Constitutional Law Ii Midterms Reviewer

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Economical Rights
I. KINDS OF HIERARCHY RIGHTS Rights needed to survive, economically speaking.
Rights to practice one's profession, right to make a
A. Natural, Constitutional, Statutory Rights living, right to own property whether intellectual or
Natural Rights real. These are rights intended to secure the well
The Inherent rights. These are the rights inherent to being of individuals.
man and given to him by God as a human being. Ex: Right to work, education
Simple because you are a human being, you are
born with it. These are God given rights. It is the Social Rights
sovereign power that gives the rights . Other These are rights associated with other rights, these
examples are the right to talk, walk etc. With or are the rights which are intended for the well being
without the constitution we have these rights. and economic security of the individual. Rights
E.x. the right to live, love, be happy, human Rights. arising from our natural rights in order to become part
of a group or association, to mingle or to interact with
Constitutional Rights others
These are the rights found in the constitution. It is to Ex. Right to association
guarantee rights against abuse, arbitrary intrusion by
the government. (to protect us against the Cultural Rights
government.) Example is the right to vote. But natural Includes customs, or religion. Rights to practice their
rights can also be found in the constitution. This right beliefs, tradition, way of life, language, culture etc.
guarantees from abuse and limits the power of the Ex. Right to choose a religion
Ex: right to live

Statutory Rights C. 3 Generations of Rights

These are rights drafted by the legislative, to enable Refers to the order in time when a particular set of
the provisions of the constitution. These are the rights rights began to develop and gain recognition by
provided by the law-making bodies that are not found states. Generation refers to the succession of periods
in the constitution. Ex. Rights to overtime pay, Right when societies and governments began recognizing
of Suffrage, discount of pwd, etc. set of rights, though not necessarily in the order of
B. Civil, Political, Economic, Social, Cultural man’s priority, for man’s first priority was more
Rights economic than political, such as the right to food,
Civil Rights etc., a right recognized by humans long before
Rights that belong to an individual by virtue of their governments and rulers came into being.
citizenship in a state or in a community. These are First Generation Rights
the rights that belong to every citizen of the state or Refers mostly to political rights and civil liberties
country, and are not connected with the found in the International Covenant on Civil and
administration of the government. Civil rights define Political RIghts (ICCPR), such as the prohibition
the relations of individuals amongst themselves.
against searches and seizures, interruption of
These rights are enforced by law at the instance of
the citizen in order to secure their means of peaceful meetings, or undue intervention to the
enjoyment of happiness. Ex: Rights to enter into a freedom of expression. These are “negative rights in
contract, the right to express your sentiments, the sense that they prohibit the doing of something.
freedom of speech, freedom of religion. They are the “no one shall” rights.

Political Rights Second Generation Rights

Rights that pertain to an individual's citizenship Positive rights that enjoin states to perform an act or
vis-a-vis the management of the government for do something for the enjoyment of these rights by the
redress, right to hold public office. These are the people. These are mostly economic, social and
Rights an individual enjoys as a consequence of cultural rights found in the International Convention
being a member of a body politic. They refer to the on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR),
rights of an individual to participate, directly or such as the right to work, to education and to food.
indirectly, in the establishment or administration of They are the “state shall” rights.
Third Generation Rights
Ex. Right to assemble, right to vote, freedom of Newly emerging rights, such as the right to
speech. development, the right of people to live in a clean
environment, right to live in peace, etc. These are
also known as solidarity rights or collective rights. Case:
These are the rights of the entire human race. Republic v Cagandahan
Jennifer Cagandahan is diagnosed with Congenital
D. Life, Liberty (Pursuit of happiness), Property Adrenal Hyperplasia. She filed a Petition for
Rights Correction of Entries in Birth Certificate before the
RTC to change her name to Jeff and gender to Male.
Persons RTC granted the petition but the OSG sought for
Can be natural persons or artificial persons reversal of the ruling.
(corporations, created as persons by legal fiction,
referred to as juridical persons, included foreigners if Ruling:
they are within our jurisdiction.) The Court held that where the person is biologically
or naturally intersex, the determining factor in his
Life gender classification would be what the individual,
Guarantees the right to be alive (Art. III, Sec 1), and having reached the age of majority, thinks of himself.
to be secured from physical harm. It talks about the
rights to a good life, there is an emphasis on the Respondent is the one who has to live with his
quality of living that can be found in Art 2 where it intersex anatomy. To him belongs the human right
commands the state to promote a life of dignity, and to the pursuit of happiness and of health. Thus, to
guarantees a rising standard of living and improved
him should belong the primordial choice of what
quality of life for all.
courses of action to take along the path of his sexual
It includes the right of an individual to his body and its development and maturation. Life is already difficult
completeness, free from dismemberment, and for the ordinary person. We cannot but respect how
extends to the use of God-given faculties which respondent deals with his unordinary state and thus
makes life enjoyable. (Justice Malcolm, Philippine help make his life easier, considering the unique
Constitutional Law, pp. 320- 321) Includes the right to circumstances in this case.
use different faculties of your bodies and right to have
a good life.


It includes the rights to exist and the right to be free
from arbitrary personal restraint or servitude, and the A. INHERENT: POWERS: Police Power, Eminent
right of the citizen to be free to use his faculties in all Domain, Taxation
lawful ways. (Rubi v. Provincial Board of Mindoro, 39
Phil 660) Police Power
State authority to enact legislation that may interfere
Life and Liberty includes the following rights: with personal liberty or property in order to promote
a. Right to Health the general welfare.
b. Right to Privacy
c. Right to Security - not a life of fear that his Eminent Domain
person or property may be violated Inherent power of a nation or a sovereign state to
i. Includes right to dignity, freedom of take, or sanction the taking of, private property for a
expression and speech, freedom of public use without the owner's consent, conditioned
assembly, etc. upon payment of just compensation.

Property Taxation
Representation of what a person owns, as well as the An inherent power of the state exercised through
rights to secure, use, or dispose of said property. legislature, to impose burdens upon subjects and
Under Civil Code, anything that may be subject of objects within its jurisdiction, for the purpose of
appropriation is considered as property, which
raising revenues to carry out the legitimate objects of
includes real and personal property, whether tangible
or intangible, or other property rights as defined the government.
under the civil code.
ii. Right to enter contract is a property
iii. Right to work is a property right
B. Similarities and differences
As to the Effects
Police Power Taxation Eminent
1. All are inherent power of state Domain
2. Legislative in character – there must be a law
in order to authorize its exercise. Limitation of Loses part Owner loses
3. Similar to purpose – the public will benefit. rights but of its private
every time they are exercised, a person's there is an property but property but
right is affected, adversely affected. They are altruistic attains gets paid just
also similar because that person, adversely feeling that he services. compensation
affected, gets something in return. did something
good for
Differences general
As to Purpose

