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Bullying in school. Who should be blamed?

In June 2017, Malaysians were shocked with the news of the tragic passing of an 18 year old boy, Nhaveen,

who was beaten brutally with helmets, after he was declared brain dead for six days. A month later, Jackson from

Kapit, Sabah was found dead after he was bashed by a Year 6 boy due to a misunderstanding. Jackson, who was only

7 at that time had severe bleeding in his head and bruises all over his body. This year, an incident involving 10

students physically bullying one victim, caused by teasing the name of one student’s recently deceased father. The girl

was reported to have suffered injuries as a result of the bullying, and had to be admitted to a psychiatric ward to

receive treatment. Lately, we often come across cyberbullying. Keyboard warriors often spur hatred and negativity all

over the internet. Have we lost our compassion and love towards one another? What is happening among students in

Malaysia? Who should we blame?

Bullying is a global issue and has been around for as long as we can remember. According to the Oxford

dictionary, bullying is defined as hurting or intimidating others. In my opinion, bullying is being mean or unfair to

others by making hurtful remarks just to make one feel bad about themselves. It is a form of repeated harassment with

an aim to causes harm and pain to one emotionally, mentally or physically.

Let’s go deeper into how and why bullying happens. Well, to me, it all starts from within. The bully may have

a feeling of being powerful when he or she bullies another person. Spreading lies and rumours, jealousy, talking ill

about someone, making hurtful remarks on one’s appearance or even sending out threat messages are one of the many

examples shown by the bully. Many at times, the bully wants to see others reactions. They feel a stronger urge to bully

the victim again when one brushes off their comments. It makes the bully feel even more powerful when their

opponent keeps silent. One of the most common type of comments made by pupils these days is teasing the names of

parents. This disgusting act has caused severe heartache to many silent and unheard victims.

Education should be the vital key to eradicate this issue. Teachers should create a safe environment for

learners. Pupils who make a complaint to the school counsellor or class teacher about a bully that has taken place

should be taken and looked into seriously. However, at times, teachers may be found guilty in the rise of bullying

cases. Instead of helping and guiding the bully or targeted students, wrong choice of words or drastic actions may

trigger the child even more. This will lead into students’ withdrawal in class, anxiety attack, lack of sense of belonging

or even extensive rage build-up which can lead to larger issues for the child in the future. On the other hand, teachers

being too strict, using hurtful remarks on education performance, comparison between pupils in the classroom may
also be very stressful for a child. The only way they can let the feeling out is by hurting their friends. This seems ok to

them as the teacher does the same.

Besides this, home environment also plays a vital role in the increased cases of bully. The socioeconomic

background of a child may spark this issue. Workaholic and stressed parents who are unable to provide the attention,

care and love every child needs makes them feel left out. Abusive parents or siblings and broken families can

eliminate the sense of love in a child. A family that is supposed to give support and love seems invisible to them. They

may feel neglected and lonely with the dispute going on at home and the only way they can gain attention is by

bullying. The feeling of being the centre of attraction gives a child the sense of belonging they have been longing for a

long time in their family. Often, bullies portray a strong look in school but may be the total opposite once their back in

their homes.

In a nutshell, although there is not only one person to be blamed on this issue, bullying should never exist. It is

a series of chained link as to why bullying occurs. People should learn and know that any sort of bullying is not ok.

We, as the united citizens of Malaysia, should encourage, support and love one another despite our differences.

Always remember ‘You can never look good trying to make someone else look bad.’

Thank you.

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