Stas Science Technology and Society Midterm Transes

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STAS - Science, Technology and Society Midterm transes

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Science, Technology and Society

Midterm Transes

- It is defined as an endeavor to achieve self-actualization and SOCRATES
fulfillment within the context of a larger community of - He believed that virtues such as self-control, justice, courage,
individuals. This also means access to a pleasant life, an wisdom, piety and related qualities of mind and soul are
engaged or good life and a meaningful life. absolutely crucial if a person is to lead a good and happy life.
- It requires the development of attributes and social and Virtues guarantee a happy life-Eudaimonia
personal levels that exhibit character strengths and virtues that ● Wisdom
are commonly agreed across different cultures. - Creativity
- is defined as being good spirited - Curiosity
- high spirited person, energetic, happy and likes doing exciting - Judgement
and enjoyable things - Love of learning
EUDAIMONIA - perspective
- Greek word, which refers to a state of being in a contented ● courage
state of being healthy, happy and prosperous - Bravery
- "human flourishing or prosperity" has been proposed as a - Persistence
more accurate translation - Honesty
- zest
ARISTOTLE ● Humanity
- There is an end to all the actions that we perform which we - Love
desire for itself. Flourishing is the greatest good of human - Kindness
endeavors and that toward which all actions aim. The good is - Social intelligence
what is good for purposeful and goal-directed entities. ● Transcendence
- He presented the various popular conceptions of the best life - Appreciation of beauty
for human beings; (1) a philosophical life, (2).life of pleasure - Gratitude
and (3) a life of political activity. - Hope
- Eudaimonia means good spirit is a property of one’s life when - Humour
considered as a whole. It is formally egoistic in that a person’s - spirituality
normative reason for choosing particular actions stems from ● Justice
the idea that he must pursue his own good or flourishing. It - Teamwork
also implies a divine state of being that humanity is able to - Fairness
strive toward and possibly reach. - leadership
- Happiness is “doing well” and” living well”. It is a pleasant ● Moderation
state of mind. - Forgiveness
- Modesty
EPICURUS - Prudence
- Eudaemon, a life of pleasure maintains that life of pleasure - Self-control
coincides with the life of virtue. He understands Eudaimonia as
a more or less continuous experience of pleasure and, also PLATO
freedom from pain and distress. Virtue is only - Eudaimonia depends on virtue (arête) which is depicted as
instrumentally related to happiness. the most crucial and the dominant constituent of eudaimonia.
- Happiness = Pleasure

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Science, Technology and Society

Midterm Transes

- He founded Pyrrhonism, a school of philosophical skepticism AMORAL PERSON
that places the attainment of ataraxia (a state of equanimity) as - has no regard for any standards of right or wrong, and just
a way to achieve Eudaimonia. does what he/she likes.
- Pyrrhonist practice is for the purpose of achieving epoch.
VIRTUE - German philosopher whose work is associated with
- Virtue, by definition, is the moral excellence of a person. phenology and existentialism.
Morally excellent people have a character made-up of virtues - His ideas have exerted influence on the development of
valued as good. They are honest, respectful, courageous, contemporary European philosophy.
forgiving, and kind, - Example: They do the right thing, and - His best-known work is Being and Time (1927). He gave a
don’t bend to impulses, urges or desires, but act according to very impressive analysis of human existence, the prominence
values and principles. of the important themes of existentialism like care, anxiety, guilt
- Some might say good qualities are innate, but we’re not and above all death is brought out here.
perfect. Virtues need to be cultivated to become more - He begins “The Question Concerning Technology” by
prevalent in life. With the habit of being virtuous, we take the examining the relationship between human and
helm of our own life, redirecting its course towards greater technology, a relationship Heidegger calls a free relationship. If
happiness and fulfillment. this relationship is free, it opens our human existence to the
essence of technology”. This essence of technology, however,
ARISTOTLE’S 12 VIRTUES: has nothing to do with technology. Rather, as Heidegger
- Courage - bravery suggests, ‘The essence of a thing is considered to be what the
- Temperance - moderation thing is.”
- Liberality- spending - Heidegger examines two definitions of technology. Firstly, he
- Magnificence - charisma offers that “Technology is a means to an end”(Instrumental
- Magnanimity - generosity definition). Secondly, he proposes that “Technology is a human
- Ambition - pride activity (Anthropological definition).
- Patience - calm
- Truthfulness - honesty - He discusses the relation of modern science to the essence
- Wit - humor of technology
- Modesty - ego - He claims for the sciences the aggressive approach to nature
- Justice - indignation that goes well with technology, but poorly with science.
- The enframing of technology is destiny. Destiny is neither an
IMMORAL PERSON inevitable fate that descends on humanity nor the result of
- knows the difference between right and wrong and chooses human will.
to do what is wrong. - Disclosure of destiny and human freedom are one and the
MORAL PERSON - There is a twofold danger to destiny. One is the danger that
- knows the difference between right and wrong and chooses human being reduces itself to standing reserve and in so
to do what is right. appearing to have taken total control encounters nothing any
- The other is the danger that the disclosure of the enframing

