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A Seamless Journey with SMS Updates on STI College Calamba Student


A Capstone Project Proposal

Presented to the Faculty of the
Information and Communications Technology Program
STI College Calamba

In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Information and Technology

Nico A. Moraña
Jan Kurt M. Rafer
Daniella P. Villanueva
Mainah R. Yong

May 2024

STI College Calamba


TITLE OF RESEARCH: A Seamless Journey with SMS Updates on STI College

Calamba Student Movements


Jan Kurt M. Rafer
Daniella P. Villanueva
Mainah R. Yong

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements

for the degree Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
has been examined and is recommended for Oral Defense.


Kayne Mingo
Capstone Project Adviser


Lyca A. Mancilla
Capstone Project Coordinator


Jose Carlos T. Gonzalez

Program Head

MAY 2024

STI College Calamba


This capstone project proposal titled: A Seamless Journey with SMS Updates on STI
College Calamba Student Movements prepared and submitted by Nico A. Moraña, Jan
Kurt M. Rafer, Daniella P. Villanueva, Daniella P. Villanueva, and Mainah R. Yong,
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in
Information Technology, has been examined and is recommended for acceptance and

Kayne Mingo
Capstone Project Adviser

Accepted and approved by the Capstone Project Review Panel

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

<Panelist's Given Name MI. Family Name> <Panelist's Given Name MI. Family Name>
Panel Member Panel Member

<Panelist's Given Name MI. Family Name>

Lead Panelist


Lyca A. Mancilla Jose Carlos T. Gonzalez

Capstone Project Coordinator Program Head

May 2024

STI College Calamba


Title Page i
Endorsement form for Proposal Defense ii
Approval Sheet iii
Table of Contents iv
Introduction 1
Project Context 1
Purpose and Description 2
Statement of the Problem 2
Objectives 3
Scope and Limitations 4
Review of Related Literature/Systems 7
Related Literature 7
Related Studies and/or Systems 13
Synthesis 13
Technical Background 16
Overview of Current Technologies to be Used in the System 16
Calendar of Activities 19
Resources 20
Methodology, Results, and Discussion 26
Requirements Analysis 26
Requirements Documentation 25
Design of Software, System, Product, and/or Processes 26
References 27
Appendices 30
Resource Persons 31
Personal Technical Vitae 32

STI College Calamba


Project Context

The STI College Calamba, is a private institute swarmed by lots of students that
enter and exit through the front gate of the campus freely on their own by using the
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system. It also occurs that the subject
teachers use Excel to manually input the students' final grades and attendance,
which could alert a student who has missed three days in a row for a call-in
discussion from the guidance office. This method of documenting attendance does
a poor job of keeping track of students' tardiness. Hence, the researchers are
preparing to step up and look out for this loophole and elevate the problem in future
discrepancies about student performance by attending daily classes.

On this way, the researchers offer features of informing the parents of the
whereabouts of their children especially those who have complicated schedules in
this school premises. This system would provide parents with peace of mind about
their child’s safety. The registered student's entry and exit times will be quickly
recorded using cloud storage to maintain accurate information, using a QR code as
a way of authentication. The task of monitoring and modifying student attendance
records to determine whether students are missing class regularly falls to
administrators with system access. With the use of an SMS notification and their
phone number for contact, they can use this to let the subject teachers know about
the situation so they can communicate with the student and his or her guardian.
Addressing how students view these issues will have an effect on and reflect on
their behavior, such as consistently showing up in class. Additionally, this
technology allows for quick updates especially on emergencies like sudden natural
disasters (e.g. typhoon and earthquake) and any more anomalies events that can
harm the students.

Overall, this project has the potential to positively impact the school and improve
the relationship by promoting transparency and increasing parent’s trust to educate

STI College Calamba 1

their child’s education here at STI College Calamba.

Purpose and Description

The project aims to develop an SMS notification system that records students' entry
and exit from the school. Every student in the system will have a unique QR code
that contains their name, section, and academic year. Students will use this QR code
as their school gate pass. Furthermore, the student's guardian will get an SMS with
a real-time status update about how they are doing in school.

In addition, by tracking students' whereabouts, this system could help to increase

safety and security. The student and the guardian can also receive important news
or instructions through this notification of service in the event of an emergency or
unforeseen event.

Statement of the Problem

General Problem

STI College Calamba provides a high-quality education for students, especially

those who pursue becoming proficient in information technology. However, this
school seems to be lacking when it comes to the safety of senior high school
students. Currently, the school only relies on the guards assigned to front gates and
CCTVs to look out for the students and to check if they are following the school
policies properly which is not enough to monitor students attending the school.

