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Many people believe that the way we live our lives today is having a very
damaging effect on the environm ent. Here are some examples of the kinds
of problems we face, followed by some things that we can do to help
protect our environment.
The G reenhouse Effect
Pollution from cars, factories, and power stations is causing harmful
greenhouse g a ses to build up in the Earth’s atmosphere. These gases
prevent heat from escaping, and as a result our planet is getting warmer.
This process is known as
global warming.
Global warming is causing the
ice at the North and South
Poles to melt and sea levels
and sea temperatures to rise,
leading to serious flooding and
violent storms in many parts of
the world. In other places,
there will be less rain and the
land will be turned into desert.

I the environment T 1signs of damage to the environment

,• /di in'vaipranm ant/ [n / 7.r /,glaubpl 'wo:rm ig/ [n U] a
singular] the air, water, and land where people, general increase in the temperature of the world,
animals, and plants live: chemicals that pollute the ' caused by pollution from cars, factories etc: We
environment | New laws are being introduced to are already starting to see the effects of global
protect the environment. warming.
. : v ' [ad\\ an environmental catastrophe \ .• /'klarnigt ,tjem d 3/ [n U]
(=a disaster for the environment) changes in the weather around the world, which
/I'kolaclgilli'ka:-/ [n U] the way in which result in much higher or lower temperatures,
plants and animals and natural features of a violent storms, floods etc: an international confer-
place affect and depend on each other: the ence on climate change
natural ecology of the region the greenhouse & lh c t /da 'grim haus i.fek t/ [n
icological [adj] relating to the environment: C] the gradual warming of the Earth caused by
Destruction of the rainforests is fast becoming an pollution that stops heat from leaving the Earth’s
ecological disaster. atmosphere
.'ibflat /'haebgtaet/ [n U] the natural home of a : 7 - - /di 'ouzoun ,Ieia7 [n q a layer
plant or animal: The gorilla’s natural habitat is in 0f natural gases around the Earth. The ozone
Africa. _ layer protects the Earth from the harmful effects
T:e food chain /da 'fuid tjem/ [n singular] the of the sun, but pollution is causing a hole in it:
natural system in which, for example, an insect The hole in the ozone layer is thought to be
eats a plant, a bird eats the insect, an animal eats responsible for an increase in cases of skin cancer.
the bird etc, with the result that all these different c ja level /'sii .lev.?!/ [n q the natural level of the
forms of life depend on each other: the threat to water in the world’s oceans, which will rise if
life higher up the food chain

G v Ib fO G G/ORi) Coirs lin e destruction o f a n im a l

The biggest polluter today is the d a m l'a /js
car. Exhaust fumes are the main All over the world, wildlife habitats
cause of poor air quality, which can are being destroyed. There are many
make people feel ill and have endangered species that could soon
difficulty in breathing. This problem become extinct. Rainforests are
is especially bad in cities, where the being cut down so that people can
number of cars is increasing every grow crops and feed the world’s
year, causing serious congestion increasing population. Modern
and filling the air with smog. farming methods, for example using
pesticides and genetically m odified
Governments try to improve the crops, are having a very bad effect
situation by encouraging people to on the food chain. Killing insects
use their cars less or buy cars that may be useful for growing crops, but
do not use as much fuel. it reduces the amount of available
food for other animals and birds.
Climate change is also making
conditions difficult for some animals.
In the Arctic, the ice is melting,
threatening the survival of animals
such as polar bears.

global warming continues: Scientists are predict­ 1 things that can damage the
ing a substantial rise in sea levels over the next 20
years. i environment
/'rein.fDr^stll-.foi-, -,fa:-/ [n C] a pxIiGSon /po'luiJGn/ [n U] harmful chemicals,
tropical forest with tall trees growing very close gases, or waste materials from factories, cars etc
together, in an area where it rains a lot. Rain­ that have gone into the air, land, or water:
forests are very important for the balance of the pollution from cars \ air pollution | dangerously
Earth’s ecology: Rainforests cover about 6% of the high pollution levels in our rivers
Earth’s surface. \ It is estimated that about 1% of nolluter [n C/U] something or someone that
rainforests are being cut down every year. causes pollution
deforestation /dii,fDra steiJ>nll-,fo:-, -,fa:-/ [n ' 7 /'griinhaus .gsesgZ/ [n
U] a situation in which most of the trees in an plural] gases that form a layer around the Earth
area are cut down or destroyed, resulting in great and keep the heat in. These gases are produced
damage to the environment: the rapid pace of naturally, but increasing quantities of gases are
deforestation in Malaysia being produced from cars and factories, causing
endangered species /in,deind 33rd 'spiijnz/ [n global warming
C] a type of plant or animal that is likely to stop xjr/j-as /fjuim z/ [n U] harmful gas or smoke, for
existing completely, for example because of example from cars or factories, which damages
hunting or pollution the environment and harms people’s health:
■extinct /ik'stirjkt/ [adf\ if a type of animal or plant exhaust fumes
is extinct, it no longer exists and there are no z i z : j /smDgllsmaig/ [n U] a mixture of smoke
animals or plants of that type alive: extinct and fog in cities, caused by gases from cars or
animals such as the dodo factories: the smog in Los Angeles
extinction [n C/U] The white rhino is close to ition /kan'dgestJGn/ [n U] a situation in
extinction. (=there are almost none left)
which there are too many cars on a road, and the
WORD BANKS A28 vA-jiRomm-n

