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Product Teardown

Sandip Barman
Product Management
Introduction About Purpose

Value Proposition Target

User Persona

Enhancing Learning Competitive

Key Features
Experience Landscape

GTM Wrap-up &

Thank You
Strategy Reflection

Duolingo is a leading language learning platform
known for its gamified approach. With a user-friendly
interface and adaptive algorithms, Duolingo offers a
diverse range of free language courses, making
language learning enjoyable and accessible globally.

Duolingo is the most popular language-learning

platform and the most downloaded educational app
in the world. The company’s mission is to make
education free, fun, and available to all. It is designed
to feel like a game and scientifically proven to be

Duolingo solves the problem of inaccessible, monotonous,
and unengaging language learning methods, and in doing
so, it brings value by providing a fun, flexible,
personalized, and effective learning alternative.

500M+ ~80% ~7% 2011

App User acquisition MAU’s covert to Launched the 1st

Downloads organically paid subscribers Beta with a waitlist

Purpose 1 Purpose 2

It aims to make language It seeks to make the learning

learning accessible to process simpler, enjoyable, and
everybody, regardless of engaging for learners, thereby
their financial capabilities, reducing the dropout rates
by providing a free common with other conventional
platform all across and often intimidating methods
of language learning.

01 Proposition 1 02 Proposition 2 03 Proposition 3

Duolingo provides a robust, The app's Duolingo’s mobile-

thorough, and scalable personalized first approach allows
solution for language learning. learning pathways users to learn on the
The platform balances and ability to adjust go, creating
comprehensive language
the difficulty level in opportunities for
instruction, covering grammar,
response to user learning during
vocabulary, pronunciation, and
progress enhances travel, commuting, or
conversation aspects, with a
fun, game-based approach. its value for the other free moments
This makes the experience users, as they can during the day,
rewarding, which in turn learn at their own which might
motivates users to stick to pace, without any otherwise be lost.
their language learning goals. pressure.


When I want to learn a new language,

But I find it difficult to discover a platform to learn.
help me learn a new language in a fun way .
So I can converse better in more than 1 language .

TG 01 TG 02
Anybody interested in learning a new language Any student studying foreign language

TG 03 TG 04
Anybody working in a multi-lingual Anybody moving or planning to move to
environment and want to communicate more a different country and want to learn the
effectively with colleagues or customers local language

Want to learn a new language for career

TG 05

Gamification Element Interactive Exercises Adaptive Learning

Cultural & Content

Language Selection Course difficulty level Cultural context

Engagement & Habit formation

Streaks & Rewards Push notifications Social Features

Motivational Content

Success stories or
Goal Seting Progress Tracking
Name - Rishi Name - Olive Name - Clarke
Age - 22 Age -28 Age - 42
Country - India Country - London Country - Australia
Background - He completed Background - Works in an MNC Background - He is a tourist
his bachelor's degree and is and recently promoted to a guide in Australia and wants to
willing to go abroad for higher leadership role learn a new language as a part
education. Goals & Needs - She leads of his career development.
Goals & Needs - He needs cross-functional teams and Goals & Needs - He just wants
assistance with the problem of finds it challenging to interact to learn some primitive level of
learning a foreign language that with colleagues who speak foreign language to converse
will help him converse easily different languages and wants with tourists.
when he is abroad. to learn their language to Current Challenge - He is not so
Current Challenge - There are converse effectively and tech-savvy and wants a playful
many language learning apps increase productivity way to learn a new language on
are available but the interest Current Challenge - No such his mobile phone with ease and
level drops after few days solution is present that could less of a hassle.
hence the learning curve is help her learn a new language
broken with ease and on-the-go

Initial Learning Daily Practice Skill Community &
Discovery &
Experience & and Social Reinforcement & Continous
Onboarding Progression Engagement Mastery Engagement

Discovery through Engage in lesson through A habit of daily practice Advanced courses reinforce Users connect with
motivated by streaks. and deepen language skills.
Action various channels.
Login and explore the
skill module.
Tailor-made experience
Social challenge and Specilizing in certain areas
the Duolingo
community through
leaderboards enhance a leads to proficiency
app unlocking new lesson sense of community development forums and events.

Login Screen Intro to Language Daily login and Regular practice leads
Touch Homepage Layout Basic test to complete learning to mastery
Help the community
to grow and teach
Navigation Screen understand proficiency Earn rewards for Master the language
points Language selection Start of learning session daily login learnt
them along


Users might start

Could be frustrating if Some users might
loosing interest in the
No pain point. Delight the streak is missed not be willing to
Painpoint Learning Curve
for users or not able to
app at this stage when
there is nothing new to
engage actively with
continue the community

Points, Leaderboards & Achievements: These features add a fun element, encouraging users to strive
for progress and compete with friends or a global audience. This motivates consistent practice, making
learning feel less like a chore.
Daily Goals & Streaks: Setting achievable daily goals and maintaining streaks keeps users engaged and
builds a sense of accomplishment. It fosters a routine of regular practice, crucial for language acquisition.