Police Power Taxation Eminent

C. Who exercises the power?
Promote Raise funds To make a
The Legislative, but the power is delegable to other
general for the property entities.
welfare. government available for
. public use 1. Police Power - delegated to the President,
local administrative agencies, and local

As to Means Use to Attain Purpose 2. Eminent Domain - can be delegated to

public and private entities by valid delegation,
Police Power Taxation Eminent to the president, lawmaking bodies of the
Domain LGUs, public corporations, quasi-public
corporations, and administrative bodies.
Limit the Collect Take private
3. Taxation- can be exercised by the President
person's right. contribution property, in
and law-making bodies of LGUs.
or exact order to make
charges a property
from the available for III. DUE PROCESS, Article III, Section 1
people public use. "No one shall be deprived of life, liberty, and
property, without due process of law, nor shall
any person be denied the equal protection of the
laws." (Art. III, Sect. 1)
As to Benefit to Society
What does “due process” mean?
Police Taxation Eminent Due process means that:
Power Domain 1. There shall be a law prescribed in harmony
with the general powers of the legislature;
General Delivery of Society is 2. It shall be reasonable in its operation;
welfare is basic benefited 3. It shall be enforced according to the regular
promoted for services by because now methods of procedure prescribed;
the common the the public get 4. It shall be applicable alike to all citizens of the
good government use the State or to all of a class. (People v. Cayat,
G.R. No. L-45987, May 5, 1939)
property once
private There must be a law that hears before it condemns
A. Relativity of due process Marcos era, rarely used at present. Ex: Freedom of
The concept of due process is flexible for not all speech such as inciting to sedition
situations calling for procedural safeguards call for
the same kind of procedure. (Secretary of Justice v.
Lantion, 2000)
To say that the concept of due process is flexible PBM Employees Org. v PBM
does not mean that judges are at large to apply it to
any and all relationships. Its flexibility is in its scope Facts: The labor union of PMB employees decided to
once it has been determined that some process is stage a mass demonstration to express their
due; it is a recognition that not all situations calling for grievances against the Pasig police. PBM disallowed
procedural safeguards call for the same kind of them to conduct the mass demonstration as they said
procedure. (Morrissey v. Brewer, 1972) it would violate the CBA (No strike, No Lock out) and
would affect their property rights. (hinder the normal
operations of the company) Those who proceeded
were terminated from work. PBM employees now
B. Judicial standards of review challenged the validity of the termination.
1. Reasonable / Rational connection test
2. Clear and present danger test Ruling: It was not violative of the CBA because the
3. Dangerous tendency test demonstration was not against the company but
against the Pasig police, thus the termination was
Reasonable / Rational connection test unlawful. The court also discussed the hierarchy of
It requires only that there be a legitimate government rights and stated that the PBM employees' right to
interest and that there is a reasonable connection freedom of speech is recognized over PBM’s property
between it and the means employed to achieve it. rights. The employees and laborers of herein private
respondent firm were fighting for their very survival,
Ways to test if reasonable or valid of the purpose of utilizing only the weapons afforded them by the
the law: Constitution — the untrammeled enjoyment of their
basic human rights.It was thus, the PBM who was
a. Medical found guilty of unfair labor practice for disallowing
b. Empirical and terminating those who participated in the
c. Scientific demonstration which as it was a denial of social
d. Statistical justice.

Note: The purpose of permit is for schedule (time,

When are precautionary principles applied? place, manner, participants) to avoid concurrent
rallies/demonstrations. If the mayor denies, there
When the threat is uncertain of the damage or threat, must be a clear and present danger
the damage must be serious, must be irreversible.
Example is wearing a face shield.

Clear and Present Danger Test Tablarin v Gutierrez

There must be a clear and present danger that it will
bring about the substantive evils that the state has Facts:
the right to prevent or prohibit. The substantive evil Petitioners assailed the constitutionality of Section 5
must be extremely serious and the degree of (a) and (f) of Republic Act No. 2382 “Medical Act of
imminence is extremely high before it can be 1959” and MECS Order No. 52 which requires the
punished. taking and passing of the NMAT as a condition for
● Evil sought to be prevented must be evil securing certificates of eligibility for admission. They
● Clear danger - degree of danger also argued that NMAT is an unfair, unreasonable
● Present danger - Proximity of danger and inequitable requirement in which they appear to
suggest it is an unnecessary requirement.
Dangerous Tendency Test
If the words uttered create a dangerous tendency of
an evil which the state has the right to prevent, then Ruling:
such words are punishable. It is sufficient if the Petitioners failed to demonstrate that the statute and
natural tendency and the probable effect of the regulation they assail in fact clash with the invoked
utterance were to bring about the substantive evil that constitutional provision.
the legislative body seeks to prevent. Used during
The government is entitled to prescribe an admission Cases:
test like the NMAT as a means for achieving its stated Tanada v Tuvera
objective of "upgrading the selection of applicants
into medical schools" and of "improving the quality of
The petitioners seek writ of mandamus to compel the
medical education in the country." The NMAT is respondents to publish or cause publication in the
reasonably related to the securing of the ultimate end Official Gazette of Presidential Decrees, Letters of
of legislation and regulation in this area. That end, it Instructions, General Orders, Proclamations,
is useful to recall, is the protection of the public from Executive Orders, Letter of Implementation, and
the potentially deadly effects of incompetence and Administrative Order. According to the petitioner, the
ignorance in those who would undertake to treat our right of the people to be informed was violated
because the issuances were not published prior to its
bodies and minds for disease or trauma.
4. Balancing of Interest test Ruling:
The court ruled that the clear object of the publication
is to give the general public adequate notice of the
laws which are to regulate their actions and conduct
C. Two Aspects of Due Process: as citizens. Without such notice and publication,
there would be no basis for the application of
1. Substantive due process ignorance of the law excuses no one. It would be the
This serves as a restriction on the government's law height of injustice to punish or burden a citizen for the
and rule-making powers. It requires the intrinsic transgression of the law of which he had no notice.
validity of the law in interfering with the rights of the
person to his life, liberty, and property. It requires that
the law itself is fair, reasonable, and just. There must
be law and it must be reasonable (Lawful purposes + GMA v MTRCB
Facts: GMA produced the show “Muro Ami '' it was
Lawful Means) There must be a legitimate state
ordered to be suspended by the MTCRB for failing to
interest to promote general welfare ex. Public Safety secure the permit pursuant to section 7 of PD 1908.
A penalty was to be imposed on GMA pursuant to
Requisites of substantive due process: circular 98-17. Petitioners challenge the validity of
a. There must be a valid law upon which it is MTCRB’s power to review and the penalty.
b. The law must be passed or approved to Ruling: MTRCB has the power to review the show
accomplish a valid governmental objective. pursuant to section 7 of PD 1908 because the show
c. The objective must be pursued in a lawful did not fall into the exceptions provided by the law.
manner. But the suspension was invalid because it was not
d. The law as well as the means to accomplish filed with the ONAR. The Administrative Code of
the objective must be valid and not 1987, particularly Section 3 thereof, expressly
oppressive. requires each agency to file with the Office of the
National Administrative Register (ONAR) of the
Precautionary Principles University of the Philippines Law Center three
When human activities may lead to threats of serious certified copies of every rule adopted by it.
and irreversible damage to the environment that are Administrative issuances which are not published or
scientifically plausible but uncertain, actions shall be filed with the ONAR are ineffective and may not be
taken to avoid or diminish that threat. enforced

