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Waste Water Treatment plnat Mass balance

Input data
Paramer Value
Normal Flw rate m3 day-1 450000
Temperature oC 12
BOD/ g m -3
sBOD/ g m-3 111
COD/ g m-3 580
sCOD/ g m-3 210
rbCOD/ g m-3 80
TSS/ g m-3 180
VSS/ g m-3 153
TKN/ g m -3
NH4-N/ g m-3 23
sON/ g m-3 9
nbsON/ g m-3 1.1
TP/ g m-3 6
Alkalinity/ g m-3 100
BODe/ g m-3 5
TSSe/ g m-3 3

VSS/TSS 85 %
UBOD/ g m-3 330
Biodegradable TSS fraction 65 %


Grit/TSS= 10 %
VSS-grit/GRIT= 10 %

Primary Clarifier

Sludge concentraion = 3%
BOD removal = 33 %
TSS removal = 60 %
effluent VSS/TSS = 85 %

Secondary treatment
Aeration tank VSS/TSS = 80 %
tc= 10 d
Y= 0.5
Kd= 0.06 d-1
UnderFlow Conc= 1000 mg l-1

Floatation Thisckener
Solid Recovery = 90 %
Sludge Concentration= 0.04 vol/vol
Sludge Specific gravity= 1

Sludge Digestion
VSS destruction= 50 %
Gas production= 1.16 kg kg-VSS-1
Supernatant BOD = 1000 mg l-1
Supernatant TSS = 0.005 vol/vol
sludge TSS= 0.05 vol/vol

Sludge Digestion

Cake solids= 25 %
Sludge specific gravity= 1.06
Solids Capture= 95 %
Centrate BOD= 1000 mg l-1


BOD= 99000000 g day-1

99000 kg day-1

TSS= 81000000 g day-1

81000 kg day-1

TSS removed by Scree/Grit= TSSin x (1- % removed)

TSS removed by Scree/Grit= 8100
The BOD in the exit effluent is made up of the soluble BOD exiting the secondary treatment and
the BOD proportion of the TSS

Bio degradable TSSe= Biodegradable TSS fraction x TSSe

= 1.95 mg l-1

insolubble UBODe= TSSe/(TSS/UBOD)

= 5.45 mg l-1

Insoluble BODe= (BOD/UBOD) x insoluble UBODe

= 3.64
soluble BODe= BODe-insoluble BODe
= 1.36 mg l-1

Now, due to the return flow we head into an iteration to find the solution, for the first
pass we can assume that the return flow is nothing, such as

Qr= 0 m3 day-1
BODr= 0 kg day-1
TSSr= 0 kg day-1

The removal of the BOD and TSS is specified for the primary clarifier, thus the values for
the underflow and overflow can be calculated,
BOD removal= 33%
TSS removal= 60%

BOD removed= 32670 kg day-1

BOD to Secondary= 66330 kg day-1

TSS removed = 43740 kg day-1

TSS to Secondary= 29160 kg day-1

The volume of the solids in the underflow can be calculated from

TSS vol= TSS/Density solids
= 29.16 m3 day-1

The underflow flow rate can the be calculated from the slurry concentration
conc = TSS vol/q
q 3240 m3 day-1

Thus the overflow flow rate, and the flow to the secondary treatment, is
Q= 446760 m3 day-1
For the anaerobic digester we are also going to need to know the fraction of VSS, so we
need to know the VSS in the primary sludge. We know the inlet fraction of VSS/TSS and
the fraction to the secondary prcessing, we also know the amount lost in the grit
chamber, so we can undertake this as a mass balance,

VSS in= TSSin x (VSS/TSS)in

= 68850 kg day-1
The effluent from the primary clarifier is

VSSeff= TSSeff x (VSS/TSS)eff

= 24786 kg day-1

The VSS removed from grit chamber is,

VSSgrit= Grit x (VSS-grit/Grit)

810 kg day-1

Thus the VSS in the primary sludge is,

VSS sludge= VSSin-VSSeff-VSSgrit

43254 kg day-1

Now we can examine the secondary treatment process, the concentration of BOD into
the process is
BOD= BODmass/Q
0.148469 kg m-3
148 mg l-1


