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7 é 0 i ime: 3 brs. and pane. 2023 Note: Answer any Fay = Y FIVE full gy Mestions, choosing ONE vere . se Oh bigtime Fal question fom each module ') Toaccept strings over» x BS Over fa, : te atest oN 6) sch hay ®8ch block ofS a length fv) consecutive symbols a Wide ascent = fobab joey ine distinguishable and ind in Minimize he flowing DESM (nsnas) a . Fig.Q2(a) (08 Marks) Explain the simulators for Finite State Machine (06 tars) <. Design (i) Mealy Machine that accepts the string that ends either with aa or bb and £ = (a,b) (ii) Moore Machine that produces ‘A°,“B" and *C° depending on inputs that end with “10°, “LT and others respectively. (06 Marks Module-2 3. a. Build regular expression from the fol Q3(a) Fig.Q3) E b. State and prove pumping Lemma theorem for regular languages. ewe that State ¥ L = fab" | 20} is 001 REE ser complementandiniesection, (8 €. Show that regular languages a Lof2 Scanned with CamScanner 10 ° OR Obtain Regular Expression for the following languages: (Le fab’jns4,m22,ps2} (i) L= {ojo} mod 3-0& we fa,b)} Gil) L= fa") m+ niseven } . (08 Marks Prove Kleen’s theorem ~ Any language that can be defined with a regular expression canbe accepted by some FSM and so is regular, (08 Marky Obtain NDFSM for the following regular expression (a +b)" abb, (04 Marky) Module Design a PDA for the language L= {oca'}o ¢ (a,b)" where 0 is reverse of o } ann show the moves made by PDA forthe string "sabchaa” and “abacbba”. (0 San Define Lefimost derivation, Rightmost derivation and Parse tree, Consider the grammar, S—> AbB AsaAle BoaBlbBle Dale Obtain LMD, RMD and parse tree for the string “aaabab", (10 Marks) 5 OR Define CFG and design a CFG for the following language. (i) L=(0"1"2"| m21andn>0} (ii) L= { ao* | me (a,b) Gil) L = fa" bc | n+2m 2 (10 Marks) Define CXF. Convert the following CE 5 SASBle A>adS\a BSbS {Abb (10 Marks) Modute-4 Define TM and design a turing machine for L= fo |e (0+1)" containing the substring 001} Write transition diagram and show the moves made by the Turing machine for input string toro, (14 Marks) Define and explain DTM and NDTM. (06 Marks) or With a neat diagram explain the working of Multtape Turing Machine. (08 Marks) Hesiona Turing machine t accept L.= (0"I"/n21 J. Show the moves made for the string O01! and OO1II (12 Marks) od Write short notes on inear Bound Automata Church Turing Thesis bas Non-Deterministic Turing Machine (or starts) talking Prob OR E3 Halting Probler Post Correspor es " : Expl Ha ag rie and Fost Comespondence problem in Turing Machine. (10 Marks) f i) Decidable and Undecidable Language i ening = enn 2of2 ‘ Scanned with CamScanner @ Visvesvaraya Lechnotogicar university ~~} Belagavi, Karnataka ~ 590 018, DEsM — Palen Finale Sloti Maclin Bs defined by 5 bape Me (G5, 5, Yost) Hh @ - foil , eed sk od 5 “ub ee & nike, yore sek input sow thha, Lwhion 3 iQ vs at S- th Wed 3 He slooy Sk lb 7 (14). BD 466) indvbirgussholrts prs De om dibryuillle Set 3 (ae Scanned with CamScanner jor justo" Solution nber, Swe BO io eee a . a5) (BF) (A/S) ae wr) (Ayn) Ce,€) / a wel (8) © (ae ae to} 9 (AS) oi) 9-H) yn! 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DF a Lie, nat £) Mod oceaphs ih. Ms a need i, ea rsslon Longuages out Chai eda inva che Lome} OE (Ms) = (ate) VM) &) (ate) (ate) (até) (ar) bey (ot) (c#e) > Ky) (Catt) (a8) (ayy? et cS) ) ees ee 23n w) Goto + (el aah ow) y Kleen’s Theta — Povt bye Kako = Allocated —|<¢™ Scanned with CamScanner (9 peat Medabe 3 Solution aaa : 062 G9) ite Sic hepa POS = sabe (yap (4,66) -(V,©) bm | 5{%,b, §) ue ) 54,8, ° (8) L (a eben eH sabe oo) Subject Code ; Bessy, le (i, agbebar, YE. wns) E Lt aa,as) l= | ail act bos) F (4 b709 Fe, ty, 99) b (eee) 7% “4 acbba,ba) |r " ebbas) F.C, 2M 4, abacbba, ) (4,9 | for aba) a> ye” i th te we don hae EMD, ay & poses $b), Dy mp Lm? Ls! ae 5) aaase(acer) AUT a we asanba(neen) > A yaa) “sm Execs op - aaAban A708) 7 faababs( 6260) 7 ee wv Aaabos (Be) Joos Kaw | 24 b9)] cee IS ES" (v.74) ———]am,] & ) sone 7 yee sheet p> 20 e (2) Srasalostje WD a toi i) Lofa’ noMch| me2mak m0. 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Scanned with CamScanner Sopot ky 2 oot srs goo" F Xue F voy" xy 071 = gor! MOV X41 Kx Ly! F xq? KaRVVE Rx be xiety,t \- — ap + AIS FTE Y, opt ey + OOINN xyorl bE 4008 basque x09 FX We ayer xo - eeyttle xery,) ° i gh) Exeter b xoryett tr rig pe yale . ¥X7%4,! mnt Line B FD ute ooh Mee, T5/9,8, vew BOSN ae welt To) ng q $7 OXF W Ord n 4 Whi Ee conte ee Marke Mlocated gn 2M, Scanned with CamScanner tes Automata. Tt el Coopatitlil Solution tatty Pole Oy Hace MF inget ej Vues Girew @ : J fre : intial eft yim fone if fn ; de the Matte halls? tt eve Ps Fork’ Caged Goon 8+ TO dy] iy Deedee eget wi pet fs pace . hyp iF * . ® Yrdecol erp ice TH maui ef Ne yah of aie yr = : p . cls thk be] p\* 2). The! eee ee ay sp cad © cqupoute-« ” *ApPROVED*

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