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Prueba Escrita Ejemplo Práctico ONALEX 2024

Student: age:
Level: Date:

CATEGORY A / Secondary Level

A -Prueba de Comprensión Oral en inglés:

Listen to the following audio and answer the questions about it.
(Escucha el siguiente audio y responde a las preguntas que se presentan)


Hello! My name is Jessica Sosa. I’m from the Dominican Republic. I like to dance and sing. My hobbies
are listening to music and reading love books. I have two brothers and a big brown dog. Last week I
visited my grandparents in San Pedro and I had a great time with my uncles, aunts, and cousins. Next
year I will visit New York City with my family.
Questions (preguntas):

1) What’s her name and where is she from?

2) What are her hobbies?

3) Where did she go?

4) What will she do in the future?

B- Prueba de Comprensión Escrita en inglés:

Read the following text and answer the questions about it.
(Lee los siguientes textos y responde a las preguntas que se presentan)

Text A - My family
Hello! My name is Jake Mota. I am an American boy who loves sports and music. I am an accountant. My favorite
sport is basketball because I feel excited when I play it. I need to buy new running shoes because the ones I have
are very old. I have to walk three blocks and turn right on Elmo Street to get to my house from work.

Where is Jake from?

What’s his occupation?

Why does he like basketball?

Text B - My hobbies
Hello! I am Michael Peterson. Today afternoon, I am going to play baseball with some friends. We are going to
play for two hours. Next week we are visiting a new city with our team. I would like to go to a big city because last
year we went to a small place and we did not have a good time, it was hot all night and there were many
mosquitoes in the bedroom.

How long will they play?

What are they going to do next week?

Why does he speak a little Spanish?

C- Grammar Section – Complete the sentences using the Word in parenthesis:

1) There a cat under the white table. (Was – were - can)

2) you like to join us tonight? (Are – Do - Would)

3) Does Anita need tomatoes for the chicken? (doesn’t – some - any)

4) My father calls when I am out late at night. (I – me – mine)

5) How bedrooms are there in your house? (Much – any – many)

D- Vocabulary Section – choose the vocabulary word to complete the sentence

1) The teacher bought fresh vegetables at the…

a) bank b) market c) hospital d) school

2) My vacation time is in July. I will have a fantastic vacation.

a) Winter b) Fall c) Summer d) Spring

3) There was a lot of wind and rain all night long. That lasted 4 hours.

a) party b) accident c) asthma d) storm

4) She bought for her new kitchen last month.

a) a radio b) a stove c) a book d) an eraser

5) There was a surprise at home for me.

a) party b) airport c) party d) backpack



Prueba Oral Ejemplo Práctico ONALEX 2024

Student: age:
Level: Date:

CATEGORY A / Primary Level

No. Question P L S
01 What can you tell me about yourself?
02 How do you get from your house to school?
03 Who is your best friend at school? Why?
04 What is there in your house?
05 What is your daily routine? (Morning- afternoon or night)
06 Can tell me how did you feel the last time you had the flu?
07 What did you do yesterday morning?
08 Could you describe this image? (House – park – market –
school – a person – 3 to 4 simple sentences will be expected).
09 Would you like to eat a hamburger right now? Why?
10 Talk about 3 things you did last week…

PARTIAL SCORE--------------------------------------------------------
TOTAL SCORE---------------
S= Answers correctly, using the right vocabulary words and intonation. (5 points)
L= answers correctly but needs repetition and extra time. (4 points)
P= understands but answers using only some of the words (3 points)
NO answer = NO point

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