) Sentence tensereview_Diecusve esay Vocabulary completon _saieverte(p 13) sunmarting Paes viords connec with the peoming James Quigley & evaluating ars (op 10-11) animator 12) anayinga Paper Part 3 ‘model ananer Wert oration How do yeu say ia ‘Maina Mic'n Chinese. 1) Paper | Part 2 ‘Open cloze Conductor declares waren ‘mohile phones (p 13) ‘Module 1 review (p. 22) Paper 1 Part 6 Paper3 Part Pastvefoirs Paper 2 Part Gapped tent The last stand ofthe _‘Muliplechaice (9.29) ‘tile: for ‘Aznazon (pp. 24-25) ‘rims (p28) anicleswnting Vocabulary descripive ‘Wet formation verbs-enouns ending vocabulary in-ton, animal sounds —gwrative use (30) phrasal verbs, Paper 1 Part 3 ‘Word formation The power ofthe des (p27) Module 2 review (p. 38) Ex: Paper 1 Part7 Paper3 art Conditionals Paper 2 Part1 Pd Multiple matching DY psychology --Multplechoice: tensereview —_Discursiveessy {pp 40-41) understanding (p45) summarsing & K Vocabulary thernain eas evaluating (p46) ‘Compound nouns with self; word (p. 48) formation prefs (inter, mis, non) suffixes -ment, ton -ness-son) (p 42) Paper 1 Part3 Word forraton (p43) Vocabulary ‘Animal idioms (43) Paper 1 Part 2 (Open claze Poste psychology (0.45) Module 3 review (0.54) a Paper 1 Part Paper3 Part Wadals1 Paper 2 Part2 MToo much of | Gapped tex My digital detae(pp 56-5?) Multole choice obigation. Report od thing? Vocabulary (6) necessity advice presenting Pee nnat ye ctrnetapors coca word &criveamip 61) factual ) formation words wth multiple suffxes inforation prepositional phrases phrasal verbs wih Reporton the i yp & dow, compound vos (pp 58-59) effets of rtemet ; Paper 1 Part2 tae onthe ‘Open cloze Kerja mobi banking inétndval(p 62) revaucon (9.39) Module 4 review (0.70) A Paper Parts Paper3Pat2 Wordswitha Paper 2Part2 HWsallina Multiple choice At home with books Sentence similar meaning; Review eran {pp 72-73) completion confusable language for 5 Language or) hiterature Vocabulary fndangeed vores, diferent ypes & Literary devices expressions using ban, languages(p 76) homophones of revews(p. 78) {ace head, mind its phrases from om Shakespeare, word formation: multiple affxation (pp. 74-75) Paper 1 Part 3 Word formation Word power p. 75} Module 5 review (p 8) Paper 3 Part Matile matching Short eta on diferent stuatons 615 Paper 3Part2 Sentence completion Keeping cheters o3) Paper 3 Part’ Multiple choice (p47) Paper 3 Part’3 Multiple choice (p63) Paper 3 Part 4 Muttole matching Reading and Use of Engst: Multiple choice (Part), Word formation (Part 3} Open cloze(Part2) > Listening: Sentence completion (Part 2) > Language development: Present and past tense review: State verbs; Time words > Writing: Discursive essay (Far 1) Summarising and ‘evaluating; Analysing a model answer eave > Listening: Multiple matching (Part 4) > Speaking: Collaborative task (Parts 1 & 2) Music and entertainment > Reading and Use of English: Key word transformations (Part 4), Muliple-choice cloze (Part 1) > Language development: future tense review > Writing: Discursive essay (Part 1) Summansing and ‘evaluating; Planning and organising ‘Music is the most unwversal lang “There isa bit of insanity in J Kieaaiel There are no linus. There are humans hove. every person an the planet dancing that does everybody | w-so much more plateaus, but you mast nt stay fhas the ability to understand great music’ a great dea! of good’ “real than real fe’ there, you must go beyond them’ Lead-in | 1 Discuss the quotations. Which do you like best? Why? 2 What different types of performing arts can you think of? Brainstorm your ideas and. draw up a list. Which ones do you prefer? 3 How important are the following factors in becoming a successful performing artist? wwaiing _amentor lucy break partic upping ay acne in talent cont 4. Who do you think are some of the best performers around today? How do you think they achieved excellence in their particular field? Which type of performing arts do you think has the most secure future? Which are the ‘most accessible to young people? 1A Bee you got what it takes? Reading 1 (Paper i Part 5) Before you read 1 Some cultural events involve participants who remain anonymous, where the individual is only important as part ofa whole 1 Can you think of any more examples ofthis, other than what s shown in the photographs? 2 Doyou prefer to be anonymous orto stand outina crowd? ‘Skimming and scanning: 2 Reading a text and answering questions on it require two basic reading for main idea (gist) skills working together: the understanding of gist and the ability to and reading for detail comprehend the detail of a text. 1. Quickly skim the text on page 9 for gist, focusing on the beginning Of the sentences, particularly in the frst half of each paragraph. 2. Match the summaries below to the paragraphs. Support your choice with details from each paragraph, There is one extra summary sentence you do not need. Asource that never runs dry The dangers of fame ints are useless financial dilemma > EXPERT STRATEGIES page 168 Aharsh reality IS who you know, not what you know Multiple choice 3 Read the strategy, then do the task. “Preerstaarecy ~+&__Youaregoingto read an ancl about dancers in London. For prereset {questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, 8, Cor D) which you think fits ‘When you answer questions on a Tet sepondingrio the bik text, keep the overall context and the writer's intention in mind, Task analysis 4 Analyse any problems you had with the multiple-choice questions, 1 writers intention? id any unknown words give you problems? Did you find the question options conf + Once you know the correct answers, go back and study the text to make sure you understand the rationale behind the answers, + Was it difficult to understand Discussion 5 Have you ever performed in public? How did you feel? If you haven't, would you like to? Why/Why not? 6 Check the meaning of these key words from the text. EXPERT WORD CHECK } mediocrity 1 All across London, they verge For underground stations and buses bags sung over ther shoulders and taut stomachs beneath thick winter overcoats Nobody recognises ther, a they head for freezng upstairs rooms in tty gymnasrs oF “5 ink mo backstage theatre doors, even though they appear Teplilyin sol-out musica and favourte telewson shows “They ear precious ite even those who perform Ive wth famous angers and have ro real prospects dong what theyre ‘cong despte having husted and sweated themselves tothe 10 heights of one of Brtanis most demanding profesions But sti they gp every morning to ther gpm upstars roomsin gyms and therrbadtreet backstage doors to dance, 2 Most hae le behind worried parents n faraway towns arc \ilages made repeated promises to lockafte themselves and 1 taken rans n Yr ate teanage years for London There's much to despise about the ay where talent and a reptilian _ grade of resiience, though prereqstes proveleno guarantee ‘of success. Even auctions are becoming rare. Conscious of Geadnes and franca constraints, choreographers cal intent | from the bessed pool oftheir own chosen if you arerit the right heh dont have the nght fae, hair or sartorial syle then don't expecta look in Although choreographers occasoally seek out the beaut theyre mest insructed to hunt the ‘blend those least key ta outshne the stars. Areas many cancers wil tel you, geting to the port where meciocrty acceptable there be someone over there out of nc, someone ver there who cari hold her arm stil 3 Ard they get apartincreasngly dancers are turning up for jobs ohere te choreographer jas lanes ere ate works 2° them endless ngers cing Again. agan,agin. As one dance: Melane Grace ss,"You dance forthe love and the 1 In the first paragraph, the writer paints a picture of dancers who are AA careful not to be recognised by fans in the street. B deserving ofthe farne they have achieved. CC unlikely to be making further advances in their careers, D hoping to find work on stage alongside established stars, 2 What do we learn about auditions in the second paragraph? AA Increasingly higher standards are expected of dancers B The best dancers do not necessarily get the jobs on offer C It's difficult for dancers to find the time to attend very many. D Dancers with family connections in the business et invited to more. 3 What is implied about choreographers in the third paragraph? ‘A They expect dancers to do as they are told B They dislike it when dancers criticise each other. They are intolerant of dancers who make mistakes. D They are sensitive to the pressures that dancers are under. 4 SCREEN 8 570 | THe SATURDAY NewspapeR passion and keep your mouth shut because you don't want to get a reputations not always easythough, You thnk the televsion shows provide changng rooms For dancers? Even the big budget ones have them dsrebing in a comer of the ‘canteen ~and the pays lousy But you have to ignore i keep yourhead dawn Youre in London now, Youre one of mary ‘one of nothing The sooner you accept tat, the better you? get ‘on. Of the flets of talented dancers who ty only a quarter ‘rake it the rest smply cant process the ruthessness to dance in London hard en the soul ‘Yet most of the dancers have agents who you right think ‘would negotiate a better fee or conditions for thar dancers, but ro You never meet a dancer wino thinks ther agent deserves their twenty percent cut ofthe fee, Most youl ast gettext ‘oral nog you Oa aula ara ge age rg have as mary as two hundred dancers on therr books As Melane says it's catch-22, because you wort hear about the ‘audtvons without one! Here’ the jb, take tor leave and if ‘yeu leave the i hre someone straght cut of colege and paythem even less (Oh, the annual chum ofthe colleges, The dancers hear it constant the sound of the machine in the distance, ts ceaseless grinding gears that wth every coming yea push cout hundreds of new dancers, each one younger and hungrier and less jaded than you. And with every release of fresh ibs into the stew ofthe city things get harder The worst ting the Fs can oo is accept a jab for no pay. They do it al the time. (One website has became notorious far television and pop- ‘adeo production companies scroungyg for trained people ‘10 work for nothing but exposure: And if the youngsters are fresh out of dance school desparring ofther blank CV and ‘raving the love ofthose ranks of sparkle-eyed strangers, they'l leap at the chances the reason things are getting nares How to describe the London dance scene todsy?The word Melanie chooses i'savage: 4 What point is made about agents in the fourth paragraph? A Dancers ae largely satisfied with their service B Most dancers recognise that they are essential C They tend to represent only the less experienced dancers. D They make every effort to get the best deal for dancers. 