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1. Introduction
Founded in May 1848 in London, Prudential plc is a multinational insurance
corporation of British origin. The organization offers asset management programs,
health insurance, and life insurance. The corporation’s mission is to help people
achieve the best things in life by making people's access to healthcare services
easier and more affordable, as well as providing comprehensive financial
solutions. Prudential protects the prosperity of its customers, helping them
accumulate and increase assets for their life goals. The Group is listed on stock
exchanges in London, Hong Kong, Singapore, and New York, and it provides
services to over 17 million consumers across Asia and Africa.
2. Insurance packages
Prudential provides various insurance packages serving different needs. There are
4 main categories of insurance products including Pure Protection Solutions,
Protection and Investment Solutions, Protection and Accumulative Solutions, and,
Supplementary Insurance products. Notably, the Prudential healthcare and
protection insurance packages provide comprehensive financial protection plans
against risks of accidents and serious diseases. In this article, we only mention the
two most common healthcare and protection packages, namely Pru-Easy365 and
Pru-Cuoc song binh an.
a. Pru-Easy365
- Insurance benefits
The maximum total insurance benefits paid during the contract term for this
insurance product is 411 million, of which
Insurance benefits Sum Insured (VND)
1 Support for hospital expenses when 500.000/day in hospital
hospitalized due to accidents
(The total number of days covered must not
exceed 15 days/hospital stay and 100

2 Support for hospital expenses when 1 Million/day in hospital

hospitalized due to accidents if treated in a
special care room.
(Total number of paid days does not exceed
15 days/hospital stay and 30 days/year)
3 Income support when hospitalized due to an 15 Million
Paid once. Applicable when hospitalized
continuously for 30 days or more
4 Burns due to an Accident 10 Million
Paid once. Applicable for 3rd-degree burns
or higher, with burn area covering at least
20% of the entire body's skin area
5 Food poisoning 1 Million
Maximum payment 02 times, each time 50%
of the Insurance amount. Applicable when
hospitalized continuously for 3 days or more
due to Food Poisoning
6 Broken bones due to an accident 10 Million
One-time payment
7 Life-threatening cancer 150 Million
One-time payment
8 stroke and myocardial infarction 150 Million
One-time payment
9 Death/Permanent disability due to accident 10 Million
Only pay once and the insurance contract
will terminate

- Insurance premium
Insurance fee by month
Age group 18-30: 55.000 Age group 41-50: 143.000 VND/month
Age group 31-40: 83.000 Age group 51-55: 188.000 VND/month

- General information
Age of participation 18-55
Contract term 1 year
Insurance period: 1 year
Premium payment period monthly

b. Pru- Cuoc song binh an

– Insurance Benefits
Cash benefit 30% of the insurance amount after the
Insured's 65th birthday
Benefits at the end of the contract 200% of the insurance amount +
Accumulated dividends and Dividend at
the end of the contract (if any) - previously
paid benefits (if any)
Death benefit Up to 300% of the insurance amount +
Accumulated dividends and Dividend at
the end of the contract (if any) - previously
paid benefits (if any)
Critical Illness Benefits Multiple financial support against the risk
of critical illness: up to 200% of the Sum
Insured + Accumulated dividends and
Dividend interest at the end of the contract
(if any):
+ Benefits when suffering from critical
illness in the first stage for the first time:
30% of the insurance amount

+ Benefits when suffering from the first

stage of critical illness for the second time:
30% of the Sum Insured

+ Benefits when suffering from critical

illness after the first period: maximum
100% insurance amount and exemption
from premiums

+ Benefits when suffering from health

insurance in the second period: 200% of
insurance + interests - previously paid
benefits (if any)

- Insurance premium
The insurance buyer can request an increase in the Sum Assured within 21
days of consideration or a decrease in the Sum Assured during the contract
The minimum insurance premium of each insurance contract is 75 million
Maximum insurance for each Insured Person is 2 billion VND.
Insurance premiums and other related conditions of the insurance contract
will be adjusted accordingly to the new insurance policy.
- General Information
Age of participation From 15 - 60 years old
Maximum age at the end of the 75 years old
Contract term Until age 75
Premium payment deadline Participation age from 15-50 years old: 15
years; 51-60 years old: 65 minus the joining
Purpose Financial protection against the risk of
critical illness

3. Pros and Cons

a. Pros
The products that the company offers put the customer's interests first. When buying the
company's insurance, customers feel secure and have a real sense of protection. This is
the difference that Prudential creates in the minds of customers compared to other
As we know, Prudential offers main product groups and complementary products as a
complete package. Each product group is combined with many other product groups to
create many types of products, thanks to which the company's product portfolio becomes
more diverse. Prudential Vietnam is also constantly improving from products to customer
service style. Prudential is the familiar face of millions of customers and is entrusted with
the responsibility of protecting many lives.
b. Cons
The major drawback of the company's products is that the company's products mainly
focus on life insurance while other companies are involved in many fields that need
insurance. Although many people know and want to join Prudential Insurance, they do
not have enough access to the product since the insurance premiums are high, and the
insurance joining procedures are complicated and time-consuming, causing hesitation in
considering the insurance process.

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