Specific Problems

1. The guardians' unawareness of their students' class absences has led to higher
non-attendance rates and diminished academic performance.

Even though there are school guards and a CCTV camera at the front gate, the
whereabouts of the students are still uncertain. There are cases where the parents of
some students are unaware that their child is not attending school until it is reported
to them by the student’s professor or mentor. These situations might damage the

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image of the school and negatively affect the trust of the parents of the students
attending this school.

2. The increasing absenteeism of the students can have an impact on their class
performances. This issue can lead to failing classes and reduced number of
graduates every year.

There are some questioning parts if the students - especially the college ones - are
taking the school classes lightly as they can go inside/outside of the school premises
whenever they like. It can affect their grades from the majority of the strict
attendance instructors.

3. The guardians are not well-informed about the school activities and

Schools relying on students to inform the guardian about activities and

announcements can cause late communication between the guardians and the
school. Consequently, this can lead to missed deadlines, reduced participation of
important events, and increased frustration due to late notice like the exam


General Objective

STI College Calamba provides a high-quality education for students, especially

those who pursue becoming proficient in information technology. However, this
school seems to be lacking when it comes to the safety of senior high school
students. Currently, the school only relies on the guards assigned to front gates and
CCTVs to look out for the students and to check if they are following the school
policies properly which is not enough to monitor students attending the school.

STI College Calamba 3

Specific Objectives

1. To develop a system that will notify parent/guardians using SMS with real-
time status updates.

As a result of this study, it can be determined that some of the guardians are
unaware of their teenager's absence from class, which is the reason for their
academic performance not being up to the guardian's expectations. That is why, on
this project, the researchers can provide some tools to monitor their child's
attendance and participation in school.

2. To develop an automated attendance system that will efficiently track the

attendance of the students especially those who take their classes lightly.

The system will provide an automated way to keep track of the students’ attendance
that will assists the instructors to monitor their students. By scrutinizing their
attendance and academic performance, the instructors can gain insight into the
students who struggle to prioritize their education.

3. To use SMS updates in keeping the guardians informed about the school
announcements and activities of the school.

While social media is popular with younger generations, it may not always properly
reach the guardians due to their busy schedules. SMS can ensure that the guardians,
as well as the students, are well informed about the announcements and activities
of the school.

Scope and Limitations


The scope of the study focuses on creating an automated notification system for
STI College Calamba in ways of monitoring provision to see whether the students
are attending or not. In this way, the lack of notifying students on upcoming events
and the changes that have been going on through the school that are reliant only on

STI College Calamba 4

STI pages on platforms will be replaced through SMS notifications to keep the
students up to date and engaged in the school’s events. Hence, the system will
provide a QR code to register the students and have an interface to show their school
performance and the current board of announcements that will be sent through
notifications. The interface will be separated into two: the school IT department,
and the students. The messaging purposes is mostly focused on the teachers.

The school IT department who has full access to the created system will be
responsible for collecting data from the students and are the ones who will be active
in updating the system regularly for sending school updates daily. Where they can
monitor the students by letting them scan through a QR code through the main
entrance of the school. The interface provided for them is to modify and align the
student’s schedule with their teacher’s name classes for the purpose of notifying
the teacher that one of his/her students is not regularly attending their classes.

The teachers will be responsible for taking off/switching day classes by simply
notifying the school administrator and state of their reason for absence/switching.
With this action, updates will be shown and notifications will be sent to their
students. All of this will be by messaging purposes, as they have the ability to know
the states of their missing students sooner or later the school IT department will
provide them the data of that students’ state on attending their classes.

Lastly, the students rely entirely on scanning their QR code through the main
entrance to see the current schedule of that day’s classes through notification, so
they can easily navigate the room as well pinged the system that they made it into
school attended. Furthermore, they can receive daily updates to look out for events
or a sudden no-class update from their teacher and even anomaly events for safety
and to lessen the expectancy of the students to show up eagerly for classes. If
tardiness arises among the students, this will be notified not only to them but to
their parents too.

