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Human Resource Management Date :28-03-2024

CWS - Individual Activity

Submitted by:
Sannidhya Gogoi

Answer 1

Three pieces of career advice I would give a recent graduate who prioritizes work-life balance:

1. Emphasize the importance of delivering value over logging long hours. Encourage them
to focus on showcasing their skills and achievements rather than simply putting in
extensive time.
2. Help them hone efficiency skills such as task prioritization, time management, and clear
communication to complete work more effectively, allowing for more personal time.
3. Encourage negotiation of flexible work arrangements like remote work or compressed
workweeks to accommodate their lifestyle preferences.
4. Negotiate flex work arrangements. Discuss the possibility of proposing flexible work
schedules, remote work options, or compressed workweeks to their employer. This way,
they can maintain productivity while accommodating their outside interests.

Additionally, advise graduates to establish clear boundaries between work and personal life,
sticking to designated work hours and scheduling time for hobbies and interests.

Employer suggestions to support these graduates:

● Provide flexible work options such as remote work or flexible scheduling to demonstrate
trust and enhance employee satisfaction.
● Results-oriented culture. Shift the focus from the number of hours worked to the
quality of work produced. This empowers employees and reduces the pressure to stay
late simply for appearances.
● Promote work-life balance. Encourage breaks, vacations, and healthy boundaries
between work and personal life. This can help with employee well-being and reduce
Answer 2 - Where Am I Going . . . and Why?
1. Analyzing My Inclinations
 My strengths lie in organization, problem-solving, and communication. These skills are
essential for managing multiple projects simultaneously and keeping everyone on the same
 I am particularly interested in event management.
 My core values include efficiency, creativity, and collaboration. As a focused multitasker, I
thrive in fast-paced environments where I can leverage my creativity to find efficient solutions
while working seamlessly with others.
 Based on these factors, I have researched careers in the field of event planning and
execution. Some specific occupations that align with my interests include event coordinator,
event producer, and marketing event specialist.

Assessing Career Prospects

 My research suggests that the job outlook for event coordinator is Stable with a projected
growth rate of 4% over the next 10 years.
 The typical work environment for an event coordinator involves a collaborative office setting
with frequent on-site visits to event venues.

Crafting My Career Plan

 Current Inclinations: Currently, my skills and experience lie in project management,
budgeting, and vendor communication. These skills provide a strong foundation for
managing the various aspects of event coordination.
 Career Goals: My long-term career goal is to become a well-respected event producer,
managing large-scale events with a focus on sustainability.
 Action Plan:
o Step 1: To bridge the gap and achieve my goal, I will pursue a certification in Sustainable
Event Management.
o Step 2: In addition, I will gain relevant work experience through internships at event
planning companies.
o Step 3: I will further develop my skills by shadowing experienced event producers and
learning their best practices.
o Step 4: To enhance my network, I will actively participate in industry associations and
attend relevant conferences to connect with other event professionals.
o Step 5: Finally, I will develop a strong online portfolio showcasing my event planning skills
and highlighting my commitment to sustainability practices.
By following this plan, I am confident I can leverage my focus multitasking abilities to achieve
my career goals in the field of event management.

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