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1. How old are you?

2. What is your current living structure?

3. Are you employed?

4. How would you rate your child's academic performance on a scale from 1 to 10?

5. Are you a single parent? If yes, what are the main difficulties you encounter in supporting
your child's academic achievement?

6. Do you believe there is a correlation between single parenthood and a child's academic
performance? Why or why not?

7. In your opinion, what are some of the effects of poor academic performance on a
teenager's future prospects?

8. Have you noticed any differences in academic performance between children from
matrifocal households and those from dual-parent households?

9. Do you agree that living in a matrifocal household can contribute to a teenager's poor
academic performance? Why or why not?

10. How do you think the structure of a household (single-parent vs. dual-parent) affects a
teenager's academic motivation and success?

11. Have you observed any specific challenges faced by matrifocal households in
Orangefield Linstead regarding supporting their children's education?

12. What resources or support systems do you think could be beneficial for single parents in
Orangefield Linstead to enhance their children's academic performance?

13. How do you think socioeconomic factors intersect with the challenges faced by matrifocal
households in supporting their children's academic success?

14. What role do you think community organisations or local government initiatives should
play in assisting matrifocal households with educational support?

15. Have you personally utilised any strategies to overcome the challenges faced by your
matrifocal household in supporting your child's education? If yes, please describe.

16. Do you think enhancing parental involvement in education could mitigate the impact of
living in a matrifocal household on a child's academic performance? Why or why not?
17. From your perspective, what are some barriers preventing matrifocal households in
Orangefield Linstead from accessing educational resources and support?

18. In your opinion, what long-term solutions could be implemented to address the
educational challenges faced by matrifocal households in Orangefield Linstead?

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