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Submitted by: Jessa M.

Agravante March 10, 2024

Foundation of Education Prof. Marce Torillos

1. Significant relationship between Psychology and

Studying how people learn, including teaching methods, instructional processes

and individual differences in learning is significant in the Field of Education. Psychology
is intimately connected with education. It is inseparable. Educational psychology deals
with human behavior and its modification through learning. Educational psychology is
concerned with the application of principles and techniques of psychology to the solution
of the problems confronting the teacher. Psychology and Education is connected.
Learning the principles of psychological education is crucial for both teachers and
students in psychology for a variety of reasons. Because, in my experience as a teacher, if
we could just understand our pupils, we would not be able to condemn them based on their
attitudes, appearance, or even their behavior at school, but we would understand the reason
for all his actions. And I realize many things about these principles.

Understanding the history of psychology, most especially in psychological

education allows me to grasp the foundations of present pedagogical theories and
methods. It explains why particular teaching techniques, examinations, and classroom
management procedures have evolved over time. This historical perspective can assist a
teacher like me in making educated decisions regarding which educational practices are
best for my learners.

Learning the beginnings of psychology education can provide significant insights

into effective teaching strategies. Early psychological pioneers such as John Dewey and
Jean Piaget established the groundwork for many modern instructional strategies. A
teacher like me learns more about concepts like active learning, constructivism, and
experiential education by examining their work. Re- learning these beginnings
encourages teachers to employ differentiated instruction, catering to diverse learning
styles, abilities, and needs within the classroom. Relearning about this topic and their
theories can help teachers create developmentally appropriate curriculum and

Learning the origins of educational psychology helps me to gain insights into the
psychological processes that underlie learning and motivation. It equips me with
knowledge about theories of motivation, memory, and cognition, which can be applied to
improve instructional strategies and classroom management.

In conclusion, Learning the beginnings of psychological education provides

educators/teachers with a solid foundation upon which to build their teaching practices. It
fosters a deep understanding of the historical context of educational theories, encourages
the use of effective teaching techniques, promotes differentiation, and supports ethical
decision-making. By incorporating these insights into their pedagogical approach,
teachers can better meet the diverse needs of their students and promote meaningful
learning experiences.

2. Application of Learning Theories in 21st Century

Teaching Endeavour
As An effective teacher I must master the professional skills necessary to deliver a
high-quality 21st-century education to my student. Howard Gardner theory of multiple
intelligence recognizes that students have diverse strengths and learning styles. Teachers can
tailor their instruction to accommodate these differences by providing various ways for
students to demonstrate their understanding, such as through visual, auditory, or
kinesthetic activities.
Because this information enables more efficient and inclusive teaching strategies,
it is essential for teachers to comprehend the varied intelligences of their students.
According to Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, people can have a variety
of intelligences, including linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, musical, interpersonal,
and intrapersonal. Teachers can adapt their educational strategies to fit the distinct
capabilities and learning preferences of each student by acknowledging and addressing
these multiple intelligences. The learning environment can be made more interesting and
encouraging when teachers recognize and value different intelligences. This improves
students' academic achievement while also boosting their self-esteem and confidence,
encouraging a positive outlook on learning and personal development.

Because each student has a distinct set of skills and abilities, teachers must value
the intelligence of their students. Teachers can adapt their teaching strategies to fit
various learning styles by recognizing and valuing these varied intelligences. This
strategy improves the entire educational experience while also fostering a more inclusive
and equitable learning environment in the classroom. Teachers that value various
intelligences provide their pupils with the tools they need to succeed in the subjects in
which they already excel, which raises their self-confidence and motivation. Additionally,
because students interact with the material across a variety of cognitive pathways, it
encourages a deeper knowledge of the subject. A more effective and individualized
education that better prepares pupils for success in a diverse and dynamic environment is
ultimately made possible by the value placed on different intelligences. To create
effective learners for the 21st-century, educators must take deliberate steps to develop
within each student the ability to collaborate, solve unique and challenging problems,
foster the spirit of inquiry, develop technological literacy, engage in multidisciplinary
learning, and instill within each student educational agency and flexibility by creating
learning activates that are meaningful and relevant. Teachers should offer students voice
and choice in their learning based upon their unique interests, knowledge, and skills.
Students well-versed in these skills and dispositions will meet and overcome the
challenges of a future that will look radically different from the present. To teach students
how to be effective learners, teachers must understand the learning theory that supports
21st-century approaches. Educational learning theory describes how students receive,
process, and retain knowledge during learning. The four major educational learning
theories are Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Humanism, and Constructivism.

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