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Science, Technology and Society

Midterm Transes

forecloses every other dispensation and conceals that too is a - The revealing is what the Greeks call truth-Aletheia- means
disclosure. unhiddedness or disclosure.
- Still the enframing is a disclosure. It involves human being, - Technology brings forth as well, and it is revealing.
therefore harbors the possibility of saving power. - This is seen in the way the Greeks understood techne, which
encompasses not only craft, but other acts of the mind and
- The modern concept of causality, even if philosophically a - Heidegger characterizes modern technology as a
challenge, is rather simple. A thing or an event causes another challenging forth- very aggressive in its activity.
thing or event. - With modern technology, revealing never comes to an end.
- The first thing or event is called a cause, the second is - The revealing always happens on our own terms as
called an effect. If I hit the tennis ball with my racket, my everything is on demand.
hitting is the cause of the ball flying. - He also described modern technology as the age of switches,
- In ancient philosophy the concept of cause is a lot more standing reserve and stockpiling for its own sake.
elaborate. ● Examples:
- The modern understanding of cause is what the ancients - Volcanic Eruption - challenging forth
would know as the efficient cause, the causa efficiens. - Coral Bleaching - challenging forth
- In Aristotle’s classical scheme of causes this would be one of - Planting trees - bringing forth
totally four causes, viz. the formal cause, the material cause, - Mining- challenging forth
the efficient cause, and the final cause. - Farming- bringing forth
● Causa materialis/material cause - the material, the
matter out of which an object is made QUESTIONING AS THE PIETY OF THOUGHT
● Causa formalis/formal cause - The form, the shape - Piety means obedience and submission.
into which the material enters. - One builds a way towards knowing the truth of who he/ she is
● Causa efficiens/efficient cause - Which brings about as a being in this world.
the effect that is finished - Thus, we shall never experience our relationship to the
● Causa finalis/final cause - End essence of technology so long as we merely represent and
pursue the technology, put up with it, or evade it. Everywhere
ARISTOTLE FOUR we remain unfree and chained to technology, whether we
- Causa eficiens - intention: unsolved contradiction - passionately affirm or deny it. But we are delivered over to it in
peace-making transformed contradictions the worst possible way when we regard it as something
- Causa materialis - capability: arms and army - neutral; for this conception of it, to which today we particularly
peace-keeping nonviolent peace forces like to pay homage, makes us utterly blind to the essence of
- Causa formalis - rules ad bello/rules in bellum deep technology
culture (DMA deep structure of hierarchy) - rules of - when we are questioning that is the start that we submit
conviviality/rules of mediation (conciliation deep ourselves to our thoughts
culture TeY-YTr deep structure of equiarchy - process that builds a way towards knowing the truth of who
- Cause finalis - victory by winning - peace-building by we are as a human being in this world.
- The bringing forth-poesis-which underlies causality is a - Nature is put in a box or in a frame so that it can be
bringing out of concealment. understood and controlled according to people’s desires.

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Science, Technology and Society