1. There must be uncertainty
2. There must be serious damage or threat to Knights of Rizal v DMCI Homes, Inc.
environment and health
3. Serious damage or threat is irreversible Facts:
The petitioner Knights of Rizal filed a petition for
Benevolent Neutrality Injunction seeking a temporary restraining order, and
With respect to these governmental actions,
later a permanent injunction, against the construction
accommodation of religion may be allowed, not to
promote the government's favored form of religion, of Torre de Manila. They argued that the completed
but to allow individuals and groups to exercise their Torre de Manila will forever ruin the sightline of the
religion without hindrance. Rizal Monument in Luneta Park.
Petitioners failed to prove that an 80% see-through
Ruling: fence would provide better protection and a higher
The Court considers the stoppage of the construction level of security, than a tall solid concrete wall.
Compelling the respondents to reconstruct their fence
of Torre De Manila in the private property of DMCI as
in accordance with the assailed ordinance, an
“taking” because it prohibits them of their property encroachment on their right to property, which
right without due process of law. The construction of necessarily includes their right to decide how best to
Torre De Manila does not violate the preservation of protect their property. Additionally, requiring the
national culture, heritage, and treasure because there exposure of their property via a see-thru fence is
is no law prohibiting the construction of buildings violative of their right to privacy.
distant and beyond the national shrine.

Evasco v Montanez
International Service for the Acquisition of
Facts: Montanez runs promotions of billboards.
Agri-Biotech Applications v Greenpeace Sea
Mayor of Davao City passed an ordinance which
requires the application of permit renewal for each (Philippines)
billboard; non-compliance resulted in directing these
businesses to voluntarily dismantle their billboards. Facts:
Montanez now challenges the validity of the Plaintiff challenged the decision of granting a
ordinance for being unconstitutional for being Biosafety permits and allowing field test of a new pest
overbreadth in its application, vague and inconsistent resistant biotechnologically engineered aubergine.
with P.D. 1096 (National Building Code of the They alleged that the field trials of the bioengineered
Philippines) aubergine were a violation of their constitutional right
to health and balanced ecology because the
Ruling: environmental compliance certificate No.1151 was
not secured prior to the project implementation and
The ordinance was a valid exercise of police power. because there is no scientific peer reviewed studies
Vested in the Sangguniang Panlungsod is the that shows that the Bt gene used in the genetically
legislative power to regulate, prohibit, and fix license modified organism is safe for human consumption
fees for the display, construction, and maintenance of and for the environment.
billboards and similar structures. The ordinance has a
lawful subject which was the regulation of billboard Ruling:
construction safeguards the life and property of Invoking the precautionary principle, the Supreme
inhabitants and the means was lawful which was the Court blocked further field trials of Bt talong until
rules in implementing its policy: minimum distance of regulatory systems governing the import and release
the billboards from property lines; required height; of GMOs are strengthened. “When these features –
securing of permits. uncertainty, the possibility of irreversible harm, and
the possibility of serious harm – coincide, the case for
the precautionary principle is strongest. When in
Mayor Fernando v St. Scholastica’s College doubt, cases must be resolved in favor of the
constitutional right to a balanced and healthful
ecology.” The Supreme Court considered that there
Facts: The city government of Marikina enacted an was a preponderance of evidence that GMO could be
ordinance which seeks to regulate the construction of a threat to both ecosystems and health.
walls and fences in Marikina. They claim that it is a
valid exercise of police power for public health and
safety specifically to reduce crimes in the area. The
city ordered respondent St. Scholastica to to replace
the fence of their Marikina property to make it 80% Mosqueda v Pilipino Banana Growers and Exporters
see-through and at the same time, to move it back six Association
meters to provide parking space for vehicles to park. Facts:
Respondent now challenges the validity of the Davao City enacted the Ordinance No. 0329,
ordinance. imposing a ban against aerial spraying as an
agricultural practice by all agricultural entities within
Ruling: The ordinance was not a valid exercise of
Davao City in 2007. The respondents filed their
police power. While there was a lawful subject which
the means employed by the petitioners are NOT petition in the RTC to challenge the constitutionality
reasonably necessary for the accomplishment of this of the ordinance. They alleged that the ordinance
purpose and are unduly oppressive to private rights. was an unreasonable exercise of police power,
violated the equal protection clause, amounted to· authority and prevent the delegation from
the confiscation of property without due process of running riotTo be sufficient, the standard
law and lacked publication pursuant to Local must specify the limits of the delegate�s
Government Code. authority, announce the legislative policy, and
identify the conditions under which it is to be
The ordinance was unconstitutional. To be Quasi-judicial function
considered as a valid police power, both the Formal
and Substantive tests must be passed. The function
● Just like court, determining and hearing case
of pesticides control, regulation and development is
within the jurisdiction of the Fertilizer and Pesticide
Authority (FPA). ● In the exercise, what is required is notice and
FORMAL - whether the ordinance is enacted (a) hearing Ex. LTFRB, COMELEC
within the corporate powers of the local government
unit, and whether (b) it is passed in accordance with ● Interpret law/rules
the procedure prescribed by law.
Procedural Due Process in Judicial Proceeding
SUBSTANTIVE - involving inherent merit, like the Requirement
conformity of the ordinance with the limitations under
1. There must be an impartial court or tribunal
the Constitution and the statutes, as well as with the clothed by law with authority to hear and
requirements of fairness and reason, and its determine the matter (Judicial Power given
consistency with public policy by congress except sa SC kasi galing sa
Consti ang power ng SC. Congress cannot
decree the jurisdiction of the SC)

