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Plan de Continuidad Pedagógica de Inglés N° 4 2do 2da CENS 453

 Assignment 4: Verb to be (positive)

 Deadline: April 19th
Be – positive

Full form (forma Short form (forma corta)

I (yo) Am I ´m
You (vos) Are You ´re
He (él) He
She (ella) is She ´s
It (eso) It
We are We ´re
You are You ´re
They are They ´re

Usamos Verb to be para expresar ser o estar. Ejemplo:

I am Marina = Yo soy Marina I am at home = Yo estoy en casa
He is my friend = Él es mi amigo. He is angry = Él está enojado.
1. Complete the sentences with am, is or are. Completar las oraciones con am, is o
a. Sam is my best friend.
b. They _________ in my class.
c. We __________ in class 6°A
d. I ___________ twelve.
e. He __________ from Buenos Aires.
f. She _________ Brazilian.
g. You _________ a good student!

2. Rewrite the sentences. Use short forms. Rescribir las oraciones usar formas cortas
(´m, ´s, ´re)
a. Hi, I am Olivia. Hi, I´m Olivia.
b. She is Italian. _____________________
c. I am in Year 6. _____________________
d. You are my best friend. __________________
e. He is eleven. ______________________
f. They are in my room. ___________________
g. We are in class 5D. ____________________
h. It is my favourite football team. ___________________

3. Underline the correct form of the verb to be. Subrayar la forma correcta de Verb
to be.
a. I am / is eleven years old.
b. My English teacher am / is Mrs. Taylor.
c. We is / are in class 4B.
d. Adam and Max is / are my friends.
e. Ben are / is from London.
f. My guitar is / are in my room.

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