PDF PPT - TA Eksperimen

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Publish : 2017
Penulis : Okky Agassy Firmansyah

Bagas Satrio Wicaksono (5020211019)

Apa permasalahan yang sedang diteliti?

The research is focused on designing the enlargement of vertical

axis straight blade cascade tidal turbines and analyzing their
performance impact, as well as studying the influence of counter-
rotating turbine configurations on the performance of these
turbines. The study is limited to using vertical axis straight-blade
cascade turbines, NACA 0018 hydrofoils, and open channel flow for
data collection. The goal is to create designs for enlarging the
dimensions of tidal turbines and analyze their performance, along
with examining the effects of counter-rotating turbine
configurations on tidal turbine performance. (30)
Model fisik

The physical model involves understanding aerodynamic forces

expressed in dimensionless coefficients, characteristic length, and
surface area. Lift, drag, normal force, and axial force coefficients are
defined to analyze the forces acting on a body in aerodynamics.
These coefficients are crucial for determining the lift and drag
forces on an object in fluid flow. (38)
Fasilitas penguji serta instrumen yang digunakan

The facilities for testing in the research include a water channel with
specific dimensions for hydrodynamic studies, such as a length of
50m, width of 3m, and depth of 2m. Instruments like the CM-1BX
brand Dentan water flow meter and a tachometer are used for data
collection and analysis in the experimental setups. The experimental
setup involves using a train that can be controlled to run at specific
speeds for simulating flow velocities in the laboratory. Turbines are
mounted on the train using clamps for testing purposes. (54, 69,
Prosedur Eksperimen

The experimental procedure involves conducting tests on tidal

turbines with varying diameters (0.4m, 0.6m, and 0.8m) to verify the
efficiency calculations. The setup includes experiments on counter-
rotating and co-rotating turbines to assess their efficiency. Data on
RPM and torque at different azimuth angles are collected and
organized for analysis. The experimental setup in the
hydrodynamics laboratory at ITS involves configuring turbine arrays
with variations in flow speeds and turbine spacing, with RPM data
obtained from the turbines. The final stage includes data processing
and report preparation to present the research results
systematically. (51).
Data yang di hasilkan dari pengukuran

The data obtained from measurements includes variables like flow

velocity, RPM, torque, and turbine dimensions. Data collection
methods involve using instruments like the CM-1BX Dentan water
flow meter for measuring flow velocity and a tachometer for RPM
measurements. The collected data is then processed, organized
into tables, and analyzed to draw conclusions regarding turbine
performance based on different experimental setups and
configurations. The final stage includes compiling a report that
presents the results and analysis of the research activities
systematically. (72)
Hasil pengelolahan data dan parameter dari
proses perhitungan

Based on the analysis and discussion conducted, the conclusion of

this research project is as follows: a. Enlarging turbine dimensions
positively impacts performance improvement, with the highest Cp
obtained at 0.42 for a turbine with a diameter of 0.8 m at a flow
velocity of 1.1 m/s. b. The counter-rotating turbine array
configuration positively affects turbine performance compared to a
stand-alone turbine. c. The highest relative efficiency is achieved by
the co-rotating turbine array configuration. Recommendations for
further research include testing at higher water flow speeds to
achieve higher TSR and analyzing the turbine support system for
optimal turbine configuration. (77)

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