2. Procedural Due Process 2. Jurisdiction lawfully acquired over the person

or the property which is the subject matter of
Procedural due process is that which hears before it the proceeding
condemns, which proceeds upon inquiry and renders - Once the court acquires jurisdiction,
judgment only after trial. It contemplates notice and jurisdiction is never lost until finality
opportunity to be heard before judgment is rendered of the case
affecting one's person or property. 3. Opportunity to be heard given to the
4. Judgment must be rendered after a lawful
It means compliance with both the procedures or
stops, even periods, prescribed by the statute, in
conformity with the standard of fair play and without 7 cardinal primary requirements of procedural
arbitrariness on the part of those who are called upon due process in Administrative Proceedings (Ang
to administer it. (Alliance v. Garin) Tibay vs. CIR)
● Employed by Courts or Judicial Department
1. the respondents’ right to a hearing, which
● Rules should be published, otherwise its void includes the right to present one’s case and
submit supporting evidence, must be
● Public is not involved
Valid delegation test 2. the tribunal must consider the evidence
1. Completeness tests - a law is complete 3. the decision must have some basis to
when it sets forth therein the policy to be support itself;
executed, carried out, or implemented by the 4. there must be substantial evidence;
delegate. 5. the decision must be rendered on the
evidence presented at the hearing, or at least
contained in the record and disclosed to the
2. Sufficient Standard Test - a law lays down
parties affected;
a sufficient standard when it provides 6. in arriving at a decision, the tribunal must
adequate guidelines or limitations in the law have acted on its own consideration of the
to map out the boundaries of the delegate law and the facts of the controversy and must
not have simply accepted the views of a was dismissed by the NLRC for non-perfection. The
subordinate; and partial bond in the amount of ₱15,000.00 is not
7. the decision must be rendered in such a reasonable in relation to the award which totalled to
manner that respondents would know the ₱197,936.27.
reasons for it and the various issues
The Court ruled that the right to appeal is not a
natural nor a component of due process. It is a mere
Cases statutory privilege and may be exercised only in
Nestle Philippines, Inc., v Puedan accordance with the law. The party who seeks to
Facts: Respondents demanded Nestle Philippines appeal must comply with requirements. No motion to
that they be regular employees. They filed a reduce bond shall be entertained except on
complaint to the Labor Arbiter and NLRC which partly meritorious grounds, and upon the posting of a bond
favored the respondent. Nestle now move for in a reasonable amount. The mere filing of a motion
reconsideration contending that it was deprived of to reduce bond without complying with the requisites
due process, its right to participate in the proceedings in the preceding paragraphs shall not stop T he
before the LA and the NLRC running of the period to perfect an appeal. the
₱15,000.00 partial bond posted by petitioners is not
Ruling: NPI was accorded due process, trial type considered reasonable in relation to the total
hearing is not always necessary. The essence of due monetary award of ₱197,936.27.
process is to be heard, and, as applied to
administrative proceedings, this means a fair and
reasonable opportunity to explain one's side, or an
opportunity to seek a reconsideration of the action or
ruling complained of. Administrative due process Lagon v Velasco
cannot be fully equated with due process in its strict Facts: Lagon obtained a loan from velasco which he
judicial sense, for in the former a formal or trial-type paid using a bouncing check. A criminal complaint
hearing is not always necessary, and technical rules was filed against him. During the preliminary
of procedure are not strictly applied. conference the judge ordered both sides to submit
their judicial affidavits. Lagon requested to submit his
Assuming arguendo that NPI was somehow deprived judicial affidavit after Velasco submitted his. He
of due process by either of the labor tribunals, such claims that the submission by both parties of their
defect was cured by:(a)NPI's filing of its motion for judicial affidavits before the pre-trial conference is
violative of his right to due process, hence
reconsideration before the NLRC; (b) the NLRC's
unconstitutional. Lagon claims that under the Judicial
subsequent issuance of its Resolution dated August Affidavit Rule, the defendant is forced to adduce
30, 2013 wherein the tribunal considered all of NPI's evidence simultaneously with the plaintiff. This
arguments as contained in its motion;(c) NPI's conflicts with the rule on Demurrer to Evidence,
subsequent elevation of the case to the CA. which grants a defendant the right to opt out of
presenting evidence, and instead move for the
dismissal of the complaint upon the failure of the
plaintiff to show a right to relief.
Turks Shawarma Company v Pajaton
Facts: Ruling: Section 2 of the judicial affidavit rule is not
Respondents filed Complaints for constructive and unconstitutional. A judicial affidavit does not deprived
actual illegal dismissal, non-payment of overtime pay, Lagon of due process of law. There is nothing in the
holiday pay, holiday premium, rest day premium, provisions of the Judicial Affidavit Rule, which
service incentive leave pay and 13th month pay prohibits a defendant from filing a demurrer to
against petitioners. They claimed that there was no evidence, if he truly believes that the evidence
just or authorized cause for their dismissal and that adduced by the plaintiff is insufficient.
petitioners also failed to comply with the
requirements of due process. Zeñarosa (petitioner)
filed a Notice of Appeal with Memorandum and
Motion to Reduce Bond with the NLRC. He posted a
partial bond amounting to P15,000, maintaining that
he cannot afford to post the full amount. However, it
AllIance for the Family Foundation Phil., Inc., v Garin

Petitioners, aligned with the intentions of the RH Law,
Republic v Sereno asserted that certain contraceptive products,
specifically Implanon and Implanon NXT, possess
In August 2017, an impeachment complaint was filed
abortifacient characteristics—properties that induce
by Atty. Larry Gadon against Sereno, alleging that
abortion or prevent a fertilized ovum from implanting
Sereno failed to make truthful declarations in her
in the womb. They filed oppositions to the
SALNs. Sereno contends that an impeachable officer
recertification of these products, which were
may only be ousted through impeachment and since
seemingly unaddressed by the respondents, who are
the mode is wrong, the SC has no jurisdiction.
officials of the Department of Health (DOH) and the
Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The
Ruling: respondents argued that the FDA, through its
Respondent was not denied due process, she was regulatory powers, is not required to comply with due
heard by the court. Respondent filed her Comment to process requirements of notice and hearing in its
the Petition, moved that her case be heard on Oral certification procedures..
Argument, filed her Memorandum, filed her
Reply/Supplement to the OSG's Memorandum and Ruling:
now, presently moves for reconsideration. All these The petitioners’ were deprived of their right to due
representations were made ad cautelam which, process. The Court expounded that the failure of the
stripped of its legal parlance, simply means that she respondents to act upon, much less address, the
asks to be heard by the Court which jurisdiction she various oppositions filed by the petitioners against the
does not acknowledge. product registration, recertification, procurement, and
distribution of the question contraceptive drugs and
devices violated the petitioners’ right to due process.
Instead of explaining, the respondents chose to
Borlongan v BDO ignore them and proceeded with the registration,
recertification, procurement, and distribution of
Facts: Eliseo Borlongan, Jr. and Carmelita Borlongan several contraceptive drugs and devices.
acquired a property in Pasig City. They discovered
that their property was part of an execution sale in a
Makati Regional Trial Court (RTC) case against
Tancho Corporation and others, including Carmelita,
over loan obligations. Banco de Oro (BDO) Government of the U.S.A. v Purganan
foreclosed Tancho Corporation’s property in 2000 and
secured the property in 2001. Despite knowing Facts: The US government requested the extradition
Tancho Corporation no longer occupied the of Mark Jimenez, a Filipino citizen, for various
foreclosed property, the Makati RTC ordered the offenses. Jimenez filed an urgent motion to set for
serving of summons there. Summons remained hearing the issuance of a warrant of arrest, and later
unserved, and on BDO’s motion, the Court allowed applied for bail. The DOJ argued that Jimenez was
publication of summons. They now challenge the not entitled to notice and hearing before the issuance
validity of the summons done in publication. of a warrant of arrest, and that bail was not a matter
of right in extradition proceedings. Jimenez claimed
that he had a constitutional right to due process and
Ruling: The summons was invalid. Proper service of to bail, and that there were special circumstances
summons is essential for due process to relay that justified his provisional release. The court
jurisdiction over a party in a legal proceeding. discussed w/n Jimenez is entitled to notice and
Personal service of summons is the primary mode hearing and bail.
and must be faithfully attempted before alternatives
are considered.
Ruling: The Supreme Court ruled that Jimenez was
not entitled to notice and hearing before the issuance
of a warrant of arrest. The Court held that the
extradition law and treaty did not require such
procedure, and that it would defeat the purpose of opportunity to be heard, a notice of the decision to
extradition by giving the potential extradite the dismiss;
opportunity to escape.
He is also not entitled to a bail. The Supreme Court IV. Equal Protection, Article III, Section 1
ruled that Jimenez was not entitled to bail as a matter
of right, but only as an exception upon a clear and A. Concept
All persons or things similarly situated must be
convincing showing of special circumstances. The
similarly treated both as to rights confirmed and the
Court held that the constitutional right to bail was
responsibilities imposed. It does not demand
available only in criminal proceedings, and that
absolute equality.
persons sought to be extradited were presumed to be
flight risks.
B. Requisites for valid classification
The grouping of persons or things similar to each
D. Constitutional and statutory due process other in certain particulars and different from all
Constitutional Due Process others in these same particulars.
Due Process Clause in Article III, Section 1 of the
Constitution embodies a system of rights based on Requisites
moral principles so deeply embedded in the traditions 1. Such classifications rests upon substantial
and feelings of our people as to be deemed distinctions;
fundamental to a civilized society as conceived by 2. It applies equally to all members of the same
our entire history. class;
Protects the individual from the government and 3. It is relevant to the purposes of the law; and
assures him of his rights in criminal, civil or 4. It is not confined to existing conditions only.
administrative proceedings.
Statutory Due Process
Due process under the Labor Code, like C. Judicial standards of review
Constitutional due process, has two aspects: Rational basis test
substantive, i.e., the valid and authorized causes of
employment termination under the Labor Code; and The traditional test, which requires only that the
procedural, i.e., the manner of dismissal. (Agabon v government must not impose differences in treatment
NLRC) except upon some reasonable differentiation fairly
Protects employees from being unjustly terminated related to the object of regulation. SIMPLY PUT: It
without just cause after notice and hearing. merely demands that the classification in the statute
reasonably relates to the legislative purpose.