5 The writer uses the image of a machine in line 53 to underline A the attitude of training institutions B the dubious activities of a website the constant supply of new talent, the exploitation of young people In the text as a whole, the writer is suggesting that dancers in London ‘A should demand much better pay and working conditions. B have to regard the experience as useful for the future, should be rewarded for dedication and perseverance. D have to accept the realities of a competitive industry Words connected with the performing arts 1a Read the dictionary definitions below from the Longman Exam Dictionary and use the "How to use the dictionary’ notes at the beginning of ‘your dictionary to help you answer the following ‘questions. 1 What ells you which part ofspeech the word is? 2 What heips you to pronounce the word corecty? 3 What do the symbols [CI}and{] tell you about? 4 What does |+ for tl you aout te word? [/otdifon/) nC] a short performance by an actor, singer, etc., that someone watches to judge if they are good enough fo act in a play, sing in a concert, ec. {for ve got an audition for the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra on Friday. ¥ 1 fi] to take part in an auaition: L+forl She's auditioning for Ophelia in ‘Hamlet: 2,7] to watch and judge someone's performance {nan audition: We auditioned more than 200 dancers before deciding on Carole Anz. Look up the following words in your Gictionary, then give a full explanation of their pronunciation, symbols and use to the rest of the class, Write an example sentence for each ‘one to show how they are used. choreography auditorium — inspire backstage preven Nouns + prepositions 2 Complete the text with the prepositions below. oferta) © wth in of FILM VILLAINS Itappears to be a prerequisite (1) screen vilains to love classical music, and magnificent examples abound. Take, for instance, Malcolm McDowel's insistence (2) listening to Beethoven while he kis people in A Clockwork Orange. Glena Ciose's thirst (3) revenge Is fueled by music tom Madame Buttery in Fatal EXPERT STRATEGIES page 15 For questions 1-8, read the text below and the task strategy, Use the word given in CAPITALS at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line How do you say ‘Mamma Mia’ in Chinese? The (0) widely. acclaimed Mamma Mia is WIDE to be the first major Western musical to be translated forthe Chinese stage. But sit posible to produce a successful a) ‘of a Western show in ADAPT Chinese The wuild is about to find out. When the (2) Catherine PLAY Johnson wrote the original plot, based ‘on the music of the Swedish band Abba in 1999, she couldn't have imagined that it would come this far. t remains to be seen what the band’s(3)_____, Lyric Benny Andersson and Bjorn Ulvaeus, will make af the tanslation. Some words were intially (4) ___ and INTERPRET had to be corrected, Some of the Western choreography considered to be of (5) taste in China has QUESTION given way t0 traditional folk dances to render the shaw more appropriate for local audiences. ‘t's certainly been an © ‘challenge/ laughs one PRECEDE member of the British production team, "but so far the show’s been received enthusiastically by everyone who has seen the (7) showing, Sowell have VIEW to wait and see’ Meanwhile, (8) inthe diessing STAGE roams the atmosphere is tense, as the curtain rises on this ambitious production. 2 Write a short review of a film, theatrical performance or concert you have seen recently, Use words from this section to help you. uw Module 1 Performing arts Before you listen, Listening for information: taking notes Sentence completion EXPERT STRATEGY } In Paper 3 Part2, you are listening for ‘concrete pieces of information. On the recording, you will hear the words ‘or phrases you need to complete the gaps but they will nt bein the same sentences, Before you listen, think about: + the type of word or phrase which is missing In each gap + the sort of information you are listening for, 2 1 Discuss the following questions. 1. Make a lst ofthe kind of jobs connected with the film indu 2. What role does each one play in the making of a film? 2G" Read the exam question in Exercise 3, Listen and note down any experiences that helped the speaker become an animator. 3. Gr Look at the task below. Read the questions and the strategy carefully, then do the task You will hear an animator called James Quigley giving a talk about his work. For questions 1-9, complete the sentences with aword or short phrase, James Quigley: animator Before being introduced to animation, james had been hoping to take [Ta his career. James college tutor showed him how retaining [2] in his drawings helped to achieve a sense of movernent James uses the word [____[3] to describe the type of animation he favours in films James success at a| Tiles 0 opportunities to work as an animator. Money made from work on [lJallows James to finance his own films. James says he particularly enjoys the vel of] required W create at wnirated fit People are surprised to learn that much of James’ drawing is done [Tiana that this suits him best James feels that B]is the most important aspect of. an animators work. James mentions that the [J involved in a film can prove a source of inspiration for drawing the characters, 4 You are interested in becoming an animator. Based on what you heard, and the notes you made in Exercise 2, write down some ‘questions you would like to ask James. "Language development a Present and past tense review: state verbs > EXPERT GRAMMAR page 172 1 Tiekthe acceptable sentences and correct the sentences containing mistakes. Sometimes both right be possible. Discuss your answers. 1a Unfortunately itis looking asithat dance company needs meat the moment - and | really wanted to bein their show! 'b They look for someone who can sing really wel 2a {really am not seeing what you mean by ‘professionalism b im seeing some actor fiends tomorrow. 3a They are having lovely vila in France, b Do you havea lot of studying todo atthe moment? 4a This matter doesnt really concem him. bb Whats concerning me s her lack ofstarnina Sa | dont mind singing and acting as part of our amateur performance but my dance skills need abitofwork, bb fm minding my neighbours dog while she away Time words 2 Complete the short dialogue with the correct time ‘word and form of the verb. There are two extra time wards you do not need. lately long since _sill_yet before curenty fist just last Chrissy and Dana ave chatting before a performance. Chrissy: Ever (1) first(2)_{mreet) Ryan, hes wanted to become a performer, Dana: Yes,hesayshe's@)____—(@), (fing) anyone with an extraordinary talent who has realy inspired him. However, he@l__—@). (not travel) much abroad, | suppose. Chrissy: He?) (do) a lot of hip-hop classes @) How do you think itwill be before he (10). (become) a dance teacher? Dana: He (1) (2) 3). (Go) masterclasses with a top dancer $0 | think it will be soon! After the performance. Chrissy, vs the (14) time that | a9) (see) Ryan dance that well Dana: He left by the backstage door (16)__107)___{(have} ime send him a text! to congratulate him! Ls Module 1 _ Use of English 2 (Paper 1 Part 2) Open cloze 1a. Read the newspaper extract about mobile phone use during concerts. How do you feel about Sir Peter's comments? Read the strategy below, then do the task. EXPERT STRATEGY 1 Read through the whole text quickly to get the general idea, hofare trying te find the missing words, For questions 1-8, ead the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap, Use only cone word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). > EXPERT STRATEGIES page 167 bes Hetien c] Conductor declares war on mobile phones ‘The British composer and conductor, Sir Peter Maxwell Davies, is fast losing patience (0) with the problem ‘of mobile phone ringtones interrupting performances of classical music. During one particular concert at 'a music festival, three phones (1) off in Quick succession, prompting an angry reaction from other members of the audience who shouted at the offenders. (2) a personal appeal from the festival's director for phones to be switched off, the following evening (3) rang in the middie of a piano sonata. (4) made matters worse was the fact (5) the owner was sitting close to Sir Peter himself ‘Wve just about (6) enought" Sir Peter said, branding those failing to comply with the polite request ‘artistic terrorists’ intent (7) ‘committing an act of vandalism. All it takes 1s 8 (@)______calls or message bleeps for everyone else enjoyment of the music to be spoilt. ‘Some people,’ he continued, “Just can’t bear having their ‘mobile turned off. It's like they feel disconnected from the world, or not wanted!” 2. Discuss these comments. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons to support your opinion. }ould not be allowed to take jeatres or concert halls. {concer srigjustiosngily ld be taught by parents. | fechnology is: causing young Pe hhave shorter attention 5 Module 2 The natural world Listening 1 (Paper 3 Part 1) Before you listen Discuss the following question Look at the photographs. What creatures and animal ife in general? we lear from studying these Identifying speaker purpose, 2 —{*» Listen to three short extracts from talks, then answer the gist, detail question that goes with each extract, Extract One: listen for speaker purpose \Why does the speaker mention what certain orang-utans do? Extract Two: listen for gist What isthe point ofthe new smart collar? Extract Three: listen for detail In what ways might bycatch be better controlled? Multiple-choice questions 3 &jnv Read the strategy, then do the task. > EXPERT STRATEGIES page T70 ‘You will hear three different extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A,B or C) which bestfits according to ‘what you hear. There are two questions for each extract. Extract One Extract Two Extract Three You hear part of an interview with You hear a zoologist called Liam You hear a radio report about a scientist called Ruth Carter who Evans giving a talk about a species man called John Reybridge, who studies the emotional life of animals. of ape called white-handed gibbons. worked as a volunteer at a wildlife rescue centre in Africa, 1 Ruthfeels that animals are 3-_According to Liam, what is often not credited with having unusual about the gibbons? «5 -— What led John to decide to go feelings because of Arhow they move through ther ‘© Aiea? A inadequate research to natural habitat A fear of osing his job ina support the idea. 8 similares between them and recession B false assumptions based on some species o frog 8 frustration ahs poor career appearance the way ther limbs have prospects € prejudice against certain adapted totheirenvironment loss of motivation fr his species 4. Liam mentions Greek athletes Previous work 2 Way éoes Roth cations in order to explain how 6 In Affica, John got most nciisacith a Whale? gibbons manage to satisfaction from AA togyeweightto her arguments A carry objects when jumping A successful returning animals B indo how eeenscanbe B jump relatvely great distances tothe wil rridntergreted control their landings after a B preparing captive animals for € to underline how much jump ie inte wi research still needs to be done € rescuing animals that couldn't survive in the wild Development and discussion 4 _ If you were given the opportunity to take a year out to spend studying wildife or the environment generally, where would you ‘choose to go, and why? Give your reasons and discuss 28 |Language development 1 Passive forms > EXPERT GRAMMAR page 174 Active or passive infinitive? 