A lte r n a tiv e s o u rc e s o f e n erg y

Burning fossil fuels to produce energy causes a lot of pollution.
Renewable sources of energy such as wind power, wave power, and
solar power are much cleaner. People can also easily reduce the amount
of energy they use. A lot of electricity is wasted by leaving on lights,
televisions, and other electrical equipment when they are not being used.
Our society produces huge amounts of waste, which end up having to be
burned, buried, or taken out to sea. This waste produces greenhouse
gases, and also spoils the environment. If we recycle material such as
glass, paper, and metal, this will reduce the amount of waste that is

solar power wave power wind power

cars move very slowly, causing a lot of pollution: t ;things that are good for the
Traffic congestion is now a major problem in many
cities. environment
pesticides /'pestgsaidz/ [n plural] chemicals that .7 ; /grim/ [adj] used to talk about anything that
are used for killing insects and animals that is good for the environment, or about ideas
attack crops relating to protecting the environment: The build­
f .... /,CI31: 'enn , ing uses green electricity from a wind turbine. \
ikli 'mDdgfaidll-ma:-/ [adj] GM crops have green sources of energy | information about green
had their genes changed in order to make them products I a discussion about green issues
more convenient to grow. Some people believe eBviü'onmentalSy-frieiidh/ / sco-frier*#/
that they may cause damage to the environ­ /m.vaipran.mentl-i ‘frendli, ,iikou 'frendli/
ment.: trials of GM crops in Europe | Many [adj] environmentally-friendly products or
consumers don’t want to eat genetically modified methods do not cause harm to the environment:
foods. environmentally-friendly forms of transport
toxic waste /,toksik lweistll,ta:k-/ [n U] very f.:u :/k liin / [adj] clean technology, electricity etc
dangerous waste materials, for example from does not produce pollution and does not harm
nuclear power stations or chemical factories the environment: investment in clean technology \
fossil fuels /TdspI .fjumlzll'fai-/ [n plural] fuels clean electricity
such as coal or oil. Burning these fuels causes a "W ] \ /ri'njumb^lll-'nui-/ [adj] renewable
lot of carbon gases to be released into the sources of energy use fuels that can be replaced
atmosphere naturally, and so they are never completely used
v.W /,£esgd 'rein/ [n U] rain that contains up: the switch from fossil fuels to renewable sources
• pollution from factories, power stations etc, of energy
which causes damage to forests /oV'gæmk/ [adj] organic foods are pro­
duced naturally, without the use of chemical

Environmentally-friendly form s G reen products

o f transport We can also help the environment
If more people used public transport, by choosing to buy green products,
this would reduce the amount of for example organic foods that are
pollution. Public transport is much produced without using pesticides.
more environm entally-friendly, Not only are pesticides bad for the
because buses and trains can carry environment, the chemicals in them
large numbers of people at the same can also be harmful to humans. If
time, whereas cars often carry only we buy wood from sustainable
one person. Car p ools are another sources, this will mean that our
way of reducing the number of cars forests can be maintained for future
on our roads. The big car companies generations.
are also working on developing new So much of modern life is based
engine technology, so that cars can around shopping and buying new
run on cleaner fuels such as things. Everything is out-of-date in
hydrogen instead of petrol. For only a few years or even months. If
shorter journeys cycling is a much we stopped buying and throwing
healthier alternative to driving a car, away so many things, this would
and many towns have introduced help ease the pressure on the
special cycle lanes. environment.