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The study has several potential limitations that were identified by the researchers
that might pose challenges to the system. The system will set limitations on the
researchers' ability to develop the project to the fullest extent attainable and filter
the potential risk areas to note. First, ensure that the system is intended solely for
handling the project's progress at STI College Calamba. Outside of the school
premises will not be considered. Second, the access level will only fall to the
administrator with the knowledge to use the system process and procedures
thoroughly - if not, the researchers can/or provide a time to help them learn the
system without seeking assistance regularly from the system developers. However,
they are not allowed to do anything about the data provided by the students for their
benefit or outside the given scope. Third, real-time updates requiring a steady and
active internet connection are required when using QR codes to record students
arriving and leaving the school and storing the recordings in the cloud. Fourth, in
raising concern for student's attendance at school for days, only three persons will
receive the SMS notification: the student, the student's parent, and the teacher. The
boundary of SMS notification will circulate in cases that concern the pupil's
behavior on not attending school classes, the teacher's approval note to
cancel/switch day classes, and school announcements/events. Fifth, although
subject teachers do not have access to the system, they can use the system contact
service exclusively to ask questions and voice concerns on behalf of their students.
Lastly, the students involved in the system project will go through a demo practice
wherein a select group of STI College Calamba students will be asked for consent
to be system clients while providing their information in a private, secure
environment. This serves as a means of carefully evaluating a situation or
experimenting before committing to something. The data provided by the students
are not allowed to use for own benefit or outside the given scope.

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Related Literature

This chapter comprises pertinent related literature and studies including a

compilation of local and foreign works that can guide the researchers in creating
the proposed desktop-based automated entrance notification system application. By
analyzing the materials presented in this chapter, researchers can gain knowledge
and better understanding of the crucial features and functionalities needed for a
successful automated entrance notification system.

SMS Technology

The attendance monitoring system developed by Ronald Revira and Joe Lagarteja
(2021), are using QR Code and SMS technology to tracking and monitoring
students' attendance for Calling National High School. The system aims to
developed or to improve attendance monitoring system using modern technology,
The system will record the student information and generates the IDs equipped with
QR Code, which can be used in track student’s attendance through and it well be
sending notification to parents/guardians of students, The process of the system
starts with students' registration and printing of IDs with QR Codes. First IDs with
QR codes are tapped on a reader to cast a student's attendance once the cutoff time
has been initialized by the student. The system developed by the researchers
featured an automated student attendance monitoring by implementing innovative
and modernized approach. The innovation greatly affects the improvement of
students’ attendance rate through information via SMS to parents and automated
attendance monitoring reports generated by the system.

According to Kozhevnikova et. al. (2021). In spring 2020, SMS alert systems
informs parents and students about lockdowns and school closures, to prevent
people from infection of the COVID-19 virus. In the meantime, teachers use SMS
for texting students the reminders, so it could be more accessible to students and

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parents, so that it would remain in tack with daily class activities in the most
efficient way. With these it would cut schools’ financing. The affordability of SMS
makes it the communication channel for education.

In accordance with Bakhri et. al (2020), to detect academic problems early on,
university students received instructions to keep track of their daily attendance. As
a result, they created a system for tracking student attendance that uses Short
Message Services (SMS) notification (SAMS). This system can help in managing
the report of absent students to their instructors and can send out SMS notifications
to both students and parents. Using the Waterfall Model methodology, the results
have shown that SAMS can help instructors cost-effectively keep track of their
students' attendance. Alongside them are the parents, who have the option to discuss
the child's problems with attendance.

Automation of Systems

It takes full effort to gain understanding between school and parents, as the parents
have entrusted their children to them. Parents cannot help but worry over their son
or daughter because they are not aware if their child is really attending or not during
class periods. This is one of the issues which some institutions face, because there
are no ways to provide parents with quick information about their students'
whereabouts (P. Mojares, n.d.). According to B. Alpasan et. al. (2021), a RFID-
Based attendance monitoring system with SMS notification can help class advisers
monitor the student’s daily attendance and notify the student's guardian about their
tardiness. With an automated system, a reliable and accessible process will be
achieved, unlike manual monitoring, which is time-consuming for school staff to
do. Instead of a manual system, automation, which is a part of the IT advancement,
can be applied. With an automated system, the process will be completed with
greater speed and effectively, with fewer errors. Aside from that, automated
systems offer numerous benefits, demonstrating that technology is truly at its finest
and in high demand (P. Mojares, n.d.).

According to BS Guevarra et. al (2023), the trend of emerging technologies

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provides many users many advantages. The researchers proposed a system that can
solve students' absenteeism in Isabela State University- San Mateo Campus. Hence,
this Class Monitoring System Using Barcode with SMS Notification allows
students to place their student IDs in the barcode scanner, then it will be stored in
the database and it will notify their parents via Short Message Service (SMS) using
Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) network. The system will
generate an attendance containing the time-in and time-out of the students by
subject, course, etc.

As stated by Chiang et al. (2022), an Android phone with a system that has Near
Field Communication (NFC) and the Global Positioning System (GPS) installed as
part of an attendance tracking system to halt students from lying to teachers about
their attendance in class. An additional feature is that students can track and display
their attendance automatically by using their phones to install the app. The result
has shown that, when the proposed system is consistently monitored, the number
of students deciding to attend classes is successfully reduced.