1 Complete the sentences with the active or passive infinitive. 1 Im afraid there's nothing fo) since weve tried everything. The new road through the jungle is goin ahead 2. He looked for his binoculars but they were nowhere (nd). 3 In the end, the police found that no one was ____{blame) forthe fire; itwas an accident. 4 Tve got so much wark (40) to complete this report. 5 The animals are usually ___ (feed) at noon, 6 The reason behind the new government strategy isimpossible (understand), Impersonal passive structures 2 Read the grammar reference on impersonal passive structures on page 174. In pairs, rewrite the following sentences, using an impersonal structure. Compare your answers. 1 | know that hi furniture businece only uses recycled wood ~ that’ a fact. 2 They claim that the environment board game Ethica is really good. Iy-educational 3 Think that the turle population is increasing in Certain parts of the world, 4 Telieve thatthe largest deep sea coral isnear Norway and covers more than 100 sq km. Scans say that mov han 600 new species have been discovered n Madagascar ithe at decade 6 Deep-sea fishermen have reported seeing giant squid but they remain elusive creatures, Module 2 The natural world Other passive forms 3. Rewrite the sentences in the passive. Make any ‘changes that are necessary. 1 They have seen elephants crying, Elephants, 2 The monkeys loved it when we teak their photographs! Themankeysloved 3 You must finish this report by Monday without fall This report a 4 He explained to us how a herd of elephants behaves. i oe 5 They made us wear hats and heavy boots on our Jungle wal. We _ _ 6 They suggested that we 100k partin a new eco- project Ie se ES 7 The girls parents didnt let her keep snakes inthe house, The gir The passive: mixed tenses 4 Complete the text with the correct form of the passive. More than one answer might be possible, ‘The African lion isan iconic symbol of Arica. Historically, ions (1) (distribute) throughout the Mediterranean, the Near and Middle East as far as India, and all of Africa. By 100 AD, they (2) (eliminate) from their last European strongholds in Greece but survived until the 20th century in Syria, ran and iraq. The last lion in ran (3)___ (say) to (4) (hoot) in 1942. In Africa, reduced numbers of lions are stil present in the north of South Africa and Namibia and south of the equator Lions are difficult to count accurately and any survey figures ‘can best (5)___(describe) as ‘quesstimates’ but it's evident that the lion population in Africa {6)____(currently/threaten) by habitat ‘encroachment because of increased land cultivation The hope is that, in the future, traditional habitat protection methods (7) _(support) by translocation and reintroduction programmes. Fortunately a certain amount of progress (@)____(already/rnake) inthis area. 29 Module 2 The natural world What makes a good article? Writing 1 (Paper 2 Part 2: Article) 1 Skills for article-writing include: 1. How will you kn 2 Give examples of: formal and semi- include more than of 3 Give three examples of how yau n ur writing to be more effective. 4, How can you make your writing more interesting through your choice of vacabulary? Give examples. What grammatical structures should wv who your target readers will be s that will require jage. Can articles style? Givean examph ight organise 5 ‘can you make a ttle stand out? What linguistic tricks can you use in the first paragraph to grab your readers? 2a. The following extract is about the Amboseli elephants in Kenya and includes some interesting descriptive language. Complete the gaps with word from the list below that has a similar ‘meaning to the word given, Gaintly fully euphoric peacefully grumpy lavishly trumpeting Taaily ide-eyed Amboseli, Kenya: EE ee eee ‘A 15-year-old English schoolboy gazes (1) (wonderingly) over the lush savannah lands of Kenya's Amboseli Reserve. Large herds of zebra, wildebeest ‘and buffalo are moving (2) (quietly) through a landscape of acacia bushes and elephant grass as siraffe feed (3) (delicately) on the elegant, ‘outstretched branches of fever tees. In the background, hovering above a halo of cloud, Kilimanjaro's cone is | @ (thickly) laden with snow | ‘The young man’s eye is caught by a small group of clephants enjoying a mud bath in the Longiaye Swamp. | The family members from matriarch to (3) (bad-tempered) adolescent to aexéche of (6) | (ois) toddlers, bring « () (happy) smile to his face. Just a few months before, he had gazed | (@)_____ longingly) at scenes jus ike this in a book of prints by the wildlife artist David Shepherd ‘And now, asthe sun drops like a giant blood orange inthe west,2(9)_____(huge) bull elephant with tusks large enough to grace a mammoth wanders (00) (slowly) onto the road in front of the vehicle he is travelling in, And stops. Beside him a sign | reads Elephants have right of way’. Neither vehicle nor elephant moves for the next hour. Discuss the meaning of any unknown words. 30 3 The extract continues when the writer returns after many years. Discuss the meaning of the verbs in bold. How does the use of these verbs add to the effectiveness of the description? Nearby, hippos wallowed, and bushbuick and oryx twitched nervously before bounding out of their path while brightly-coloured erested cranes, the ballet dancers of the bush, strutted their stufl At one point I leaned cout of the Land Cruiser to sce two huge catfish in the crystal-clear water of a swamp; later I spotted a family of hyenas skulking in the elephant grass > EXPERT STRATEGIES page 19 4 Read the writing task below. Write your article. ‘Try and include some interesting descriptive language. ‘An online environmental magazine has asked | readers to send in articles about places of natural | beauty that they have visited. You decide to write an article describing a place you enjoyed visiting, what_| | you'saw there and evaluating itsimportance asa | | place of natural beauty. | Closer to home Before you listen 1 What factors should you consider when planning to keep animals at home? Think about the following: “shelter « cost “feeding long:term commitment ‘safety “neighbours + noise Sentence completion 2 {i Listen to this short extract about building chicken coops (houses) and complete the gap. What do you notice about the sentence that you have to complete? According to the speaker, it’s important for chickens to have in their coop where they can stat right. > exPenTstRarésies pape 70 3 GHW Read the strategy, then do the task You will hear a writer called Alex Horne talking about keeping chickens as a hobby. For questions 1-9, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase KEEPING CHICKENS ‘Awebsite with the name (1)____ supplied Alex Alex mentions being impressed by how (5) with all he needed to begin his new hobby. the chickens seemed to be. ‘The section of the chicken house intended to actas What Alex calls the chickens’ (6) had to be the(2)____was the only part that wasnt straight. cleaned on a regular basis, Ales found some wite inthe shape ofa (3) Alex uses the word (7) to describe the which was designed to keep predators out ofthe personality ofthe chicken called Shaka piicen haves Alex describes his garden asa(8)___togivean idea The frst (4) wihich Alex constructed in his of whatit was lke after the chickens had been digging, Beer esnayayeted ve Even the traps and (9)_which Alex bought didnt soke the problem of ras > HELP 1 How did the website called Poulty Plushelp Alecand 6 How often did Alex have to do his chores? his wife? 9 How did Alex try to solve the problem of the rats? Discussion 4 Discuss the pros and cons of keeping animals as a food source. 5 Check the meaning of these key words and phrases from the audioseript EXPERT WORD CHECK ) straightforward dump deterrent teething problem ersth) solidarity fret tweak sneaky stalk ‘Module 2 The natural world 32 Speaking (Paper 4 Part 3) Lead-in 1a. Foryears, the idea in farming has been that ‘bigger ister” However, things seem to be changing. Look at the pairs of photographs A and B and EXPERT STRATEGIES page 5a_ Workin pairs. Firstly, read the strategy on page 171, then look at the Task cards below. Student A should respond to the question on Task card 1 and talk for about two minutes. © There are some ‘ideas on the card for you to use if you like, Student B should respond briefly to their question. Task card 1 Whi + sustainable/alternative technology + scientific rese + animal protectio steps are being taken to protect th (Question for Student B: + In what ways can pe tohelp the b Student B should respond to the question on Task card 2 and talk for about two minutes. © There are some ideas on the card for you to use if you like. Student A should respond briefly to their question, Task card 2 What responsibilities does having domestic pets entail? + providing adequate exercise, care and attention + not leaving them locked up for hours + providing the right food and veterinary care (Question for Student A: mistreated o abandoned animals? Developing the discussion 6 Discuss the following questions 1 Why are certain animal and plant species in danger of dying out? 2. How can governments be persuaded to change their minds abou licies? 3 What are some of the main dangers facing our seas and the creatures that live in them? 33 Module 2 The natural world Language development 2 Collocational phrases > EXPERT GRAMMAR page 175 General verb phrases 1a Complete the verb phrases in the sentences with the words below, The verbs are in bold text. atlyour)eave theattention importance interest nosigns of onawhim —thanksto the needs up-to-date 1 Their boss always brings therm with the latest developments in the market. 2 The man at the organic farm put us quickly and answered all our questions. 3 Dontever buy ananimalorbird because they require an awful lot of looking after 4 The video of the rehabilitated battery hens. captured of YouTube viewers. 5 Asmall city centre flat doesrtt really meet — of farmyard animals. 