Midterm Transes

WHY ENFRAMING IS DONE? and differ in the particulars. In general, however, we recognize
- people want security universal truths that cut across our differences.
- reserve - In Ancient Greece, long before the “word science” was
- ready to be used coined, the need to understand the world and reality was
ART AS A WAY OF ENFRAMING bound with the need to understand the self and good life.
- HEIDEGGER, proposes that art as a way out of this - For Plato, the task of understanding the things in the world
enframing. runs parallel with the job of truly getting into what will make the
- With art, we are better able to see the poetic in nature in soul flourish.
reality. - It was Aristotle who gave a definite distinction between the
- It leads as a way from calculative thinking towards theoretical and practical sciences. Aristotle counted ethics and
meditative thinking. politics. Whereas “truth” is the aim of theoretical sciences, the
“good” is the end goal of the practical ones.
CALCULATIVE THINKING - Every attempt to know is connected in some way in an
- Calculative thinking is the more technical kind of human attempt to find the “good” or as said in the previous lesson, the
thought, in which people gather information and put it together attainment of human flourishing
in order to put it to some specific use. - It is interesting to note that the first philosopher who
- Calculative thinking is always in use with mankind, as it is approached the problem of reality from a “scientific” lens as we
necessary to the more practical activities and motivations of know now, is also the first thinker who dabbled into the
life. It is the more active aspect of human thought, concerned complex problemazation of the end goal of life:
more with the doing of a thing than of considering the possible HAPPINESS. This man is none other than Aristotle.
consequences. - Aristotle extends this analysis from the external world into the
- one orders and puts a system to nature so it can be province of the human person and declares that even human
understood better and controlled beings are potentialities who aspire for their actuality. Every
action that emanates from a human person is a function of the
MEDITATIVE THINKING purpose (telos) that the person has.
- Meditative thinking involves something much deeper than - When a girl tries to finish her degree in the university, despite
practical calculation, and it takes much more effort. the initial features she may have had., she definitely is being
- Meditative thinking tells us why we should do or should not do propelled by a higher purpose than to just graduate. She wants
a thing, beyond the simple calculative process of actually doing something more, maybe to have a license and land a
it. promising job in the future.
- Meditation is not limited to expanding on calculation, and it - Every human person, according to Aristotle, aspires for an
does not necessarily have to have an end product, as does end. This end, we have learned from the previous chapters, is
calculation. happiness or human flourishing.
- one lets nature revealitself to him/her without forcing it.
THE GOOD LIFE - In the eighteenth century, John Stuart Mill declared the
- Everyone is in pursuit of a good life. We do certain things Greatest Happiness Principle by saying that an action is right
because we want to achieve a life which will make us happy as long as it maximizes the attainment of happiness for the
and content. By studying and working hard, we try to attain this greatest number of people.
goal not only for ourselves but also for our loved ones and the - Mill said that the individual happiness of each individual
rest of humanity. People’s definition of the good life may vary should be prioritized and collectively dictates the kind of action
that should be endorsed

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Science, Technology and Society

Midterm Transes

- The ultimate basis of happiness for theists is the communion

- The ethical is, of course , meant to lead us to the good and with God.
happy life. Through the ages, man has constantly struggled HUMANISM
with the external world in order to reach human flourishing. - Humanism as another school of thought espouses the
History has given birth to different schools of thought, all of freedom of man to care for his own destiny and to legislate his
which aim for the good and happy life. own laws, free from the shackles of a God that monitors and
controls .
MATERIALISM - For humanists, man is literally the captain of his own ship.
- The first materialists were the atomists in Ancient Greece. - This is the spirit of most scientists who thought that the world
Democritus and Leucippus led a school whose primary belief is is a place and space for freely unearthing the world in seeking
that the world is made up of and is controlled by the tiny for ways on how to improve the lives of its inhabitants.
indivisible units in the world called atomos.
- For Democritus and his disciples, the world, including human WHY DOES THE FUTURE NOT NEED US?
beings, is made up of matter. As such, only material entities C.S LEWIS
matter. In terms of human flourishing, matter is what makes us - C.S.Lewis argued that humanity, so –called power over
attain happiness. nature “turns out to be a power exercised by some men over
other men with Nature as its instrument’. He feared that
HEDONISM modernism and its ability to explain away everything but
- The hedonists, for their part, see the end goal of life in “nature “would leave us emptied of humanity. All that would be
acquiring pleasure. Pleasure has always been the priority of left is our animal instincts.
hedonists. - The choice we have to see humanity as a complex
- For them, life is about obtaining and indulging in pleasure combination of both material and spiritual components or else
because life is limited. to be reduced to machines made of meat ruled by other
- The mantra of this school of thought is the famous “Eat, drink, machines with nothing other than natural impulses to guide
and be merry for tomorrow we die.” them. He also warned us of a society that has explained away
every mystery, and the danger of what he calls “man-molders
STOICISM which will be armed with the powers of an Omni-competent
- Another school of thought led by Epicurus, the stoics state and irresistible scientific technique.
espoused the idea that to generate happiness, one must learn
to distance oneself and be apathetic. FRANCIS FUKUYAMA
- The original term, apatheia, precisely means to be indifferent. - According to Francis Fukuyama, there are three possible
- For stoics, happiness can only be attained by a careful scenarios for the near future.
practice of apathy. ● First, the genetically enhanced intelligence or the
- Some things are not within our control. prospect of living longer lives free from genetic
THEISM ● Next, advances in stem cell research might soon
- Most people find the meaning of their lives using God as a allow us to regenerate any tissue in the body.
fulcrum of their existence. The Philippines, as a predominantly ● Lastly, the widespread use of psychotropic drugs like
Catholic country, is witness to how people base their life goals Prozac and Ritalin that can make everyone happy
on beliefs that hinge on some form of supernatural reality without the side effects of the drugs.
called heaven.

