Linea Del Tiempo Ingles

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2003-2005: I live my

Life line.
first 3 years of life in I was won sing for the Entered medial
an ejido called san first time in front of a school.
Entered the
isidro in the same city jury for a singing
kindergarten. contest in the same
of caborca.
elementary school.

2002 2003-
Fecha2005 Fecha
2006 Fecha
2007 Fecha
2008 Fecha
2012 Fecha
2013 Fecha

I was born on April
20, 2002 in heroic
We moved to school.
Alamos Sonora for I was part of the
a better quality of representative
education and life. escort of the
campus, in which
we participate in
I became a green
Life line.
I won my first
I graduated from My biggest goal is
state tournament
belt with just one high school and to graduate,
in the city of
year practicing took my normality qualify, take an
taekwondo. exam and they exam for my
Sonora, being my
accepted me, I teaching position,
first gold medal.
began my studies and purse my
in September at the career
Rafael Ramirez
Castañeda Cren.

2015. Fecha
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2025

I joined the
I started to train
representative singing
taekwondo and be
group of the campus
selective in I finished my
which gave me the
categories. studies in medial
opportunity to obtain a I attended face-to-
school and entered
scholarship to travel to face classes for
the cobach with a
Scottsdale Arizona, the first time in
scholarship of
which covered the August, I also
expenses of my visa made my first
and lodging process. observation in
elementary school
that was already
I wanted to build
my house and get

2026 Fecha
2028 To be continúe…..

I aim to start my
master’s studies
and buy a car.

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