6 Children often take more in heathy food thoy are taught grow vegetables therseves 7 The dolphins showed _—__tring oftheir game 8 Schools these days place alot of _on educating children about the environment 9 iewas ecological issues. end that | got interested in 'b_ Now complete the verb phrases in the following short article using the correct form of the verbs 1a. z ‘3 Bp g The good life ‘Some years ago, a meeting of village residents O} place inthe village where ve, Jan a friend ‘of mine, 2) in charge ofthe proceedings. Her idea was that we should work together as a community to grow and then sell our own produce, That way, she sai, ‘we would both save money and eat more healthily. must admit hor ideas (3) ‘our imagination and, quite surprisingly, everyone at the meeting agreed. Jan (4) tho mooting to an ond by handing out eome seeds for us to sow which she had (5) in bulk from a local supplier. The aim, she told us, was to be up and running as a business by the following summer, From the very nextday, we (6) our plans into ‘action and started digging our gardens! Would you believe it by the folowing summer we Nad (7) all our goals, we were producing loads of vegetables and people ‘were phoning from all over the area to (8) orders! The business even (9) ‘a small profitin the end So we treated ourselves to a meal out at a country restaurant. On the menu were our vegetabl 34 Phrases with have 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of a phrase with have. havea majarimpacton have the right 10 haveno say have access to have noinclination to have serious consequences have strong views on 1 Unfortunately, people often feel that they pone —__ inthe matter of policy-making but that is not always the case. All individuals put forward their opinion’ 2 The inability of countries to reach an agreement could 3 Ifyou ~~ ecological issues, there are plenty of societies you can join. 4 The al spil from the tanker ‘marine ife in the area, 5 The group really Se ae through the jungle at nighttime, 6 tis crucial for people all over the world to drinkable water. Prepositional phrases 3a Combine the words and prepositions below to ‘make phrases (e.g. in other words) and discuss their meaning. You will need to use some of the prepositions more than once. by allkelihood of breath in captivity other wards on chance pleasure out ease sists wake with living memory (of) tune with ——— casio b_ Work in pairs. Carry on a dialogue using as many of the phrases as possible, Module 2 The natural world Use of English 2 (Paper 1 Part 2) Open cloze 1 _ Discuss these points related to recycling 1 Ave there any recycling bins in your local neighbourhood? 2 ‘Ae recycled products sold inthe supermarkets in your area? 3. What proportion of your household rubbish goes for recycling? Developing skills: 2 _ It is important to understand why a particular text has been written understanding text structure Read the text through quickly and answer the questions. 1 What is the author's problem with recycling? 2. Do you think he is being entirely serious? WhyWhy not? > EXPERT STRATEGIES page 167 3 Read the strategy on page 167, then do the task For questions 1-8, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). ‘The relationship (0) be beeen the modern consumer and their rubbish isa complex one (2) ‘id of rubbish has come to mean a great deal more than simply eonsigaing breakfast leftovers to aplastic bag, With the advent of recycling, rubbish has now invaded many people's personal lives (2) an unprecedented degree. (3) was atime in living memory wh rubbish collection was «simple matter but todays household rubbish, before (@) discarded, has to be filed and sorted into colour-coded containers according tits recycling category. is more, we are brought out in @ rash of irritation by the suggestion ish collections were to become more infrequent, people would then (6) the effort to cut (7) _ on shopping and recycle more. ‘We might be excused for wondering how this would be possible. Can people realistically buy (8) _egus or tubes of toothpaste than their lives require? Recycling is supposed to be good for us, But for some, i's just a load of rubbish! Discussion 4a Do you think recycting is ‘rubbish’? Why/Why not? b_ Some supermarkets sell products that are ‘bio-degradable’ or ‘eco- friendly’. What type of products might they be? Do you buy them? ‘Why/Why not? ¢ How can the government of a country encourage people to follow its policies on recycling? 35 Module 2 The natural world Writing 2 (Paper 2 Part 2: Article) Lead-in 1 ‘The photograph is of an organic farm. What would you expect to find there? Discuss and create a lst. Understand the task —2-_-Read the writing task and note down your answers to te questions. Look back at Writing 1 on page 30 for ideas. 1 What type of writing will you include in your article? 2 What topics wil you need to cover in your article? 3 What title will you give it? 4. How will you organise the ari 5. What pai let ‘vocabulary will you use? You recently spent two weeks working as a volunteer on an organic farm, as part of a project to familiarise young people from the city with country life. You have been asked to write an article for a local environmental newsletter, describing your responsibilities during that time and discussing your experiences, Plan your article 3 Read the points below about planning your article Is there anything, you would add? 1 Identify the main points you need your ideas around those points 2 Organise them in away to make them more interesting and effective 3 All writing requires a degree of imagination! You dant have ta base what you write on your personal experience, 4 Remember that descriptions should go from general to specific. 5. Check that you have an interesting introduction and conclusion. over in the task and brainstorm 4 Write your plan for the article. Include any interesting items of vocabulary that you would like to use 36 Language and content 5 6a Model introduction 7 Module 2 The natural world iy cack home-made manual quiet uch ‘Complete the phrases with the words below. self-sufficient starry Work experience getup atthe (1) of dawn have a sense of working awards (2) goa shave the aim of being (3) wilh regard to basies such as vegetables, etc. + experience a sense of (4) *cook (5) meals «do hard () labour Nature sgetback in (7)__with nature look up atthe fj sky at right + enjoy the peace and @) of the countryside Here are some different ways of expressing movement that might bee useful in the context of the task. Check the meanings of the verbs in a dictionary. Stagger stride stroll_tramp wudge wade Here are some useful adverbs. Check their meanings. Can you think of any others you might need for your article? hurriedly painstakingly pleasantly thankfully wearily Remember you can use some of the phrases below to describe the conditions, bollinghot freezing cold soaking wet _ pouring with rain Read the two introductions for the task in Exercise 2. Discuss and analyse which one you prefer, and why. A 8 ‘As | staggered outside sleeply at. am, the sun Uhad decided to take partina volunteer echeme for Was already up and the grace was sparkling with young people from the city to lve ana work on a early morning dew The cows were munching the grass _ farm for twowoeks in the summer. Fanm life had and the sheep were roaming peacefuly over acistant always attractedme and |aleo belonged to an hilside, Other than that, there was just peace and ‘environmental organisation 90 | had an interestin ulet, Noroise of traffic, no homs blaring. no people ‘the growing of organic vegetables and in Keeping rushing to work. Yes, my jobs on the farm were about’ _—_‘vestack. Sot was with lots of enthusiasm that: we tro otart but for now |had five minutes bo ery Hie et off for the faririone day cal in July. Little di Sounds and smells of the natural surroundings know what delights were awaiting mel Write your article 8 > EXPERT STRATEGIES page 189 Check your article 9 > EXPERT WRITING page 191 [Now write your article, using the ideas and the language from this section and from Writing 1 (page 30). Write your answer in 280— 320 words. Edit your article, using the checklist on page 191. 37 Module 2 The natural world 1 Complete the sentences with the nouns formed from the verbs below. colonise consume implement _ integrate destroy extract 1 Acertain amount of environmental wil be caused by the proposed high-speed railway line 2 cf too much red meat is generally ‘thought to be not very good for our health 3 Its quite eazy to accept naw measures: ts their that causes the most problems. 4 The of oll and other fossil fuels often happens in areas where there are potential problems for the natural surroundings 5 The _ of parts of Africa by different European powers took place from the 15th century onwards 6 Unfortunately the attempted of indigenous peoples into a diferent type of culture has often failed 2__ Circle the correct phrasal verb to complete the sentences, 1 Conservationists are doing their best ta prevent Certain species from being wiped out / ded away. 2 Governments should crack down on / wipe out husinacses that keep thair animale in inhurmano conditions. 3 Sometimes its important to step back from / crack down on the daily problems and take a look at the bigger picture of what's gaing on in the world 4 I canit understand why they cut down / used up those apple tre just so they could build a house 5 The sounds ofthe birds singing gradually died away / wiped out 3. Complete the short text with the missing words, You might think there i itie fey) ‘iscover on Earth in the 21st century ya the doop sea remains almost entiely unknown. ite in the deep, apart from fsh and other creatures such as ‘he giant squid, (2) found inthe form of bacteria, worms and eruslaceons, which teem in the Ccbyssal plains that cover vast stretches of the deep They feed of organie'snew"that fal rom above. Deep below the sea floor, life was (3) _ thought fo be possibie Bu hen in 2008, researchers found many unique bacteria 300 mettes beneath ‘he Pace sea foo; feeding on seciments millions of years old, More spectacular are the deep-sea corel found at depths of up to 6,000 metres in waters as cold as 2°C. These slow-growing onimais (4). Now found from Ireland to New Zealand, and have even (5) discovered ‘growing on the logs of ol ngs. ‘Choose the correct word to complete the sentences. 