1historical Development of Science and Technology in The Philippines

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Historical Development

of Science and
Technology in the
The current state of science and technology in the
Philippines has been shaped by its historical
development, from the pre-colonial era to contemporary
times. The evolution of technology and scientific
knowledge in the region has been influenced by the
needs of the people, the resources available, and the
interactions with the environment. Let's explore the rich
history of scientific and technological advancements in
the Philippines.
Pre-Spanish Era
1 Primitive Tools and Technology
Archeological artifacts reveal that the early inhabitants
of the Philippines developed simple tools and weapons
around 40,000 years ago. They learned to make tools of
stone for hunting and gathering. The development of
such primitive technology stemmed from the
immediate needs for survival in their environment.

2 Understanding of Natural Resources

The primitive Filipinos exhibited a deeper understanding
of their environment. They learned to extract, refine
metals like copper, gold, bronze, and iron from nature.
They also engaged in agriculture, learned to weave
cotton, and built boats for coastal trade, demonstrating
a comprehensive knowledge of the natural resources
around them.
Technology and Nature
Stone Carving & Pottery Weaving and Metalworking
The ancient crafts of stone The smelting of metals by
carving and pottery not only The transition of the the early Filipinos
involved artistic expression inhabitants to settled life demonstrates their
but also demonstrated a near water sources led to knowledge of metallurgy,
scientific understanding of advancements in weaving, including the composition of
the properties of the agriculture, and boat alloys and the processes to
materials involved. The building. This indicates a produce metals with
shaping and hardening of scientific understanding of acceptable tensile strength,
clay into useful objects natural materials and their reflecting their deep
showcase the early Filipinos' applications in everyday life. understanding of scientific
ingenuity. principles.
Banaue Rice Terraces and Innovation
1 Ifugao's Ingenious Engineering 2 Sustainable Farming Practices
The construction of the Banaue Rice The terraces also represent sustainable
Terraces by the Ifugao tribe agricultural practices, reflecting the
showcased impressive engineering ancient Filipinos' knowledge of farming
and architectural skills. The terraces techniques and environmental
are a testament to the scientific conservation. The development of such
understanding of land irrigation and innovative farming systems required a
soil conservation by the ancient deep understanding of natural
Filipino communities. resources and ecological balance.
Scientific Harmony with Nature
Resource Utilization Environmental Integrated Science
Adaptation in Daily Life
The ancient Filipinos
lived in harmony with Their ability to adapt to From weaving to
nature, using scientific different habitats, from metalwork, the ancient
knowledge to obtain river areas to coastal Filipinos integrated
what they needed from regions, reflects a scientific knowledge
their environment. Their scientific understanding into their daily activities,
understanding of of ecological diversity demonstrating a holistic
sustainable resource and the utilization of approach to utilizing
utilization and natural resources based natural materials and
conservation is evident on environmental resources.
in their everyday conditions.
Government Policies and
Technological Development
Historical Impact
Government policies in different eras have left a
lasting impact on technological development, shaping
the current state of science and technology in the
Modern Influence
Contemporary government policies continue to play a
significant role in shaping the technological landscape
of the Philippines, emphasizing the importance of
policy decisions in technological progress.
Future Considerations
The understanding of historical policies can provide
insights into potential future developments in
science and technology, highlighting the crucial role
of policies in driving innovation and progress.
Role of Science and Technology in
Innovation Knowledge Transfer
The historical development of The transfer of knowledge and
science and technology in the technological expertise from
Philippines has laid the historical practices to
foundation for innovative contemporary applications has
advancements across various enabled the Philippines to
sectors, contributing to embrace modern
societal progress and advancements in science and
development. technology.
Future Prospects
Technological Evolution Driven by Historical Insights
Innovation and Sustainability Balancing Tradition with Modernization
Collaborative Progress Integration of Historical Knowledge
with Contemporary Innovations
The Spanish Colonial Era's
Impact on Science and
Technology in the Philippines