Intermediate scrutiny test

Requires that the classification (means) must serve
an important governmental objective (ends) and is
Agabon v NLRC
substantially related to the achievement of such
Petitioners then filed a complaint for illegal dismissal objective, A classification based on sex/gender is the
and payment on money claims. Petitioners also claim best established example of an intermediate level of
that private respondents did not comply with the twin review.
requirements of notice and hearing.
Strict scrutiny test
Ruling: Requires that the classification serve a compelling
Petitioners’ due process was violated. If the dismissal state interest and is necessary to achieve such
is based on a just cause under Article 282 of the interest. This level is used when suspect
Labor Code, the employer must give the employee classifications or fundamental rights are involved.
two written notices and a hearing or opportunity to be
heard if requested by the employee before
terminating the employment: a notice specifying the
grounds for which dismissal is sought a hearing or an
opportunity to be heard and after hearing or
Cases: for enforcing the Circular initially in Metro Manila is
PASEI v Drilon that taxicabs in this city, compared to those of other
Facts: places, are subjected to heavier traffic pressure and
The petitioners are challenging the constitutionality of more constant use.
Department Order No. 1, Series of 1988 of DOLE or
AND HOUSEHOLD WORKERS as it allegedly a (1) Nunez v Sandiganbayan
"discrimination against males or females;" (2) "does Facts:
not apply to all Filipino workers but only to domestic Nunez was accused by the respondent Court of
helpers and females with similar skills;" (3) and that it Estafa through falsification of public and commercial
is violative of the right to travel. It is held likewise to documents committed with other co-accused, all
be an invalid exercise of the lawmaking power, police public officials, in several cases. The petitioner of this
power being legislative, and not executive, in case assails the validity of the Presidential Decree
character. creating the Sandiganbayan. The petitioner claims
that PD No,1486, as amended, creating the
Ruling: Sandiganbayan is violative of due process, equal
It is a valid exercise of police power and not violative protection, and ex post facto clause of the
of the Equal Protection Clause. While it is true that constitution.
the Order applies only to "female contract workers", it
does not make an undue discrimination between the Ruling:
sexes. It is well-settled that equality before the law Appeal was shrunk and limited only to questions of
under the Constitution does not import a perfect law, EXCLUDING a review of the facts and trial
Identity of rights among all men and women. It admits evidence; and there is only one chance to appeal
of classifications, provided that (1) such conviction certiorari to the SC, INSTEAD OF THE
classifications rest on substantial distinctions; (2) they TRADITIONAL TWO CHANCES; while all other
are germane to the purposes of the law; (3) they are estafa indictees are entitled to appeal as a matter of
not confined to existing conditions; and (4) they apply right covering both law and facts and tot o appellate
equally to all members of the same class. courts. Appeals must be germane to the purposes of
the law ; it must not be limited to existing conditions
only, and must apply equally to each member of the
Taxicab Operators of Metro Manila v BOT

Respondent Board of Transportation (BOT) issued Abubakar v People
Memorandum Circular No. 77-42, Phasing out and Facts: Abubakar, Guiani, Baraguir, and two (2)
Replacement of Old and Dilapidated Taxis. Petitioner employees of DPWH-ARMM were charged in
contends that the implementation and enforcement of Criminal Case No. 24970 for allegedly awarding
the assailed memorandum circulars violate the excessive mobilization fees to Arce Engineering
petitioners' constitutional rights to (1) Equal protection Services they were found guilty. Abubakar and
of the law; (2) Substantive due process; (3) Baraguir assert that their right to equal protection was
Protection against arbitrary and unreasonable violated due to “selective prosecution.” Only a
classification and standard. Petitioners alleged that handful of DPWH-ARMM officials were charged with
the Circular in question violates their right to equal violation of Republic Act No. 3019. Several
protection of the law because the same is being employees who allegedly participated in the
enforced in Metro Manila only and is directed solely preparation of project documents were not indicted.
towards the taxi industry.
Ruling: Selective prosecution was not established. The
The memorandum circular does not violate the prosecution of offenses is generally addressed to the
petitioner's constitutional rights. The Board's reason sound discretion of the fiscal. A claim of “selective
prosecution” may only prosper if there is extrinsic conduct an investigation anew. He is merely
evidence of “clear showing of intentional determining the propriety and correctness of the
discrimination. The prosecution of one person to the recommendation by the investigating prosecutor, i.e.,
exclusion of others who may be just as guilty does whether probable cause actually exists or not, on the
not automatically entail a violation of the equal basis of the findings of fact of the latter. He may
protection clause. A case for selective prosecution agree, fully or partly, or disagree completely with the
arises when a prosecutor charges defendants based investigating prosecutor. Whatever course of action
on “constitutionally prohibited standards such as that the Ombudsman may take, whether to approve
race, religion or other arbitrary classification.” A or to disapprove the recommendation of the
selective prosecution claim rests upon an alleged investigating prosecutor, is but an exercise of his
violation of the equal protection clause. Petitioners discretionary powers based upon constitutional
failed to establish discriminatory intent on the part of mandate. In asserting that petitioners were deprived
the Ombudsman in choosing not to indict other the equal protection of law since the Ombudsman, in
alleged participants to the anomalous transactions. sixteen (16) previous cases which were similar to the
Their contention that several other public officials case at bar, dismissed the same. The Ombudsman
were not criminally charged, by itself, does not dismissed those cases because he believed there
amount to a violation of petitioners Abubakar and were no sufficient grounds for the accused therein to
Baraguir's right to equal protection of laws. The undergo trial. On the other hand, he recommended
evidence against the others may have been the filing of appropriate information against
insufficient to establish probable cause. petitioners because there are ample grounds to hold
them for trial. He was only exercising his power and
discharging his duty based upon the constitutional
Gallardo v People mandate of his office.

