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Closing pray :

Thank you Lord Jesus for Your word this morning, You remind us to always praise
Your name in all situations of our hearts both in joy and in sadness.
Lord, we pray for Mr Jokowi, give him healthy body so that he can lead our nation
and country well. Lord, we pray for our association Pppk Petra, pray for the
management to be given the spirit of wisdom and the spirit of fear of God, so that can
advance school at pppk petra. God I also pray for Mrs. Kim as our school principal
and our vice principal, Mrs. Windari, Mrs. Erna and Mrs. Icha, God give them health
and the spirit of wisdom so they can lead our Petra 5 Christian Elementary School
well. And pray for the teachers, employees, officers, security, cleaners, and our
students, protect them all. amen
Thank you, God bless you, and have a good day.

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