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January, 2023
About OWL

Sustainable Growth Our Services

Apape Angels Sustainable Cups Web Pay

About Us
Founded in 2022, OWL Solutions is a
Sustainability Consultancy geared towards
the development of companies of the
future, taking into account the
We help you scale while you focus on
dominating your industry.
Our Services
1. Sustainable Systems 2. Environmental Management 3. Sustainable Development
Management Systems

We examine your firm's existing systems and Environmental Management Systems (EMS) are tools
resources in Phase I, identifying its strengths and that assist businesses in managing and improving
After completing either Phase I or Phase II, we simply
weaknesses. their environmental impacts while mitigating
scale the newly deployed sustainable systems x3 -
environmental risks.
x100. Allowing for fast deployment, especially while
OWL then works with your organisation to streamline
going through expansionary periods.
these processes so that they are as efficient and In Phase II, OWL works with your organisation to
effective as possible while minimizing environmental implement strategies to identify environmental
The benefits of having a Sustainable Development
impact. Some of the benefits of streamlined impacts and reduce its carbon footprint. Among the
Partner are:
processes include: advantages of implementing an EMS are:
Streamlined Systems & Environmental Audits.
Reduced Costs. Increase Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR).
Advantage on non-eco-friendly companies.
Increased Resource Productivity. Improved Environmental Risk Management.
Meeting modern environmental ethics.
Increased Consumer Satisfaction & Loyalty. Empowered employees, customers, etc.
These systems remain streamlined through our These systems remain streamlined through our
frequent auditing process. frequent auditing process.
Saving the earth starts with you.
(We're just here to help.)
Solution 1
Fulfill orders in-person or online and store
sales data to analyze and identify
consumer buying trends. Understanding
these patterns allows Agape to have a
deeper connection with customers and
adjust quickly to market demands.
Solution 2
Reusable Agape Cups will allow the café
to reduce plastic cup use and give
customers a souvenir and an opportunity
to gain a discount every time they use the
cup. This will reduce waste production
while increasing brand loyalty.
Solution 3
Utilize the social platforms of 3-5 young
content creators(ages 18-35) to post Agape
on social media(UGC). When ordering
online, customers enter an Angle's code to
receive a discount and Angles earn a
commission every time their code is used.
As Agape expands, not only in Barbados but
These are just three of the many solutions OWL throughout the Caribbean, understanding
has developed to help Agape begin implementing environmental impact will be critical, given the
sustainable systems and resources. significant impact the cafe's current use of single-
use plastics has on the planet.
At the end of the agreed-upon timeline, an audit
will be performed, and based on the findings, Given the current low level of competition,
another set of three solutions will be generated. investing in Sustainable Development at this early
This process will be repeated until Agape and stage will assist Agape in staying ahead of the
OWL have created a comprehensive set of competition as more players enter the market.
Sustainable Systems OR an EMS, after which
Phase III will begin (Sustainable Development). A commitment to Sustainable Systems also shows
Agape customers that the café is focused not only
These findings can also be shared on social media on providing quality service and bubble tea (for
to inform customers that they are purchasing now), but also on environmental protection,
from an environmentally conscious company. adding to the café's already high market
Website : www.owlsolves.com(Coming Soon)

Contact Us Email : brandonlouis@owlsolves.com

Save the planet today! Address : 66 Oxanards, St. James

Phone : +1-246-850-2703

Instagram: @owlsolves

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