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Introduction Q320 Parts Manual

Great care has been taken in the preparation of this manual however Tokheim Hengshan shall not
be liable for any misunderstanding, errors and/or loss or defect arising from the use of this manual.

Tokheim Hengshan shall not be liable for damage to the product, nor for personal or third party
injury, caused by incorrect use of the product or by attempts to maintain or to repair the product by
parties other than those fully trained by Tokheim Hengshan or by its accredited third party

For technical assistance, please contact the associated service department listed on the back cover
of the Manual, should any aspect of this manual be unclear.

All intellectual rights arising from, accruing to, and residing in this manual belong to
Tokheim Hengshan. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without the express
written permission of Tokheim Hengshan.

Tokheim Hengshan reserves the right to apply changes to this document and the equipment
without further notice.

Document number:980839-012 Revision:0 page 1

Revision Record Q320 Parts Manual

Revision Record

Date Revision Page Issue Reason

31/05/2007 0 ALL A Original issue

Document number:980839-012 Revision:0 page 2

Contents Q320 Parts Manual


1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 1-2

1.1 How to use this manual........................................................................................................1-2
1.2 Product scope...................................................................................................................... 1-2
1.3 Authorised technicians..............................................................................................................1-3
1.4 Contact information..................................................................................................................1-3
1.5 Health and safety.....................................................................................................................1-3
1.5.1 Safety checklist..................................................................................................................1-3
1.5.2 Duties of the employees......................................................................................................1-4
1.5.3 Hazards.................................................................................................................1-4
1.5.4 Warning signs....................................................................................................................1-6
1.5.5 Personal protective equipments (PPE) ..............................................................................1-7
1.6 Standards and certificates ................................................................................................... 1-8
1.6.1 Dispenser marking for the ATEX directive........................................................................1-8
2 Cladding & framework.................................................................................................................2-2
2.1 Canopy............................................................................................................................................2-2
2.2 Column ......................................................................................................................................2-4
2.3 Vapor barrier...........................................................................................................................2-6
2.4 Door...................................................................................................................................2-8
2.4.1 Door axle.......................................................................................................................... 2-10
2.5 Bracket........................................................................................................................................ 2-11
3 Hose management...........................................................................................................................3-2
3.1 Nozzle boot assembly...............................................................................................................3-2
3.2 Hall Sensors.................................................................................................................................3-3
3.3 Hoses..........................................................................................................................................3-4
3.3.1 Elaflex hoses.....................................................................................................................3-4
3.4 Nozzles........................................................................................................................................3-6
3.4.1 Elaflex nozzles...............................................................................................................3-6
3.4.2 Opw nozzles...................................................................................................................3-7
3.5 Nozzle extras..............................................................................................................................3-7
3.5.1 Nozzle covers....................................................................................................................3-7
3.5.2 Sleeves...............................................................................................................................3-8
3.5.3 Splash guards.................................................................................................................3-9
3.5.4 Sleeve breaks...................................................................................................................3-9
3.5.5 Break couplings.........................................................................................................3-10
4 Dispenser hydraulics................................................................................................4-2

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Contents Q320 Parts Manual
4.1 Canopy pipe Assembly....................................................................................................4-2
4.2 4-8 Pipe connections...........................................................................................4-3
4.3 Hydraulic assembly..................................................................................................4-4
4.4 Motor pump &meter assembly .................................................................................................4-5
4.5 Air vent pipe connections........................................................................................................4-6
4.6 Base connection............................................................................................................4-7
4.7 Vapor recovery..........................................................................................................................4-8
5 Dispenser electronics.....................................................................................................................5-2
5.1 Calculator housing assembly..........................................................................................5-2
5.2 Panel assembly(LCD Display).............................................................................................5-4
5.3 Panel assembly(Non-LCD Display).............................................................5-7
5.4 Mainboard bracket assembly ......................................................................................................5-9
5.5 Optioanl circuit board bracket asDGssembly ........................................................................5-11
5.6 Capacity box assembly ............................................................................5-13
5.7 Switching board assembly .....................................................................................5-14
5.8 Transformer bracket assembly components......................................................5-15
5.9 Contact bracket assembly components..............................................................5-16

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Introduction Q320 Parts Manual


1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 1-2

1.1 How to use this manual...............................................................................................................1-2
1.2 Product scope.............................................................................................................................. 1-2
1.3 Authorised technicians.............................................................................................................1-3
1.4 Contact information.................................................................................................................1-3
1.5 Health and safety...............................................................................................................................1-3
1.5.1 Safety checklist............................................................................................................1-3
1.5.2 Duties of the employees.........................................................................................................1-4
1.5.3 Hazards...................................................................................................................................1-4
1.5.4 Warning signs...............................................................................................................1-6
1.5.5 Personal protective equipments (PPE) ..........................................................................1-7
1.6 Standards and certificates ............................................................................................................ 1-8
1.6.1 Dispenser marking for the ATEX directive......................................................................1-8

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Introduction Q320 Parts Manual
1 Introduction

1.1 How to use this manual

It is recommended that all relevant persons familiarise themselves with the contents of this manual
prior to carrying out any operations or procedures.
This manual is divided into sections which are described as follows:

1.Section 1 – Introduction
This section contains information on how to use the manual, the scope of equipment covered,
recommendations on qualified technicians and contact information. It also includes relevant health
and safety information required for the safe installation and commissioning of the product.
2.Section 2 - Site Preparation
This section details the procedures to be carried out in preparation for receipt of equipment at site
and the necessary actions prior to installation.
3.Section 3 – Drawings
All necessary drawings required for reference during the installation and commissioning are listed
and contained in this section.
4. Section 4 - Packaging and Handling
This section provides instructions for unpacking and safe handling of the equipment including
access to the hydraulic and calculator areas.
5. Section 5 – Installation
The instructions for the correct installation of the equipment are contained within this section.
6. Section 6 – Commissioning
This section highlights the actions and checks, to be carried out, in preparation for the
commissioning activity and the procedures required from commissioning of the equipment to
handover. All the reference drawings which is necessary for the installment and commission are
included and listed in this section.