The Spanish Colonial Era had a significant impact on

the development of modern science and technology
in the Philippines. The establishment of schools,
hospitals, and scientific research initiatives, along
with the introduction of modern amenities, played a
crucial role in shaping the country's intellectual
landscape during this period.
Founding Educational and Medical
1 Role of Schools
The Spanish regime established schools, mostly run by Spanish
Spanish friars, which played a fundamental role in nurturing
nurturing the first generation of Filipino professionals, laying
laying the groundwork for future advancements in science and
science and technology.
2 Medical Development
The creation of hospitals by the Spanish significantly contributed
to the advancement of medical knowledge and healthcare
practices, fostering the growth of scientific understanding in the
Challenges of Intellectual Awakening

1 Church Intervention 2 Rizal's Influence

The strict hold of the church Brilliant individuals like Dr. Jose
and its fear of intellectual Rizal demonstrated the
awakening among Filipinos potential for scientific and
hindered the progress of technological achievement,
professionals in conducting despite the challenges posed by
scientific investigations and the church and government
contributing to societal intervention.
Scientific Research and Medicine

Charity Hospitals Scientific Journal

Charity hospitals became pivotal in The creation of the first scientific
conducting scientific research on journal, Cronica de Ciencias Medicas
pharmacy and medicine, focusing de Filipinas, showcased the significant
on infectious diseases and potential studies and research undertaken
remedies, contributing to the during the era, furthering scientific
development of medical knowledge. discourse.
Development of Natural Resources

Agricultural Exploitation Modernization Initiatives

The Spanish government encouraged The influx of foreign capital and

scientific research to explore and exploit technology brought modernization,
the country's natural resources, particularly in sectors like sugar and
particularly in agriculture and mining, hemp production, driving economic
paving the way for economic growth. development in the country.
City Modernization and Scientific Endeavors

19th Century
City of Manila
By the 19th century, Manila had transformed into a
cosmopolitan center, introducing modern amenities and
scientific advancements to the city's landscape.
Industries and Limited Scientific

Industrial Exploitation
Despite governmental encouragement, limited
scientific research led to challenges in the prosperity
of various industries during the Spanish colonial era.
Evolution of the Philippine Economy
Agricultural Economy
The Philippines evolved into a primary agricultural exporting
economy, shaped by the influx of foreign capital and technology
rather than domestic scientific research.
Legacy and Future Impact

1 Societal Impact
The impact of the Spanish Colonial Era continues to shape
scientific and technological development in the Philippines,
setting the stage for future advancements in the field.
2 Modernization Potential
While facing challenges, the era laid the groundwork for
potential modernization and technological advancements in the
country, influencing contemporary scientific initiatives.
Science and Technology
During American
The American occupation in the Philippines led to
significant advancements in science and
technology, primarily driven by the government's
focus on public education and the establishment
of public tertiary schools.
Founding of Public Tertiary Schools
Philippine Normal School University of the Philippines
The establishment of the The University of the Philippines,
Philippine Normal School Philippines, specifically the
addressed the need for Colleges of Arts, Engineering,
professionally trained Filipinos to Medicine, and Agriculture, played
Filipinos to contribute to the played a crucial role in providing
government's organizational and providing specialized education
and educational programs. education and capacitating
Filipinos in various fields.
Growth and Application of Science
1 Health Sector on 2 Research Development
The growth of science The government supported basic
during this period was basic and applied research in
principally focused on the medical, agricultural, and related
the health sector, related sciences, enhancing the
particularly in the capabilities and knowledge
biochemical analyses in knowledge of the local scientific
in hospitals. scientific community.
Challenges in Science Education
1 Recruiting Students
The unpopularity of science and technology courses, such as
such as veterinary medicine and engineering, led to challenges
challenges in recruiting students for these disciplines.
2 Public Perception
The Filipinos' preference for prestigious professions,
influenced by the Spanish colonial period, posed a hurdle in
hurdle in attracting students to scientific fields.
3 Government Initiatives
Government support, including scholarship offerings, was
was crucial in encouraging and attracting students to pursue
pursue science and technology courses.
Bureau of Science
Significance Research Focus
The Bureau of Science It focused on studying
played a pivotal role as the tropical diseases prevalent
the primary training during that era,
ground for Filipino contributing significantly to
scientists and in the understanding and
pioneering scientific management of diseases
research. like leprosy, malaria, and
Philippine Journal of Science
Research Articles
Pioneered the publication of numerous research
articles contributing to the local and global
scientific communities.
National Research Council
1 Establishment
The establishment of the National Research
Research Council in 1933 marked a
significant milestone in formalizing the
systematic advancement of research and
and development in the Philippines.
Cultural and Educational Impact
Knowledge Transfer
American educational initiatives and capacity-building
building programs facilitated the transfer of knowledge
knowledge and skills, contributing to the progressive
progressive development of the local scientific
Student Exchange
The sponsorship of Filipino students to study in
in American colleges further diversified the
educational landscape and enriched the local talent
talent pool.
Shift in Perceptions
Gradual paradigm shift in career preferences,
fostering a broader acceptance and pursuit of
scientific and technical disciplines.
Legacy and Evolution of Science
Continued Influence Contributed to the enduring
influence of American scientific and
and educational methods in
Philippine academic and research
research institutions.
Progressive Development Marked the evolution of the
Filipino scientific community as
as they gradually assumed
leadership roles in academic and
and research endeavors.
Science and Technology in
in the 1960s to 1990s
During these years, the government gave greater
greater importance to science and technology. The
The government declared in Section 9(1) of the 1973
1973 Philippine Constitution that the “advancement
“advancement of science and technology shall have
shall have priority in the national development.”
On April 6, 1968, Pres. Ferdinand Marcos proclaimed
proclaimed 35-hectare land in Bicutan, Taguig as the
as the site of the Philippine Science Community.
Government Initiatives
1 Research and Development
In 1969, the government provided funds to private
universities to encourage them to conduct research and
create courses in science and technology.
2 Seminars and Training
The government also conducted seminars for public and
and private high school and college science teachers,
teachers, training programs and scholarships for graduate
graduate and undergraduate science scholars, and
workshops on fisheries and oceanography.