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Science, Technology and Society

Midterm Transes

JACQUES ELLUL ● Teleoperated Robots

- warns that as technological capabilities grow, they result in - Mechanical robots controlled by humans
countless means to accomplish tasks than ever before. The ● Augmenting Robots
more dependent we become on technology, the more it - either enhance current human
conforms our behavior to its requirements rather than vice capabilities or replace the capabilities a
versa. human may have lost


- William Gibson, who coined the term “cyberspace”, has said ● military robots - to search, rescue and attack
"the future is here”- it’s just not evenly distributed”. Some of the ● industrial robots - IBM keyboard manufacturing
important changes in the future will come not from a new factory in Texas
technology, but from a large number of people having access ● collaborative robots or cobots - intended for direct
to something that already exists human robot interaction within shared space
● construction robots - robotic arm and robotic
- It is the process by which an organisms’ genetic material is ● agricultural robots - closely linked to the concept of
altered or manipulated so that the organism will have specific AI-assisted precision agriculture and drone usage
characteristics. ● medical robots - da Vinci Surgical System and Hospi
- It has been applied in numerous fields including research, ● kitchen automation - Rotimatic, flatbreads baking,
medicine, industrial biotechnology and agriculture. Frobot, frozen yogurts
- It can be used in Cloning, Genetically Modified Organisms ● Robot combat for sport, domestic robots -
(GMOs), Gene therapy. Roomba vacuums the carpets)
● nanobots - Kinesin uses protein domain dynamics in
ROBOTICS nanoscales to walk along a microtubule
- It Is an interdisciplinary research area at the interface of ● swarm robotics - disaster rescue missions, target
computer science and engineering. It involves the conception, localization and tracking, simultaneous localization
design, manufacture and operation of robots. and mapping, cooperative environment monitoring
- Characteristics of Robots: Robots all consist of some sort and convoy protection
of mechanical construction, Robots need electrical
components that control and power the machinery. NANOTECHNOLOGY
- It is the study and manipulation of atomic or molecular scale
TYPES OF ROBOTS to improve or even revolutionize many technology and industry
● Pre-Programmed Robots sectors.
- operate in a controlled environment where
they do simple, monotonous tasks ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE
● Humanoid robots - Refers to “machines” that respond to stimulation consistent
- robots that look like and/ or mimic human with traditional responds from human, given the capacity for
behavior- Sophia contemplation, judgement and
● Autonomous Robots Intention.
- operate independently of human - It is being used in health care, energy development, finance,
Operators transportation, aviation and telecommunications.

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Science, Technology and Society

Midterm Transes

- It includes autonomous vehicles such as drones and ● Lab-grown meats

self-driving cars, playing games such as chess or Go, search ● Robot soldiers
engines such as Google search, online assistants such as Siri, ● Roads over rivers and seas
image recognition in photographs, predicting flight delays and ● Holography
medical diagnosis. ● Body implants prosthesis
- Methods and Goals in AI: The symbolic ( or top-down)
approachseeks to replicate intelligence by analyzing cognition
independent of the biological structure of the brain in terms of
the processing of symbolic labels. and the connectionist (
bottom-up) approach- involves creating artificial neural
networks in imitation of the brain’s structure.

- established the fundamental goal and vision of artificial
intelligence. It is the attempt ro replicate or simulate human
intelligence in machines.


- defined Artificial Intelligence in four approaches: Thinking
rationally, thinking humanly, acting rationally and acting


● Devaluation of humanity
● Decrease in demand of human labor
● High costs of creation
● Ethical issues
● Social isolation
● Environmental Problems


● Electric/ self-driving cars
● Robot butlers
● Flying cars
● Space tourism
● Colonization of other planets
● Wearable screens
● 3D printed Food and Metal
● 5G-6G connectivity
● Re-engineering and Recycling
● High-rise farms

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