1.2 Product scope

The equipment and models covered by the contents of this manual are:
The Quantium 320 range of fuel dispensers, with the exception of the LPG version. For information
on Quantium LPG dispensers refer to the relevant LPG manual as provided by Tokheim Hengshan.

All dispensers in the Quantium 320 range use the same standard sub-assemblies and offer a wide
range of configurations and include provision for options such as integrated payment terminal(DIT),
vapour recovery etc.

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Introduction Q320 Parts Manual
1.3 Authorized technicians

Only qualified technicians familiar with the manual is authorized to operate the maintenance
procedures stipulated in the manual.

Warning: Any unqualified person intended to operate according to the manual

may cause severe damage or might lose life!
Note: The manual cannot substitute the qualified technician’s service.

Definition of “Qualified Technician”: The technician who has been formally trained and examinations
approved by Tokheim Hengshan, holding the service qualification certificate issued by Tokheim

1.4 Contact information

For any consultation on the Manual, please contact the Engineering departments of Tokheim
Hengshan Technologies (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China.
For technical assistance, please contact the associated service department listed on the back cover of
the Manual.

1.5 Health and safety

1.5.1 Safety checklist

z It is obligatory that this checklist be fully complied with during all work at the petrol station,
particularly construction or repair work.
z It is the duty of the contractor to ensure that all workers employed by him obey each and all of
the relevant laws, directives and other regulations.
z Areas where special cautions is required
z The insides of tanks, tubes, dome shafts, pumping house, valve room, change over shafts,
vessels and dispensers.
z All areas in which fuel vapour that is heavier than air can accumulate, e.g. fuel separator,
draining shafts, low located rooms, and pipe trenches etc.
z The areas around the outlets of tank ventilation pipe, especially during the filling phase.
z All areas near dispenser, tanker lorries and other vehicles while they are being tanked up, and
particularly when there is a lack of wind.
z A radius of 1.0 meter around the petrol carrying pipe, as well as pipes that are not vapour free,
z Silt traps

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Introduction Q320 Parts Manual
1.5.2 Duties of the employees
z To ensure the optimal accident prevention in the working area, in addition to general rules
applying to worker’s protection, it is necessary to take into account all the national protection
of workers legislation and to actively support all measures which enhance safety standards.
z It’s an employee’s duty to follow all company directives regarding the prevention of accidents,
unless such directives can prove to be unfounded.
z Employees should not follow any instructions that go against safety standards.
z Employees are only permitted to use equipment for its original purpose, and this is defined by
the company alone.
z If an employee detects equipments that are deficient in the terms of safety, he shall eliminate
this deficiency immediately. If such safety rectification is not part of his defined area of
activities or if his knowledge is insufficient to carry out such work he must immediately inform
his superior about the detected safety deficiency.
This equally applies to:
1)Manufacturing Materials which have not been correctly packed or correctly marked in order to
meet safety requirements.
2) Manufacturing Methods or Manufacturing Process which have not been correctly coordinated or
controlled in order to meet safety requirements.
3) Where dangerous activities are carried out by several persons
The need for a permanent faultless communication between them in order to avoid dangerous
events shall require the appointing of one person in order to carry out overall supervision.

1.5.3 Hazards
Prior to starting work, the dispenser must be isolated (i.e. entirely disconnected from the mains
supply) and mains supply switch locked in the OFF position. The submerged pump (if applicable)
and control signals from the dispenser must also be isolated. This is done to provide safety for the
technician. As a further precaution, switch off the mains supply in the service station shop and place
a clear notice on the switch to avoid it being turned on again inadvertently.

Warning: The connection and disconnection of electrical connections may only be

carried out by qualified personnel authorised for such activities. Work in dangerous
areas must be made safe by observing all the national safety requirements in force.
It is not permitted to put a fuel dispenser into operation before an authorized official has
inspected it and released it. This depends upon the national regulations in force.
Components filled with fuel must be drained in such a way to conform to local and national
environmental regulations.

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Introduction Q320 Parts Manual
Dismantled packaging and cladding must be stored in such a way as to avoid damage to
components or injuries to persons. Covers that can be opened, such as the calculator
housing, should be handled with care. Ensure that the retaining catch is placed in the correct
position to prevent cover falling onto the head of the service engineer or other persons in the
At unattended service stations, every end-user should be able to read the User Instructions. They
should be visible on a notice board or integrated into the DIT and should be sufficiently well lit so
that they can be read at night.

At unattended service stations, break away couplings must always be used to reduce the danger
caused by a motorist driving off with the nozzle still in the tank

Note: A highly visible cordon must be placed around the dispenser that is being serviced.

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Introduction Q320 Parts Manual
1.5.4 Warning signs

The following warning signs are fitted as standard, at the service stations, however they may vary
according to individual country requirements or customer specifications. The customer is
recommended to make these signs by themselves and place them in the visible position.

Signs Meanings Position

Don't use mobile phones Visible from both sides of dispenser

No naked flames or smoking Visible from both sides of dispenser

Don’t spill fuel onto the ground Visible from both sides of dispenser

Stop vehicle engine Visible from both sides of dispenser

Diesel Trucks only At high speed dispensers near the nozzle boot

Don’t drive away with nozzle in tank Visible from both sides of

High voltage danger Visible from both sides of dispenser

For further information please refer to Use Manual at the station.

