Letter of Recommendation 2

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Date: 10 July, 2022

Letter of Recommendation

It is with immense pleasure that I write this letter of recommendation for Mr. ….to support his
application and play a role to accomplish his dream. I have known him for the last 2 years and I
must say he has demonstrated the qualities necessary for higher success in the demanding
academic atmosphere of a high caliber university as well as the social skills needed to be
successful in college.

Academically, Mr….. is a good student. All the teacher that have taught him are pleased with his
seriousness, leadership, potential and his sense of responsibility. I can vouch that he is one of the
good and kind hearted student that I have ever encountered in my career. He is an energetic and
enthusiastic leader in classroom as well as social activities. He has an extremely amiable
personality and is popular among his classmates as he considerate and shows deep respect for
others. Being honest and hardworking, he demonstrates healthy and balanced behavior. Perhaps
one of the….’s most outstanding characteristics is his independence of thoughts and his
willingness to express them. In other situations where students would never speak their minds, he
showed no hesitation in voicing questions, thoughts and ideas. He was always an active
participant in classrooms discussions.

Overall, Mr. ….is a very good student and good human being. He is undoubtedly the type of
student that has the potential for great success. I think he would be outstanding assets to your
organization. I highly recommend him to your reputed University.


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