According to Agripa and Astillero (2022), a study aimed to develop an automatic

and generated report for the Attendance system using a QR code to show the
effective and efficient way of managing employee attendance. The use of the
Rational Unified Process (RUP) method, provides a real-time analysis of
development phases from inception, elaboration, construction, and transition under
the process of a system. The employees scanned through the system with a QR code
to confirm their attendance along with the retrieval information of their basic
information and data of their processes throughout their work. Based on their
findings, this came out more accessible, cost-effective, user-friendly, and less
chance to fix errors in the long run of progressing the system. The result met the
acceptable expectations in all aspects to serve the tracking of employees' attendance
through contactless situations.

As mentioned in the study of H. Klapperich et. al. (2020), automation becomes a

significant part of our everyday lives in today's era. Automation assists us with

STI College Calamba 9

many daily tasks with its offered functions and becomes more convenient as it gives
us the chance to have more time for other things in life. Through automation, you
can have more flexible time and attention for daily activities.

Student Information Systems

According to Sudha, Kalaiselvi, and Sathya (2021), among the known systems
concerning school and learning, the student information management system is an
important piece in storing their student’s data safely. It follows that they proposed
a Blockchain-based student information management while regularly updating with
the use of history till they completed their degree. Stating that student’s information
must be well-maintained and safe at least for 5 years. Security, privacy, and
independent data are important, hence the major issues that arise when progressing
the system are about its capacity as cloud storage becomes its key factor as well as
the duration of how long can they be processed. Supported by a web interface, the
marks will be stored in the Blockchain with the help of a smart contract.

According to Denizhan Demirkol and Cagla Seneler (2019), the Student

Information System (SIS) has played a vital role in order to maintaining the
academic workflow. SIS have lots of functions such as providing record
management of past, present and future students covering aspects of enquiry,
application, enrolment, academic performance, and history, allowing for billing and
fees management, processing important events such as graduations and
examinations, programming classes, reporting operational and management issues
and feeding data into numerous other specialist systems. This study was designed
to test the research question that is “How do different student groups’ background
affect users’ emotion, performance and perceived usability of SIS?” As far as is
known, this study is the first study that examines this research question in the
Turkish universities. The results of this study showed that it is possible to use
students’ demographic background to predict their preferences for some specific
features on SIS. The results of this research will be important for developers of

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SIS and similar websites who want to take the advantage of developing supportive
systems by focusing on users’ demographic backgrounds.

User Authentication Process

As stated in the study of Sepczuk and Kotulski (2019), authentication is one

example of a security mechanism that is an act of entity identification. A good
authentication solution should have an adequate level of security and offer
sufficient user satisfaction. Proper access to important data should be provided to
avoid any leakage of this important data. It is a fact that continuously improvement
of technology provides a lot of services that people can access freely and efficiently.
However, these services also raise several security concerns. Hence, it is important
to implement a user authentication process before giving access to these services,
especially in multi-server environments. It is also important to implement some
security measures to the communications on a server, as it is also prone to
cyberattacks (Y. Park et. al., 2019).

Database Management Systems

According to Bisht et al. (2023), in this generation, digital transformation is

reshaping different industries. It also holds a crucial role in the field of education,
where the integration of technology can greatly improve efficiency and student
achievements. The smaller schools with limited resources. Implementing a database
management system has a huge impact. It requires recommendation approach and
explores advantages and disadvantages of managing databases for smaller schools.

An objective was made by Aslanidis (2021) to demonstrate a design of a database

system to show an ideal solution to store, modify, and generate student data. As
organizations use higher education to collect data from students when an
application is for admission purposes, developing a student database management
system (DBMS) solely works for managing the gathered data. The use of input

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forms leads to producing reports of information stored well in a user interface to
reduce the manual and long processing of recording, maintaining, and storing
student information, the old tradition of listing students' data.

STI College Calamba 12


Monitoring System with

Attendance Monitoring

Isabela State University

SMS and RFID-Based
Notification System of
Students’ Attendance

Automated Entrance
SMS Notification for
SMS Notification for
Universiti Teknologi

Application for STI

Notification System
Using Barcode with
Lipa City Colleges

Monitoring System

College Calamba
Class Attendance
Development of

High School
in Calling

SMS Technology ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Automation ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Student Information ✔
✔ ✔

User Authentication ✔
Process ✔

Management Systems ✔

Table 1. Related Systems


The review of related literature entails the things that must be focused on and
considered when developing the proposed desktop-based automated entrance
notification system application. The processes and findings from these studies will
aid researchers as well as future developers in grasping an understanding of this

The studies show that SMS technology has been used by some schools to give
updates and keep the guardians of their students informed. The benefits it gives

STI College Calamba 13

grant not only schools but also parents with its precise information about their
child's whereabouts. Aside from its efficient way of delivering information to the
guardians of students, its innovative and modernized approach makes it faster to
receive updates and information compared on using social media as medium
(Ronald Revira & Joe Lagarteja, 2021).