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Introduction Q320 Parts Manual
1.5.5 (PPE) Personal protective establishments

Protective clothing

The following clothing should be worn at all times during installation and maintenance
z Protective helmet.
z Protective shoes (conductive)
z Protective gloves and/or protective hand cream.
z Anti static clothing
z Eye protection

Safety Equipment for Working In Hazardous Areas

The following safety equipment is required for working in hazardous areas:

z Only spark free tools are permitted for work on dispensers
z Operation on bearings is only permitted using the standard workshop tools authorised for this
kind of work.
z The use of all electrical tools is strictly prohibited.
z Only the use of explosion protected work lights is permitted.
z The use of telecommunications equipment in hazardous areas is strictly prohibited.
Safety Instructions
The following safety instructions must be adhered to during installation and maintenance
z Inhalation of gas vapour must be avoided. Suitable precautions must be taken and where
necessary respirators used.
z Avoid direct contact of fuel with the skin.
z Use suitable protective clothing, protective gloves and/or protective hand cream
z Avoid fuel overflow
z No smoking and no naked flames are permitted.
z Long hair and ties can get caught in moving parts. Hair must be suitably covered.

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Introduction Q320 Parts Manual
1.6 Standards and certificates
This dispenser is constructed in conformity with the requirements of all the applicable European
Directive (Machinery 98/98/37EC; EMC 89/336/EEC; ATEX 94/9/EC), applicable to the markets of
both China and Europe.
The components used within the dispenser, including connection facilities, are selected in accordance
with the European Standard EN 60079 (Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres),
and the supplementary Standards listed therein.
Diesel dispensers do not create an explosive hazard, but due to the probability of these being in close
proximity to gasoline dispensers, the same construction rules are applicable.
The dispenser is certified by China National Explosion-proof Electrical Appliances Test Centre and
marked to be: EExdemIIAT3
Applicable for potentially explosive atmospheres(94/9/EC), and marked to be in accordance with the
European Dispenser Construction Standard EN 13617-1.
The production and end test is controlled through the Quality Assurance systems within the Tokheim
Hengshan Technologies (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd.
1.6.1 Dispenser marking for the ATEX directive
The dispenser is labeled by Tokheim Hengshan in accordance with the requirements of the ATEX
Directive. This labeling includes:-
z The Ex mark
z The specific explosion protection mark.
z The “Tokheim Hengshan” name or logo and manufacturing location
z The dispenser type and serial number including the year of production
Labels can be metal plates. A typical example of a label follows:-

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Cladding & Framework Q320 Parts Manual


2 Cladding &framework.................................................................................................2-2
2.1 Canopy......................................................................................................................2-2
2.2 Column .......................................................................................................................2-4
2.3 Vapor barrier........................................................................................................2-7
2.4 Door...................................................................................................................................2-9
2.4.1 Door axle ..............................................................................................................2-11
2.5 Base ..................................................................................................................................2-12

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Cladding & Framework Q320 Parts Manual
2 Cladding & framework.
2.1 Canopy

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Cladding & Framework Q320 Parts Manual
Canopy assembly

Item NO Part NO Description in English Remark in English

2-hose and 1 hose dispenser

1 982069-003 2-hose canopy body
optional only
2-hose and 1-hose optional
2 982070-002 canopy cover for Q320

3 980069-002 plastic washer d4

4 980011-006 cross head screw m4x8

1-hose dispenser optional
5 980969-001 adding rings for canopy
non vapor recovery dispenser
6 980849 rubber seal d12 or superfluous or holes

7 980020-005 hex flanged lock nut m8

8 980053-006 flanged hex bolt m8x16

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Cladding & Framework Q320 Parts Manual
2.2 Column

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Cladding & Framework Q320 Parts Manual
Column assembly

Item NO Part NO Description in English Remark in English

1 982062 column weld assembly 3

2 980028-001 rivet nut m8x16.5

3 982067-001 column utter-left

4 980020-003 hex flanged lock nut m5

980738-003 pressing flange blind

980738-002 pressing flange d26

980029-053 o-ring 30x2.65

o-ring 28x2.65

7 982277-002 pin for trim VB

8 980630 rubber washer

9 column cover(for clinch nut)
10 980759 lock pin

11 982067-002 column gutter-right

12 980193-005 screw hex flanged self-tap st4.8x16

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Cladding & Framework Q320 Parts Manual
2.3 Vapor barrier

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Cladding & Framework Q320 Parts Manual
Vapor barrier

Part NO Description in English Remark in English
vapour barrier for trim
with gills1 for Q320
vapour barrier for trim optional use when cable needs
with gills2 for Q320 bushing in domestic market
2-hose &1-hose dispenser optional
2 982071-004 1-2 trim VB with gills
cross countersunk head
3 98007
screw m4x10
4 982098 Q320 totalizer bracket

5 980053-005 flanged hex bolt m6x12

6 980035-003 hex flanged lock nut m6

7 982085 top pin assembly

8 980053-006 flanged hex bolt m8x16

9 448003-001 nylon gland assembly m16

10 448003-002 nylon gland assembly m20

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Cladding & Framework Q320 Parts Manual
2.4 Door

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Cladding & Framework Q320 Parts Manual

Remark in
Item NO Part NO Description in English
2-hose dispenser optional
982079(982083) Hydraulic Door Weld Assy
hydraulic door weld assembly 1-hose dispenser optional
without nozzles only

2 980638 door bumper

adhesive shim for totalizer dispenser with mechanical

3 982087
windows totalizer optional only

glass for totalizer windows dispenser with mechanical

4 982088
totalizer optional only
non-standard flow
668028-004 ( 或 Tokheim slim nozzle boot
5 dispenser optional use
668028-005) assembly-std
flanged hex screw self tapping
6 980193-005
7 980069-004 plastic washer d6

8 982121 door handle

9 982090 hydraulic lock assembly

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Cladding & Framework Q320 Parts Manual
2.4.1 Door axle

Item No Part NO Description in English Remark in English

1 982088-002 bottom pin

2 982088-001 square tube

3 982088-003 top bush

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Cladding & Framework Q320 Parts Manual
2.5 Base

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Cladding & Framework Q320 Parts Manual
Base assembly

Item Description in Remark in

Part No
NO English English
base welded assembly for wide body(4-hose or above
Q420 dispenser)optional only
base welded assembly for narrow body(2-hose or 1-hose
Q320 dispenser)optional only

2 982055 base hole cover

wide body(4-hose or above

982058 leakage plate for Q420
dispenser)optional only
narrow body(2-hose or 1-hose
982092 leakage plate for Q320
dispenser)optional only

4 982059 rubber seal for leakage plate

5 982056 door support

6 980011-016 cross head screw m5x10

7 906227 manchet 130 diam.