3 Establishment of Institutes
Several research institutes were established under the
the National Science Development Board (NSDB) to focus
to focus on applied research and the uses of atomic
atomic energy for economic development.
Focus on Applied Research
Product Development Research Institutes
The main objective was to Research institutes were
generate products and established under the National
processes that were Science Development Board
supposed to have a greater (NSDB) to focus on applied
greater beneficial impact on research and the uses of
on society. atomic energy for economic
Expansion of Science Agencies

107 482
Assisted Institutions Basic Training
Pres. Marcos assisted 107 Basic training was provided
107 institutions in provided to 482 scientists,
undertaking nuclear energy scientists, doctors,
energy work by sending engineers, and technicians.
scientists abroad to study technicians.
study nuclear science and
and technology.
Establishment of Agencies

Philippine Philippine National

National Oil Atmospheric Academy of
Company Geophysical and Science and
Astronomical Technology
Created to Service
promote industrial Administration Established as the
industrial and (PAGASA) reservoir of scientific
economic scientific and
Established to provide technological expertise
development environmental protection expertise for the
through effective and utilize scientific
effective and country.
knowledge to ensure the
efficient use of safety of the people.
energy sources.
Reorganization and Expansion
1 NSTA Reorganization 2 Research and
NSDB was reorganized Development
into a National Science Institutes
and Technology NSTA had eight research
Authority (NSTA) research and
composed of four development institutes
research and institutes and support
development Councils. agencies under it.
Modernization and Development
Science and Research and
Technology Master Development Plan
Formulated to examine
Formulated to and determine which
modernize the areas of research
production sector and needed attention and
and upgrade research must be given priority.
Role in Economic Recovery
1 Medium Term 2 Functions and
Philippine Responsibilities
Development Plan
Expanded to include
Highlighted science and pursuing the declared
and technology's role in state policy of supporting
in economic recovery and supporting local scientific
and sustained economic scientific and technological
economic growth. technological effort.
Science and Technology Index
Strengths Challenges
The Philippines ranked 73rd A study by the Philippine
73rd out of 128 economies in Institute for Development
in terms of Science and Studies highlighted the weak ties
Technology and Innovation between innovation-driven firms
(STI) index, citing the country’s and the government, and it also
country’s strength in research identified the country’s low
research and expenditure in research and
commercialization of STI ideas development (R&D).
ideas (DOST, 2018).
Advancements in Science
and Technology in the
The Philippines has made significant strides in the field of
field of science and technology, despite facing challenges
challenges such as funding and human capital inadequacies.
inadequacies. One noteworthy achievement is the
development and launch of the Diwata-1 micro-satellite in
satellite in April 2016. Designed and assembled by Filipino
Filipino researchers and engineers with the guidance of
of Japanese experts, the satellite provides real-time, high-
high-resolution, multi-color infrared images for various
various applications including meteorological imaging, crop
imaging, crop and ocean productivity measurement, and
and high-resolution imaging of natural and man-made
made features.
Micro-Satellite: Diwata-1 Timeline
1 Development & Launch
The Diwata-1 micro-satellite was developed and launched by
launched by Filipino researchers and engineers with
guidance from Japanese experts.

