At The End of The LessonHOMOPHONES

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(Integrated with Values Education)

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

1. Define the homonyms
2. Write and construct a meaningful sentence using the homonyms,
3. Show love to family member.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Homonyms
Reference: “Applied Grammar and Composing Strategies for Success” by E. Wallace
and B. Hall; homophones (pp. 149),, English IV- Quarter 3
Materials: Visual Aids, cartolina, pictures, scotch tape, and big book
III. Preliminary
A. Preparation
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Attendance
4. Review the previous lesson (Synonyms)
B. Motivation
The teacher will show a picture of a family happy and ways how to show love to one’s family members.
C. Developmental activities
1. Introduction
-Teacher will tell the title of the story.
2. Reading of Guideline Question
- The student will read the guideline question
3. Recalling for the Standard of Listening
- the student will read the standard of listening.
4. Comprehension Check-up
- The student will answer the question about the Story.
5. Skill Development
-Teacher will show a set of words taken from the story.
-she will ask the students what they are noticed in the set of words.
-The teacher post the meaning and discusses the homonym
-Teacher will post a set of other examples of homonyms.
-Student will try to use the correct word to complete the sentences.
-Teacher will check the answer of the student.
E. Generalization
The teacher will ask what is homonyms.
Give examples of homonyms

IV. Application
Direction: List at least 5 sets of homonyms and use them in a sentence.

V. Evaluation
Direction: Choose at least 5(five) homonyms in the box and write a sentence using the chosen

won/one write/right no/know

new/knew eye/I see/sea
sale/sail stare/stair fare/fair
pair/pear made/maid be/bee

VI. Assignment
Which among the homonyms are correct to add in the sentence? fill it on the boxes.
1. Get up my (sun / son).
2. (Led / Lead) is a heavy metal.
3. What is the (prize/price) of it?
4. He skidded because he did not apply the (brake/break).
5. We must try our best to (caste/cast) away from all prejudices.
6. I did not have the (hart/heart).
7. The (hair/hare) has a short tail.
8.The time is half (passed / past) ten.
9. He told me the (tail/tale) of a fox.
10. What is the (prize/price) of it?

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