Interview A Parent

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Name Pravin bhandal Date June.14.


Interview a Parent/Guardian
What advice do you want to give What thing do you know now that you
me about my career planning? would love to tell your Gr. 8 self?

Work hard and focus on You have lots of

what you want to do.You time and don’t
have lots of time to make rushed
decide decisions

It’s right for some people Commitment. if people

and not for others. If you switched jobs every week
want to pursue a career the world would be a
that requires a degree it is
worth it mess

What are your feelings about What skill do you think is most
post-secondary education? important for the working world?

I got my job after a Well when I started

recommendation my career I worked
from my friend and in different places
just knowing trying night shifts
people has helped and day shift but at
me with my career the end I focused
on my needs and
found what’s right
How has networking What is something not many
influenced your career? people know about your career?

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