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March 22, 2024

Nathaniel S. Dela Ganar
Adrian Louis C. Rosal
Carl Twister J. Pepito
Al Ephraim G. Escobal
Rinuel Jumantoc Judaya .



• Backpack company/Manufacturers
- This allows our product to be part of their deal display

• Bloggers/Influencers or Travelers
- This is specifically for those involving a backpack

• Gear retailers
- the sport companies or gear companies

• Schools and Educational Institutions

- This will offer free trials on our products to students/teachers.

• Fitness and Sport brands

- This uses clothing that will provide comfort, which is the products main theme.

• Environmental organizations
- In making the compartment system, offer different variations made of environmental or sustainable or
recycled materials.


• Product manufacturing must be maintained

- This will help ensuring it consistency and build a reputation through a fully functioning product with no
returns due to malfunctions.

• Research and Development

- This is can be considered as an innovative product, it is important that improvements will occur
throughout time

• Feedback collection
- This will be through a feedback evaluation.

• Partnership Management
This will make sure that partnerships improve and increase rather than lose them.

• Fast and quick customer support

- Through this, daily advertisement and good clout could be one key activities for our product.

• Fan Unit
- This will ensure sufficient strength of the fan, a correct unit must be chosen, must match power
source volts.

• Power source
- This will correct and safe power source is needed, and a charging port, 12 volts or more.

• Proper wires

• Enclosure or compartment
- To organize the complex parts and mechanisms of the product, or the science behind it, it must be
hidden in a compartment, that is waterproof.

• Box or packaging,
- With the company’s chosen design and layout.

• Quality assurance
- Preparing testing equipment.

• Attachment Mechanism
- A rubber, plastic or cloth attachment system, straps,clips or belts so that the compartment, will attach
securely into the backpacks.


• Materials inside compartment

- Fan 12 volts, Battery 12 volts, Socket, Wirings (Different kinds), Switch, Electrical tape, and the extra
equipments that needed to be bought 1,300 Pesos

• Manufacturing and production cost

- If minimal products were made, production costs will not be counted, but if numerous product will be
made, the need of extra workers that needs to be paid will be made.

• Making of compartment

- Recycled or not, will make variations, if recycled, costs will be near zero or below hundreds, if not
since we want to ensure quality, the use of plastic that is structured or made to be suited to be a
perfect fit for all the parts, atleast 200 pesos.

• Making of attachment system or straps/belt

- Recycled or not, can use used belts,straps or cloth straps, clips, if not recycled then the creation of a
quality strap will be made, integration of materials, such as belts and clips that are bought, atleast 200
Below are assumed for now:

• Research and Development Investment

- No costs, as no trial and error occurred

• Marketing and Advertising

- Advertising needs to start small, hiring of people first to try the product, 100 pesos each, printing of
brochures for advertisement or leaflets, cost of printing will be counted, 200 Pesos or more.
Distribution will start online through marketing apps and use of delivery companies, but overtime a
website can be made or a physical store.


• Outdoor Enthusiasts

- This can provide value and support to their outdoor activities. Establish how may the cooling fan
system help improve their performance and as well give comfort when going on walks, hikes, or any
other outdoor activities.

• Students and Commuters

- This can highlight the cooling fan system on how useful and convenient the product is for their
everyday use. Emphasizing how pleasant it keeps them on long walks or commutes, particularly in the
hot weather.

• Athletes and Fitness Enthusiasts

- This will focus on their enhancement and recovery. The cooling fan system can help assist and
regulate ones body temperature both during and after their workouts activities.

• Travelers

- Using the cooling fan system, this can give them a more travel-friendly use as it emphasizes more on
its portability and versatility. Having the capacity to provide comfort during their sightseeing hours,
outdoor activities, and extended trips.

• Health-Conscious Individuals

- This can help promote advantages in staying cool and prevent them from getting heat-related
illnesses. They will be informed on how the cooling fan system help contribute and benefit on the
overall well-being, especially during hot climates or during strenuous activities.

• Direct Sales

- This will pay close attention to showcase the cooling fan system's features and advantages to
potential customers. It will as well promote the product by utilizing online platforms, such as e-
commerce websites or social media channels. With this, it would showcase its features including its
portability, ease of use, and health benefits that would help prevent overheating and promoting comfort
during outdoor activities.

• Community Engagement

- This will help increase brand awareness and trust through interacting with outdoor enthusiasts,
backpackers, hikers, and travelers. Participating in outdoor activities, trade exhibits, or community
gatherings where potential customers will be present. Offering product demonstrations about the
cooling fan system and engaging in conversations to further help them understand their need and

• Costumer Loyalty Programs

- This will help establish loyalty programs to promote the cooling fan system's brand loyalty and reward
towards loyal customers. Providing rewards to consumers who repurchase the product or will help
recommend it to others, such as exclusive deals, discounts on subsequent purchases, or admission to
special events. This can also emphasize value of being a loyal customer and give benefit when
continued use of the cooling fan system, such as on-going comfort and improved performance during
outdoor activities.

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