8 906228 manchet 90 diam.

9 h rivet nut m8x16.5

10 982057 bush in base

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Hose Management Q320 Parts Manual


3 Hose management..................................................................................................................................3-2
3.1 Nozzle boot assembly........................................................................................................................3-2
3.2 Hall Sensors......................................................................................................................................3-3
3.3 Hoses.........................................................................................................................................3-4
3.3.1 Elaflex hoses..........................................................................................................................3-4
3.4 Nozzles.........................................................................................................................................3-6
3.4.1 Elaflex nozzles...................................................................................................................3-6
3.4.2 Opw nozzles.....................................................................................................................3-7
3.5 Nozzle extras.................................................................................................................................3-7
3.5.1 Nozzle covers......................................................................................................................3-7
3.5.2 Sleeves..............................................................................................................................3-8
3.5.3 Splash guards...................................................................................................................3-9
3.5.4 Sleeve breaks.......................................................................................................................3-9
3.5.5 Break couplings..........................................................................................................3-10

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Hose Management Q320 Parts Manual
3 Hose management

3.1 Nozzle boot assembly

Nozzle boot parts table

Item NO Part NO Description Remark
1 980020-003 flanged hex nut m4
2 980011-003 cross head screw m3x12
3 980017-001 washer m3
4 980087-001 magnetic proximity switch
5 980942 assembly bracket upper reed switch
6 980014-001 spring washer m3
7 980018-001 hex nut m3
8 909090 nozzle boot slim
9 900376 fixing plate for proximity switch
10 980040-006 weld stud m5x16
11 9820110085 pin
12 98220110082 spring
13 980020-003 flanged hex nut m5
14 980053-003 flanged hex bolt m5x16
940471 nozzle boot hook standard
15 dispenser with 45l/min or above
940472 nozzle boot hook1
optional only
16 9220110080 bracket switch mechanism
17 9220110083 switch plate
18 900757-001 magnet 20×4.4×10
slotted countersunk head screw
19 980194-004

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Hose Management Q320 Parts Manual
3.2 Hall sensor

Hall sensor assembly table

Item NO Part No Description Remark
Satellite, LPG, Q300T Mech
1 900387-001 Magnetic Proximity Switch Register, Q100T WWC, Q200T
2 900093-001 Hall sensor nozzle switch 1 right Address 1
3 900093-002 Hall sensor nozzle switch 1 left Address 2
4 900093-003 Hall sensor nozzle switch 2 right Address 3
5 900093-004 Hall sensor nozzle switch 2 left Address 4
6 900093-005 Hall sensor nozzle switch 3 right Address 5
7 900093-006 Hall sensor nozzle switch 3 left Address 6
8 900093-007 Hall sensor nozzle switch 4 right Address 7
9 900093-008 Hall sensor nozzle switch 4 left Address 8
10 900093-009 Hall sensor nozzle switch 5 right Address 9
11 900093-010 Hall sensor nozzle switch 5 left Address 10
Hall sensor right local preset button
12 900093-011 Address 11
Hall sensor left local preset button
13 900093-012 Address 12
Hall sensor right satellite slave button
14 900093-013 Address 13
or LPG
Hall sensor left satellite slave button
15 900093-014 Address 14
or LPG
Hall sensor right local preset button Address 15
16 900093-015
value 1
Hall sensor left local preset button
17 900093-016 Address 16
value 1
Hall sensor right local preset button
18 900093-017 Address 17
value 2
Hall sensor left local preset button
19 900093-018 Address 18
value 2
Hall sensor right local preset button
20 900093-019 Address 19
value 3
Hall sensor left local preset button
21 900093-020 Address 20
value 3
Hall sensor right satellite master
22 900093-021 Address 21
23 900093-022 Hall sensor left satellite master button Address 22
24 900093-023 Hall sensor right high speed button Address 23
25 900093-024 Hall sensor left high speed button Address 24
26 900093-025 Hall sensor Product Selection 1R Address 25
27 900093-026 Hall sensor Product Selection 2R Address 26
28 900093-027 Hall sensor Product Selection 1L Address 27
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Hose Management Q320 Parts Manual
29 900093-028 Hall sensor Product Selection 2R Address 28

3.3 Hoses

3.3.1 Elaflex hoses

Non-vapour recovery - 320cm long

Item NO Part No Description Remark

1 901103-031 Ø16cm, Slimline, 320cm, Black
2 901103-032 Ø21cm, Slimline, 320cm, Black
3 901103-033 Ø25cm, Slimline, 320cm, Black
Ø16cm, Slimline, 320cm, Black,
4 901103-034 Low temperature hose
Low temperature
Ø21cm, Slimline, 320cm, Black,
5 901103-035 Low temperature hose
Low temperature
Ø25cm, Slimline, 320cm, Black,
6 901103-036 Low temperature hose
Low temperature
Ø16cm, Slimline, 320cm, Black,
7 901103-037 Biodiesel
Ø21cm, Slimline, 320cm, Black,
8 901103-038 Biodiesel
9 901103-039 Ø16cm, Std, 320cm, Red
10 901103-040 Ø16cm, Std, 320cm, Green
11 901103-041 Ø16cm, Std, 320cm, Blue
12 901103-042 Ø16cm, Std, 320cm, Yellow

Vapour recovery - 315cm long

Item NO Part No Description Remark

1 901103-085 Ø21cm, VR, 315cm, Black
2 901103-086 Ø21cm, VR, 315cm, Green
3 901103-087 Ø21cm, VR, 315cm, Red
Ø21cm, VR, 315cm, Black, Low
4 901103-088 Low temperature hose