pesticides that have a bad effect on the environ­ and are used to produce electricity. These struc­
ment: organic milk | organic farming (=not using tures are called wind turbines,
harmful chemicals) cay pool /'k a ir pu:l/ [n C] a group of car owners
sustainable /so'steinobN / [ady] sustainable who agree to go in one car together, instead of all
methods of farming, fishing etc do not use up driving to work in separate cars
more land, natural resources etc than can be b a s ï a R s / c / d a îa-FÆ Br itish b î c v d l s ici?. 3 Am er i ­
replaced naturally, and therefore do not cause can /'b A S lein, 'saikpllein, 'b o isik d lein/ [n C]
harm to the environment a special section of the road for buses or bicycles
recycle /rit'saik^l/ [v I,T] to use materials that only
have already been used, in order to make new
products: Old newspapers are collected for f ! people who want to protect the
recycling. | recycled glass
a lte rn a tiv e /o:l't3:rnotiv/ [ady] alternative
methods, energy, technology etc are to do with eK viaoraiisfitai gyoap /in.vai^ran'm entl
producing electricity without using fossil fuels, in ,gru:p/ [n C] a group of people who try to protect
order not to cause harm to the environment: the environment, especially by influencing the
Wind is an obvious source of alternative energy. government and large companies
gfeeia /grim / [ady] green parties and politicians
/'souk)r ,pauor, 'w ind ,pauar, 'w eiv ,pauo7 [n are concerned with protecting the environment:
C] energy from the sun, the wind, or the move­ the Green Party | green politicians
ment of the sea, used to make electricity
c:::. . .in::/;; /'w ind f a :rm/ [n C] a group of tall
structures with blades which turn with the wind
31 The environment
A Damaging the environment
Read this extract from a report on getting rid of waste.

Disposal of household waste is a daunting task for local authorities. Towns and cities cannot
just dump1 such waste and hope it will go away. Household waste contains many materials and
substances which are extremely harmful to the environment, and authorities need long-term
solutions. Efforts to recycle waste are only a partial solution. Meanwhile, the problem of toxic2
waste remains. One expert recently warned that the risks to public health are so great that we
may have less than a decade to avoid an environmental catastrophe on a global scale.

1 2
dispose of in an irresponsible manner poisonous

B Climate change and its consequences

Here is an interview with Gary Prime, an American rock star known
for his support of environmental campaigns, who is visiting London.
Interviewer: Would you agree that climate change is the most urgent
issue facing us today?
Prime: Definitely. You only have to look at the changing weather
patterns in many parts of the world. It’s absolutely vital
that we change our ways before it’s too late. Parts of Europe
which used to be cooler now experience intense, searing heat1, and temperatures
soar above the average every summer. Other areas suffer widespread flooding on a
regular basis. We can’t continue in this way without there being dire2 consequences.
Interviewer: So what can people do in the face of this irreversible climate change?
Prime: Well, for a start we can all reduce our carbon footprint3 by flying less, and reduce
our food miles4 by buying local produce. Some airlines have schemes now for
offsetting carbon emissions5.
Interviewer: Flying’s only one part of it, though. Most of the problems come from vehicle
emissions and power stations.
Prime: True, but there are things we can do about that too. Buy a
hybrid car6, develop alternative energy sources for homes,
solar heating for instance, and build more offshore7 wind
farms. Oil supplies will run dry8 within 50 years. Renewable
energy can make a real difference. And politicians shouldn’t
be afraid of introducing green taxes9 and incentives to
encourage eco-friendly design in architecture. With sufficient
will, we can find a solution.
Interviewer: Gary Prime, thank you for giving up your time for this interview.
Prime: No problem. I’ve got just enough time to catch my flight to Los Angeles.
extreme heat 2 extremely serious 6
a car can alternate between different
amount of carbon dioxide created by a person/business energy sources (e.g. petrol and battery)
4 7
distance food has to travel between where it is grown or at sea, away from the coast
made and where it is consumed run out
5 9
paying for an equivalent amount of carbon dioxide to be taxes relating to the protection of the
saved elsewhere environment

Common mistakes
• We say absolutely vital, NOT very vital.
It’s absolutely vital that everyone plays their part in combating climate change.
• We say find a solution, NOT give a solution.
We need to find a solution to the problem of energy supplies.

