1st Grading All Lessons Science New

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Properties of Matter
Absorb - to take in (something, such as a liq-
uid) in a natural or gradual way.
Porous - having a small holes that allow air or
liquid to pass through.
Non-porous - materials that do not allow air
or liquid to pass through
*Cotton is very porous, which makes it a nat-
ural absorber of water.
*Plastic as a non-porous materials

Materials that Float and Sink

 * Sink means to fall to the bottom of water.

 * Float means to stay on top.
 * Some things float on top of water, some
stay submerged partway down, and some
things sink.
 * An object’s shape can affect its ability to
float, but some materials float no matter their
shape– such as Styrofoam and balsa wood.
Materials Undergo Decay
Decay - to be slowly destroyed into bits in
the presence of water, air and soil.
*Not all plants and animals decay at the
same time.
*The organic matter in soil is derived from
plants and animals. It becomes organic ferti-
*Some factors that contribute to the decay-
ing process of the materials are sunlight, wa-
ter, soil and action of microorganisms.
*Left over foods are kept in refrigerators to
avoid or delay spoilage,microoganisms do
now grow fast in cold temperature.

Diseases/sickness Resulting from ex-
posure to Decaying Materials
Diseases - an illness that affects a person,
animal, or plant.

Decaying materials are wastes that may

cause harm to one’s health.
* There are common ailments that may re-
sult from being exposed to decaying materi-
als. Some are allergy, cholera, malaria, ty-
phoid, dysentery, and some skin diseases
such as ring worm and scarbies.

jV JVBejona
Diseases/Sickness Resulting from
exposure to Decaying Materials

Malaria and dengue-are diseases spread by specific

type of mosquitoes. These become epidemic in places
where these type of mosquito breed.
Typhoid– is a waterborne disease. People who drink
polluted water can become infected with typhoid. /
The garbage in this area is a good breeding place for
flies. The flies can carry the disease and infect more
Dysentery – is a disease that can cause severe diar-
rhea. If not treated properly someone can die from it.
A water borne disease that is transmitted to a person
when they drink polluted water.

Effects of Decaying Materials to
One’s Health and Safety
Pollution– action or process of making land,
water, air dirty and not safe.
Compost - waste materials that are recycled
as fertilizers.
*Decaying materials when not disposed
properly causes pollution.
*Pollution is harmful to one’s health.
*Exposure to decaying materials will make
people sick.

Common Bone Injuries
Importance of Reading Product
* Household materials are
classified to their use.
* Classified as food products, medicine,
personal care, cleaning products and pesti-
*We can protect oneself and other member
of the family by reading the product label.
*Product label are in-
tended to ensure the safe-
ty of the user.
*They give the product
*They warn possible danger
Ways of Disposing Materials
According to Their Properties
* Proper disposal of human waste is im-
portant to avoid pollution.
*Disposal must be done in to avoid harming
the environment.
*Waste should never be disposed down
sinks, drains, lavatories, ditches, near wildlife
habitats and ponds.
*Separate materials into bio-degradable and
*Recycle some of non-

C h a n g e s i n S o l i d M a t er i a l s
* A solid has definite shape
and volume. You can hold sol-
* Solid materials have different characteris-
tics/ properties such as size, shape, color, tex-
ture, weight.
*Solid materials can be change through
many ways: by cutting, tearing, folding,
twisting, bending, stretching, pressing, color-
ing, crumpling, melting and others.

C h a n g e s w h en E x p o s ed t o
di f f er e n t T em p er a t u re
* When materials are heated, they
changed their size, shape, texture.
* When heated, some solid materials
changed into liquid.
*When cooled, liquid changed into solid.
*The materials like crayon, chocolate,
butter or margarine changes from solid to
liquid when heated. And changed back its
form when cooled. It also changed it’s size,
shape, and texture.

C h a n g e s w h en Mi x ed w i t h
o t h er Ma t eri a l s

*Some solid materials can be mixed / com-
bined with liquid materials. Some solid ma-
terials completely dissolved in the liquid ma-
terials, but others do not.
*When mixed in liquid, some solid changed
their size, shape and color.
*Some solid materials spread evenly in the
liquid, some do not.
*Liquid materials can be mixed with other
liquid materials.
* Some liquid materials completely mix
with the other liquid. JVBejona
Effects of the Changes in the Ma-
terials to the Environment
* Some Changes in materials are useful,
other are harmful to the environment.
* Useful: Cutting of cloth to be made into
* Harmful: Burning of tires and other plas-
tic materials.
* When the soil/land is dumped with gar-
bage, the soil/land will be polluted.
* When the water is dumped with
garbage, water will be polluted.
*Polluted water kills living organ-

Effects of the Changes in the
Materials to the Environment
**When the surrounding air is blanketed with smoke
from factories and motorized vehicles,
ashes and other dust particles, the air
becomes polluted.
** Some changes in the materials are
harmful to the environment. It may pollute land, wa-
ter and air. To keep our surrounding
clean and to minimize pollution, we
encouraged to do 5 R’s.
** Burning of garbage are harmful. These pose health
risks for people particularly with
lung problem.
** Cutting of trees is also harmful to
environment. It affects the quality of
air that we breathe, it causes soil
erosion and loses habitat for many
animals. JVBejona
5 R’s of Responsible Waste Management
**Buy items on refillable container
**Use cloth bag/eco bag when you buy groceries
**Avoid buying disposable items or single use prod-
ucts such as batteries, razors, utensils, plates, cups, etc
** Donate or sell re-usable items
**Use both sides of paper when printing and re-use as scratch paper,
gift wrapper.
**Consider the potential life span or durability when buying new
**Do not throw away used newspaper or used writing pads.
**Used bottles, tin cans, rubber tires can be recycled into useful ma-
** Have appliances, office equipment, lighting fixtures, and automo-
tive parts repaired instead of buying new ones.
**Set up compost pile to compost yard trimmings.
**Make a compost pit/bin in the yard for your biodegradable materi-
als such as fruits, vegetables, coffee grinds, etc. JVBejona
Pictures What does What is its What can people
do to prevent/
showing the picture effect to the minimize its
changes in show? environ- harmful effect to
the material ment? the environment?


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