1 | could hear the frogs__in the stiliness of the right. Assquawking Bchattering CG croaking 2 All my fiends __with laughter when | told them | was going to take up gardening. Achirped Bhooted C bellowed 3. Beinga farmer entails alot of __ labour. Amanly Bstrong — C manual 4 Solar power isa useful of energy in hatter countries. Asourre Bresnuwee Chasis 5 Some anitnals in danger of extinction are born and raised in __ Acapture Bcaptivity Cenclosure 6 Ihave na _ ta go outin the field in the pouring, rain and get wet and muddy! Apreference B inclination C tendency ‘Complete the text with the missing prepositions, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, who has been called an ‘eccentric’ chef by some, set (1) his own organic farm and restaurant in the south-west ‘of England a number of years ago. Thanks 2 his dedication to organic farming and a‘back-to-natuce’ lifestyle, he has had quite an effect @ the way people see food and where it comes fiom. One thing he places importance (@)___isasense of respect (5)__ the animals that provide us with our food. As the years go by, Hugh shows no signs (6) relaxing his belief in himself and the issues be finds important. ‘This has led to his involvement (7) campaigns (8) _ battery-farming and for sustainable fishing, amongst other things. He is fortunate that he has the ability to speak in front of a camera (9) cease, as the many TV shows he has produced prove. Several ofthese can be watched (19) YouTube, if they are unavailable in ‘your area 3 SLUT aVANAlal care ualehitiel sNAlar 3A =) > Reading and Use of English: Multiple matching {Part 7), Word formation Part 3), Open claze (Part 2) > Listening: Muitiple-choice questions (Part I) A) Understanding the main ideas > Language development: Conditionals tense review > Woiting:Discursive essay (Pat 1), Summansing and evaluating 3B > Listening: Multiple choice (Part 3) > Speaking: Collaboratwe task (Pars 1 & 2): Ways to ‘lax; Sustaining a conversation > Reading and Use of English: Multiple-choice cloze () > Language development: Introduciory and emphatic it and there; Inversion > Writing: Discursive essay (Part 1}; Summarising and evaluating Lead-in 1 Compare two of these cartoons and say what the cartoonist is trying to convey. How do they make you feel? 2 Below are five titles of popular psychology selF-help books on the market. Which tiles could match the cartoons A-C? Give reasons for your choice. 1 Biifane confidence: what confident peaple know, say and do 2 Water off wicks buck. row wo dea! with fasting stuations, awkward, exasperating and manipulative people and . keep smiling! 3. Working with the enemy: how fo survive and tive with realy afcut people 4 In sheep clothing: understanding and deeling with manipulative people 5 Feel the ear and doit anyway: how to tun your fear and indecision ina confidence and action 3. If you could choose one of these books to read, which one would you choose, and why? 4. In pairs, think of ideas for cartoons to illustrate the two remaining books. 5 What advice would you give a friend if 11 someone was tying to manipulate him/her by using threatening language? 2_ he/she was giving in to peer pressure to commit a crime? 3 he/she had argued with a good friend and didrit know how to resolve it? 39 KYW Who’ in control? Before you read 1 Compare the following pairs of sentences. Which pair is similar in ‘meaning, and which pair is different? 1 a This book adopts an essentially objective approach to its subject. bb The concepts in this baokare presented in an informative, nan Judgemental manner. 2 a You are presented with a number of practical techniques for, achieving your goals life bb The concepts presented offer you practical waysto be more ‘optimistic in your life Skimming 2 _ Read through each review on page 41 quickly. Which book{s) might you recommend for someone who: 1 issuffering ftom anxiety? 2 has recently experienced a crisis of confidence? 3 is simply interested in the subject of psychology? Scanning 3 Answer the following questions. 1 Read the questions in Exercise 4, and underline the key words and phrases, 2 Read the reviews and underline the relevant information. 3 Check the questions against the text again, Then complete Exercise 4 ‘Multiple matching 4 _Read the strategy on page 168, then do the task. > EXPERT STRATEGIES page 18 You are going to read some reviews of self-help books. For questions 1-10, choose the best answer from sections A-D. Some of the choices may be required more than once, About which book isthe following stated? Itcan be an enjoyable read imespective of whether you have problems, It presents ideas in language that i accessible tothe non-specialist. Itexamines the evidence to support some of the claims made by exponents of sel-help, Itotfers a step-by-step guide to working through a psychological dilemma. Itdescrbes ways in which people can make the most oftheir unfufiled potential It suggests that people may be encouraged to have unrealistic expectations Many ofthe suggested therapies ae based on a recognised methodology ‘The quality of wrting makes the advice appear more credible. It suggests that we should view one particular negative emotion as something natural Itofers comfortand advice to thase frustrated by seemingly straightforward problems, = 10 Discussion 5 _ Discuss. Under what circumstances would you recommend that someone should: buya self-help book? + consulta professional psychologist? 6 Check the meaning of these key words from the text. EXPERT WORD CHECK. 1 fallacy fabrication achocate misconception perspective jargon Prose pronouncement solace prernise ‘Module 3 Surviving and theiving Books offering self-help and advice sell in their millions. We take @ look at four of the most popular The last self-help book you'll ever need ff « Help: How to become slightly happier and en get a bit more done by Oliver Burkeman In this book, Pearsall explores the tendency for proponents of self-help therapy to substitute clichés for Serious thought, Hackneyed fallacies like ‘be all that you can be’, lve up ta your full potenta’ ‘nurture anid understand your inner child, are just 3 few of the arguably sill fabrications that masquerade as legitimate advice, and Pearsall exposes them to the light of scientific scrutiny. Primary, this book advocates accepting that you may never become a concert pianist ‘or an intemational footballer, and concentrating on achieving what is within your reach. You can derive ore happiness from life, he suggests, when you appreciate your cutent situation and those around you Were people less caught up in the misconception that they shouldbe tappier and move fuliled, they probably wouldn't be so discontented, Pearsall sees Much of what we might term ‘therapeutic culture” a based on ather questionable remedies that over time have gained the status of unassailable truth. He effectively explores the validity ofthese assertions From 2 more abjecive, down-to-earth perspective ee ec ‘kena puts forward the notion that people who feel they lack confidence ae infact confident ~ i only in the belie that they have na confidence! He offers techniques ta help people develop ther hitherto Suppressed abilities and apply these to situations in which they may be of use. Many of his suggestions follow well-knavin coaching concepts familar to Practitioners of neuro-linuistie programming However, the book is written in atefteshingly down to-earth style that avoids the almost incomprehensible Jaigon which some se-hep practitioners are prone to! One of Mickenna’s key iden is to encourage people to visualise and experience as far as possible what ‘the «confident you" will be like, He advocates the simple use ofa technique which helps to retrame negative “inner thoughts’ n 2 ‘positive’ wey Don’t expect to develop instant a total confidence as 2 result of reading this book, butt you fllow the suggestions and practise them, you should make some progress This isa genuinely useful book: the writer really does want us ta become slightly happier and get a bit more done, ust 2s the tite promises us. na winning aside, fe says that ‘adding an exclamation ‘mark tothe ttle of your book isn't necessally going help make it fun, (There are some exceptions) And tis fs an exception, because its fun, and can be tead for pleasure even if you judge yourself ‘management end feelings of personal fulfilment to be in good shape. like to think that @ decent prose style i one of the guarantors of sanity, and Burkeman has a lovely tum of phrase, nether too dry nor too flashy; but a sort of justriahiness that makes his pronbuncerents sound willy trustworthy, In shor, Helps win-win, Should you find yourself prone 10 those nigaling difficulties which, though surmauntable, are disproportionately aggravating, then you'll find solace and good counsel here PT Lee er The subject ofthis book ests on the following premise: fear isa necessary and essential element of life and pushing through fears actually less frightening than living with a feeling of helplessness. Susan Jeffers highlights the paradox that whist we seek the security ofa life fee of fear, this creates an environment in which we are denied the satisfaction of achievernent ot development. the result isa no-win situation in which we expeieice but feat Uf ange a fea uf staying the same. The book introduces a progression of truths which illuminate the crippling effects of fear and build the case for taking action to address the problem, Given that you accept these truths, you can chenge your attitude and approach. & number of simple madels and techniques are engagingly presented through a series of first-hand accounts of people at various stages of succumbing to or addressing ther fears. When strung together, these provide a structured programme with which you may set about changing your atttude and raising your Seltawareness and selt-esteem, at Modules Compound nouns with self ‘Word formation (2): suffixes (-ment, -tion, -ness, -sion) 3a_ Read the dialogue below quickly. How do Charl a. All these nouns can be combined with se 10 ‘make compound nouns (eg. seifhelp). Complete the sentences with a suitable compound noun, awareness belief confidence discipline discovery esteem evaluation help knowledge management worth 1 _ skills are very important if ‘you want to rake the most of your time. 2 Sometimes in lite there are crisis points ‘where you need to go through a period of atime when you can EXPERT STRATEGIES poge'67 For questions 1-8, read the text below. Use the word given in CAPITALS at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fit in the gap in the same line. There isan example at the beginning (0). Toa large extent, problems and difficulties are an (0) unavoidable part of everyday lif. According to psychologists, however, there isa ) for people in the ‘west to hide negative feelings, such as avoiD TEND anger 0 (2) rather SATISFY than express them. Furthermore, studies have shown there to be an 6) ‘between physical and emotional health, For example, via the (4) system, a person's emotions have a drect effect (9 heart rate and digestion, and the suppression of strong emotions can have as) effectona person’s heath Such findings, however, should not be taken to mean that emotions are best expressed in a totally (6) ‘manne. On the contrary, the ability to convey feelings in a rational way is widely regarded as evidence of ‘emotional maturty. So the questions people need to ask themselves are: Am 1a good (7) —_2isthere balance in my relationships with otherst Dol show (8) to ‘ers’ emotions and mood? ifthe answer to these questions is ‘yes, then they are onthe right path. DEPEND NERVE DETRIMENT ‘CONTROL. COMMUNICATE SENSE Module 3 Surviving and thriving Idioms: animal idioms Animal idioms often illustrate personality types or ‘ways of dealing with difficult situations. Discuss the meaning of the idioms, then choose a suitable idiom to complete the sentences. Suggest situations where the remaining idioms might be used, assiubbomasarmule _awoifin sheeps dothing flogadead horse have Kitens let seeping dogs lie Ike water off a duck’ back put the catamong the pigeons take the bull by thehoms havea bee in ones bonnet 1 was advised to tell my friend the reasons why her behaviour annoys me, That's certainly going eae 2 Myatiempt to change his mind about the plans for the evening was hopeless: it was lke trying to 3 Sarah never takes any notice when other people criticise the way she dresses: its 4 Jack wort stop going on about that conference: he wants me to go to: hes certainly got about. 