66 English Collocations in Use Advanced


31.1 Read these remarks by different speakers, and then answer the questions.
Sylvia: We found that poisonous chemicals had been thrown into the river.
Tomas: We have to protect everyone from illnesses caused by environmental problems.
Marcos: We can collect glass and plastic from homes which can then be re-used.
Gerard: We are heading for a major disaster in terms of the pollution of the oceans.
Ulla: We must stop using this chemical. It can destroy plant and animal life.
1 Who mentions public health?
2 Who is complaining about people dumping toxic waste?
3 Who is talking about avoiding the use of something which is harmful to the environment?
4 Who is explaining about recycling household waste?
5 Who is sounding a warning about an environmental catastrophe?
31.2 Complete each sentence using a word from the opposite page.
1 We looked out to sea and spotted some wind farms.
2 Oil supplies are likely to dry within the next 200 years.
3 It’s absolutely that we all do something to reduce global warming.
4 As a green organisation we only use architects who specialise in design.
5 Continued use of fossil fuels will have consequences in the long term.
6 The airline has a scheme where you can your carbon emissions.
31.3 Rewrite the underlined part of each sentence using a collocation from the opposite
page based on the word in brackets.
1 How far our food travels before we consume it should be a concern for everyone. (mile)
2 Energy which comes from inexhaustible sources, such as wind, is our greatest hope for the
future. (renew)
3 The region has experienced flooding over large areas in recent years. (wide)
4 We have caused the world’s climate to alter in a way that cannot be changed back. (change)
5 We must do something to eliminate the problem of toxic waste. (solve)
6 We should all try to reduce the amount of carbon we emit. (foot)
7 Wind farms located out at sea can provide a partial solution to the problem. (shore)
8 The minister chairs a committee aiming to improve the way we get rid of rubbish from our
homes. (dispose)
31.4 Correct the collocation errors in these sentences.
1 Temperatures expanded during the summer months and reached a record high.
2 We must change our way before it is too late.
3 They now have a sun heating system in their house; it’s very economical.
4 The desert experiences soaring heat during the day but is cold at night.
5 The weather designs have changed in recent years: winters are milder, summers are hotter.
6 He has one of those mixed cars which alternates between petrol and battery power.
7 The government must present green taxes so people who damage the environment pay more.
8 Vehicle transmissions are the main source of pollution in big cities.
9 We need to find alternative energy origins for private homes.

Over to you
Go to the United Nations Environment Programme website at and
make a note of useful collocations you find there connected with the environment.

English Collocations in Use Advanced 67

33 Our endangered world
You probably already know a lot of words for talking about the environment, pollution, and so on. In
this unit we focus particularly on collocations (words that are often used together). Try to learn these
and use them in your writing.

A Threats and potential threats to the environment

Shrinking habitats1 are a threat to biodiversity2, in terms of both plants and animals, and
endangered species3 need legal protection if they are to survive. Although some climate change
sceptics4 disagree, most scientists believe that global warming5 will increase. This will encourage
polar ice to melt, resulting in rising sea levels and climatic changes. Carbon (dioxide) emissions6
from the burning of fossil fuels7 are contributing to the greenhouse effect8. In addition, population
growth exerts severe pressure on9 finite resources10, and the ecological balance11 may be upset
by uncontrolled deforestation12. Demographic projections13 suggest the world population will
continue to grow exponentially14, putting extra pressure on depleting resources15. Waste disposal16
is an increasing problem and toxic waste17 is contaminating18 many rivers and seas. Safe water may
become an increasingly precious commodity19, leading to issues of water security20. One of the
worst-case scenarios21 is that there will be no tropical rainforests left by the year 2050. Our only hope
is that pristine environments22 such as Antarctica can be protected from development and damage,
so that at least these habitats are preserved.

1 2
places where animals live and breed which are decreasing in size variety of different types of biological
3 4
species types of animals/plants which are in danger of no longer existing people who do not believe
5 6
that climate change is a serious issue steady rise in average world temperatures carbon dioxide gas
7 8
from factories, cars, etc. coal, oil, etc. warming of the Earth’s surface caused by pollution, where
9 10
gases trap and redirect heat back down to the Earth’s surface puts great pressure on; formal limited
resources that will eventually run out / be exhausted balance of natural relationships in the environment
12 13 14
unrestricted destruction/clearing of forests forecasts about the population grow extremely rapidly
15 16 17 18
resources that are reducing getting rid of waste poisonous waste materials poisoning
19 20
(something) very valuable substance ability to ensure that a population has safe drinking water
21 22
the worst possibilities for the future perfectly clean/untouched/unspoilt areas

B Responses to environmental issues and problems

Look at these newspaper headlines and note the useful phrases.





reputation for positive support of the environment and for making policies that reflect this
people who always make the most depressing or pessimistic predictions about the future
development of industry, etc. which does not damage the environment or social and economic stability, and
which can continue over a period of time
energy produced using sun, wind or crops rather than coal or other fuels which cannot be replaced once used

Common mistakes
People cause damage to the environment (NOT damages).