Facts: Public Health Workers (PHWs) of Davao del

Sur filed letter-complaint for alleged refusal to Tiu v CA
appropriate in the municipal budget the amount
representing payment of their salaries by the Facts: Republic Act 7227 was passed into law.
Municipality of Bansalan headed by Mayor Arturo Under Section 12 thereof, created the Subic Special
Gallardo, among others, with the Ombudsman. Economic Zone and granted thereto special
Probable cause was found and information was filed privileges, such as tax exemptions and duty-free
stating that Gallardo caused undue injury to PHW importation of raw materials, capital and equipment to
workers. Gallardo requested for reinvestigation. This business enterprises and residents located and
was granted by Sandiganbayan, However residing in the said zones. The President issued EO
Ombudsman Desierto recommended his disapproval 97-A, specifying the area within which the
writing a note “let the court determine if indeed the tax-and-duty-free privilege was operative. Petitioners
evidence cannot stand the judicial scrutiny”. challenged before the Supreme Court the
Petitioner filed a motion to quash on the ground that constitutionality of EO 97-A for allegedly being
they were not accorded equal protection of the law. violative of their right to equal protection of the laws,
They contend that similar cases were dismissed by inasmuch as the order granted tax and duty
Desierto previously and should be accorded the incentives only to businesses and residents within the
same to the case at bar. The court ruled on w/n the “secured area” of the Subic Special Economic Zone
Ombudsman violated the equal protection rights of and denying them to those who live within the Zone
the petitioners on the ground of not uniformly but outside such “fenced-in” territory. The court ruled
deciding similar cases on w/n the EO was in violation of equal protection
when it only applied to the “secured areas”.
Ruling: It was not a violation of the equal protection
clause. The Ombudsman, contrary to the Ruling: The EO 97-A is not violative of the equal
investigating prosecutor’s conclusion, was of the protection clause; neither is it discriminatory. The
conviction that petitioners are probably guilty of the fundamental right of equal protection of the laws is
offense charged, and for this, he is not required to not absolute, but is subject to reasonable
classification. It was based, rather, on fair and justify the differential treatment for free speech
substantive considerations that were germane to the purposes. Because of the physical limitations of the
legislative purpose. The purpose of RA 7227 is to broadcast spectrum, the government must, of
boost the economy thus it is reasonable that it only necessity, allocate broadcast frequencies to those
applies to the “secured area” where that will benefit wishing to use them. There is no similar justification
the economy on a national level. for government allocation and regulation of the print
media. The broadcast media have also established a
uniquely pervasive presence in the lives of all
Filipinos. Newspapers and current books are found
ISAE v Quisumbing only in metropolitan areas and in the poblaciones of
municipalities accessible to fast and regular
Facts: Private respondent, International School (IS), transportation.
hires both foreign and local teachers as members of
its faculty, classifying the same into two: (1)
foreign-hires and (2) local-hires. The School employs
four tests to determine whether a faculty member Garcia v Drilon
should be classified as a foreign-hire or a local Facts:
hire.Should the answer to any of four tests queries Rosalie Jaype-Garcia filed a verified petition before
point to the Philippines, the faculty member is the RTC for the issuance of a TOR against her
classified as a local hire; otherwise, he or she is husband, Jesus Garcia, pursuant to R.A. 9262. Jesus
deemed a foreign-hire. Foreign hires have 25% more challenged the constitutionality of R.A. 9262 for being
salary. They now challenged the validity of the 25% violative of the due process and the equal protection
increase if w/n it is violative of the equal protection clauses, and the validity of the modified TPO issued
clause. in the civil case for being “an unwanted product of an
Ruling: It was violative of the equal protection invalid law.
clause. The School’s policy contravened public policy
and the principle of equal pay for equal work. The Ruling:
Court held that there was no reasonable distinction The equal protection clause of the Constitution allows
between the services rendered by foreign-hires and classification and it should be based on substantial
local-hires, and that the School failed to show that distinctions which make for real differences; that it
foreign-hires performed 25% more efficiently or must be germane to the purpose of the law; that it
effectively than local-hires. must not be limited to existing conditions only; and
that it must apply equally to each member of the
class. The distinction between men and women is
germane to the purpose of R.A. 9262, which is to
Telebap and GMA v Comelec address violence committed against women and
Facts: children. With this, R.A. 9262 is based on a valid
The petitioners are challenging the validity of Section classification and did not violate the equal protection
92 of BP No. 881 on the ground: (1) that it takes clause by favoring women over men as victims of
property without due process of law and without just violence and abuse to whom the State extends its
compensation; (2) that it denies radio and television protection.
broadcast companies the equal protection of the
laws. They are contending that Section 92 of BP 881 Since “time is of the essence in cases of VAWC if
singles out radio and television stations to provide further violence is to be prevented,” the court is
free air time. They contend that newspapers and authorized to issue ex parte a TPO. Ordinary
magazines are not similarly required. requirements of procedural due process must yield to
the necessities of protecting vital public interests
There is a fallacy that broadcast media are entitled to V. Police Power
the same treatment under the free speech guarantee
A. Concept, application and limits
of the Constitution as the print media. There are
important differences in their characteristics which
Power of state to regulate or prohibit, to limit a Chavez v Romulo
person’s right to promote general welfare. Facts: In 2003 President Gloria directed the then
PNP Chief, respondent Ebdane, to suspend the
Application issuance of Permits to Carry Firearms Outside of
Residence stressing for nationwide gun ban in all
public places to avert rising crime incidents.
Limitation Acting on President Arroyo’s directive, respondent
● The Constitution is the limitation of police Ebdane issued the assailed Guidelines (Guidelines in
power. the Implementation of the Ban on the Carrying of
● This constitutional mandate on due process Firearms Outside of Residence.)Petitioner Francisco
is a safeguard against the arbitrary and I. Chavez, a licensed gun owner filed a petition
despotic wielding of police power by the arguing that the President did not have the power to
government. impose a gun ban and cancel existing permits and
that the PNP Chief did not have the authority to
B. Requisites for valid exercise of police power
issue the guidelines. The court ruled on w/n the
(must concur)
guidelines were proper exercise of police power.
1. The interests of the public generally, as
distinguished from those of a particular class, Ruling: The “Gun ban” is a valid exercise of Police
require interference by the state Power, there is a lawful purpose and lawful means. It
is apparent from the assailed Guidelines that the
2. The means employed are reasonably
basis for its issuance was the need for peace and
necessary for the attainment of the object order in the society. (Lawful Purpose). The assailed
sought and not unduly oppressive upon Guidelines do not entirely prohibit possession of
individuals firearms. What they proscribe is merely the carrying
of firearms outside of residence. However, those who
C. Delegation to Administrative bodies wish to carry their firearms outside of their residences
Congress can delegate it to administrative bodies as may re-apply for a new PTCFOR. This we believe is
well as LGU but it must pass the sufficient standard a reasonable regulation. (Lawful Means) Laws
regulating the acquisition or possession of guns have
test and completeness test.
frequently been upheld as reasonable exercise of the
police power. In State vs. Reams,] it was held that the
legislature may regulate the right to bear arms in a
manner conducive to public peace. Furthermore, in
Cases: the Philippines there is no constitutional right to carry
Bautista v Junio arms unlike the US where there is.
The petitioners, Mary Concepcion Bautista and
