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ii. My funeral speech in my life is that “I must live for the meaningful change”. I think everyone
has to live for a meaningful life. But the main question is what the meaningful life is. For me any
actions that can really help others to change and benefit positively is a meaningful life. Really I
don’t want people to say about me anything. My life purpose is neither making people to say
something about me nor to speech something officially about me. But to live the life what I
interpreted to be. One of the most expressive ways of living a meaningful life is making a
positive change, in which people really benefited, lived, interconnected and being optimistic. I
don’t want to be known for at this or that. But generally I really want this world or the universe
to be smart, holistic, peacefully interconnected, optimistic, hopeful, free and unified as per the
law of nature unlike the central idea of the Malthusian population thesis. It is clear the world is
divided in to a very fragmented units based on different artificial categories example geography,
color, nationality, knowledge, gender and so many. Say for example based on geographical
location the human world is being classified in to continents, regions, countries and other
entities. The bad thing is not the classification rather the faulty and more dangerous concepts
developed on human mind that comes following the category. I really want this faulty mindset to
be destructed and once cleared out.

I believe the world or the universe is the free, lovely and hopeful gift or place equally given for
humans and any other creature. So humans have not any natural right to make the world bad and
fragmented only as per their interest. My aim is to show the people on the world that living
harmoniously without being harmful and mistaken on the other creatures. The world is more than
enough to live harmoniously, peacefully and freely.

TASK 1.3

As I mentioned earlier this question is highly related to my entire general purpose of life. I have
a strong believe in changing this fragmented and harsh world towards extremely harmonious,
peaceful, free, integrated and smart place. But this can be done only through passing the faulty
mindsets of humans away.

Anyone who should be pessimistic and a positive agent have to contribute to the world leaving
better off. Personally, as a believer in a positive change and as an agent I plan to take a project
in my life. Not only plan for a scientific project but also I have been taking creating a positive
mindset on my neighbors as well. Initially the world has experienced such fragmented and harsh
order is because of our ancestors and because of us too. The important thing is not blaming our
passed away families, rather doing our best and contributions to restore the order and system of
the world to its original state.

The project

TASK 1.4

To be honest to draw a whole life plan is not an easy task. Nevertheless, I try to set my life plan
especially that helps me to accomplish my entire purpose or funeral speech stated at task 1.2

The core instrument I will use is a systematic educational path. I believe that without effective
education I cannot achieve my whole life purpose. Education has a full capability to allow me
knowing technical, physical and dynamic nature of the universe. But education by itself requires
a realistic plan and patience throughout the journey.

Generally my entire life plan is roughly sequenced as follows;

i. Believing in plan and realize my whole purpose

ii. Identify educational path to follow
iii. Prepare for and fulfill requirements to enroll the selected education
iv. Networking significant persons especially people having the same interest
v. Make a kick start proposal

But as I mentioned it earlier my every day activities shall be gravitated towards to a positive
change attitude as a whole. I this regard I believe that all the kectil Colleagues share as a
common purpose.

TASK 1.5

TASK 1.6
An interesting question!
Leadership is the platform which carries all of the system in the world. Whenever it gets
disturbed the whole system that base on it gets disturbed too. The good leadership style makes all
systems good and the bad leadership style makes the systems bad too. I believe that all humans
are leader in that human being is the leader of the universe. But not all humans are leader in that
only some people are leaders for the majority people.

I have completed my undergraduate studies in Economics by being a Gold Medalist. Equally I

have been a president of Academic Affairs as a leader. I have been able to see both the effect of
leadership and being a talented individual at academic achievements. I was also the Leader and
Co-founder of a well-known association in my University named Kinddeal Charity and Arts
Club. This particularly also give me a hard lesson to observe how much a leadership is important
and has a paramount effect on every aspect of activity.

As an Economics graduate I feel that the leadership skill has a great role to draw most accurate
and effective policies and to ensure economic stability beyond merely having hard and pure
economics science knowledge. Competence is the sum total of knowledge, skill and attitude. As
a skill leadership is a cornerstone for achieving something change and revolution.

TASK 2.1

In people’ mind most of the time managers and leaders have the same meaning. But managers
and leaders are quite different. Basically they have the same platform based on functional

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