72 English Vocabulary in Use Advanced

33.1 Make these sentences formal by using words and phrases from A opposite instead of the
underlined words, making any other necessary changes.
1 All that carbon-what’s-it-called gas put out by cars and factories is a major problem.
2 These flowers here are a type there’s not many left of, so it’s illegal to pick them.
3 A lot of wild animals have to survive in smaller and smaller areas where they can live.
4 A lot of Patagonia is a completely spotless area that’s never been touched.
5 We have to look after the things we use on this planet because they won’t last for ever.
6 If the cutting down of trees continues, there will be no forest left ten years from now.
7 Burning coal and oil and stuff like that causes a lot of pollution.
8 The sea will get higher if this heating up of the world continues.
9 Increasing population puts really big pressure on economic resources.
10 The way things all balance one another in nature is very delicate.
33.2 Complete the following table, using a dictionary if necessary. Do not fill the shaded boxes.

noun verb adjective adverb


33.3 Correct the mistakes in this paragraph.

Profits of boom and gloom are always saying that we are heading for
an environmental catastrophe, and that unless we adopt a policy of
attainable development, we will cause irreparable damages to the
planet. The worst-place scenery is of a world choked by overpopulation,
the greenhouse affect and traffic gridlock. Much of what is claimed is
exaggerated, but politicians are influenced by such voices and are always
trying to improve their green potentials in the eyes of the voters.

33.4 Match words on the left with words on the right

to make collocations about the environment.
1 renewable a scenario
2 demographic b sceptic
3 precious c effect
4 polar d energy
5 waste e projections
6 greenhouse f disposal
7 worst-case g commodity
8 climate change h ice

33.5 Over to you

To find more vocabulary connected with environment and conservation issues, visit the
websites of major conservation organisations such as the World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
( or Friends of the Earth International (

English Vocabulary in Use Advanced 73

58 Energy: from fossil fuels to windmills
A Fossil fuels
Fossil fuels are sources of energy which were formed underground from plant and animal remains
millions of years ago.
Several new oil wells1 were constructed in the desert last year.
Offshore2 drilling platforms explore the ocean bed for oil and gas.
Older, coal-fired3 power stations generally cause high levels of pollution.
The coal mines4 in the north of the country are no longer profitable.
A new gas pipeline5 was built to bring cheaper energy to the capital city.
hole made in the ground for the removal of oil 4
deep hole or system of holes under the ground from
away from or at a distance from the coast which coal is removed
using coal as a fuel 5
very large tube through which liquid or gas can flow
for long distances

B Renewable energy
Renewable energy is energy that can be produced again as quickly as it is used.
Biomass5 not
Onshore wind farms to get
1 2
Solar panels3 to the answer,
new government subsidies Hydroelectric4 power
be installed on all station to be closed down claims Energy
government buildings Minister
Tidal power6 and
wave power7 may Government to focus on Three new nuclear9
meet future energy renewables8, Minister power stations to be
needs announces built

Geothermal10 energy will last 1,000 years, says scientist

on the land (opp. = offshore) 2 group of wind turbines that
are used for producing electricity 3 devices that change energy
from the sun into electricity 4 producing electricity by the force
of fast-moving water such as rivers or waterfalls 5 dead plant
and animal material suitable for using as fuel 6 using the force
of the sea tide to produce energy 7 using the force of waves in
the sea to produce energy 8 note that renewable can also be
used as a countable noun 9 using the power produced when
the nucleus of an atom is divided or joined to another nucleus
using the heat inside the earth Common mistakes
C Using energy Take care with the spelling of
energy (NOT energie or energi).
What can ordinary citizens do to reduce energy consumption1?
Some simple things include using fewer power-hungry2
appliances3 around the home, monitoring4 your use of electricity and consuming5 less energy by
switching off unnecessary lights and entertainment systems that use power while on standby. Is your
car a gas-guzzler6? Think about changing to a more energy-efficient7 model. Think more about food
miles8 and buy local products, so that fuel consumption in the transporting of goods is reduced. We
can also reduce our carbon footprint9 by planning travel more carefully and cutting out unnecessary
journeys. Remember, the world’s coal, oil and gas deposits10 are finite11; one day they will run out, so
think now about what you can do to consume less.
how much is used of something using only a little electricity, gas, etc.

using a great amount of energy distance food is transported from where it is

equipment, especially electrical equipment, used in produced to when it reaches the consumer
the home, e.g. washing machines, fridges 9
measurement of the amount of carbon dioxide that
regularly watching and checking something over a your activities create
period of time 10
layer formed under the ground, especially over a
using (e.g. energy, time), especially in large amounts very long period
one that uses a lot of fuel; informal 11
having an end or lasting a limited time