3.3.1 Elaflex hoses (cont.)

Non- vapour recovery - 280cm long

Item NO Part No Description Remark

1 901103-089 Ø16cm, Slimline, 280cm, Black
2 901103-090 Ø16cm, Std, 280cm, Blue

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Hose Management Q320 Parts Manual
3 901103-091 Ø16cm, Std, 280cm, Green
4 901103-092 Ø16cm, Std, 280cm, Red
Ø21cm, Slimline, 280cm, Black,
5 901103-093 Low temperature hose
Low temperature
6 901103-094 Ø21cm, Slimline, 280cm, Black
7 901103-095 Ø25cm, Slimline, 280cm, Black
Ø16cm, Slimline, 280cm, Black,
8 901103-096 Low temperature hose
Low temperature
Ø16cm, Slimline, 280cm, Black,
9 901103-098 Biodiesel
10 901103-118 Ø16cm, Std, 280cm, Yellow
Ø25cm, Slimline, 280cm, Black,
11 901103-120 Low temperature hose
Low temperature
Ø21cm, Slimline, 280cm, Black,
12 901103-122 Biodiesel

Non-vapour recovery - 30cm long

Item NO Part No Description Remark

1 901103-103 Ø16cm, Slimline, 30cm, Black
2 901103-104 Ø16cm, Std, 30cm, Blue
3 901103-105 Ø16cm, Std, 30cm, Green
4 901103-106 Ø16cm, Std, 30cm, Red
Ø21cm, Slimline, 30cm, Black, Low
5 901103-107 Low temperature hose
6 901103-108 Ø21cm, Slimline, 30cm, Black
7 901103-109 Ø25cm, Slimline, 30cm, Black
Ø16cm, Slimline, 30cm, Black, Low
8 901103-110 Low temperature hose
Ø16cm, Slimline, 30cm, Black,
9 901103-112 Biodiesel
10 901103-121 Ø25cm, Slimline, 30cm, Black
11 901103-119 Ø16cm, Std, 30cm, Yellow
Ø21cm, Slimline, 30cm, Black,
12 901103-123 Biodiesel

3.3.1 Elaflex hoses (cont.)

Vapour recovery - 275cm long

Item NO Part No Description Remark

Ø21cm, VR, 275cm, Black, Low
1 901103-099 Low temperature hose
2 901103-100 Ø21cm, VR, 275cm, Black
3 901103-101 Ø21cm, VR, 275cm, Green
4 901103-102 Ø21cm, VR, 275cm, Red

Vapour recovery - 30cm long

Item NO Part No Description Remark

1 901103-113 Ø21cm, VR, 30cm, Black, Low Low temperature hose

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Hose Management Q320 Parts Manual
2 901103-114 Ø21cm, VR, 30cm, Black
3 901103-115 Ø21cm, VR, 30cm, Green
4 901103-116 Ø21cm, VR, 30cm, Red

Non-vapour recovery - 340cm long

Item NO Part No Description Remark

1 901103-124 Ø16cm, Slimline, 340cm, Black
2 901103-125 Ø21cm, Slimline, 340cm, Black
3 901123-127 Ø25cm, Slimline, 340cm, Black

Vapour recovery - 340cm long

Item NO Part No Description Remark

1 901103-126 Ø21cm, VR, 340cm, Black

3.4 Nozzles

3.4.1 Elaflex nozzles

Item NO Part No Description Remark

1 901135-001 Standard speed unleaded noz/zva/4.0 ul/m/0/000/00
2 901135-002 Standard speed leaded noz/zva/4.0 bl/m/0/000/00
3 901135-003 ZVA 25 noz/zva/25.4 fs/m/1/blk/00
noz/ zva/4.0 ds/m/0/000/00
4 901135-004 Elaflex dripstop
5 901135-005 Elaflex dripcatcher noz/zva/4.0 dc fs/m/0/000/00
Standard speed unleaded with noz/zva/4.0 ul m/0/000/eu
6 901135-006
break coupling
Standard speed leaded with break noz/zva/4.0 bl m/0/000/eu
7 901135-007
8 901135-008 ZVA 25 with break coupling noz/zva/25.4 fs/m/1/blk/eu
Elaflex dripstop with break noz/zva/4.0 ds/0/000/eu
9 901135-009
10 901135-010 Elaflex dripcatcher with break noz/zva/4.0 dc fs/0/000/eu
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Hose Management Q320 Parts Manual
Standard speed unleaded with noz/zva/4.0 ul/m/0/000/uk
11 901135-011
BS7117 break coupling
Standard speed leaded with noz/zva/4.0 bl/m/0/000/uk
12 901135-012
BS7117 break coupling
ZVA 25 with BS7117 break noz/zva/25.4 fs/m/1/blk/uk
13 901135-013
Elaflex dripstop with BS7117 noz/zva/4.0 ds/0/000/uk
14 901135-014
break coupling
Elaflex dripcatcher with BS7117 noz/zva/4.0 dc fs/0/000/uk
15 901135-015
break coupling
16 901135-016 Vapour recovery on/off leaded noz/zva/200 blgrv3/f/0/000/00
17 901135-017 Vapour recovery on/off unleaded noz/zva/200 ulgrv3/f/0/000/00
18 901135-018 GRVP leaded noz/zva/204 blgrvp/f/0/000/00
19 901135-019 GRVP unleaded noz/zva/204 ulgrvp/f/0/000/00
20 901135-020 Vapour recovery (no on/off) leaded noz/zva/204 blgr/f/0/000/00
Vapour recovery (no on/off)
21 901135-021 noz/zva/204 ulgr/f/0/000/00