Bite-Sized Lessons & Adaptive Learning

Short, Focused Sessions: Duolingo breaks down lessons into manageable chunks, allowing users to learn
in short bursts that fit easily into their daily schedules. This makes language learning less intimidating
and more accessible for busy individuals.
Personalized Learning Paths: The adaptive algorithms tailor lesson difficulty and content based on user
performance. This ensures users are challenged appropriately, preventing frustration from lessons being
too easy or difficult.

Variety of Learning Methods
Multi-Skill Approach: Duolingo incorporates various exercises like translation, dictation, sentence
construction, and listening comprehension. This well-rounded approach helps users develop different
language skills simultaneously, like vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation.
Interactive Activities: From matching exercises to speaking practice, Duolingo offers engaging activities
that make learning interactive and keep users motivated.

Immersion and Cultural Understanding

Ral-world application: Duolingo incorporates real-life scenarios and phrases, preparing users for
practical language application.
Exposure to different accents: The app features audio from native speakers with various accents,
helping users understand the language in different contexts and prepare for real-world interactions.

Freemium model & a user-friendly interface

Turning a Grind into a Game - Gamification (Points, Leaderboards, Achievements)

Small Wins, Big Progress - Daily Goals and Streaks

Learning on the Go, at your pace - Bite-Sized Lessons & Adaptive Learning

Beyond Memorization, Building Skills - Variety of Learning Methods (Multi-Skill

Approach & Interactive Activities)

Accessible Learning for Everyone - Freemium Model & User-Friendly Interface

Learning the Language, Living the Language -Immersion and Cultural

Understanding (Real-World Applications & Exposure to Accents)
01 Onboarding
02 Daily Engagement

Gamification: Duolingo employs

Frictionless Start: You can points, leaderboards, and
start using Duolingo without achievements to make learning feel
creating an account initially.
like a game. This injects fun and
This lets you try the app and
motivates users to keep practicing.
see if you like it before
Bite-Sized Lessons: Lessons are
committing A big thumbs-up
for the Initial headroom they short and manageable, allowing users
create with the users to learn in small bursts that fit into
Personalized Learning: A short their daily routines.
initial assessment gauges your Daily Goals & Streaks: Setting
language goals and starting achievable daily goals and maintaining
level, personalizing the learning streaks provides a sense of
path from the beginning. accomplishment and fosters a regular
practice habit.

03 Variety and Progression 04 Accessibility and Immersion

Multi-Skill Approach: Duolingo Freemium Model: The core learning

incorporates various exercises like experience is free, making it
translation, listening accessible to a broad audience.
comprehension, sentence User-Friendly Interface: The clean
construction, and speaking and intuitive design makes
practice. This develops well- navigation easy for beginners and
rounded language skills. novice and allows them to focus on
Adaptive Learning: The app tailors learning.
the difficulty and content of lessons Real-World Applications: Duolingo
based on your performance, incorporates real-life scenarios and
keeping you challenged and phrases, preparing users for
avoiding frustration. practical language use.
Clear Progress Tracking: Users can Exposure to Accents: The app
see their progress visually, which is features audio from native speakers
motivating as they climb the with various accents, helping users
language learning ladder. understand the language in
different contexts.
01 Summary of User Experience

Making it fun and engaging through gamification and bite-sized lessons.

Promoting consistent practice with daily goals and streaks.
Providing a personalized learning path with adaptive algorithms.
Offering a well-rounded approach that develops various language skills.
Enhancing accessibility and immersion through the freemium model and real-world

02 Problems Identified

Users might find it difficult to see through the many colorful icons on the landing page.
Too many rewards and collectibles after every task thus the interest level might come down
The ongoing/pending levels or tasks are not prioritized. It is all over the screen
Users should get a nudge to exit after completing their daily goals and tasks. That will create a
positive reinforcement with the users to come back again next time
USER EXPERIENCE Wireframe Design to Improve the User Journey & Experience



Babbel Memrise Busuu MosaLingua

Utilizes bite-sized
Offers a structured Employs spaced Provides personalized
lessons similar to
curriculum with a focus repetitions and learning plans and
Duolingo, but focussing
on grammar and mnemonics for better interactive exercises
on vocabulary
vocabulary building. memorization. with native speakers.

Designed by two Popular in EMEA Operating in the E-

Offers paid service
experts, Memrise has region,with Russia & Learning Providers and
only. Had sold 10 mill
won multiple awards Turkey being two most Education industries,
subscriptions until
including Google’s App active countries. Has Mosalingua has
2021. Revenue in 2022
of the year once. 10,000 tutors available. generated a revenue
was $270 million USD
Revenue till 2023 is Revenue in 2023 was less than 5 million
$400,000 USD $50 million USD

USER EXPERIENCE Indirect Competition

Language Learning Platform Language Exchange Apps


Trends in Language Learning

Focus on Immersive
Integration of
learning Micro-
spoken AI Chatbots
experience learning &
language and voice
using VR/AR Gamification
skills recognition