5 Wish canbe ___when she doesnt want ta do something Discussion 3. If you had to give three pieces of general advice toa friend, what would you tell them? Use phrases that you have learnt in the Vocabulary section, 43 ‘Module 3 Surviving and thriving Listening 1 (Paper 3 Part 1) Before you listen 1 _ Discuss the following questions. 11 What does Emotional intelligence (E) mean? 2. How would you describe bullying behaviour? Understanding the main 2 §}"» Listen to people speaking about three different topics and ideas answer the questions that go with each extract. Extract One: bullying in the workplace 1. Where did Emma find help? 2. How did Emma feelings change after reading about bullying? Extract Two: dealing with difficult conversations 1 What is James asked to give his opinion about? 2 What problems does he mention? Extract Three: the importance of Emotional intelligence 1 According to the speaker, what new system are some employers using? 2 What does the speaker say could be a way to begin the process of acquiring Emotional inteligence? Multiple-choice questions > EXPERT STRATEGIES page 170 3. GP Read the strategy, then do the task. You will hear the three extracts again. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best according to what you hear. There are two questions foreach extract. Extract One Extract Two Extract Three You hear part of an interview witha Youhear an actor called James You hear a psychologist talking. ‘woman called ‘Emma Collins, who Milner talking about abookhe _about the use of tests of ‘emotional suffered bullying in the workplace. read as a teenager. intelligence’ 1 When she was being bullied, 3 Before reading the book, 5 What does she suggest about she felt James had been feeling the cosmetics company? A determined to prove her ‘A unable to discuss an issue. ‘A Ithas been slow to experiment colleague wrong B inneed of career guidance. with new recruitment B convinced that hercolleagues ——-C_unwiling to listen to advice procedures criticisms were just C indifferent to what her B Itnow looks fora wider range 4 James liked the book because of abties in prospective seca it taught him how to league said abo ee employees Jevelop professional kl jouer 2 Whathelpedherto overcome dealwitnderanding people. © Nek SoNegalOng or”) the problem? C express his own feelings are A sharing her tory with other calmly ; victims 6 Who is her target listener? B coming totems wth the ‘A people who may be looking teal of tie stuaton Bralobin the hiure gether manager to confront B companies aiming o recut theperon responsible effective salespeople academics preparing students for the world of work Development and discussion 4 Assertiveness training is all about expressing what you feel in a non- aggressive way. Read the list of rights below and discuss. + You have the right to change your mind, + You have the right to make mistakes - and be responsible for them + You have the right to make seemingly illogical decisions. + You have the right to say, dont care 44 ‘Language development 1 Conditionals tense review > EXPERT GRAMMAR page 176 1 Read the conditional sentences and choose the correct answer. Check your answers and discuss ‘any ones you were not sure about. 1 fit, we could go and play tennis. A didnitrainB wasrit raining 2 Susie the topic of conversation if she didnt ie it A had changed B could have changed 3 Without her insight inta his problems, he ‘got better so fast. A wouldhave B wouldnt have 4 | wouldrit have been able to go to the concert iF thelecure___cancelled, A hadnt been B hadnt 5 ____anylater, we would have missed ‘meeting the author. A Had wearrived B Shauld we arrive 6 ____ disagree with their advice, what would their reaction be? A Imagine tc B Were youto More constructions with if 2 Write conditional sentences that have a similar ‘meaning to the sentence given, Choose one of the following phrases for each sentence: If it hadn't been for, If you happen to, If or Ever if 1 Have you decided to do a course in psychotherapy? | hope youll let me know. 2 The other students helped me to understand the problem, 3 Sally was so sel- confident that when other people Citieised her, it was like water off duck’ back! 4 Tsthere any chance that youll be in this evening? Id like to ask your advice about something Alternative conditional phrases 3 Choose one of the following phrases to complete the conditional sentences. There are two extra phrases that don' fit any of the sentences. In Which sentences could you also use i? in case what if assuring (a) fon condition that whether or not butfor imagine ‘otherwise unless 1. He would have carried on bullying her 2 Jan wont forgive me. | apologise something that Im not prepared to do, Module 3 Surviving and thriving 3 Ilgive you my honest opinion you don't get angry 4 Sometimes i donit know Itwould bea good idea to say something 5 _ everyone here fs imerested in improving their social skills, let's start off with a few practical exercises. 6 Can have your phone number torring you tomorrow? 7 Please read this book __you wont know what I'm talking about “Use of English 2. (Paper 1 Part 2) need Open cloze a Read the extract from a magazine article quickly. In what way is postive psychology different from previous branches of psychology? 'b Read the strategy on page 167, then do the task, > EXPERTSTRATEGIES page 167 For questions 1-8, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only ‘one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0), For anyone involved in the field, the term ‘positive psychology’ has (0) becane_a familiar one in recent years, The term is attached to a movement which seeks to restore (1) are regarded as ‘positive’ features of human nature, such as happiness, Virtues, personal strengths and altruism, (2) their rightful place within the field of psychology. The ‘movement can be seen as a reaction to a perceived over-emphasis on mental illness (3) the expense of mental health, in the study of psychology. ® the term positive psychology was actually coined by humanistic psychologist Abraham Maslow as (3) back as 1964, neither the term nor the intellectual approach surrounding it really took (¢)_until Martin Seligman made it the centrepiece of his presidency of the American Psychological Association in 1998. (7) then the movement has (8) ground across the USA and beyond, with popular author, like former New York Times writer Daniel Goleman, playing a major role in fuelling its widespread appeal Discussion 2 Imagine you could choose to do anything you liked or live anywhere you liked in the world, ‘What or where would you choose, and why? 45 Module 3 Surviving and thriving ‘Summarising and evaluating 1 questions. Read the exam task and texts below, then answer the following 1 What is positive psychology? 2 What kind of person is a defensive pessimist? 3. Do you regard yourself as an optimist ara pessimist? Why? \Write an essay summarising and evaluating the key points from both texts, Use your own words throughout as far as possible, and include your own ideas in your answer. You should write 240-280 words. | Get happy with positive psychology 'No more saying, should and | would i could Poste psychology turns the fecus away from how and why things go wrong and towards how and wy things go right ites ofthe movement sy its akin to the sort of frivolous self-help advice that tells people to smile ‘more and theyll feel better However, scientifically speaking postive psychology views the development ‘of happiness from an evolutionary standpoint. Happy people ae heather and ive longer They ‘make better mental connections hence they improve systems and solve problems quicker and in new ways-They have more energy for other people and contribute to the improvement of society. 2 Is positive psychology for everyone? Psychologist Jule Norem questions the assumption that ‘positive psychology is for everyone’, presenting us with an illuminating example. If you know someone who drove everyone nuts in school ‘worrying about how he/she would do in exams and who ended up getting A pluses, you probably kaw a defensive pessimist. For defensive pessimists ‘worrying about upcoming challenges is a way of life. But its also a healthy coping strategy that helps them prepare for adversity. Norem has shown that when defensive pessimists are deprived of their pessimism by being forced to look on the bright Side of life, their performance in tasks plummets For defensive pessimists, positive psychology has a decidedly negative side. 2 Which of the following offers the best summary of text 1? Why are the others not suitable? 1 In text 1, positive psychology advocates approaching life from an ‘optimistic perspective, arguing that happier people make more effective members of society. 2 Text | makes a case for positive psychology, refuting suggestions that its concept is ineffectual by arguing that having a mare optimistic ‘outlook benefits not only the individual but society in general, 3 According to the writer of text 1, positive psychology turns the focus away from how and why things go wrong and turns to face how and why things go right, creating happy people who rake better mental decisions and contribute to improving society 3. Find words or phrases in the summaries in Exercise 2 that mean the following. 1 recommend as being beneficial 2 aposiive viewpoint 3 argue in favour of 4 show that an idea is wrong 4 Read the strategy on page 169. Using your own words as far as possible, write a brief summary of text 2. Write between 25-35 words > EXPERT STRATEGIES page 169 5 Using information from the summaries of texts { and 2, write a paragraph of between 60-70 words. Mind and body [Histening 2 (Papers Par 3 Before you listen 1 Discuss. What are some of the main causes of stress? Is stress increasing in the modern world? Why? 2 Read the task questions below, then discuss the following, 1. What is a laughter cub? 2. How might laughter clubs help people with stress-related problems? 