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Saliao, Esperanza, Sultan Kudarat

Academic Year 2023-2024, 2nd Semester


Midterm Examination – 2nd Semester


1. Identify the concept of work efficiency.
2. Describe the efficient work habits.
Reference: Crossroads: Love of Country and Solidarity
Authors: Enderes, Evangelista, Torres
Pages: 117-125


Much has been said about the value of work. Chinese philosopher Confucius stated: “Choose a job you
love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” American inventor Thomas A. Edison claimed that “there
is no substitute for hard work.” Meanwhile, Star Wars creator George Lucas believes that no one gets anywhere
without working extremely hard. These people may come in different milieus, but they all believed in the essence
of work for human development and societal progress.


More often than not, an average workday seems not long enough to accomplish everything that needs
to be done. One’s coping mechanism to a highly stressful work, full-time or part-time, can be strengthened
through a systematic approach to daily tasks. Efficiency is equal to productivity. An efficient worker is not
measured on how much hard work or overtime he or she spends a day. Most of each minute should be spent
doing the most important tasks. A productive workday brings oneself sense of satisfaction for successfully
completing duties on a daily basis.


Workers should adapt efficient work habits that capitalize more on task management and productivity
than working strenuously just to get things done. The following are some helpful tips on how students and young
people like you become efficient in any work, hoping that you will translate these positive work habits in actual
career undertakings in the future.

1. Know your priorities and manage your time.

The interplay of different task leaves you groping in the dark. Which work is more urgent from another?

Avoid procrastination; hence, determine your priorities – first things first. Prepare a checklist, timetable,
or any organizing tool that can plot all your goals. This includes detains of your school requirements, or
clients’ demands in the future. Assess the urgency of the tasks. Be faithful with the set deadlines.
Immediately act on the important ones firs and check those that can be rescheduled. While working on
pressing deadlines, you may delegate other tasks to your group mates (students) or colleagues
(employees) so no work is left pending.

Multitasking may not always yield more results. If it is unavoidable, you may simultaneously deal with
different concerns, but again, invest most of your energy on pressing matters.

2. Maintain an orderly work environment.

Your study or working place affects your mobility, thinking, and even attitude. If things are stored in the
right places, you can save time looking and retrieving them. Keep your desk and the rest of your working
station from clutters. Place files and objects that are used often close and about, and organize those that
are seldom needed in strategic locations.

3. Remove personal distractions.

No matter how you focus at work or studies, as long as there are things that disrupt your attention, you
can hardly get your tasks done. One’s working or studying style is absolutely unique from others. Some
people can stay focused with music in the background while some cannot. Some use post-it notes to
highlight priorities, and some prepare a to-do list. Unless used for emergencies or work-related purposes,
keep your gadgets like tablets, cellular phones, etc., out of reach, so you would not be disrupted by trivial
calls, text messages, games, or social media notifications.
Refrain from indulging in social conversations with colleagues during work hours. As students, set the
right time for socialization as well. Remember, handle all your personal businesses during breaks.

4. Demonstrate a positive attitude.

Along with competence and efficiency, adopt a positive attitude in order to earn respect and establish a
wholesome environment with classmates, teachers, and other people around you. You will do the same
in the future as you interact with clients and colleagues. Grumpy sales attendants do not impress or
attract clients. Demonstrating a positive attitude is important for harmonious relationship between the
two. Despite a stressful schedule, people can still maintain a wholesome relationship when they exhibit
goodwill to one another. Carry that positive energy with the right amount of humor that makes taxing
workloads light.

5. Keep learning every day.

One cannot be a master of a trade overnight. Several times, you learn from your own mistakes. Your
previous lapses should put you on toes the next time you encounter challenging circumstances. Focus
on improving your essential skills such as communication, time management, and relations with other
people. If a refresher course or a formal training is not feasible, you may search for useful articles online
to keep yourself abreast with the latest trends in the field. If there is an opportunity for you to undergo
further training, grab it to enhance your talents.

You should be on top of your daily routines, and you should be effective communicators in dealing with
peers and school personnel. In the future, you should be skilled in making phone calls, composing e-
mails, presenting ideas, and assisting clients, etc. Use technology to your advantage. E-mail, social
media, video conferencing, software applications, and the like can be maximized for productivity and

6. Manage your stress.

Pressure is inevitable. In fact, it increases one’s adrenaline in order to push further. However, too much
pressure, exceeding what is reasonably tolerable, may be emotionally, physically, and socially unhealthy.
As a result, one can be moody, inefficient, and worse, sickly.

Learn to manage your stress. Do not dwell on negative thoughts. Do not be too hard on yourself. Forgive
others for their shortcomings as you also understand your limitations. Take breaks. Socialize with others
during breaks.

Find time to connect with your loved ones. Enjoy a holiday with them, watch a movie, or play with them.
Once in a while, also find time to reflect. Have a walk around the park or village. Do gardening, painting,
cooking, or anything that will make you feel good. Have enough sleep, eat healthily, and exercise
regularly. Find the right formula to establish the right balance between work and personal life.

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