Weaknesses Threats

The rise of specialized apps
Limited speaking focussing on niche
practice language learning could
Repetitive exercise at pose a threat
higher levels The emergence of free
Limited level of alternatives with better
grammar explanation
Subscription fatigue
AI Chatbot, voice
Freemium Model

recognition feature
Gamified Learning In-depth grammar lessons
Adaptive Learning Content expansion for
User-Friendly higher proficiency levels
Niche languages addition
Interface Explore VR/AR integration
Accessibility Strategic partnerships

Strengths Opportunities

GTM STRATEGY Distribution Channels Pricing Strategies

App Stores (iOS & Android): Primary

Freemium Model: Offer Duolingo's
channel for easy download and
installation. core features for free, with optional
Website: Landing page highlighting premium subscriptions for ad-free
features and benefits, with download experience, offline access, and
links. additional perks.
Social Media: Active presence on Tiered Pricing: Introduce tiered
platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and subscription plans catering to
TikTok for brand awareness and user different user segments, such as
engagement. students, professionals, and language
Educational Institutions: Partnerships enthusiasts.
with schools and universities to promote Discounts and Promotions: Run
Duolingo as a learning resource. promotional campaigns offering
Content Marketing: Blog posts, articles, discounts on premium subscriptions or
and language learning tips to attract bundle deals with other language
organic traffic. learning resources.

GTM STRATEGY Promotional Activities Sales Tactics

Conversion Optimization: Optimize app

Viral Marketing Campaigns: Leverage
and website interfaces for seamless user
user-generated content challenges and
experience, encouraging users to sign
humorous videos to spread brand
up and engage with Duolingo.
awareness on social media.
Personalized Recommendations: Use
Influencer Marketing: Partner with
data analytics to provide personalized
language learning YouTubers, bloggers,
course recommendations and progress
or social media personalities to promote
tracking, enhancing user satisfaction
and retention.
App Store Optimization: Utilize relevant
Customer Support: Offer responsive
keywords and app store screenshots to
customer support channels, including
improve discoverability.
live chat, email support, and a
Free Trial Offers: Provide limited-time
comprehensive help center, to address
free trials of the premium tier to
user queries and concerns promptly.
incentivize upgrades.
Showcase User Success Stories: Feature
Referral Programs: Reward existing
testimonials from satisfied users who
users for referring friends and family.
have achieved fluency through Duolingo.

GTM STRATEGY Target Audience

Students Professionals Traveller Personal

Product Launch & Adoption

Pre-launch Buzz: Generate anticipation through teaser campaigns, sneak peeks, and
beta testing programs to create excitement around new features or course releases.
Launch Events: Host virtual launch events or webinars featuring Duolingo executives,
language experts, and influencers to introduce new offerings and engage with the
Early Access Invitations: Offer early access invitations to existing users or loyal
community members, encouraging them to try out new features and provide feedback.

GTM STRATEGY Explore how Duolingo acquired their first 100,000 users

Virality of- Elements

Localized Engaging
content & Marketing &
Global reach Branding

User Motivation Learning Mechanics Freemium Model
Duolingo leverages a variety of Duolingo employs a freemium model,
The core learning experience
motivational techniques to keep users offering a robust free tier with limited
revolves around bite-sized, gamified
engaged. These include gamification features alongside a premium
lessons that are accessible and
elements like leaderboards, streaks, subscription that unlocks additional
manageable for busy users. This
and badges, which encourage friendly functionalities. This allows users to
focus on short, achievable goals
competition and a sense of experience the core value before
helps users stay motivated.
accomplishment. committing financially.

Customization Content Expansion Community Building

While Duolingo offers some There's an opportunity to expand Duolingo currently lacks a strong
personalization elements like the content library beyond sense of community amongst users.
learning streaks and goal setting, languages. This could include Implementing features that foster
there's potential to explore further cultural insights, grammar deep interaction and collaboration could
customization options based on dives, or even vocabulary specific to enhance user engagement and
individual learning styles and goals. different professions or interests. motivation.

Gamification Focus on model
is king accessibility fosters

Duolingo's success hinges on its effective use Bite-sized lessons and a user-friendly The freemium model allows users to experience
of gamification elements to incentivize interface make Duolingo approachable for the value before paying, contributing to
consistent learning. learners of all levels. Duolingo's large user base.

Content Building a
Personalization diversification community
is key is an can boost
opportunity engagement

Further customization options can cater to Expanding the content library beyond Implementing features that foster interaction
individual learning styles and goals, potentially languages can attract new users and enhance and collaboration among users can create a
improving learning outcomes. engagement. more engaging learning experience.
Competitor analysis: Compare Duolingo's
User research: Conduct in-depth user
features and user experience with other
interviews and surveys to understand user pain
language learning applications to identify areas
points, motivations, and desired features.
for improvement

Developing a community strategy: Explore

A/B testing: Test different freemium model
features that promote user interaction and
variations and content offerings to optimize
collaboration, fostering a sense of community
user acquisition and retention strategy
within Duolingo

Project by
Sandip Barman

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