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INTER-AGENCY COUNCIL AGAINST TRAFFICKING (IACAT) RESOLUTION NO. 0. 5 Series of 202 RESOLUTION APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE IMPLEMENTING RULES AND REGULATIONS OF REPUBLIC ACT NO. 11930 WHEREAS, Republic Act No. 11930, otherwise known as the “Anti-Online Sexual Abuse or Exploitation of Children (OSAEC) and Anti-Child Sexual Abuse or Exploitation Materials (CSAEM) Act (Anti-OSAEC and CSAEM Act) lapsed into law on 30 July 2022; WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 45 thereof, the Anti-OSAEC and CSAEM Act shall take effect after fifteen (15) days following its complete publication in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation; WHEREAS, the Anti-OSAEC and CSAEM Act was published in the Daily Tribune on 08 August 2022 and in the Official Gazette on 22 August 2022, and became effective on 23 August 2022. WHEREAS, Section 41 of the AntiOSAEC and CSAEM Act directed the constitution of an Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) Committee, composed of the members of the Inter-Agency Council Against Trafficking (IACAT), led by the Department of Justice and Department of Social Welfare and Development, and with the inclusion of the Department of Education, Department of Information and Communications Technology, Department of the Interior and Local Government, Department of Tourism, National Privacy Commission, National Telecommunications Commission and the Anti-Money Laundering Council, and two (2) non-government organizations (NGOs) on children's rights, namely the International Justice Mission and Save the Children - Philippines; WHEREAS, the said IRR Committee was constituted as such and was tasked to promulgate rules and regulations for the effective implementation of the Anti- OSAEC and CSAEM Act; WHEREAS, after the conduct of multi-sectoral consultations among the members of the IRR Committee, children’s groups, private sector, the public and other stakeholders in the fight against online sexual abuse and exploitation of children and child sexual abuse or exploitation material, the latest draff of the IRR was presented in the Special Council Meeting held on 04 May 2023; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, the Council, as IRR Committee, in accordance with its voting requirements and processes for matters requiring its approval, hereby APPROVES AND ADOPTS the Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 11930, or the Anti:OSAEC. and Anti-CSAEM Act. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the foregving approval shall be documented in a written resolution duly signed by the Secretary of Justice and Secretary of Social Welfare and Development, in their respective capacity as Chairperson and Co- Chairperson of the IACAT and attested to by the Executive Directors, and that this Resolution shall take effect immediately. 4 fed iN jecretary / Co-Chairperson Departrfent of Social Welfare anc! Development Secretary / Chait Department of Attested by: eet . BENDOVAL, MARGARITA LOURDES F. MAGSAYSAY OIC-Executive Director OIC-Executive Director IACAT Secretariat NCC-OSAEC-CSAEM

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