Automated systems such as student information systems in schools, provide

numerous benefits and assists its users with easy-to-access processes. In addition,
it shows an effective and efficient way of managing data which is its strongest point.
It is also cost-effective and more convenient to use in today's era. According to the
study of Klapperich et. al. (2020), automation becomes important part of our current
era in which most of the systems nowadays have automation implemented within

Among the school systems, student information systems are where all students’
data is stored safely (Sudha et. al., 2021). This system must be well maintained to
secure the important information of the students. Due to its importance, the users
must have a deep understanding of management systems as well as awareness of
possible security risks.

Since the system consists of confidential information of the students, security

measures should be applied to the systems such as student information systems.
One of the security measures is the user authentication which confirm the user’s
identity before giving them authorization and access to the system. This is for the
purpose of avoiding any malicious attempts from unauthorized users and should be
always implemented to the systems especially those systems that will contain a lot
of confidential information.

To have a consistent and up-to-the-minute student information system, most of the

educational institutes use DBMS to manage and organize confidential data of the
students. Moreover, database management systems assist schools to handle a large
scale of data from the students consistently.

STI College Calamba 14

The related literature studies and system thoroughly come up with essential
information and insights for developing a suitable desktop-based automated
entrance notification system application for the school. Also, it helps the
researchers gain a profound understanding of how to implement the automated
entrance notification system.

STI College Calamba 15


Overview of Current Technologies to be Used in the System

To implement an SMS notification system, it is necessary to employ programming

languages that are tailored for desktop applications. As Jaydeep Patadiaya (2024)
explains, a desktop application is a software program designed to operate on a
computer, specifically a desktop, leveraging system resources to execute its
intended purpose. Typically, desktop applications run on leading operating systems
such as macOS, Linux, and Microsoft Windows. To create desktop applications,
developers commonly utilize programming languages like C++, Java, Python, or

Creating the desktop application while utilizing its operating systems will do its
task with a programming language ranging from Python, Java, C#, and C++. To
denote which of them is suitable for the system, a statement by a technology writer
named Nick Barney (2023), to him, C++ stands out for being the robust object-
oriented language that can withstand large-scale applications. It can manipulate and
provide custom data types using functions and methods through fast code execution
and its reusability to support generic programming features. By showcasing the
ability of C++, it’s a popular choice for game/system development and scientific
computing that is maintainable while it requires continuous updates and
development. On the other hand, C#, which is related to C++ as well as Java has
established itself in Windows-based software for desktop application development
noted by a blog named Pluralsight (2022). It empowers developers to create richer
experiences on desktop applications through the use of the .NET framework.

For Olumide (2023), Java enables cross-platform apps that function smoothly on
many operating systems, demonstrating the platform's influence in the modern
technological world where people expect software to be accessible across devices
and situations. And for the last selection is Python, which is well-known for being
simple to learn and readable. It gained appeal in the desktop application

STI College Calamba 16

development field due to its dynamic typing and speedy GUI development, which
allowed developers to quickly adapt to changing requirements. (About Python, n.

Through the use of these unique features, the system will be using C# and Java
which greatly impacts the capabilities, efficiency, and user experience that a
desktop program provides. To fully utilize its potential, the SMS notification
system must not only prioritize providing students with a responsive experience but
also evaluate their real-time, continuous data updates and utilize them for beneficial
outcomes while maintaining student consent for privacy.

Calendar of Activities

The title project began operations in the middle of February, giving ample time to
get system ideas approved by the adviser and coordinator by the first week of
March. At the same time, work has begun to be carried out on the documentation
of chapters one to three, which is due by 3rd week. The defense of the title proposal
is scheduled for May to June. After the project's expected defense proved
successful, researchers will continue working on the last chapters of chapters 4 and
5 of the documentation, which will include the front-end design and the system
integrated into the back-end architecture beyond June.

A list of tasks was arranged with notes on how they will begin, progress, and
conclude during the Capstone process, accompanied with a supported Gantt chart
that illustrates the flow of activities throughout. There is a lot to see and know about
the activities that are continuing or already completed by using Gantt charts. To
determine which, a legend with yellow marks denotes that the task is currently
being worked on. The blue marks, on the other hand, imply the task has been
finished. This chart makes it convenient to track and understand where the title
project is with its current timeframe.

