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I knew a funny little man,

As quiet as a mouse,

Who does the mischief that is done

In everybody’s house!

There’s no one ever sees his face,

And yet we all agree

That every plate we break was cracked

By Mr. Nobody

“Tis he who always tears out books,

Who leaves the door ajar,

He pulls the buttons from our shirts,

And scatters pins afar,

That squeaking door will always squeak,

For prithee, don’t you see,

We leave the oiling to be done

By Mr. Nobody.

He puts damp wood upon the fire

That kettles cannot boil;

His are the feet that bring in mud,

And all the carpets soil,

The papers always are mislaid;

Who had them last, but he?

There’s no one tosses them about

But Mr. Nobody.

The finger marks upon the door

By none of us are made;

We never leave the blinds unclosed,

To let the curtains fade.

The ink we never spill; the boots

That lying round you see

Are not our boats ---- they all belong

To Mr. Nobody

----- Anonymous

The rhyming words ---

1. mouse – house 2. agree ---- Nobody

3. ajar --- afar 4. see – Nobody

5. boil --- soil 6. he ---- Nobody

7. made --- fade 8. see --- Nobody

1. Who is the main character in the poem?

a. Mr. Somebody

b. Mr. Nobody

c. Mr. Everybody

2. What does he do to the books?

a. He tears books.

b. He steals books.

c. He reads books.

3. What does the poet say we all agree about?

a. All the mischief is done by us.

b. All the mischief is done by our pets.

c. All the mischief is done by Mr. Nobody.

4. What happens to the carpets?

a. They get wet.

b. They get soiled.

c. They get rolled up.

5. What does Mr. Nobody do to the blinds?

a. He tears and scatters them.

b. He soils them.

c. He leaves them unclosed.

1. There’s no one ever sees his face,
And yet we all agree
That every plate we break was cracked
By Mr. Nobody

a. Why doesn’t anybody ever see his face?

Ans. Nobody ever sees his face because Mr. Nobody is not a real person but an

imaginary one blamed for all the mischief in the house.

b. Who is blamed for breaking plates?

Ans. Mr. Nobody is blamed for breaking plates.

2. The finger marks upon the door

By none of us are made;
We never leave the blinds unclosed,
To let the curtains fade.

a. What marks are there on the door?

Ans. There are finger marks on the door.

b. Why have the curtains faded?

Ans. The curtains have faded because the blinds have been left open and

exposed to the sunlight.

1. thee ----

2. thou ---

3. yonder --- over there

4. betimes ---

5. nay --- no / rather

6. methinks ---

1. Lina is as beautiful as

2. Mukul is as kind as a caregiver.

3. Sangeeta is tall like a giraffe.

4. Sonia sings like a nightingale.

5. Jagveer is as strong as an ox.

6. Jina’s hair is silky like .

7. His shirt is as white as snow.

8. Navit is as intelligent as a professor.


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