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Shelly Cashman Excel 2019 | Modules 1-3: SAM Capstone Project 1b

Lovepreet kaur
SUBMISSION #1 | SCORE IS: 92 OUT OF 100 GE ver. 17.1.0-rc0000

1. Liang Bandy is a senior project manager at Forward Construction, a firm that works on construction projects for business and 4/4
commercial buildings. Liang has created a workbook summarizing the Office Plaza Construction project for the Meadowood Office
Center. She asks for your help in completing the workbook.
Go to the Budget worksheet. Unfreeze the panes since Liang does not need to display those rows as she scrolls the worksheet.

Unfreeze rows.
2. In cell K2, enter a formula using the NOW function to display today's date. Apply the Short Date number format to display only 0/4
the date in the cell.
Create a formula using a function.
In the Budget worksheet, the date in cell K2 should use the Short Date number format.
3. Format the worksheet title as follows to use a consistent design throughout the workbook: 4/4
a. Fill cell C2 with the Teal, Accent 6, Lighter 40% shading color.
b. Change the font color to White, Background 1.
c. Merge and center the contents of cell C2 across the range C2:I2.
d. Use AutoFit to resize row 2 to its best fit.

Change the fill color of a cell.

Change the font color.
Merge and center a range.
Change the row height using AutoFit.
4. Format the hourly rate data as follows to suit the design of the worksheet and make the data easier to understand: 4/4
a. Italicize the contents of cell L2 to match the formatting in cell J2.
b. Apply the Currency number format to cell M2 to clarify that it contains a dollar amount.

Change the font style.

Apply a number format to a cell.
5. Format the data in cell B4 as follows to display all of the text: 4/4
a. Merge the cells in the range B4:B14.
b. Rotate the text up in the merged cell so that the text reads from bottom to top.
c. Middle-align and center the text.
d. Remove the border from the merged cell.
e. Resize column B to a width of 6.00.

Merge a range.
Rotate content in a merged cell.
Align cell content vertically.
Align cell content horizontally.
Remove the border from the merged cell.
Change the column width.
6. Format the data in row 4 as follows to show that it contains column headings: 5/5
a. Change "Description" to use Code Description as the complete column heading.
b. Apply the Accent 6 cell style to the range C4:I4.
c. Use AutoFit to resize column E to its best fit.

Update a value in a cell.

Apply a cell style.
Change the column width using AutoFit.
7. In column F, Liang wants to include the actual dollar amount of the work completed. Enter this information as follows: 5/5
a. In cell F5, enter a formula without using a function that multiplies the completed hours (cell E5) by the hourly rate (cell M2) to
determine the dollar amount charged for blueprint drafting. Include an absolute reference to cell M2 in the formula.
b. Use the Fill Handle to fill the range F6:F14 with the formula in cell F5 to include the charges for the other work.
c. Format the range F6:F14 using the Comma Style format and no decimal places to match the formatting in column G.

Create a formula without using a function.

Copy a formula into a range.
Apply a cell style.
8. Liang needs to show how much of the estimate remains after the completed work. Provide this information as follows: 5/5
a. In cell H5, enter a formula without using a function that subtracts the completed amount billed (cell F5) from the estimated
amount (cell G5) to determine the remaining amount of the estimate for blueprint drafting.
b. Use the Fill Handle to fill the range H6:H14 with the formula in cell H5 to include the remaining amount for the other work.
c. Format the range H6:H14 using the Comma Style format and no decimal places to match the formatting in column G.

Create a formula without using a function.

Copy a formula into a range.
Apply a cell style.
9. Liang also wants to show the remaining amount as a percentage of the completed amount. Enter this information as follows: 3/5
a. In cell I5, enter a formula that divides the remaining dollar amount (cell H5) by the estimated dollar amount (cell G5).
b. Copy the formula in cell I5 to the range I6:I15, pasting only the formula and number formatting to display the remaining amount
as a percentage of the actual amount for the other work and the total.

Create a formula using arithmetic operators.

Copy a formula into a range.
In the Budget worksheet, one or more cells in the range I6:I15 contains an incorrect formula.
10. Calculate the totals as follows: 5/5
a. In cell E15, enter a formula using the SUM function to total the actual hours (range E5:E14).
b. Use the Fill Handle to fill the range F15:H15 with the formula in cell E15.
c. Apply the Accounting number format with no decimal places to the range F15:H15.

Create a formula using a function.

Copy a formula into a range.
Change the number format.
11. Liang also wants to identify the work for which Forward Construction has billed more than the full estimate amount. 5/5
In the range I5:I14, use conditional formatting Highlight Cells rules to format values less than 1% (0.01) in Light Red Fill with
Dark Red Text.

Apply a conditional formatting rule.

Format a conditional formatting highlight cells rule.
12. Liang imported data about the project team working on the Office Plaza Construction project and stored the data on a separate 3/5
worksheet, but wants to include the data in the Budget worksheet. Copy and paste the data as follows:
a. Go to the Project Team worksheet and copy the data in the range B2:G13.
b. Return to the Budget worksheet. Paste the data in cell K3, keeping the source formatting when you paste it.

Copy and paste values in a range.

Copy and paste formatting.
In the Budget worksheet, the formatting from the range B2:G13 in the Project Team worksheet should be copied to the range
13. Liang needs to list the position for each team member. Those with five or more years of experience have a Senior position. 5/5
Otherwise, they have Support position. List this information as follows:
a. In cell O5 on the Budget worksheet, enter a formula that uses the IF function to test whether the number of years of experience
(cell N5) is greater than or equal to 5.
b. If the team member has five or more years of experience, display "Senior" in cell O5.
c. If the team member has less than five years of experience, display "Support" in cell O5.
d. Copy the formula in cell O5 to the range O6:O14, pasting the formula only.
e. Use AutoFit to resize column O to its best fit.