3.4.2 Opw nozzles

Item NO Part No Description Remark

1 901852-001 unleaded with latch and spring nozzle/opw/11-aldp/1001

2 901852-002 leaded with latch and spring nozzle/opw/11-ald/100

3 901852-003 unleaded nozzle/opw/11-ald/0001

4 901852-004 leaded nozzle/opw/11-aldp/0001

5 901852-005 dripless with latch and spring nozzle/opw/11-aldf/1001

6 901852-006 dripless nozzle/opw/11-aldf/0301

7 901852-007 1" with latch & spring nozzle/opw/007-hi/034i

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Hose Management Q320 Parts Manual
3.5 Nozzle extras

3.5.1 Nozzle covers

Elaflex nozzle covers

Item NO Part No Description Remark

1 901136-001 cover nozzle ek144 red
2 901136-002 cover nozzle ek144 green
3 901136-003 cover nozzle ek144 light green
4 901136-004 cover nozzle ek144 blue
5 901136-005 cover nozzle ek144 yellow
6 901136-006 cover nozzle ek144 black
7 901136-007 cover vr nozzle ek104 black
8 901136-008 cover vr nozzle ek104 red
9 901136-009 cover vr nozzle ek104 green
10 901136-010 cover vr nozzle ek104 blue
11 901136-011 cover vr nozzle ek104 yellow
12 901136-012 cover vr nozzle ek104 light green

Opw nozzle covers

Item NO Part No Description Remark

1 901853-001 nozzle cover opw/19/hole/yellow
2 901853-002 nozzle cover opw/19/hole/green
3 901853-003 nozzle cover opw/19/hole/red
4 901853-004 nozzle cover opw/19/hole/blue
5 901853-005 nozzle cover opw/19/hole/black
nozzle cover opw/19/no
6 901853-006
7 901853-007 nozzle cover opw/19/nohole/green
8 901853-008 nozzle cover opw/19/nohole/red
9 901853-009 nozzle cover opw/19/nohole/blue
10 901853-010 nozzle cover opw/19/nohole/black
11 901853-011 nozzle cover opw/25/hole/black
12 901853-012 nozzle cover opw/25/nohole/black

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Hose Management Q320 Parts Manual
3.5.2 Sleeves

Elaflex sleeves

Item NO Part No Description Remark

1 901107-001 sleeve st16 red
2 901107-002 sleeve st16 green
3 901107-003 sleeve st16 blue
4 901107-004 sleeve st16 yellow
5 901107-005 sleeve st16 black
6 901107-006 sleeve st21 red
7 901107-007 sleeve st21 green
8 901107-008 sleeve st21 blue
9 901107-009 sleeve st21 black
10 901107-010 sleeve st21 yellow

3.5.3 Splashguards

Elaflex splashguards
Item NO Part No Description Remark
1 901138-001 Splashguard Red
2 901138-002 Splashguard Green
3 901138-003 Splashguard Blue
4 901138-004 Splashguard Yellow
5 901138-005 Splashguard Black

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Hose Management Q320 Parts Manual
3.5.4 Sleeve breaks

Elaflex sleeve breaks

Item NO Part No Description Remark
1 901140-001 Sleeve Break BT16 Red
2 901140-002 Sleeve Break BT16 Green
3 901140-003 Sleeve Break BT16 Blue
4 901140-004 Sleeve Break BT16 Yellow
5 901140-005 Sleeve Break BT16 Black
6 901140-006 Sleeve Break BT21 Red
7 901140-007 Sleeve Break BT21 Green
8 901140-008 Sleeve Break BT21 Black
9 901140-009 Sleeve Break BT21 Blue
10 901140-010 Sleeve Break BT21 Yellow

3.5.5 Break couplings

Elaflex break couplings

Item NO Part No Description Remark

1 901137-001 Break Coupling BS7117
2 901137-002 Break Coupling Non BS7117
3 901568-001 Break Coupling VR

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Dispenser hydraulics Q320 Parts Manual


4 Dispenser hydraulics..............................................................................................4-2
4.1 Canopy pipe Assembly..............................................................................................4-2
4.2 Vapor pipe Assembly..........................................................................................................4-3
4.3 Hydraulics assembly................................................................................................................4-4
4.4 Motor pump& meter assembly......................................................................................4-5
4.5 Air vent pipe Assembly...................................................................................................4-6
4.6 Base connection...........................................................................................................4-7
4.7 Vapor recovery................................................................................................................4-8

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Dispenser hydraulics Q320 Parts Manual
4.1 Canopy pipe assembly

Canopy pipe assembly table

Remark in
Item NO Part NO Description in English
1 982053 column pipe weld assy-4

2 980849 rubber seal D12

3 980574 big round nut m39x1.5

4 980029-017 O-ring 23.5x3.55

5 668011-001 hose assembly

6 668012-001 VR hose assembly

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Dispenser hydraulics Q320 Parts Manual
4.2 2-2 pipework


Remark in
Item NO Part NO Description in English

1 980753 Outlet Elbow D22

2 980029-012 O-Ring 21.2X2.65

3 980570-001 Ring D22

4 980610-001 Spring Ring D22

5 980576-001 Nut Lock D22

6 982022-005 D22 Straight Pipe L=142

7 980554-022 3/4" SIB valve assembly

8 982022-004 D22 Straight Pipe L=327

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Dispenser hydraulics Q320 Parts Manual
4.3 Hydraulics assembly

Hydrolytic assembly table

Remark in
Item NO Part NO Description in English
VR motor & pump assembly- local
1 668008-001
2 980053-006 flanged hex bolt m8x16

3 980020-005 Hex Flanged Lock Nut M8

Motor, pump & meter assy-1 pump 1
4 668009-002
hose STD-A
5 982130 Bracket for Column Connection
Motor, pump & meter assy-1 pump 1
6 668009-003
hose STD-B
7 980746 junction box assembly for Q420

8 980053-004 flanged hex bolt m6x10

9 982030 bracket junction box

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Dispenser hydraulics Q320 Parts Manual
4.4 Motor pump & meter assembly

