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Clear and Succinct – Customer Value Statement

Sceremax is a product category that provides peppermint essential oil to customers who have wants,
needs, and opportunities for a scented candle that repels mosquitoes. It has a strong mosquito repellent
effect. It also works against dengue-carrying mosquitos. Furthermore, it is beneficial for common colds,
pain relief, mental function improvement, and stress reduction. Furthermore, this product is a three-in-
one scented candle. This is for your health, as it will allow you to relieve stress, improve your sleep, and
regulate your mood. It is also sustainable for cities because it is an organic product that is both safe for
people's health and beneficial to the environment due to the ingredients it contains. Furthermore, it is
reasonably priced so that customers can afford it, and it is of high quality. It is clean energy, and because
it is organic and biodegradable, it helps the environment by reducing air pollution. This product can
provide you with quality while also being reasonably priced and providing you with numerous benefits.
This product is worth buying.

What competitive advantages will you build to keep the promise of your Unique Value Proposition?

Direct Competitors

Sceremax is a scented candle that repels mosquitos. It is effective against dengue-carrying mosquitos. In
addition to repellent properties, peppermint oil's aroma is advantageous for common colds, relieving
pain, mental function improvement, and stress reduction. When burned in the immediate area, insect
repellent candles made of oil work effectively to repel mosquitoes and insects. The insect repellent
candle performs the same function and method as Guard repellent lights, Murphy natural mosquito
repellent candle, and other businesses that offer products that are essentially identical to our product;
as a result, the businesses compete for the same potential market. They're great for setting a mood, but
not so much for doing what they're supposed to do, which is repel mosquitoes. Furthermore, our
product, the Sceremax repellent, has a competitive advantage in the benefits it provides to our
customers in terms of both physical and mental protection. That it differs from other products.

2. Secondary Competitors

Sceremax repellent performs the same function as other products, but in a different way, which is the
off candle. Because candles are only used to relax and smell, not to ward off insects. Customers can
benefit from Sceremax repellent in a variety of ways. Because it contains ingredients that kill the
harmful effects of insects, it also has an amazing aroma that can provide customers with relaxation,
good sleep, and a mood-setter. This is the ideal product to rely on whenever they are stressed or tired.

3. Indirect Competitors

Sceremax repellent is entirely natural. Peppermint oil's aroma is beneficial for colds, pain, stress, and
other ailments. This is also a reusable wax, with soy wax as the base wax. Accordingly, the organic
materials that it contributes are clean energy. For example, Baygon is an indirect competitor of
Sceremax because it also provides mosquito protection, but our product is for people's mental health
because it is for relaxing and soothing the mood, and the scent it provides is relaxing.
How will you defend your competitive advantage?

1. Direct Competitors

The insect repellent candle serves the same purpose and method as Guard repellent lights, Murphy
natural mosquito repellent candle, and other companies that sell products that are nearly identical to
ours; as a result, the companies compete for the same potential market. They're great for setting the
mood, but not so much for doing their job, which is to repel mosquitoes. Furthermore, our repellent,
Sceremax, has a competitive advantage in terms of the benefits it provides to our customers in terms of
both physical and mental protection. That it is distinct from other products.

2. Secondary Competitors

Sceremax repellent works in the same way as mosquito repellent, and it is also scented. However, it is
not like other products because it is unique in that it is a 3 in 1 scented candle that provides good health
and wellbeing, for sustainable cities and communities that provide good benefits to the community, and
it is affordable and clean energy. These are the same products as before, but they differ in other ways.

3. Indirect Competitors

Sceremax repellent differs from other products in that it provides multiple benefits rather than focusing
on just one. Furthermore, Sceremax repellent provides a variety of benefits to the customer, not only in
terms of protecting them from mosquito-borne disease, but also in terms of giving them a peaceful
mind, relaxing, and other benefits that can help their mental health.

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