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Introduction :

Good evening everyone! We are gathered here today to witness the transformation of a young girl to
a beautiful lady. All of you who are here now have watched her grow over the years into a wonderful
person she is now, a lady of good heart, character and ambition. We are lucky for we are chosen to be
here and be a part of this occasion in the debutant’s life. As a jump start, let us all welcome and
acknowledge the ever supportive and loving family our debutant (Introduce the
parents)_______________ with the debutant’s sibling/s ____________.

In the land not so far away, there was once a little girl with a beauty of an angel. She was born on
(Date of birth) _______________ here in (Place of birth)_______________. Her friends call her
(Nickname) _____________ at sino ang hindi makakalimot kay (funniest nickname of the debutant)
________________. Her hobbies are __________________.

She is currently a grade (11 or 12, depends on the grade of the debutant) taking up (Strand)
______________ track at (School’s name) ___________________. She dream of becoming
_____________________ someday.

Entrance of the Debutant:

Without further ado, let us put our hands together, as we welcome the main highlight of this
celebration, and as she stepped into a higher level of life. Ladies and gentlemen, our debutant,

Opening Prayer:

At this moment, I’d like to request everybody to please stand as we say a prayer to be led by

As you can see, blooming and lovely, diba! Saan nga ba nagmana? Kay Mama ba? Or kay Papa? Or
baka both?

Evidently, before tonight, (Name of debutant) ______________________ has had happy years in a
very happy home. The love of a family will always be God’s greatest blessing. Sabi nga nila, in life we
can have several friends, classmates and social circles, but there is only one family who is willing and
ready to welcome us no matter what.

Ladies and gentlemen, to answer the question kung kanino nga ba nagmana si
____________________, here’s Mama/Papa _____________________ to welcome all of us to their
lovely daughter’s 18th birthday party.

At this juncture, we now move to the highlights of this event, the 18 roses, 18 candles, 18 symbolic
gifts and 18 bills.

Starting off with the 18 candles. These candles symbolize light, light that will guide
________________’s life journey. (Call all 18 candles member)

Many ancient cultures believed that smoke carried their prayers to the heavens. So, at the count of
three, Mama _________________ and members of the 18 Candles, say “May all our wishes come
true” and blow the candles together. 1,2, and 3…

Next in line is the member’s of 18 Bills. (Call all 18 bills members)

How she uses the money will depend on her although it is highly advisable to save the money first for
future endeavors.

Presentation or Special number

Tonight is definitely filled with bundle of surprises for our dear ___________________. Adding up to
the list, here’s a surprise presentation from _____________________.

Moving forward to the next entourage, Like a pretty flower that attracts bees and butterflies,
_______________________ will be surrounded by 18 equally handsome gentlemen who will
represent the debutant’s 18 ROSES. Starting with: (Call all members of 18 Roses).

As the debutant celebrates the beginning of womanhood, she will need tools that either help her in
the future, encourage her in the present or give her something fond to look back on. These 18
symbolic gifts represents the friendship between the giver and the debutant, because they will
indicate how well they know each other. (Call all member of 18 symbolic gifts)

Let me share another good-to-know trivia to everyone on how birthday cakes and candles came
about as a tradition during birthdays. Some believe that the tradition of birthday candles began in
Ancient Greece. Putting candles on a cake was a special way to pay tribute to the Greek moon
goddess, Artemis. They baked round cakes to symbolize the moon. Candle represent the reflected

Today's tradition of making wishes before blowing out the birthday candles may have started with
that belief. Enough of all those did you-know trivia because at this part of the program, our lovely and
stunning ____________________ will blow the candles on birthday cake.

And to complete that customary practice, let us all sing joyfully a song I am very sure everybody is
familiar with, the happy birthday song!

Meal (Ask for the lead prayer for Meal)

Tonight’s celebration tells me that the best demonstration of gratitude in response to a wonderful
experience like this one can be contained in an overwhelming thank you. Maraming salamat po for
making me a part of this occasion. And if there’s one person here tonight who is more than grateful to
see all of you, that would be our beloved celebrant, _____________________. I’m giving the floor to
our dear debutant to give her message for all of us.


Good evening ladies and gentlemen we are about to begin ___________’s 18th birthday party
celebration, so please find your seats, table number and make ourselves comfortable for the rest of
the evening.

A very good evening to each and everyone a welcome to ____________’s debut party. We would
like to thank everyone for gracing these very momentous occasion because as they say, you only
get to be 18 once.

To spiritually open the program, may I ask everyone to please stand for the Lords moment to ask
for our guidance and blessings to be lead by ___________. Please all rise.

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