122 English Vocabulary in Use Advanced

58.1 Choose words from the box to write labels for these pictures.
solar panels   ​
wind farm  ​pipeline   ​
offshore drilling platform   ​coal mine

1 2 3

4 5
58.2 Rewrite the underlined parts of the sentences using words from A and B opposite. Make
any other changes necessary.
1 A new 100-kilometre metal tube has been built to bring oil from the holes in the ground for
extracting oil in the north of the country to a refinery on the coast.
2 The power station is one that uses coal, but it will soon be replaced by a plant that uses atomic
3 Fire has broken out on a drilling platform in the sea.
4 Power from the tide or from waves could solve the energy problems of countries with extensive
coastlines. Other parts of the world may be able to use energy from the heat inside the earth.
5 ‘Energy sources that can be renewed are important,’ the Prime Minister said. ‘We intend to
give grants for people to install devices that turn the heat of the sun into electricity, as well as
developing groups of turbines based on the land that use wind.’
6 The country is developing two main energy sources: the use of dead plant material and power
stations that use the force of rivers. At the same time, inefficient deep holes for extracting coal will
gradually be closed.
58.3 Complete the sentences with words from C opposite.
1 We should consider the issue of when shopping for fruit and vegetables and try to
buy local produce.
2 Most recent models of washing machines and other domestic use less power than
older comparable models and are quite - .
3 The company is trying to reduce its by allowing fewer foreign trips and encouraging
the use of video-conferencing.
4 This car is a real - . It has a very high fuel .
5 We’re our energy use at home and trying to less power.
6 The planet only contains a amount of oil and coal. One day the will
run out.

58.4 Over to you

Write a short composition of about 75–100 words on the present and future energy sources your
country uses now and is likely to develop in the future. Use words and expressions from this unit.

English Vocabulary in Use Advanced 123

24 Environmental problems
A The problems and their causes

A variety of environmental problems now affect our entire world. As globalisation1 continues,
local issues become international ones, so today there are few places in the world that do not suffer
from environmental problems. Some of the major problems now affecting the world are acid
rain2, air pollution3, global warming4, hazardous5 waste, ozone depletion6, smog7, water
pollution, overpopulation, and rainforest destruction8. People are also worried about the
greenhouse effect, where an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide [CO2] and other gases9
in the Earth’s atmosphere10 causes a gradual warming of the surface of the Earth. This global
warming is leading to the thawing of the polar ice caps11 and all this is causing concern
about climate change. Both human behaviour and climate change have led to many animal
and plant species12 becoming endangered13 or even extinct14.

1 increasing business, cultural and other contacts between countries 2 rain which contains harmful chemicals

as a result of burning substances such as oil and coal [acid = a type of liquid that reacts chemically with other
materials, sometimes dissolving them] 3 damage caused to the air by harmful substances or waste
4 rise in the world’s temperature 5 dangerous 6 reduction in the ozone layer [layer of air above the Earth
containing ozone which prevents harmful ultraviolet light from the sun from reaching Earth]
7 air pollution found in cities caused by a mixture of smoke, gases and chemicals (the word has been formed

from smoke + fog) 8 destroying (cutting down) forest in a tropical area which receives a lot of rain
9 substance in a form that is neither solid nor liquid 10 the mixture of gases around the Earth
11 ice covering the areas at the North and South Poles 12 types 13 very few in number, at risk of

becoming extinct 14 not existing any longer

Language help
The prefix over- means too much. Overfishing means that people have fished so much that it is
having a serious effect on fish populations. Overpopulated means there are so many people
living in an area that life is difficult there.

B Dealing with the problems

Worldwide efforts are being made to improve the situation. Green parties and green or ecological
policies are mainly concerned with protecting the environment. Conservation organisations are
developing nature reserves where plants and animals are protected. Some farmers produce organic
food, which avoids the use of harmful chemicals. More companies try to behave in a way that is
environmentally friendly or ecologically sound. Societies attempt to dispose of waste in a more
responsible way, by, for example, recycling as much as possible. People aim to reduce their carbon
footprint by using cars less so that they cut down on their use of fossil fuels, for example.