3 Underiine the words in the question options which give you that impression, Multiple choice 3 v1” Read the strategy on page 170, then do the task. > EXPERT STRATEGIES page 19 " Youwill hear two alternative practitioners called Stella and Rick McFarland, talking about laughter therapy. For | questions 1-5, choose the answer (A, B, Cor D) which fits best according to what you hear. 1 What do Stella and Rik see asthe main 3. What does Ric regard asthe principal benefit of explanation for the popularity of what are called the laughter therapy sessions he runs? | Taughter clubs”? ‘A They enable peaple to Feel ess inhibited ‘A They allow people to share ther problems with B They stop people taking ie t00 seriously. cnhers. They give people a good physical workout B They dorit require people ta make a long-term D They encourage people to ferm lasting bonds commitment. They ate cost effective way for people to access 4 Rick's interest in laughter therapy initially arose from prolessional help A fis-hand experience of anather method Dey appeal to people who may be sceptical Bpaiuicipalion i his wifes group sessions. about other forms of therapy C a desire to help his clients more effectively D his mistrust of other alternative approaches. Rick feels that the main role of a laughter therapist is to 5 Why does Rick tell us about a client who had ‘A ensure that people gt sufcient rest and relaxation. _—roblems giving presentations? B help people to escape from one pattern of AA to suggest an altemative remedy for work-related bochaviour stress make people aware of the cansequences of B to highlight the way in which essential oils affect the depression senses, D investigate the causes of people's emotional € to show haw stress can affect a persons level of problems. performance, D to support Stellas point about making time for ‘certain activities, > HELP 1 Liston carefully to what bath Rick and Stella ay before 5 Rick begins the story by saying to give you an example. making your choice. An example of what? 2 What does Rick say the laughter therapist aims to da? 4 Check the meaning of these key words and phrases from the audioscript EXPERT WORD CHECK 1 practitioner accessible intimidating buyinto _knack-on effect grumpiness downward spiral dispel reticence reap benefits Discussion 5 Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of the ideas Stella and Rick put forward, Give reasons for your views. ar Module 3 Surviving and thriving Speaking (Paper 4 Parts 1 & 2) In Part 1 of the Speaking paper, the examiner asks candidates some questions about themselves. Read the following questions, and answer them as fully as you can, 1 What do you do to relax at weekends? 2 Which activity do you feel helps you to relax the most? Vocabulary: ways to relax a ‘Match some of the words below with the photographs. You can use the words more than. nee, acupuncture aromatherapy median relaxing pastime emotional comfort reflexology medication pain relief 3a_ Use the words and phrases below to talk about 48 the positive and negative aspects of using the relaxation methods shown in the photographs. detrimental keeps you active provides you with an interest ‘can do more harm than good Bives lonely people physical contact rather exclusive expensive and so for the privileged few effective relaxation technique takes your mind off things, its emotionally uplifting helps you unwind relieves tensi “au b_ Complete the statements with the phrases below. & a be foreveryone makes me feel frustrated ratherweitd enjoyable pastime should be seen asa last resort did me the world of good 1 Personally, think its . your feet massaged. it makes me shiver. 2 OK, | know essential oils can be beneficial, but theyre mean, | know several people who carit stand strong smells, tohave 3 | spent the afternoon working in the garden, and i __. Heit so refreshed afterwards 4 Quite frankly, having my feet massaged I cant relax at all 5 [think taking anti-depressant pills Try to find other solutions Fist 6 Listening to musicis areally st and technology has improved the sound quality no end Use some of the words and phrases from Exercises 2 and 3 to talk about two of the photographs. 6a Ta Part 2 Model answer Useful languag sustaining a conversation G9™ Listen tothe examiner’ instructions for the first section of Paper 4 Part 2, then answer the questions, 11 Which pictures do the candidates have to talk about? 2 How long do they have to speak GN% Listen to two candidates performing the task, then diseuss the following 1 How well they tackle the ask 2. How successful they reat nteactng ("Now listen to the instructions for the second section of the task, then answer the questions 1. What do the candidates have to do? 2 Hows long da they have for this section? r= Listen tothe candidates perform the {ask, then answer the questions. nat techniques do they use to develop and sustain the conversation? 2 How do they acrieve a balance between them in Sharing he conversation? nat bo you notice about Arana performance this part ofthe task? 3 iscourse markers for 9" Listen to the candidates perform the fecond part of the task agnin, then complete the extract below with a word or short phrase Ariana: This sa ealy good way t0 rela! lke this myself partcualstening to classical music makes me feel calm after a cificlt day at work 0) __-—_xrinry people. Er dort you jal Jarele @____ totaly agree with you, and | ‘often listen to musi onthe tain going home. autall the noe of people around me | also ke the idea of a massage, eventhough itcan be expensive Some big companies of this service ance a fornigt to ther employees, andl think rns realy good idea. > Module 3 Surviving and thriving ‘Ariana: Yes. ve only had an aromatherapy massage conce, and itwas very relaxing, but reall ke having reflexology. Having your feet massaged is really special | think that massage ‘san important relaxation technique, however, even though its expensive. its very . how do you say . beneficial | can say. What do you think? Jarek ()__, think gardening is also a very popular way Tor people to relax. Itcovers awide range of people, too, of different ages and social backgrounds: Dorit you think? Ariana: (8) its an outdoor activity. So, people aren the Rech air What about this phot with the pills? cannot see the reason for that How do pills help us relax? Jarek: Mm. (5) because when people are really stressed, they sometimes take pills. rm how are they called? Anti-depressants. This isnot a good approach, though. (6) fyoute really depressed, then they might be necessary. ‘Ariana: (7)____, I dont think ike that photo for the ancl, as we want to emphasise the more positive ways to relax. So, which two photos should we choose? Jarek: Well (@) the pills could be shown asa contrast to the mate positive activity of say, gardening. Afterall the article will probably mertion pil ifonly to criticise them, ‘Which of the expressions in the extract mean the same as the following? 1 definitely 3 actually 2 apartfrom that 4 thisis the case Part 2 Collaborative task > EXPERT STRATEGIES page 171 8 In pairs, look at the photographs on page 204, then do the tasks below. Use the strategies to help you. 1 Firs, look at photographs A and C and talk about how beneficial these activites are for the individual, © You have about a minute for tis 2. Then, look atall the photographs, Imagine you are promoting a TV programme on popular leisure activities today. Discuss how popular each activity ig, anu trent deuide which wo shuulel att as be focus ofthe advertisement for the programme. Task analysis Discuss the following questions, 1 Did you use examples or personal experiences to ilustate your points? 2. Were you able to respond to your partner’ points ina natural way? 3. How many of the discourse markers from Exercise 7a did you use together? 49 50 Module 3 Surviving and thriving Language development 2 Introductory and emphatic it and there > EXPERTGRAMMAR page 17 1a Complete the sentences with there or it. 1 's possible that hes just gone for a walk. .e county? 3 ___isnit much point in phoning him, | Suppose, 4 ‘50 use asking Sally to help! She hates fim 5 __ appears to be no rel theft and his disappearance 6 could be that hes depressed about Cala leaving, 7 ___'sno harm in checking his room 8 might also be an idea to check the hospitals in the area, — any likelihood that hg left the n between the b Complete the passage by adding it where appropriate. ‘tm quite a private person at heart, and prefer o __ people phoning before they vist So, lconsider (2) _ an intrusion to have my neighbour popping in whenever she feels ke (3) __- re tried teling her that 'm busy, but 0. makes no difference. She always 'manages to Keep me talking for ages. And just when | decide to be blunt, she'll do something extra nice, ke bringing mea cake. So,(5)___doesn'tseem approprate to tell her to get lost. Honestly | can't stand (6) _ hiding, but I've started sneaking around the house and not answering the door when she calls lean'ttake(7)___much longer. tell you, if 8) weren't for my psychotherapist, Id have gone out of my mind by now .. 2 What would you say in response to someone who said the following to you? Use the phrases in brackets to help you. 1 The conference raom is ready for you, and the teams waiting there. (hiss it) 2 Fm not coming to the party. | just dort feel up to it fitsa pity) 3 Which is more beneficial, a massage or reflexology? (tsa matter of) 4 So, should | tell him to get lost, or not? (it makes no difference) 5 Who fold Mr Jones the truth about that Fire? (iewas) 6 Gina realy helped me get through that dificult Period with my father (ft hadrft been for) Inversion 3 4a Circle the most suitable words in tales to complete the sentences. 1 Only after he haa left /had he lef did they relax 2 Onno candition yeu shoul / should you take these pills withaut consulting your doctor firs. 3 Little she realised / did she realise that the treatment would be so expensive, 4 Not until a had /had ! hada massage did | realise how stressed out 'd been, 5 No sooner Iti started / had | stared the yoga class than | began to feel better 6 Haat it been / Had it not been for Berthold help, we wouldn't have got home that night. Rewrite the sentences without inverted phrases, Make any changes necessary. 1 Not only did Mandy do a course in aromatherapy bbut she became professional too. 2 So unable to cope was she after lasing her husband that she sought professional help. 3 Atno time during your acupuncture treatment should you move your body 4 Hardly had she got back from the hospital when she fell down the: roke her leg! 5. Should you see Hannah, tell her to phone me, 6 Such was the response to the Laughter Clubs advertiserient that they had to create three classes Rewrite the sentences using inverted phrases. 1 I didrit seek psychological help for my depression at any time. 2 Id only just gt out of hospital when | was involved in a car accident 3 | didnt realise it would be so hard to cope with all the extra work 4 only began to relax once the unwanted visitors had left 5 She didnt feel happy until she had lefther job 1 Developing skills: words 2 often confused Multiple-choice cloze 3 > EXPERT STRATEGIES page 167 of Marian Chac ‘Module 3 Surviving and thriving Use of English 3 (Paper 1 Part 1) Discuss the following questions. 