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5 facts about Me
- I’m better at English than I am in Tagalog.
- I have an accent whenever I talk in English.
- My weakest subject is Filipino.
- I have knowledge about coding and
- I enjoy biking, and usually bike around the

Bullying is a poor ethic that people use to insult
people. in my Opinion it should not be tolerate
because of its tendency to harm certain people. It
should be prevented and not be done.
Gender Equality
It should be more accepted around the world
because it gives people of different genders to have
the same benefits as the opposing gender. It also
gives more opportunities for people to learn and do
new things.
In my Opinion, we can’t really control people’s
stereotypes, but we can atleast tell them to do
they’re research on the subject before truly having
that stereotype.
Skills vs Knowledge
In my Opinion, both are necessary in everyday life,
you cannot only have one of them in your daily life.
Both have theyre respective roles and uses but both
can be used in certain situations.
Social Media Influences
In my Opinion, yes. I do thing Social Media
influences individuals, but it can be both in a
positive or negative way. You can learn many things
from social media some may be useful, some may
just be false information.

I believe that everyone is smart, they just need
to put in the effort to do so.
I believe that everyone can learn whatever they
want so long as they are willing enough to do
I believe that you can have any job you want,
you just need to have the motivation to learn it.

I believe that everyone is equal and that anyone

can be whoever they want.

I believe that that if you work hard enough you

can attain any goal you want do finish.

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