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Lesson Plan in English

Grade – II

Prepared by: Christine Joy M. Pagaran

I – Objectives: At the end of 50-minute lesson the pupils are expected to:

a. identify the subject and predicate in sentences,

b. form a sentence by giving the right subject and the right predicate, and
c. appreciate the importance of the lesson by showing active participation of the
students toward the lesson.

II – Subject-Matter

Topic: Subject and Predicate

Reference: English Language Power, pp. 274-278

Materials: Pictures, Strips, Real Objects

Strategy: Interactive Lecture, Group Task, Pick Me

III – Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Learners’ Activity

I. Preliminary Activities

 Prayer

 Greetings

 Checking of Attendance

 Setting Classroom Precautions and Standard

A. Review

In our previous lesson, we talked about

sentences. We learned to recognized which is a
sentence and not.

Now, what makes a sentence? -It starts with a big or

capital letter.
-It expresses a complete
thought or idea.
-It ends with a punctuation
mark such as period (.),
question mark (?) or an
exclamation mark (!).
B. Motivation
Let’s start our today’s lesson by reading a story.
Who’s Who?
One Saturday morning, Father and John went to the river to
fish. It was already 5:00 in the afternoon when they got home.
However, they did not catch any fish. Mother asked, “Why?
What happened?”
John answered, “A fish caught Father, but Father was able
to get away.”

1. Who went fishing? -Father and John

2. When did they go fishing? -Saturday morning
3. What time did they get home? -5:00 in the afternoon
4. Did they bring home a fish? -No
5. According to John, what caught Father? -Fish
6. Who was able to get away? -Father
7. Do you find funny message in the story? -Yes
8. Tell me this into sentence. -A fish caught Father.
9. What is funny about the sentence? -A fish can’t do what
humans can.
II. Developmental Activities
A. Presentation
 What can be done to make the sentence -Father caught a fish.
Father caught a fish.; this sentence is a complete sentence
because it has the two parts.
Subject and Predicate
Please say it louder? -Subject and Predicate!
Let’s find out which is the subject and the predicate of the
sentence after we will know what is subject and predicate.

 What are the two parts of a sentence? -Subject and Predicate

SUBJECT tells us who or what the sentence is all about. It

answers the question who or what.

I want someone to come in front.

(Teacher’s whisper: I want you to erase that writing on the

Look what he/she do?

-The student (students
 Who can tell me in a complete sentence, name) erased some
what the student (student’s name) did a writings on the board.
while ago? -The student (student’s
 What do you think is the subject in the name)

PREDICATE tells us something about the subject. - erased some writings on

 What do you think is the predicate in the the board

B. Discussion
Study the sentence again:
Father caught a fish. -Father
 What is the is the subject in the
Yes, because it answers the question who, who caught a fish.

How about this sentence: -The fish

The fish got away.
 What is the is the subject in the
sentence? -Naming words or NOUNS
Yes, because it answers the question what, what get away?
-tells a name of a person,
 What part of speech have you observed thing, place, animals, event,
on the subjects, Father and the fish? or idea.
 What is a noun?

Yes, a noun is used as the subject of a sentence.

How about this sentence: -He and It

He caught a fish.
It got away. -PRONOUN
 What are the subjects in each of the -takes place of a noun
 What part of speech is He and It?
 What is a pronoun? -Noun and Pronoun
Yes, pronouns can serve as the subject of a sentence too.

 What part of speech can be use as a

subject in a sentence?
-caught a fish
Study the sentence again:
Father caught a fish.
 What is the predicate in the sentence?
Yes, because it tells something about the subject.

-got away
How about this sentence: -Action word or VERB
The fish got away.
 What is the predicate in the sentence?
 Observed the sentences, what comes first
of the predicate?
Yes, a verb. It can also be a helping verb (is, are, was, were)

To make a good sentence, the subject and the predicate
must be related. When the subject and predicate do not match,
they make a funny sentence. -No
 A fish caught Father, makes a good

Now, I have here some sentences. On the board, I want you

to rewrite the sentences. Be sure to match the right subject
with right predicate. -The boy is flying a kite.
-The bee is collecting honey.
Subject Predicate -The mouse is inside the
The Boy * is collecting honey. tiny hole.
The bee * is inside the tiny hole.
The mouse * is flying a kite.

C. Exercise
Now let us see if you really understood which
is the subject and predicate in a sentence.

I have other sentences here in the box. I will call some of

you and you will pick a strip here inside the box. In every strip
there is a sentence. Let’s all read the sentence and who picked
the sentence will tells us if the underlined part is a subject or a - subject
predicate. - subject
- predicate
a. The woodcutter went to the forest. - subject
b. My brother watched the tiny spider. - predicate
c. Science is very interesting. - predicate
d. This fair is fun. - predicate
e. A strong wind flew the hut down. - subject
f. The little puppies are sleeping. - predicate
g. The band played loudly. - subject
h. My kitten is fat and cute.
i. Birds chirp in the morning.
j. Albert returned my umbrella. -subject and predicate
-tell us who or what the
D. Generalization sentence all about.
 What are the parts of the sentence? -tells us something about
 What is a subject? the subject.

 What is predicate?

E. Application
I will group you into 5 groups (depends on the number of
students) and give you each picture. For 2 minutes, I want you to
make a sentence about this picture using the subject and (Answers may vary)
Write it on the strip. Encircle the subject and underline the - The brown dog ate a bone.

G1: - The teacher reads a book.

- The fish swam in the lake.

- The burgers and fries are

G4: - The little bunny ate the

orange carrot.


Let’s check your sentence one by one.

III. Culmination Activities

A. Evaluation
Choose the right subject and predicate from the
box to complete the sentence. Write only the
letter of the correct answer.

a. was shining brightly f. we’re barking loudly

b. delivers the mail g. The gray dolphin
c. The weather h. has clothes in it
d. The elephant j. My mother
- delivers the mail
e. baked me cookies k. The houseplant
- was shining brightly
- The weather
1. The mail carrier _________________________. - has clothes in it
2. The sun _______________________________. - The gray dolphin
3. ________ was cold - we’re barking loudly
4. My closet ______________________________. - The elephant
5. ________ jumped in the sea. - baked me cookies
6. The dogs ______________________________. - The houseplant
7. ________ squirted water from their trunks. - My mother
8. The baker ______________________________.
9. ________ needs soil, water and sunlight.
10. ________ was upset because I broke her favorite

B. Agreement

In a one whole sheet of paper, list at least five

(5) complete sentences using the right subject
and predicate.

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