Motor pump & meter assembly

Description in Remark in
Item NO Part NO
English English
1 980178 Meter SM80 in Line Assy
2 980053-012 Flanged Hex Bolt M6X20
3 982424 Stop Plate for 3-Way Inlet Connector
4 900050-002 O-Ring 34X4
5 908526 Collector TM80
6 908527 O-Ring Collector Stack EPZ
7 908177-001 EPZ 75 Lowed Filter box Assy
8 980030-054 V-Belt A-27"
9 905324 Damper Pump Foot
10 982032 Pump Bracket
11 980053-006 Flanged Hex Bolt M8X16
12 980065-038 3 Phase 4 Pole Motor Exd.0.75kw
13 908526 Collector TM80

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Dispenser hydraulics Q320 Parts Manual
4.5 Air vent pipe assembly

Air vent pipe connection table

Remark in
Item NO Part NO Description in English
1 980664 air outlet fitting

2 980019-006 hex thin nut M10

air vent pipe assembly for
3 982282-009
4 980936 vent outlet

5 940721 air outlet fitting for EPZ pump

air vent pipe assembly for
6 982282-010

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Dispenser hydraulics Q320 Parts Manual
4.6 Base connection

Base connection table

Item Description in Remark in

Part NO
NO English English
1 980020-005 hex flanged lock nut m8
2 980829 flange inlet pipe 1.5"
3 980595-001 triangle rubber shim
4 980777 D40 pipe flex weld assy
5 980053-009 flanged hex bolt m8x30
6 980053-016 flanged hex bolt m10x25
7 901905 gasket - flange 76-84
8 980778 D46 coupling
9 980029-030 O-ring45x3.55
10 980570-003 ring retain bore
11 980610-003 spring ring
12 980576-003 lock nut
13 980827-001 1.5" NPT inlet connection pipe
urgency shear valve
14 980704-001

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Dispenser hydraulics Q320 Parts Manual
4.7 Vapor recovery

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Dispenser hydraulics Q320 Parts Manual
Vapor recovery assembly table

Description in Remark in
Item NO Part NO
English English
1 900033-001 Elbow compr 12x12mm

2 982103-015 VR bend pipe-15

3 982103-016 VR bend pipe-16

4 982104-011 VR pipe L=1534

5 982103-017 VR bend pipe-17

6 982103-003 VR bend pipe-3

7 982103-005 VR bend pipe-5

8 900031-001 elbow compr 1/4" BSPM 12mm

9 906219 Zaf 1" l85mm version 2 standard

10 982104-012 VR pipe L=1599

11 668008-001 VR motor & pump assembly- local motor

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Dispenser hydraulics Q320 Parts Manual


5 Dispenser electronics......................................................................................................5-2
5.1 Calculator housing assembly..............................................................................................5-2
5.2 Panel assembly (LCD display)......................................................................................5-4
5.3 Panel assembly.........................................................................................................................5-7
5.4 Mainboard bracket assembly...............................................................................................5-9
5.5 Optional circuit board assembly................................................................................................5-11
5.6 Capacity box assembly......................................................................................................5-13
5.7 Switch bracket assembly.................................................................................................5-14
5.8 Transformer bracket assembly.........................................................................................5-15
5.9 Contactor board assembly...................................................................................................5-16

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Dispenser hydraulics Q320 Parts Manual
5 Dispenser electronics
5.1 Calculator housing assembly

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Dispenser hydraulics Q320 Parts Manual
Calculator housing assembly

Description in Remark in
Item NO Part NO
English English
1 982298 Elbow compr 12x12mm

2 668017-005 VR bend pipe-1

3 VR bend pipe-2

4 982304 VR pipe L=1534

5 980015-002 VR bend pipe-4

6 980014-002 T compr 12x12x12

7 980011-008 VR bend pipe-11

8 VR bend pipe-8

9 980020-002 elbow compr 1/4" bspm 12mm

10 VR pipe L=275

11 982392 VR bend pipe-5

12 982005 VR pipe L=265

Zaf 1" l85mm version 2
13 980748
14 668018-002 VR bend pipe-3

15 668018-001 VR pipe L=1599

VR motor & pump assembly- three phase suction

16 668018-003
local motor pump optional only

single phase suction

17 668018-004 VR pipe L=565
pump optional only

18 980756-001 VR bend pipe-13

19 980755-001 VR bend pipe-14

20 980755-002 VR bend pipe-12

21 980757-0022 ELBOW COMPR 12x12mm

22 980053-006 VR bend pipe-1

23 980015-005 VR bend pipe-2

24 982306 VR pipe L=1534

25 TMC keypad IC card optional

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Dispenser hydraulics Q320 Parts Manual
5.2 Panel assembly (LCD display)

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Dispenser hydraulics Q320 Parts Manual
Panel assembly (LCD display)table
Item NO Part NO Description Remark
1 980635 cover for IC card reader dispenser with IC card optional
2 980636 box for IC card reader dispenser with IC card optional
3 980637 seal ring for IC card reader dispenser with IC card optional
4 980806-001 IC card reader dispenser with IC card optional
5 980013-001 cross head self-tap screw st2.9x9.5 dispenser with IC card optional
6 980069-001 plastic washer d3 dispenser with IC card optional
7 980015-001 washer d3 dispenser with IC card optional
8 980015-002 washer d4
9 980014-002 spring washer d4
10 980011-008 cross head screw m4x12
11 982009-001 dial glass for LCD 1 unit price
982009-002 dial glass for LCD 2 unit price
982009-003 dial glass for LCD 3 unit price
982009-004 dial glass for LCD 4 unit price
12 980689 adhesive tape
13 982108 assembly dial for LCD 3 unit price
982110 assembly dial for LCD 4 unit price
14 982003 upper pin
15 980780-001 3-6 TMC display board
980780-002 4-8 TMC display board
980780-014 2-4 TMC display board
16 980791-001 lamp
17 980793-001 lamp holder
18 980020-002 flanged hex nut m4
19 982020 lamp cover
20 980792-001 ballast
21 982007 seal for keyboard
22 982047 IC card metal keypad dispenser with IC card optional
982048 non IC card metal keyboard
23 980807-001 LCD module
24 980859-012 IC card main board dispenser with IC card optional
25 980050-002 insulated washer d4 dispenser with IC card optional
26 980019-002 hex thin nut m4 dispenser with IC card optional
27 982006 seal for LCD
28 982001-001 E-box door with lock hole -a
E-box door with lock hole non IC
982001-002 card