C Word families
noun verb adjective adverb
globalisation globalise global globally
environment, environmentalist environmental environmentally
pollution, pollutant pollute polluting
destruction destroy destructive destructively
disposal dispose disposable
reduction reduce reduced

54 English Vocabulary in Use Upper-intermediate

24.1 Answer each question, using a word or expression from the box.
acid rain carbon dioxide endangered species extinct global warming
globalisation hazardous waste ozone layer polar ice caps destruction of rainforests
smog water pollution

1 What happened to dinosaurs about 65 million years ago? They became extinct.
2 What is the name for a special layer in the Earth’s atmosphere which helps protect our planet?
3 What word can be used to describe the increasing contact between countries that has a major
impact on life today?
4 What causes problems because it is difficult to dispose of safely?
5 What have scientists shown to be melting worryingly fast at the North and South Poles?
6 What does the chemical symbol CO2 represent?
7 What has been happening in the Amazon area and in other tropical areas like Indonesia and
8 What problem is a type of air pollution?
9 What can cause harm to plant or other life when it falls on the land or sea?
10 What is the Siberian tiger an example of?
11 What has caused much plant and animal life in rivers in industrial areas to die out?
12 What is the term for the phenomenon describing the rise in the Earth’s average temperature?

24.2 Match words to form compound nouns.

1 acid fuel acid rain 6 greenhouse disposal
2 carbon change 7 nature reserve
3 climate party 8 organic depletion
4 fossil footprint 9 ozone effect
5 green rain 10 waste food

24.3 Choose a word from the opposite page to complete each sentence.
1 An environmentalist is a person who does what they can to help protect the environment.
2 items like plastic cups and paper plates are labour-saving but have a harmful effect on
the environment.
3 The government says it is aiming for a significant in this country’s use of fossil fuels over
the next ten years.
4 The company plans to part of a nature reserve in order to build its new warehouses.
5 Carbon monoxide (CO) is an example of an air .
6 The melting of the polar ice caps will have a impact on the environment.
7 Staff can of all recyclable items in these green bins.
8 Air pollution may the lives of people with respiratory illnesses.
9 This company is proud of its friendly policies.

24.4 Over to you

Answer these questions.
1 Which of the environmental problems in A exist in your country?
2 Do you think climate change is having any impact in your country?
3 How much support do green parties have in your country?
4 What could power cars instead of petrol or diesel?
5 Suggest three things people can do to reduce their carbon footprint.

English Vocabulary in Use Upper-intermediate 55

Topic Vocabulady
©NME ______________
^ ____

increase of carbon dioxide, and other gases,

1 The Environment around the Earth: Because of global warming, sea
2 Damage to the Environment levels will rise as the ice caps melt
3 Things That Damage the Environment climate change noun
4 Things That Are Good for the changes in the weather across large areas of the
Environment Earth as the Earth gets warmer: Farmers may
eventually have to plant different crops as a result
5 Clean Power or Energy
of climate change.
6 People Who Protect the Environment greenhouse effect noun
the process by which the air around the Earth is
1 The Environment slowly getting warmer because gases like
the environment noun carbon dioxide stop the heat from escaping:
. the natural world, including water, air, land, Burning coal and oil over the past 200 years has
plants, and sometimes animals, that can be greatly increased the greenhouse effect.
harmed by the way humans live: Chemicals from ozone layer noun
the factory are dangerous to the environment. I the layer of gases around the Earth that stops a
What effect will the dam have on the type of heat from the sun from harming the
environment? Earth. Chemicals that people use cause the
ecology noun ozone layer to become thinner so that more
the relationship between the environment and harmful heat from the sun reaches the Earth: If
all the plants, animals, and people living there: the ozone layer keeps getting thinner, more people
The oil spill could affect the ecology o f the will probably get skin cancer.
ice cap also polar ice cap noun
ecosystem noun an area of thick ice that permanently covers the
all the plants and animals in a place, that are all North and South Poles. As the Earth becomes
connected with each other and affect each warmer, the ice caps will melt and raise the
other: The decrease In the number of birds Is levels of the oceans: Melting ice caps could mean
affecting the island’s ecosystem. that some Island countries would be completely
habitat noun flooded.
the place in which a plant or animal lives: The deforestation noun
jungle is the tiger's natural habitat the process of cutting down too many trees in
biome noun . an area so that the environment is badly
a type of environment that has a particular type damaged: Deforestation In the rain forest has
of weather, and particular types of plants: The destroyed the homes of many animal species.
snake is found only in desert biomes. erosion (awl) noun
biodiversity noun the gradual destruction of land by the weather
all the different types of plants and animals in a or by water: Erosion on the hills is worse where
particular place: Cutting down forests and too many trees have been cut down.
planting single crops like corn have greatly reduced
endangered species noun phrase
a type of animal or plant that soon might not
food chain noun exist anymore because there are very few left: If
a system of plants and animals in an area, in the wetlands are destroyed, the endangered
which a plant is eaten by an insect or other species that live there will disappear forever.
animal, which is then eaten by a larger animal,
and so on: If one part of the food chain is harmed,
extinct adjective
a plant or animal that is extinct no longer exists:
it affects every other part of the chain.
The tigers could become extinct if the forests they
food web noun live in are not protected.
all the food chains in an area that are connected
with each other: The living things in the ocean
form a food web. 3 Things That Damage the Environment
pollution noun
2 Damage to the Environment substances that make air, water, or soil dirty and
global warming noun dangerous to people or other living things: They
an increase in world temperatures, caused by an tested the level of water pollution In local rivers.