Enrique D. Bautista, challenged the constitutionality
of the ban, arguing that it violated their due process MMDA v Viron
and equal protection rights. The provision banning
the use of Heavy and Extra Heavy vehicles is unfair, Facts: The case involves the authority of the
discriminatory, [amounting to an] arbitrary Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA)
classification" and thus in contravention of the equal to close provincial bus terminals along EDSA and
protection clause. other major thoroughfares in Metro Manila to alleviate
traffic congestion. Petitioners argue that the MMDA
Ruling: has the authority to implement the closure, while
The letter of instruction is a valid exercise of police respondents, Viron Transportation Co., Inc. and
power in response to conserving energy. In cases others, contend that the MMDA lacks such power and
involving the exercise of police power and the that the closure violates their property rights and the
regulation of property rights, the state is accorded Public Service Act. The court ruled on w/n the MMDA
much leeway, and due process cannot be invoked has the authority to close the bus terminals and if
unless there is a clear violation of constitutional such action is a valid exercise of police power.
rights. The classification of vehicles is not violative of
the Equal Protection Clause as there is a rational
basis for classification. Ruling: The Supreme Court denied the petition,
ruling that the MMDA does not have the authority to
close the bus terminals as it oversteps the powers exam and failed, she was dismissed from her job.;
granted by law. The executive order was declared She now challenges the validity of the law.
null and void for being ultra vires (beyond the
powers). The Court emphasized that the MMDA’s
functions are administrative and it lacks legislative or Ruling: The law is a proper exercise of police power.
police power. The closure of the terminals was not It has long been recognized that the regulation in the
considered a reasonable necessity to solve traffic field of medicine is a reasonable method of protecting
congestion and was not in line with the Public Service the health and safety of the public to protect the
Act. The ruling was grounded on the principle that the public from the potentially deadly effects of
welfare of the people is the supreme law, and any incompetence and ignorance among those who
measure must be firmly based on public interest and would practice medicine.Section 2 of RA 7431
not unduly oppressive. provides that it is the policy of the State to upgrade
the practice of radiologic technology in the
Philippines for the purpose of protecting the public
from the hazards posed by radiation as well as to
Association of Medical Clinic for Overseas Workers, ensure safe and proper diagnosis, treatment and
Inc. v GCC Approved Medical research through the application of machines and/or
equipment using radiation.
Center Association
Facts: DOH issued Administrative Order No. 5,
Series of 2001 which directed the decking or equal
distribution of migrant workers among the several D. Delegation to Local government units
clinics who are members of GAMCA. This order was
issued to comply with the Gulf Cooperative Countries
Section 16 of Local Government Code or R.A.
(GCC) States' requirement that only GCC-accredited
medical clinics/hospitals' examination results will be 7160 – General Welfare Clause
honored by the GCC States' respective embassies. Every local government unit shall exercise the
DOH then repealed the law, reasoning that the powers expressly granted, those necessarily implied
referral decking system did not guarantee the migrant there from, as well as powers necessary, appropriate,
workers' right to safe and quality health service. or incidental for its efficient and effective governance,
GAMCA challenges. Subsequently, RA No. 10022
and those which are essential to the promotion of the
lapsed into law which prohibits decking systems.
GAMCA challenges the validity of the law. general welfare. Within their respective territorial
jurisdictions, local government units shall ensure and
Ruling: It is a valid exercise of police power. These support, among other things, the preservation and
two elements of reasonableness (valid object and enrichment of culture, promote health and safety,
valid means) are undeniably present in Section 16 of enhance the right of the people to a balanced
RA No. 10022. The prohibition against the referral ecology, encourage and support the development of
decking system is consistent with the State's exercise
appropriate and self-reliant scientific and
of the police power to prescribe regulations to
promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the technological capabilities, improve public morals,
people. Public interest demands State interference enhance economic prosperity and social justice,
on health matters, since the welfare of migrant promote full employment among their residents,
workers is a legitimate public concern. These rules maintain peace and order, and preserve the comfort
are part of the larger legal framework to ensure the and convenience of their inhabitants.
Overseas Filipino Workers' (OFW) access to quality
healthcare services, and to curb existing practices
that limit their choices to specific clinics and facilities.
1. General Legislative Power
- Exercise the powers expressly granted, those
necessarily implied there from, as well as
St. Luke’s Medical Center Employees Asso. v NLRC powers necessary, appropriate, or incidental
for its efficient and effective governance
Facts: Congress passed RA 7431 or the "Radiologic - Without law, they cannot enact an ordinance.
Technology Act of 1992." Under the law, no person If there is a law, it must be within the scope of
shall practice or offer to practice as a radiology and/or the law. They should not make rules contrary
x-ray technologist in the Philippines without having
to the constitution or law.
obtained the proper certificate of registration from the
Board of Radiologic Technology. Petitioner took the - Purpose is to implement the statute,
- LGU acting as agent of the state
Ermita- Malate Hotel and Motel Operators v City
2. Police Power Proper Mayor
- Authorizes the municipality to enact
ordinances as may be necessary and proper Ordinance No. 4760 was enacted and petitioner
for the health and safety, prosperity, morals, claimed that it was beyond the powers of the Manila
peace, good order, comfort, and convenience City Board to regulate due to the fact that hotels were
of the municipality and its inhabitants, and for not part of its regulatory powers. Respondent
the protection of their property contends it bears a reasonable relation to a proper
- Can enact ordinance without law as long as it purpose, which is to curb immorality, a valid and
proper exercise of the police power.
promotes safety, security, health, public
morals, etc. but it must not be contrary to the Ruling:
constitution or act of congress. Police power is the inherent and plenary power in the
- LGU acting as agent of inhabitants State which enables it to prohibit all that is hurtful to
the comfort, safety, and welfare of society. The
ordinance was precisely enacted to minimize certain
Cases: practices hurtful to public morals (prostitution,
Social Justice Society v Atienza adultery and fornication in Manila traceable in great
part to the existence of motels).
Facts: The City Council of Manila enacted
Ordinance No. 8027 which reclassified the Pandacan
Area from industrial to commercial, and directed the De la Cruz v Paras
owners and operators of businesses disallowed
under the reclassification to cease and desist from
An ordinance known as Prohibition and Closure
operating their businesses within six months from
Ordinance of Bocaue, Bulacan was enacted. It
effectivity date of the ordinance. Most affected are the
prohibits the exercise of a lawful trade, the operation
oil companies composed of Shell, Chevron (Caltex)
of night clubs, and the pursuit of a lawful, occupation,
and Petron whose oil depots are located therein.
such clubs employing hostesses
Despite the ordinance, the Sanggunian adopted
Resolution No. 13 extending the agreement of
scaling down of the Pandacan depots up to April
It is clear that in the guise of a police regulation, there
2003 and authorized the mayor of Manila to issue
was in this instance a clear invasion of personal or
special business permits to the oil companies.
property rights. The municipal corporations cannot
Nevertheless, the petitioners filed a petition for
prohibit the operation of nightclubs. They may be
mandamus, sought to compel the Mayor to enforce
regulated, but not prevented from carrying on their
Ordinance No. 8027. The oil companies questioned
the constitutionality of the ordinance. The court rule
on w/n the ordinance was valid.

