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School Grade Level 12

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Area EAPP

Department of Education Teaching Dates and Time WEEK 4 Quarter QUARTER 4
Session 1: Session 2: Session 3: Session 4:
A. Content Standards The learner understands the principles and uses of surveys, experiments, and scientific observations.

B. Performance Standards The learner produces a well written report for various disciplines.
Determines the objectives and structures of various kinds of reports (CS_EN11/12A-EAPPIIe-j-6):
a. Determine the objectives of various types of reports.
C. Learning
b. Identify and establish the appropriate structure for different types of reports.
c. Improve research and analysis skills for gathering relevant information in report writing.
d. Enhance communication and organization skills to create well-structured and effective reports.
A. References
1. TG’s Pages
2. LM’s Pages
3. Textbook’s Pages
B. Other Resources
Begin the lesson by briefly reviewing the Begin the lesson by briefly reviewing the
Greet the students and briefly recap the Begin the lesson by briefly reviewing the importance of effective report writing importance of research and analysis
previous lesson on effective writing skills concept of report writing from the and the different types of reports covered skills in report writing.
1. Reviewing previous lesson or in position papers. previous class. in the previous class.
presenting the new lesson Ask students to recall the key
Introduce the new topic: Determining the Ask students to recall the key Ask students to recall the key components of a report and the types of
Objectives of Various Types of Reports. components and structure of a report. components of a report and its overall research sources discussed in the
structure. previous class.
Explain to the students that the purpose
Explain the importance of understanding Explain to the students that the purpose Explain to the students that the purpose
of the lesson is to enhance their
the objectives of different types of reports of the lesson is to delve deeper into the of the lesson is to enhance their research
communication and organization skills to
in academic and professional settings. different types of reports and their and analysis skills to gather relevant
create well-structured and effective
2. Establishing the purpose of the appropriate structures. information for report writing.
lesson Emphasize the goal of the lesson: to
develop students' ability to identify and Emphasize the importance of Emphasize the importance of conducting
Emphasize the significance of clear and
define the objectives of reports understanding these structures in thorough research to support their ideas
coherent writing in conveying
accurately. academic and professional settings. and arguments in reports.
information effectively.
3. Presenting examples/instances of Display different types of reports on the Provide examples of various types of Provide examples of different types of Provide examples of well-structured
the new lesson board or share electronic copies with the reports, such as research reports, business reports and discuss the role of research in reports, such as academic research
students. reports, and academic reports. each. papers, business reports, and case
Show sample reports that demonstrate the
Discuss the features that make these
Engage the students in a discussion by use of research to gather relevant
Display samples of each type and discuss reports effective, including logical
asking questions such as: information, such as statistical data,
their purpose and intended audience. organization, coherence, and appropriate
 What types of reports can you expert opinions, and case studies.
use of headings and subheadings.
Highlight the distinguishing features of
 How do you think the objectives Engage students in a brief discussion
each report type. Display sample reports and highlight the
of these reports might differ? about the significance of incorporating
organization and structure of each
credible sources in their reports.
Introduce the concept of primary and
Introduce the concept of report
secondary research sources.
organization and structure, including the
importance of an introduction, body, and
Introduce the concept of the IMRAD Explain the difference between the two
structure (Introduction, Methods, Results, and provide examples of each.
and Discussion) commonly used in
Introduce the concept of report objectives Discuss the purpose and content of each
scientific research reports. Discuss various methods of conducting
and their role in guiding the content and section, emphasizing the need for a clear
primary research, such as surveys,
structure of a report. thesis statement, supporting evidence,
Discuss each section in detail, explaining interviews, and experiments.
and a concise summary of key findings.
its purpose and the information it should
Discuss common objectives of reports,
contain. Engage students in a group activity
4. Discussing new concepts and such as informing, persuading, analyzing Engage students in a group activity
where they brainstorm and discuss
practicing new skills #1 data, making recommendations, or where they analyze and identify the
Provide students with a sample research potential primary research methods for a
providing updates. organization and structure of a sample
report and guide them through analyzing given report topic.
its structure.
Present a sample report and guide
Encourage critical thinking by asking
students in identifying the objectives Encourage critical thinking by asking
Engage students in a group activity questions such as:
embedded within the report. questions such as:
where they identify and label the  What are the advantages and
 How does the organization of the
different sections of the sample research disadvantages of using primary
report contribute to its effectiveness?
report. research sources?
 What strategies can you use to
 When would it be appropriate to use
ensure smooth transitions between
primary research instead of relying
solely on secondary sources?
5. Discussing new concepts and Divide the students into pairs or small Introduce the structure of a business Introduce the concept of secondary Introduce the concept of paragraph
practicing new skills #2 groups. report, including the executive summary, research sources, including books, development and coherence in report
introduction, body, conclusion, and scholarly articles, online databases, and writing.
Distribute different types of reports to recommendations. reputable websites.
each group. Discuss the importance of topic
Discuss the purpose and content of each Discuss strategies for effectively sentences, supporting details, and
Instruct the students to read the reports section, focusing on the importance of searching and evaluating secondary transitions in creating cohesive
and identify the objectives for each one. clear and concise language. sources. paragraphs.