2 Functionality & Applications

Diwata-1 provides essential data for various applications like
meteorological imaging, crop productivity measurement, and
high-resolution imaging of natural and man-made features.

3 Impact on Society
Discuss the societal benefits of Diwata-1 including its role in
estimating agricultural production, watershed imaging, and
monitoring of disturbances in forest areas.
Nationwide Operational
Assessment of Hazards (NOAH)
Lidar Technology Timely Warning System International
NOAH utilizes Lidar (light NOAH provides timely Detail the collaboration
detection and ranging) warnings with a lead time with other ASEAN
technology to manage risks of at least six hours in the countries and the training
associated with natural hazards wake of impending floods. initiatives, showcasing the
and disasters. It has developed Highlight its impact on country's commitment to
hydromet sensors and high- disaster management and sharing knowledge and
resolution geo-hazard maps, risk reduction. technology for disaster
providing valuable insights for management.
flood modeling.
Intelligent Operation Center Platform
1 Collaboration with IBM 2 Real-time Event Monitoring
Partnership between the local The platform allows authorized
government of Davao City and government agencies to use
IBM Philippines Inc. that led to analytics software for monitoring
the creation of the Intelligent events and operations in real-time
Operation Center Platform. and its impact on efficiency and

3 Applications & Future Prospects

The current applications of the platform and its potential
for expansion and utilization in other regions of the
Advanced Facilities for Research &
Advanced Device Electronics High-Performance
and Materials Products Computing Facilities
Testing Labs Development
Center Facilities support various
These labs address the Highlight the role of this applications including
analytical needs for center in designing, numerical weather prediction,
quality control, materials developing, and testing climate modeling, analytics,
identification, and R&D, hardware and software for and data modeling,
benefiting both large- electronic products, emphasizing their impact on
scale industries and contributing to technological research and forecasting.
SMEs. innovation and product
Genome Center & Drug-Discovery
Genome Center Drug-Discovery Facilities
Center's contributions to health Facilities meet the requirements
diagnostics, therapeutics, DNA for producing high-quality and
forensics, preventive products, globally acceptable drug
and improved crop varieties, candidates, emphasizing the
showcasing its impact on public potential for advancements in
health and agriculture. pharmaceutical R&D.
Nanotechnology & Radiation
Processing Centers
Nanotechnology Centers Radiation Processing
Technical services and
collaborative R&D The industrial, agricultural,
opportunities in various environmental, and medical
nanotechnology applications of these
applications, showcasing facilities, highlighting their
the potential for diverse impacts on different
interdisciplinary sectors.
Die and Mold Solutions Center
Local Tool & Die Sector
Center enhances the competitiveness of the local tool
and die sector through localization efforts, and the
potential for reducing dependence on imported dies
and molds.
Partnerships & Future Prospects
1 Collaborations 2 Technology
The country's Exchange Initiatives
partnerships with other
nations and the The ongoing efforts to
potential for future share knowledge, train
collaborations in the other nations, and foster
field of science and technology exchange for
technology. mutual benefits and global
3 Growth & Outlook
The country's trajectory in embracing STI as a path to
growth, and the potential for further advancement in the
Closing Thoughts
1 Continued Progress 2 Global Relevance
The country's ongoing The country's contributions
progress and to the global science and
perseverance in advancing technology landscape, and
science and technology, the potential to become a
and the positive hub for innovation and
implications for society research in the region.
and future development.

3 Inspiration & Aspiration

An optimistic outlook, inspiring others to embrace STI for
a brighter and more technologically advanced future.

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