Ruling: The ordinance is a valid exercise of police

City of Manila v Judge Laguio
power. Ordinance No. 8027 was enacted for the
purpose of promoting sound urban planning, ensuring Facts:
health, public safety and general welfare of the An Ordinance was enacted, prohibiting any business
residents of Manila. The Sanggunian was impelled to providing certain forms of amusement, entertainment,
take measures to protect its residents from services and facilities where women are used as
catastrophic devastation in case of a terrorist attack tools in entertainment and which tend to disturb the
on the Pandacan depots. Further, the zoning community, annoy the inhabitants, and adversely
ordinance which reclassified the area is reasonable affect the social and moral welfare of the community,
and not arbitrary enactment to the oil companies such as but not limited to motels and inns, among
because they were not prevented nor prohibited from others.
doing business in the city other than the now
reclassified location of the depot where such Ruling:
operations are no longer permitted. The power to The Ordinance infringes the due process clause
establish zones for industrial, commercial and since the requisites for a valid exercise of police
residential uses is derived from the police power itself power are not met. It is an invalid exercise of
and is exercised for the protection and benefit of the delegated power as it is unconstitutional and
residents. repugnant to general laws. The Ordinance infringes
the Due Process Clause “No person shall be People v Fajardo
deprived of life, liberty or property without due Facts:
process of law” and PD 499 which allows operations Municipal council passed the ordinance which
of all kinds of commercial establishments. provides that any person/s who will construct/repair a
building should, before constructing or repairing,
obtain a written permit from the Municipal Mayor.
Fajardo and his son-in-law were charged with
White Light v City of Manila violation of the ordinance. The reasoning was that
Facts: “the building would destroy the view of the public
Manila Mayor signed into law an ordinance plaza.”
prohibiting short-time admission in hotels, motels,
lodging houses, pension houses and similar Ruling:
establishments in the City of Manila to “protect the The ordinance is unreasonable and oppressive, in
interest, health and welfare, and morality of its that it operates to permanently deprive appellants of
constituents in general and the youth in particular”. the right to use their own property; hence, it
oversteps the bounds of police power, and amounts
Ruling: to a taking of appellants property without just
Police power is the concept that the state has the compensation. State may not, under the guise of
right to protect itself and its people. The ordinance police power, permanently divest owners of the
aims directly to the elimination of illicit sex, beneficial use of their property and practically
prostitution, drug use and alike in the establishments confiscate them solely to preserve or assure the
covered. This goal is under what police power aesthetic appearance of the community.
promotes but the question falls on the means on how
to achieve it, taking into consideration that it must be
aligned with the constitution. With the petition in
place, the ordinance contravenes the due process Churchill and Tai v Rafferty
clause that serves as a protection against arbitrary Facts:
regulation or seizure. Signs, signboards or billboards that are offensive to
the sight are ordered to be destroyed or removed.
The billboard complained of was offensive to the
sight, and is otherwise a nuisance.
Tano v Socrates,
Facts: Ruling:
Ordinance 15-92 was enacted which banned the The court is of the opinion that unsightly
shipment out from Puerto Princesa whether via air or advertisements or signs, signboards, or billboards
water, of all live fish and lobster except for sea bass, which are offensive to the sight, are not disassociated
catfish, mudfish, and milkfish fries. Further, the Govt from the general welfare of the public. Hence, it is not
of Palawan enacted Resolution No. 33: Prohibition on beyond the reach of the police power of the
catching and gathering marine corals etc. government. Further, the regulation of billboards and
their restriction is not so much a regulation of private
Ruling: property as it is a regulation of the use of the streets
Sec. 16 of Local Government Code provides every and other public thoroughfares.
local government unit shall exercise the powers
expressly granted or implied therefrom for its efficient
and effective governance, and those which are
essential to the promotion of general welfare. Magtajas v Pryce Properties
Included in the general welfare is to enhance the right
of the people to a balanced ecology. Ordinances
Sangguniang Panlungsod enacted ordinance no.
have 2 objectives: to establish a “closed season” for
3353: an ordinance prohibiting the issuance of
covered aquatic animals for 5 years, and to protect
business permit and cancelling existing business
coral in the marine waters from destruction. The
permit to any establishment for the using and
accomplishment of the first devolved from fishery
allowing to be used its premises or portion thereof for
laws, while the second falls within the general welfare
the operation of casino; and ordinance no. 3375-93:
clause of LGC.
an ordinance prohibiting the operation of casinos and
providing a penalty for violation therefore.

Under existing laws, the Sangguniang Panlungsod of
the City of Cagayan de Oro does not have the power
and authority to prohibit the establishment and
operation of a PAGCOR gambling casino within the
City's territorial limits. The Ordinances contravene PD
1869; they prevent PAGCOR from exercising the
power conferred on it to operate a casino in Cagayan
de Oro City. P.D. 1869 has not been modified by the
Local Government Code.

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