Lesson Plan PKG

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Teacher’s Name Elizabeth Paramitha, S. Pd

School SMK Negeri 3 Pontianak

Academic Year 2023-2024

Competency Skill Teknik Sepeda Motor

Grade X

Phase E

Lesson English

Competency achievement elements 1. Listening and Speaking

2. Reading and Viewing
3. Writing and Presenting

Learning Outcomes By the end of Phase E, students read and respond

to a variety of texts, such as recount s,
descriptions, procedures, expositions, recount and
report. They read to learn or to find information.
They locate and evaluate specific details and
main ideas of a variety of texts. These texts may
be in the form print or digital texts, including
visual, multimodal, or interactive texts. They are
developing understanding of main ideas, issues or
plot development in a variety of texts. They
identify the author’s purposes and are developing
simple inferential skills to help them understand
implied information from the texts.

Time Allocation 1 Meeting / 2 x 45’


1. Social function of recount text

2. Generic structure of recount text
3. Language features of the recount text

o Collaboratively searching for more information about the given material.

o Independently conducting brainstorming sessions during the basic learning activity.
o Creatively creating simple descriptive texts using own sentences.
o Thinking critically to develop and link the material to everyday life.


Student worksheets, laptops, smartphones, and LCD projectors are the learning media. Learning resources
include student worksheets, e-learning platforms, e-books, reading books, and YouTube videos.


1. Regular students
2. Inclusive students
3. Gifted and talented students

Genre Based Learning


o Explain the definition, purpose, text structure, and linguistic features of a recount text in a group.
o Analyze the social function, text structure, and linguistic features of a recount text in a group.
o Independently find detailed information related to recount texts.
o Summarize the contents of recount texts in simple sentences and in one's own words
o Create simple recount texts using one's own sentences independently.
o Present the results of the work in the form of a simple descriptive text that has been created

A recount text is a text that is written to make a report about an experience of a series of related events.
These events are sequenced and completed with characters in a particular time and place set.

Link Material : Definition, Generic Structure, and Example of Recount Text (tenrycolle.com)


o Have you ever had a trouble while you ride motorcycle?

o Have you ever fixed your motorcycle?



1) The teacher greets and invites students to pray before the lesson begins.
2) The teacher checks the attendance of the students.
Building Knowledge of Field (BKoF)
3) The teacher introduces the topic that will be learned.
4) The teacher motivates the students and asks about their health condition.
5) The teacher explains the objectives that will be achieved in today's lesson.
6) The teacher outlines the scope of the material that will be learned.
7) The teacher explains the teaching method and assessment techniques that will be used.
While Activity

Students Orientation to problems

1. The students watch a video about recount text
2. The students are given the questions by the teacher about the video
Organizing students:
Modelling of Text (MoT)
1. Students are grouped heterogeneously.
2. Students are given recount text

Repairing My Motorcycle

Last weekend, I found myself facing a daunting task: repairing my motorcycle. It all began when I decided
to take my trusty bike out for a ride and heard an ominous clunking noise emanating from the engine.

First, I parked the motorcycle in my garage and donned my work gloves. I knew this would be a hands-on
job. I began by inspecting the engine, trying to identify the source of the noise. After some careful
examination, I discovered that a bolt had come loose, causing a part of the exhaust system to rattle.

With the problem identified, I set to work gathering the necessary tools: a wrench, screwdrivers, and some
replacement bolts. I carefully removed the damaged bolt and replaced it with a new one, making sure it
was securely fastened.

Next, I moved on to check other components of the motorcycle, conducting a thorough inspection to
ensure everything was in working order. I checked the brakes, the tires, and the electrical system,
tightening any loose connections and making minor adjustments as needed.

As I worked, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that I was able to tackle this repair on
my own. It was a challenging task, but with patience and perseverance, I was able to get my motorcycle
back in top condition.

Finally, after several hours of work, I fired up the engine and listened for any signs of the dreaded
clunking noise. To my relief, the sound was gone, replaced by the smooth hum of a well-tuned engine.

In the end, repairing my motorcycle was not just about fixing a mechanical issue; it was also about the
satisfaction of overcoming a challenge and gaining a deeper understanding of how my bike works. It was a
rewarding experience that left me feeling more connected to my motorcycle than ever before.

Joint Construction of Text (JCoT)

- Students work in groups finding out the definition, purpose, structure, and linguistic features of a
recount text they found.
- Students work in groups to analyze the social function, text structure, and linguistic elements of
recount texts within a group.

Guiding Individual Research:

Independent Construction of Text (ICoT)
1. The students write their own experience about recount text ( Ride motorcycle)
2. The students present their texts by various preferences media such as videos, slide or story telling.

Post Activity

1. The teacher facilitates the students to review the learning that has been conducted.
2. The teacher informs the activities that will be carried out in the next meeting.
3. The teacher and students pray together.

Non-Cognitive (Asesment Awal)

o How do you feel now?

o Do you think this kind of activity is enjoyable?
o What is new knowledge you’ve got today?

Cognitive assessment

o The students read the text about ‘

o What does the video tell us about? please describe.

Formative assessment (Asesmen Formatif)

o Describe each part of the hotel as you watch from the video.

Summative Assessment (Asesmen Akhir)

End of Term Evaluation

Enrichment and Remedial

o Enrichment is given to students who have mastered this material very well, namely by providing a
variety of higher-level questions.
o Remedial is given to students who have not mastered the material well, namely by providing a
repetition of basic material and specific material that is not mastered by the students.

oIs the teaching of the model that I used suitable for the material and the characteristics of the
o Are all the students feeling comfort in learning in their groups?
o At which part of this material do the students easily comprehend?
o How appropriate is the duration of time and the learning objectives that we want to achieve in this
teaching session?

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