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Dispenser hydraulics Q320 Parts Manual

982001-003 E-box door IC card without lock

E-box door non IC card without
982001-004 lock
29 980747 lock assembly E-box panel with lock optional
30 982096 lock fastener panel without lock optional
31 982004 lower pin

5.3 Panel assembly (NON LCD display)

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Dispenser hydraulics Q320 Parts Manual
Panel assembly (NON LCD display) table

Item NO Part NO Description Remark

1 982002-001 blank E-box door with lock hole

982002-002 blank E-box door without lock hole

E-box door non lock without
982002-004 E-box door non lock with printer

2 982003 upper pin

3 982004 lower pin

4 980122-005 NP2-bs543 urgency switch

5 982497 urgency switch cover

6 980015-001 washer d3

7 980011-001 cross head screw m3x6

8 980015-002 washer d4

9 980014-002 spring washer d4 panel without lock optional only

10 980011-008 cross head screw m4x12 panel without lock optional only

11 980922-001 printer seal ring

12 980817-002 LQ-300k printer

13 980011-010 cross head screw m4x20

14 980747 lock assembly e-box panel with lock optional only

15 982096 lock fastener panel without lock optional only

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Dispenser hydraulics Q320 Parts Manual
5.4 Mainboard bracket assembly

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Dispenser hydraulics Q320 Parts Manual
Mainboard bracket assembly table

Item NO Part NO Description Remark

1 980011-006 cross head screw m4x8

2 980015-002 washer d4

3 980050-002 insulated washer d4

4 982010 main board bracket assembly-a

5 980859-018 TMC coder pinboard local dispenser optional only

6 980779-001 1-2 TMC mainboard

980779-002 2-4 TMC mainboard

980779-003 3-6 TMC mainboard

980779-004 4-8 TMC mainboard

7 980071-001 lead seal plastic

slotted sphere head screw with
8 hole m4x20

9 982042 lead seal cover for main board

dispenser with IC card optional

980859-013 dpos mainboard

11 980011-002 cross head screw m3x8

12 980015-001 washer d3

13 980529-009 bush screw thread(1)

IC power board for imported dispenser with ic card optional

dispenser only

15 980781-001 TMC control board

16 980075-003 stainless seal wire d0.5x500

IFSF LON communication IFSF LON communication

interface v1( com-lon1) optional only

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Dispenser hydraulics Q320 Parts Manual
5.5 Optional circuit board bracket assembly

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Dispenser hydraulics Q320 Parts Manual
Optional circuit board bracket assembly table

Item NO Part NO Description Remark

additional circuit board support

1 982012

2 980011-002 cross head screw m3x8

3 980014-001 spring washer d3

4 980015-001 washer d3

5 980819-001 switching power supply for printer printer optional only

6 980529-009 bush screw thread1

7 PER board EMT optional only

8 980050-001 insulated washer d3

9 980020-002 hex flanged lock nut m4

10 9903593 OPT heater assembly

11 980015-002 washer d4

12 980011-006 cross head screw m4x8

13 980050-002 insulated washer d4

14 904197 VRC-3 ECVR board vapor recovery optional only

four products dispenser with IC

15 980803-014 DPOS Power panel
card optional only

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Dispenser hydraulics Q320 Parts Manual
5.6 Capacity box assembly

Capacity box assembly table

Item NO Part NO Description Remark

1 982125-001 Baseboard of capacity box

2 982125-002 capacity box cover

3 982125-003 capacity box cover

4 980013-004 cross head self-tap screw st4.2x9.5

5 980849 rubber seal d12

6 980020-005 hex flanged lock nut m8

capacity for 1 phase exported


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Dispenser hydraulics Q320 Parts Manual
5.7 Assembly components switch bracket.

Assembly components switch bracket.table

Item NO Part NO Description Remark

1 980794-001 air switch

2 980796-001 fuse tube

3 980797-001 filter
mount plate for electrical
4 982019
5 980076-005 rail th35-7.5 L=226

6 980881-008 grouping baffle plate Atp-Uk

7 980881-004 terminal Uk 3n

8 980881-007 terminal plate d-uk4/10

9 980881-009 terminal fixing E/Uk

10 980011-006 cross head screw m4x8

11 980020-002 hex flanged lock nut m4

12 980015-002 washer d4

13 980881-002 terminal UK 5N

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Dispenser hydraulics Q320 Parts Manual
5.8 Assembly components transformer bracket

Assembly components transformer bracket table

Item NO Part NO Description Remark

mount plate for electrical
1 982019
2 980782-001 ring transformer set

3 980783-011 accumulator 3.3A

4 980020-002 hex flanged lock nut m4

5 980015-002 washer d4

6 980011-006 cross head screw m4x8

7 982018 bracket accumulator

8 982119 transformer cover

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Dispenser hydraulics Q320 Parts Manual
5.9 Assembly components contactor board

Assembly components contactor board

Item NO Part NO Description Remark
mount plate for electrical
1 982019
2 980076-005 rail th35-7.5 l=226

3 980881-008 grouping baffle plate Atp-Uk

4 980881-004 terminal Uk 3n

5 980881-007 terminal plate D-Uk4/10

6 980881-009 terminal fixing E/Uk

7 980798-001 contactor

8 982120 contactor cover

9 980011-006 cross head screw m4x8

10 980015-002 washer d4

11 980020-002 hex flanged lock nut m4

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