STI College Calamba 17

The Gantt chart on the next page depicts all the tasks throughout the capstone
processes, including title proposal, selection of adviser, and documentation. To
determine which, a legend with yellow marks signifies that the task is presently
being worked on, whilst the blue marks indicate that the task has already been
completed by the researchers. This chart helps the researchers keep track of the
activities and progress of their title project within the current period.

STI College Calamba 18

Gantt Chart of Activities

Requirement Analysis
Formation of Ideas
Selection of Advisers
Title Proposal
Title Approval
Data Gathering
Chapter 1-3

Table 2. Gantt Chart of Activities

Legend: Ongoing Completed

STI College Calamba 19


The following sections will specify the required system for developing the system. These
specifications are important for providing the researchers with an efficient laptop to
operate. These requirements are utilized by the researchers due to personal use and
experience with computer hardware technology.


Hardware Requirements
Processor (CPU) Ryzen 5 4600h
Motherboard AMD Motherboard with FP6 Socket
Graphic Processing Unit (GPU) Nvidia 1650ti
Operating System (OS) Windows 10 Pro
Memory 8GB or 16GB
Storage 500Gb gen3 NVME SSD
Monitor/Display 1920x1080
Other Input Devices Keyboard Mouse
Table 3. Required Hardware


Figure 1. Processor

A processor is the most important integrated circuitry (IC) in computer. It is used for
interpreting most computer commands. It is an electrical component that performs
operation on external data sources such as memory and data stream. Typically taking the
form of microprocessors, it can be implemented on integrated circuit chips. A processor,
also known as a central processing unit (CPU), is the primary component of a computer

STI College Calamba

that performs most of the processing inside the computer. It acts as the “brain” of the
computer, executing instructions from computer programs (Sharma, 2024).


Figure 2. Motherboard

The motherboard is a printed circuit board and foundation of a computer that is the biggest
board in a computer chassis. It allocates power and allows communication to and between
the CPU (central processing unit), RAM (random-access memory), and all other computer
hardware components (Computer Hope, 2023).

Graphics Processing Unit

Figure 3. Graphics Processing Unit

The graphics processing unit, or GPU, has become one of the most important types of
computing technology, both for personal and business computing. Designed for parallel
processing, the GPU is used in a wide range of applications, including graphics and video
rendering. Although they’re best known for their capabilities in gaming, GPUs are

STI College Calamba

becoming more popular for use in creative production and artificial intelligence (Intel,

Operating System

Figure 4. Operating System

An operating system (OS) manages all other applications and programs in a computer,
and it is loaded into the computer by a boot program. It enables applications to interact
with a computer’s hardware. Through a designated application program interface, the
application programmers request services from the operating system (API). The kernel is
the software that contains the operating system’s core components. To run other
programmers, every computer must have at least one operating system installed (Great
Learning Team, 2024).


Figure 5. Memory

STI College Calamba

It is used to store data/information and instructions. It is a data storage unit or a data
storage device where data is to be processed and instructions required for processing are
stored. It can store both the input and output can be stored here (Geeks For Geeks, 2023).


Figure 6. Storage

Storage is a process through which digital data is saved within a data storage device by
means of computing technology. Storage is a mechanism that enables a computer to retain
data, either temporarily or permanently (Rouse, 2023).


Figure 7. Monitor/Display

A monitor is a piece of computer hardware that displays the video and graphics
information generated by a connected computer through the computer's video card.

STI College Calamba

Monitors are similar to TVs, but usually display information at a much higher resolution
(Fisher, 2023).

Input Devices

Figure 8. Input Devices

An input device is any hardware device that sends data to a computer, allowing you to
interact with and control it. The keyboard, mouse, and webcam are a computer's most
commonly used or primary input devices (Computer Hope, 2021).


The researchers determined that the following software are required to develop the
system: Framer, Microsoft Visual Studio Code, and Microsoft SQL Server Management

Software Version
Framer March 12, 2024
Microsoft Visual Studio 2022
Microsoft SQL Server Management 19.0 and later
Table 4. Required Software

STI College Calamba


Figure 9. Framer

Framer is a design tool that seamlessly integrates design and coding to empower you in
crafting interactive prototypes for websites and apps. It has an intuitive visual design
interface, and effortlessly manipulates components and code to bring your ideas to life
(Aayush, 2024).

