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Project Synopsis


Team size: 2 Members
Team members Name 1: ULHAS JAGTAP
Seat No/Roll No: 8740
Team members Name 2: MAGDUM JAMADAR
Seat No/Roll No: 8746
Class & Div: TY BSC(CS) B
Batch: F
Subject Code/Name:
Start date of Project: 23/01/2024
Deadline date of project:
College Project Mentor Name: Prof. Rupali Mote
Project Details: Blood Bank Management System is a web application that enables a
secure user authentication and registration, allowing individuals to create profiles as
blood donors. The application provides real-time information on the availability of
different blood types in the blood bank. And easily find potential donors based on
blood type and location. The web application is mobile-responsive, allowing users to
access the platform from various devices, including smartphones and tablets.
Hardware requirement: Operating system – Linux/Windows, minimum 20GB hard
disk, intel i5/AMD Ryzen-5 64 bit processor.
Software requirement: Programming language used – HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP,


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