Create a formula using a function.

Copy a formula into a range.
Change the column width using AutoFit.
14. Liang wants to include summary statistics about the project and the team members. Include this information as follows: 5/5
In cell E17, enter a formula that uses the AVERAGE function to average the number of years of experience (range N5:N14).

Create a formula using a function.

15. Make the Line chart in the range C19:I33 easier to interpret as follows: 5/5
a. Change the chart type to a Clustered Column chart.
b. Enter Task Progress as the chart title.
c. Add a primary vertical axis title to the chart, entering Hours as the axis title text.
d. Add data labels to the Outside End of each column.

Change the chart type.

Change a chart title.
Add an axis title to a chart.
Add data labels to a chart.
16. Delete row 35 since Liang has adjusted the chart. 5/5
Delete a row.
17. Go to the Schedule worksheet. Rename the Schedule worksheet tab to Work Schedule to use a more descriptive name. 5/5

Change the name of a worksheet.

18. Each type of work starts on a different date because the types depend on each other. Enter the starting dates for the remaining work 5/5
as follows:
a. In cell D6, enter a formula without using a function that adds 1 day to the value in cell C6.
b. In cell E6, enter a formula without using a function that adds 2 days from the value in cell C6.
c. In cell F6, enter a formula without using a function that adds 3 days to the value in cell C6.
d. In cell G6, enter a formula without using a function that adds 3 days to the value in cell C6.
[Mac Hint: The date will display in the format m/d/yy.]

Create a formula without using a function.

Create a formula without using a function.
Create a formula without using a function.
Create a formula without using a function.
19. Copy the formulas for inspections to the rest of the schedule as follows: 5/5
a. Copy the formula in cell D6 to the range D7:D8.
b. Copy the formula in cell E6 to the range E7:E8.
c. Copy the formula in cell F6 to the range F7:F8.
d. Copy the formula in cell G6 to the range G7:G8.

Copy a formula into a range.

Copy a formula into a range.
Copy a formula into a range.
Copy a formula into a range.
20. In cell C9, enter a formula that uses the MIN function to find the earliest date in the project schedule (range C6:G8). 5/5

Create a formula using a function.

21. In cell C10, enter a formula that uses the MAX function to find the latest date in the project schedule (range C6:G8). 5/5

Create a formula using a function.

Shelly Cashman Excel 2019 | Modules 1- 3: SAM Capstone Project 1b

Forward Construction

Author: Lovepreet kaur

Note: Do not edit this sheet. If your name does not appear in cell B6, please download a new copy of the file from the SAM
e from the SAM
Office Plaza Construction
Team Consulting Services
Code Code Description Completed Hours Completed $ Estimated $
Meadowood Office Center

BL-119 Blueprint drafting 12 $ 1,260 $ 6,300

BL-124 Blueprint review 10 1,050 4,250
FO-223 Foundation inspection 15 1,575 1,075
HV-489 HVAC review 10 1,050 2,000
HV-500 HVAC evaluation 22 2,310 9,550
IN-102 Insurance filing 15 1,575 1,000
PE-101 Permit review 15 1,575 6,875
PE-212 Permit monitoring 12 1,260 6,300
SI-235 Site inspection 20 2,100 9,000
SI-240 Site monitoring 20 2,100 12,500
Total 151 $ 15,855 $ 58,850

Average years of experience 3.8

Task Progress
20 2
15 15 15
12 12
10 10

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an i t on on
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ur rm m in m
p p n HV AC Pe it te te
ue ue tio In
s Si Si
Bl Bl da HV rm
u n Pe
on Date: 2024/04/03 Hourly rate: $105.00
Project Team
Remaining $ Remaining % Name Services Manager Years Position Rating
$ 5,040 80% M. Alvarez FO-223 Antonin 2.3 Support 90
3,200 75% A. Guevara HV-489 Peterson 5.0 Senior 87
(500) -47% B. Olstadt SI-235 Antonin 2.5 Support 82
950 48% D. Shanley PE-212 Wang 2.8 Support 78
7,240 76% E. Spires HV-500 Peterson 3.0 Support 90
(575) -57% D. Sutinieri BL-119 Peterson 2.6 Support 92
5,300 77% T. Tinajero BL-124 Wang 5.8 Senior 88
5,040 80% A. Udvari IN-102 Antonin 4.7 Support 79
6,900 77% B. Wanta PE-101 Peterson 3.2 Support 75
10,400 83% C. Woodall SI-240 Antonin 5.7 Senior 86
$ 42,995

20 20


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on sp on
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it te te
rm Si Si
Project Team
Name Services Manager Years Position Rating
M. Alvarez FO-223 Antonin 2.3 90
A. Guevara HV-489 Peterson 5.0 87
B. Olstadt SI-235 Antonin 2.5 82
D. Shanley PE-212 Wang 2.8 78
E. Spires HV-500 Peterson 3.0 90
D. Sutinieri BL-119 Peterson 2.6 92
T. Tinajero BL-124 Wang 5.8 88
A. Udvari IN-102 Antonin 4.7 79
B. Wanta PE-101 Peterson 3.2 75
C. Woodall SI-240 Antonin 5.7 86
Office Plaza Construction
Project Schedule for Remaining Work
SI-240 FO-223 PE-212 SI-235 HV-500
Workdays 1 2 3 3
Inspections 9/12/21 9/13/21 9/14/21 9/15/21 9/15/21
Evaluations 9/06/21 9/07/21 9/08/21 9/09/21 9/09/21
Monitoring 10/01/21 10/02/21 10/03/21 10/04/21 10/04/21
Start date 9/6/2021
Completion date 10/4/2021

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