Microsoft Visual Studio (2023)

Figure 10. Microsoft Visual Studio

Visual Studio is a powerful developer tool that you can use to complete the entire
development cycle in one place. It is a comprehensive integrated development
environment (IDE) that you can use to write, edit, debug, and build code, and then deploy
your app. Beyond code editing and debugging, Visual Studio includes compilers, code
completion tools, source control, extensions, and many more features to enhance every
stage of the software development process (Microsoft, 2023).

STI College Calamba

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

Figure 11. Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is an integrated environment for managing any
SQL infrastructure. SSMS provides a single comprehensive utility that combines a broad
group of graphical tools with many rich script editors to provide access to SQL Server for
developers and database administrators of all skill levels (Microsoft, 2023).

STI College Calamba


Requirements Analysis

On this part, the proposed system or software must provide computing solutions to address
the needs of an organization in terms of the following: Who – the people involved, What –
the business activity, Where – the environment in which the work takes, When – the timing,
How – how the current procedures are performed.

Requirements Documentation

This part establishes the basis for the agreement between customer/client and the
developers/programmers on what the software product is to do. Under this, all software
features are enumerated in detail by providing a storyboard showing how the software
would look like if the same was already designed and coded.

Design of Software, System, Product, and/or Processes

On this part, the proponents shall describe in detail how they will design the proposed
system in accordance with standards.

STI College Calamba


Agripa, D. J., & Astillero, S. F. (2022). Development of employee attendance and Management
System using quick response (QR) code in Sorsogon State University, Castilla Campus,
Philippines. European Journal of Education Studies, 9(11).

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Attendance Monitoring System with SMS Notification (12th ed., Vol. 4). International Journal of
Social Science And Human Research.

Aslanidis, S. (2021). Database management system for student admissions. SUNY Open Access
Repository (SOAR).

Bakhri, Fatheenursyaza & Mohd Ekhsan, Hawa & Hamid, Jiwa. (2020). Students' Attendance
Monitoring System with SMS Notification. Journal of Computing Research and Innovation. 5. 19-

Barney, N. (2023, August 15). C++. Data


Bisht, A. (2023, December 28). Digital Transformation in Education: Benefits and best practices
of small school database management systems. Schoolcues Blog.

Chiang, T.-W., Yang, C.-Y., Chiou, G.-J., Lin, F. Y.-S., Lin, Y.-N., Shen, V. R., Juang, T. T.-Y.,
& Lin, C.-Y. (2022). Development and evaluation of an attendance tracking system using
smartphones with GPS and NFC. Applied Artificial Intelligence, 36(1).

Demirkol, D., & Şeneler, Ç. (2019). Evaluation of Student Information System (SIS) in terms of
user emotion, performance, and perceived usability: A Turkish University case (An Empirical
Study). Procedia Computer Science, 158, 1033–1051.

Ekhsan, H. M., Hamid, J. N., & Mazlan, N. S. (2020). Integrating Primary School Notification
System with SMS Technology. Journal of Computing Research and Innovation, 3(1), 1–6.

STI College Calamba

Getting parents involved in child’s school: using attendance application system based on SMS
gateway. (2019).

Guevarra, B. (2023). Development of a class attendance monitoring system using barcode with
SMS notification. Bonna S. Guevarra.

Jaydeep-Patadiya. (2024, February 15). How to make a desktop application? A detailed guide.

Klapperich, H., Uhde, A., & Hassenzahl, M. (2020). Designing everyday automation with well-
being in mind. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 24(6), 763–779.

Kozhevnikova, O., & Kozhevnikova, O. (2023, February 27). How SMS messaging can benefit
teachers and students when re-entering the classroom? BSG.

Mojares, P. V. (n.d.). iNotified: An SMS and RFID-Based Notification System of Lipa City
Colleges, Lipa City, Batangas, Philippines (2nd ed., Vol. 12). International Journal of Information
Technology & Computer Science.

Olumide, S. (2023, June 8). What is Java Used for in 2023? The Java Programming Language and
Java Platform Strengths.

Park, Y., Park, K., & Park, Y. (2019). Secure user authentication scheme with novel server mutual
verification for multiserver environments. International Journal of Communication Systems,

Rivera, Ronald & Lagarteja, Joe. (2021). Study On The Impact And Effectiveness Of QR Code
And SMS-Based Attendance Monitoring System Among The Students Of Callang National High

Sepczuk, M., & Kotulski, Z. (2019). A new authentication management model oriented on user’s
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STI College Calamba

Shah, S. W. A., & Kanhere, S. S. (2019). Recent Trends in User Authentication – a survey. IEEE
Access, 7, 112505–112519.