Encourage students to engage in Distribute a business report template and Provide students with a sample report Provide students with a sample report
discussion and justification of their ask students to work individually or in topic and ask them to identify and and ask them to identify and analyze the
choices. pairs to fill in the sections with relevant evaluate potential secondary sources they paragraphs for clarity and coherence.
information based on a given scenario. would use to gather relevant information.
Facilitate a class discussion where
students share their findings and suggest
Facilitate a class discussion where
students share their findings and explain
their rationale for selecting specific
Encourage critical thinking by asking
questions such as:
Allow students to share their reports and
 How can you ensure that each
provide feedback on the structure and Encourage critical thinking by asking
paragraph contributes to the overall
content. questions such as:
structure and organization of the
 How can you determine if a source is
reliable and trustworthy?
 What strategies can you use to create
 What are the potential challenges of
smooth transitions between
using secondary research sources?
Divide the class into small groups.

Assign each group a different report topic Divide the class into pairs or small
Divide the class into small groups.
or scenario. groups.
Provide a list of scenarios or real-world
Provide each group with a different type
situations that require different types of In their groups, students will conduct Provide each group with a specific report
of report (e.g., academic, research,
reports. research using a combination of primary topic or scenario.
business, etc.) and a specific topic.
and secondary sources to gather relevant
Divide the students into small groups and information. In their groups, students will
In their groups, students will brainstorm
assign each group a scenario. collaboratively create an outline for their
and outline the appropriate structure for
Students will then compile their findings report, focusing on the organization and
6. Developing Mastery their assigned report type.
Instruct the groups to create a report and develop an outline or summary of the structure of each section.
based on the given scenario, ensuring that key points they would include in their
Each group will present their structure to
the objectives are clearly defined. reports. Each group will present their outlines,
the class, explaining their rationale for
explaining their rationale for organizing
organizing the report in that particular
After completion, ask each group to Each group will present their research the report in that particular way.
present their report and explain the process, including the sources they used
objectives they set. and the information they found most Encourage peer feedback and discussion
Encourage discussion and provide
valuable. on the effectiveness of the proposed
feedback on their proposed structures.
Encourage peer feedback and discussion
among the groups.
Facilitate a brief discussion on how
Facilitate a brief discussion on the
Facilitate a brief discussion on the research and analysis skills are applicable
Engage the students in a discussion about importance of effective communication
importance of effective report writing in in various real-life situations, such as
the importance of understanding report and organization skills in various
everyday life, such as writing incident making informed decisions,
objectives in various professional and contexts, such as writing project
reports, project proposals, or progress understanding current events, or
7. Finding practical applications of academic contexts. proposals, business plans, or academic
reports. evaluating arguments.
concepts and skills in daily living papers.
Prompt them to identify situations in their
Encourage students to share personal Encourage students to share personal
daily lives where knowing the objectives Encourage students to share personal
experiences or examples where reports examples or experiences where research
of reports would be beneficial. experiences or examples where these
are needed in different contexts. played a crucial role in their decision-
skills are valuable in their daily lives.
making processes.
8. Generalizing and abstractions Summarize the key points discussed in Summarize the key points discussed in Summarize the key points discussed in Summarize the key points discussed in
the lesson, emphasizing the importance
of determining objectives in different
report types. the lesson, emphasizing the importance the lesson, emphasizing the importance
the lesson, emphasizing the importance
of understanding, and applying the of communication and organization skills
of research and analysis skills in report
Engage the students in critical thinking appropriate structure for different types in creating well-structured reports.
by asking questions such as: of reports.
about the lesson
 How might the objectives of a Encourage students to reflect on how
Encourage students to reflect on how
research report differ from those Encourage students to reflect on how this improving these skills can benefit them
improving these skills can enhance their
of a business report? knowledge can benefit them in their in their academic and professional
academic and professional pursuits.
 How can identifying objectives academic and professional endeavors. endeavors.
help you in writing your own
Conduct a quick quiz or short written Provide a short written exercise or quiz to Conduct a quick written exercise or quiz
Conduct a brief quiz or assessment to exercise to assess students' understanding assess students' understanding of research to assess students' understanding of
gauge the students' understanding of the of the different types of reports and their and analysis skills in the context of report report organization and paragraph
objectives of different types of reports. structures. writing. coherence.
9. Evaluating Learning
Provide immediate feedback and address Review the answers together as a class Review the answers together as a class, Review the answers together as a class,
any misconceptions. and address any misconceptions or areas addressing any misconceptions or areas addressing any misconceptions or areas
of difficulty. of difficulty. of difficulty.
For students who require additional
Assign students to write a short report on Assign students to independently conduct
practice, provide supplementary reading
a given topic using the appropriate research on a given report topic and
materials and exercises on determining
structure for the assigned report type. compile an annotated bibliography of
10. Additional Activities for report objectives.
credible secondary sources.
Application or Remediation
Provide feedback and suggestions for
Encourage students to explore different
improvement on their reports in the next Provide feedback on their annotated
reports in their areas of interest and
class. bibliographies in the next class.
analyze the objectives.


A. No. of learners who earned 80%

in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which
I wish to share with other

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