Topic Vocabulady
-3> You can use pollute as a verb: The factory environmentally friendly adjective
pollutes the air and water. Polluted is the not harmful to the environment: Is there such a
adjective: The river is polluted and lots offish have thing as an environmentally friendly car?
died. green adjective :
green methods and products are intended not to
smog noun
cause damage to the environment: Green i
dirty air caused by smoke from cars and
cleaning products often work as well as harmful
factories in cities: The city is covered in smog for
much of the year.
clean adjective
greenhouse gas noun clean fuels or forms of energy do not put
a type of gas that traps heat above the Earth harmful substances in the air: We should use
and causes the air around the Earth to gradually more clean energy sources like solar power.
warm up. Greenhouse gases cause the
organic adjective
greenhouse effect: Greenhouse gases are
organic food is grown or produced naturally,
produced by factories and vehicles.
without using chemicals: The restaurant uses only
fossil fuel noun organic meat and vegetables.
a substance such as coal, gas, or oil that can be sustainable [awl] adjective
burned for energy. Fossil fuels are formed from a sustainable method of doing something can
plants and animals that died millions of years continue for a long time, because it does not
ago. Burning these fuels can pollute the air and cause damage to the environment or use up all
produce carbon dioxide, which is a greenhouse of the resources: Sustainable farming methods
gas: We should reduce our use of fossil fuels and keep the soil healthy.
find cleaner sources of energy.
~ recycle verb
carbon emissions noun to put used newspapers, bottles, cans, etc, ;
carbon dioxide that is put in the air when fossil through a process so that they can be used
fuels are burned: As the number of cars and again for making new things: We collect and
factories have increased, so have carbon emissions. recycle empty bottles and cans.
Recycling is the noun: The city has increased
carbon footprint noun the amount of recycling it does.
the amount of carbon dioxide that a person or
organization produces by the things they do.
5 Clean Power or Energy
Someone's carbon footprint is a measurement
of the harm he or she does to the environment: solar/wind/wave power also solar/wind/
You can reduce your carbon footprint by driving wave energy noun
your car less. energy that is taken from the sun, wind, or
ocean and turned into electricity: If we use more
acid rain noun wind power, we could use less oil that comes from
rain that contains harmful chemicals that can foreign countries.
damage the environment. Acid rain is caused by wind turbine noun
chemicals in the air, for example from cars and a very large structure with parts that turn
factories: The reason the trees were dying was around in the wind, used for producing
acid rain. electricity: The wind turbines in the desert turn the
high winds into electricity.
toxic waste also hazardous waste noun
waste products such as chemicals that are wind farm noun
harmful to people, animals, or the environment: a place where a lot of wind turbines have been
Toxic waste from the factory ended up in the river built in order to produce electricity: We can
and killed the fish. expect to see more wind farms in windy areas
across the plains.
solar panel noun
a piece of equipment, usually put on a roof, that
4 Things That Are Good for the
collects and uses the sun's energy to heat water
Environment or make electricity: The solar panels on the roof
provide all the electricity the family needs.
conservation noun
the activity of protecting wild plants and biofuel noun
animals: Forest conservation protects the habitat a substance made from plants or animal waste
of the brown bear and many other species. that can be used to produce heat or power: Corn

Topic Vocabulady
is being used to make biofuels, but biofuels still 6 People W ho Protect the Environment
take energy to produce, and release carbon when
they are burned, environmentalist (aw l ) noun
someone who is concerned about protecting the
alternative (aw l ) adjective environment: A s an environmentalist, Maria has
alternative forms of energy are ones that are
worked hard to clean up the parks in her area.
used instead of fossil fuels, because they do less
damage to the environment: Wind and solar environmental group noun
power are two common types o f alternative an organization that works to protect the
energy: environment: Environmental groups are asking the
government for stricter rules on pollution.
renewable adjective
renewable energy com es from things like the conservationist noun
wind or the sun, and you will always be able to someone who works to protect and manage
get more of it because it continues to be natural resources such as water, forests, and
produced all the time: The building is heated land: Conservationists believe the dam would harm
using renewable energy from the sun. local wildlife.


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