1. What sort of music, ifany, do you like dancing to? 2. How does dancing make yau feel? Can you explain this? Choose the correct word to complete the following sentence. A thesaurus will tell you that they all mean supported. You need to examine the whole sentence to see which one fits Dr Schneider has long___ the use of alternative treatments for stress related problems A believed B advocated C engaged D subscribed Complete the task below, Use the Help notes for support. For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide which answer (A, 8, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an ‘example at the beginning (0). dance therapy Dance therapy gained professional (0)_6_ during the 1940s. It was the inspiration who began teaching (5)__, local doctors started sending her patients, including anti-social children and people with mobility problems, Later, Chace Joined the staff at St 3B dance after her own dancing career (1) to an end in 1990. She noticed that some of her atudonte wore more (2) emotions they experienced while dancing than in technique. Intrigued by this, Chace encouraged them to explore this aspect, and (3)___ developing classes that emphasised Elizabeth's Hospital, wheresheworked withemotionally ‘troubled pationts, some of whom were suffering from {6)__stzca0 disorcora. Succeca for thooe pationte moant being able to move rhythmically in (7)_ with others in their class, Chace wenton to study Peychiatry, land the fact that the fitst dance therapy interns began leaming and teaching dance therapy in the 1960s is > HELP ‘1 Which word completes the fixed expression with ‘an end’? 2 Choose the word which can be followed by the preposition i. 4 You are loaking for a word which usually collocates with expression Task analysis 4 Discussion 5 (4)___of expression through music. @) __to her tireless dedication, 0 Asanding — Bstatus Clevel mode 1 Agot Breached Ccame Darrived 2 Aabsorbed —Bcaptivated —C preoccupied Denthralled 3 Amadeoif — Bsetabout © Ciookup turned over 4 Alicence Bireedom — Copenness —_D liberty 5 BFrequenty —C Specifically Effectively 6 Boppressive — Caustere Dsevere 7 Asymmetry — Balance Cunison D relation 8 Aevidence —_Buwitness C proof D testimony Which questions required knowledge of 1 collocations? 2 differences in the use of wards of similar meaning? In pairs, practise giving each other advice on taking up one of the following activities. dance _aerobies football ‘swimming TaiChi_ yoga You should mention: + its physical benefits any emotional benefits it may have + any drawbacks, such as money, time needed, etc 51 Module 3 Surviving and thriving 1: Essay) Lead-in mectazan Understand the task 2 1a. Discuss. Do you exercise regularly? What kind of exercise do you do? b Which of the following techniques for stress relief do you think is the most/ least helpful? Why? deep breathing exercises yos massage guided imagery technique drinking a cup of tea/coffee listening 9 music working outin a gym Read the question below. What must you remember to do when answering it? Read the two texts, Write an essay summarising and evaluating the key points from both texts, Use your own ‘words throughout as far as possible, nd include your own ideas in your answer. You should write 240-280 words. 1 Relax with a nice cup of tea! How many of us look forward to a soothing cup of hot tea atthe end of the working day? Why i it that in so many countries tea is drunk not only to reiresh, Us, but also to help us calm down after a stressful experience! The truth is that tea contains chemicals that induce a feeling of wellbeing Research has shown that green and white tea, in particular are conducive to relaxation due to ther iow levels of caffeine. They contain the amino acid L-theanine, which evokes a sense of calm in the brain, yet without a feeling of crowsiness. 2 Yoga for stress relief Should you crave solitude, slo relaxation techniques such as meditation wil give you the tools ‘to quieten your mina. however, you lack the self discipline to maintain a regular programme, a class serting may help you to stay motivated. tt would be better to avaid power yoga, with its physically demanding poses and focus on fitness, as classes that emphasise slow, steady movernent and gertle stretching are best for chronic stress relief Consider your level of fitness and ary medical isves before joing, There are many yoga classes for diferent Teed Fin doubt, consut a specialist. 3 Make a note of the key points in each text 4 Look back at your summary of the texts in Writing 1, on page 46. ‘Then compare the two texts above, and make a note of the similarities between them. What is the main difference? Plan your essay > EXPERT STRATEGIES page 169 5a Gj" Listen to some students discussing how to organise their answer to the task in Exercise 2. Complete the plan below, based on what they decide to do. Paragraph 1: Introduction Paragraph 3: Paragraph 2 Paragraph 4: Conclusion b Do you agree with their decision? Why/Why not? Language and content Write your essay > EXPERT STRATEGIES page 169 Check your essay > EXPERTWRITING page 91 Module 3 sunivingand twiving edad Ga Choose the most suitable word to replace each of the following ‘words from text 1. 1 soothing 4 are conducive to A calming —_—B gentle A lead to B boost 2 refresh 5 evoke A renew B invigorate A produce —_B render 3 induce 6 drowsiness ‘A encourage B cause ‘A weakness —_B sleepiness b_ Write a sentence that summarises the information below. You should be able to reduce the number of words by 50 percent. Begin with the words given, 1 Should you crave solitude, solo relaxation techniques such as ‘meditation will give you the tools to quieten your mind. If, however, you lack the self-discipline to maintain a regular programme, a class setting may help you stay motivated. For people who find it difficult to 2 Itwould be better to avoid power yoga, with its physically demanding poses and focus on fitness as classes that emphasise siow, steady movement and gentle stretching are best for stress relief. Consider your level of fitness and any medical issues before joining, There are many yoga classes for diferent needs. I in doubt, consult a specialist. Think carefully about your health before 7 Complete the summary of the two texts above with the correct form of the words below. while need benefit caution highlight advocate however [As thetr titles suggest, both texts focus on ways of helping people | to relax. The first text describes the emotional (1) of drinking a cup of tea, (2) the properties found in green | and white teas which make them especially suitable, (3) | the second text (4) taking up yoga asa physical | 6) of relieving the long-term effects of stress. © sit advises (7) {in choosing the right type of yoga to sult your (@) +28 slow, gentle exercise is, preferable for dealing with chronic stress 8 Gn» Listen to Sukhi and Enrique discussing ideas to include in the evaluation stage of their essay. What points do they make? Suki Enrique: 9 Inppairs, discuss how far you agree with Sukhi and Enrique, and add ‘your own ideas for evaluation of the two texts 10 Now write your essay, using the ideas and some of the language you have already discussed. Write your answer in 240-280 words 11 Edit your essay, using the checklist on page 191 53° 3B Review 1 Module 3 Surviving and thriving, Complete the idioms withthe missing words. 11 Whatever | said to Alex about her attitude, she couldn'have cared lest it was ike water of a ‘back! 2 Your parents wil ave_when they hear you want to emigrate to Australia! 3 Poppy can be as stubborn asa she has set her mind on something 4m trying to finish this essay for tomorrow but | haverit got any more ideas: | fel ikem flogging adead ' 5 There no alierative butte take the by the horns and explain what the problem is. Theres no point in running away from it 6 Oh idorit know, ifthe prablem it serious then | think you shoud lt sleeping leand pretend you know nothing about It 7 Asking fr time off work to go on an assertiveness waining course has rally putthe ____ among the pigeons - everyone else wants go naw! 8 Kevin has gota in his bonnet about punctuality this month woe betide you f youre more than five minutes late for his classes! when Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use between three and eight words. 1 Ifyou see Mary ask her to demonstrate that new relaxation technique. (happen) iF ‘Mary, ask her to demonstrate that new relaxation technique 2 If disagreed with Tom, how would he react? (were) What would _ to disagree with him? 3_| may need 16 leave early so could | have the car es? (give) Could _case i need to leave early? 4 They would have ended up fighting, but for Mark's intervention. (for) ie they would have ended up fighting. 5 Only thanks to the counselling, have | been able 10 go back to work, (nat) Had | would not have been able to go back to work, 6 John wil only do the gardening the sun shines. (unwilling) John the sun shines. 7 She only got over her feeling of shame because her neighbours were so kind. (but) She would never have the kindness of her neighbours 8 Assoon as the infuriating couple left, Mark got on the phane to his therapist. (had) Nosooner___called his therapist Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. 1 That film was very same old plot full of eichés, 2m (Gecide) about my plans for next year as yet: lets hope be able to driy things 3 Sometimes other people's very heartwarming. 4 If you can respond calmly and (Gegressive), then | thine that would be the best way forward 5 One thing | really enjoy about academic if isthe ___ (Change) of ideas and opinions. 6 Tihink Kate is deservedly proud of her (accomplish) 7 Imafraid theres been a (understand) the meeting was due to start at Z pm, not at 3pm 8 Some people get very annoyed when others ty to use their gis oF (persuade) to try to get them to change their mind, It doesnt often work! (inspire: just the (though is Complete the text with the words below. There are two extra words you don't need. deve effective negative optimistic therapeutic asseriveness _dculation effects holsic manage self-confidence _ technique ‘The benefits of yoga, many of whose poses originate from the observation of animals and of nature generally, seem to be endless. Apart from being particularly (1) in reducing stress levels, ‘asa relaxation (2) + italso improves balance, flexibility and strength. Asa form of exercise, itis @) for your mental health, since it helps to combat negative emotions, makes you more @. and gives « boost to your he _.. Millions of people all over the world © a lot of satisfaction from this a, system of mind and body fitness ‘which has been in existence for over 5,000 years. ‘Tai Chi, a martial art which is several hundred years ‘old, is likewise reputed to be a form of exercise that thas beneficial (8) con the mind and ‘body, by improving (9) and mental ‘concentration. T'ai Chi has also been very effectively integrated into (10) training and stress, management courses in modern-day society.

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