Sudha, V., Kalaiselvi, R., & Sathya, D. (2021). Blockchain-based Student Information
Management System. 2021 International Conference on Advancements in Electrical, Electronics,
Communication, Computing and Automation (ICAECA).

View of A Study on Secure Authentication System using Integrated User Authentication Service.

What is C# Programming? A Beginner’s Guide | Pluralsight. (2022, November 22).

STI College Calamba


STI College Calamba


STI College Calamba


STI College Calamba

Curriculum Vitae of
Blk 30 Lot 4 Villa Palao Calamba City, Laguna

Level Inclusive Dates Name of school/ Institution
Tertiary 2021-Present STI College Calamba
Vocational/Technical 2018-2020 Good Shepherd Academy
High School 2014-2018 MinSCAT Laboratory High school
Elementary 2008-2014 Bagong Buhay II Elementary


Nature of Experience/ Name and Address of Company or
Inclusive Dates
Job Title Organization
October, 2023 Scanner/Bagger Shopee Xpress Calamba Hub,
Calamba City, Laguna

Inclusive Dates Name of Organization Position
2021-Present CITUS (formerly BITS) Member

SKILLS Level of Competency Date Acquired
SAP Business One Intermediate 2023
Microsoft Office Intermediate


Inclusive Dates Title of Training, Seminar, or Workshop

STI College Calamba

Curriculum Vitae of
Blk 1 Lot 4 Phase 2 San Isidro Heights Banlic, Cabuyao City, Laguna

Level Inclusive Dates Name of school/ Institution
Tertiary 2021-Present STI College Calamba
Vocational/Technical 2018-2020 Saint Benilde International School
High School 2014-2018 University of Perpetual Help
Elementary 2008-2014 Holy Redeemer School of Cabuyao


Nature of Experience/ Name and Address of Company or
Inclusive Dates
Job Title Organization
January, 2022 Streamer/Content Creator Facebook/ Meta Gaming

Inclusive Dates Name of Organization Position
2021-Present CITUS (formerly BITS) Member
2017-2018 Track and Field Club Member
2016-2017 Football Club Member

SKILLS Level of Competency Date Acquired
Java Programming Basic 2021
C# Programming Basic 2023
HTML Intermediate 2020
CSS Basic 2023
SAP BusinessOne Intermediate 2023
Microsoft Office Intermediate 2020


Inclusive Dates Title of Training, Seminar, or Workshop
2018 CAT Trainning
2024 National Youth Convention

STI College Calamba

Curriculum Vitae of
Blk. 13 Lot 24 Mango Rd. APH Brgy. Saimsim Calamba City, Laguna

Level Inclusive Dates Name of school/ Institution
Tertiary 2021-Present STI College Calamba
Vocational/Technical 2019-2021 STI College Calamba
High School 2015-2019 San Anastasia San Rafael National
Elementary 2009-2015 Jose Platon Memorial School


Nature of Experience/ Name and Address of Company or
Inclusive Dates
Job Title Organization

Inclusive Dates Name of Organization Position
2021-Present CITUS (formerly BITS) Member
2019-2021 AI Club Member

SKILLS Level of Competency Date Acquired
Java Programming Intermediate 2021
C# Programming Basic 2022
HTML Intermediate 2020
CSS Intermediate 2020
SAP BusinessOne Intermediate 2023
Microsoft Office Intermediate 2020


Inclusive Dates Title of Training, Seminar, or Workshop
2023 Toshiba ISD Webinar
2021 Huawei Mobile Application Development
2020 Adobe Premier/Photoshop

STI College Calamba

Curriculum Vitae of
Blk 16 Lot 42 Villa La Prinza Calamba City, Laguna

Level Inclusive Dates Name of school/ Institution
Tertiary 2021-Present STI College Calamba
Vocational/Technical 2019-2021 STI College Calamba
High School 2015-2019 Laguna College of Business and
Elementary 2009-2015 Lawa Elementary School


Nature of Experience/ Name and Address of Company or
Inclusive Dates
Job Title Organization

Inclusive Dates Name of Organization Position
2021-Present CITUS (formerly BITS) Member
2019-2021 AI Club Member

SKILLS Level of Competency Date Acquired
HTML Intermediate 2020
CSS Intermediate 2020
Microsoft Office Basic 2020
Java Programming Intermediate 2021
C# Programming Intermediate 2022
SAP BusinessOne Intermediate 2023


Inclusive Dates Title of Training, Seminar, or Workshop
2023 Toshiba ISD Webinar
2021 Huawei Mobile Application Development
2020 Adobe Premier/Photoshop
2020 Photography

STI College Calamba

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