= 21155.62 kg day-1
TSScreated= VSS/(VSS/TSS)

mass Balance on the secondary process for the TSS

TSSin+TSScreatted= TSS waste+TSS effluent
TSSin+TSScreatted= 55604.53 kg day-1
TSS waste+TSS effluent= 55604.53 kg day-1

and on the flow rate,

Qin= Qwaste+Qeffluent
Qin= 446760 m3 day-1
Qwaste+Qeffluent= 446760 m3 day-1

Combining the solids and flow balances based on the known concentrations means that
we can write the effluent flow rate as

((TSSin + TSScreated) - Qin ×

Qeffluent= Cwaste) / (Ceffluent - Cwaste)

= 436931.28 m3 day-1

Qwaste= 9828.72000000003 m3 day-1

TSS effluent= 1310793.84 g day-1

= 1310.79384 kg day-1

BODeffluent= 2184656.4 g day-1

2184.6564 kg day-1

TSS waste= 54293.74 kg day-1

The BOD here can be estimated by making the assumption that there is insoluble BOD
from the biodegradable TSS as we did before, such that
(BOD/UBOD) × Biodegradable TSS fraction /
insoluble BODe = (TSS/UBOD) × TSS

BODw= insoluble BODe+soluble BODe
8037.73 mg l-1

BODw= 79000570.8000003 g day-1

= 79000.5708000003 g day-1
The flotation thickener has a solids collection efficiency, so the captured solids can be
given by

TSS= TSSwaste*Collection efficinecy

48864.363669 kg day-1
The volume of the solids collected can be calculated from,

TSS vol = TSS/ density of solids

= 48.864363669 m3 day-1

The flow rate can the be calculated from the slurry concentration,
conc= TSSvol/Q
Q= 1221.609091725 m3 day-1

Thus the water and TSS not collected is,

Q= 8607.11090827503 m3 day-1

TSS= 5429.37

The BOD can be estimated by assuming the same effect of the TSS,

insoluble BODe = (BOD/UBOD) ×

Biodegradable TSS fraction /

BOD collected = 71100.5137200002 kg day-1

BOD through 7900.05708000003 kg day-1

For the digester the VSS is important, and thus the VSS in collected soilds is needed,

TSScollected *
VSS= (VSS/TSS)aerationtank
39091.4909352 kg day-1

The blending tank combines the flows from the thickener and the primary clarifier, thus

Q= 4461.609091725 m3 day-1
BOD= 103770.51372 kg day-1
TSS= 92604.363669 kg day-1
VSS= 82345.4909352 kg day-1

In the digester some of the VSS is destroyed, this means that the TSS after digestion is
the remaining VSS and the proportion of the TSS that is not volitile, thus,

10258.8727338 kg day-1

VSS destroyed in digestion = VSS* fraction destroyed

41172.7454676 kg day-1

TSS after Digestion iTSS+(VSS-VSSdestroyed)

51431.6182014 kg day-1

As we know the sludge specific gravity we can calculate the total mass entering the

M in 4461609.091725 kg day-1
The gas produced is equal to,

M gas 59660.677113624 kg day-1

Therefore the total Sludge uutput mass must be

Mout= Min-Mgas
4401948.41461138 kg day-1

Assuming the sludge specific gravity, Then,

Qout= 4401.94841461138 m3 day-1

Taking a balance for the flow rates and the TSS as done for the secondary clarifier then
we can say that
(TSSout - Q out × Csludge)/(Csuper -
Q super = Csludge)

2729.20801705905 m3 day-1
Q sludge 1672.74039755232 m3 day-1

TSSsuper 7251.8581663974 kg day-1

TSSsludge 44179.7600350026 kg day-1

Now we can calculate the change from the sludge dewatering (in this case we are
ignoring any mass added from polymers or sludge conditioning agents added). First we
can calculate the sludge cake properties. The solids can be given by

Solids= TSS* Solids captured

= 41970.7720332525 kg day-1

The volume of the cake is then taken from the solids fraction in the cake,

Volume= Solids/(cake density*solids fraction)

158.380271823594 m3 day-1

The centrate flow rate is then the remaning flow,

Q centrate 1514.36012572873 m3 day-1

The TSS in the centrate is the remaining TSS,

TSS centrate= 2208.98800175013 kg day-1

pecified as a concenration in the centrate, so that,

BODcentrate= 1514.36012572873 kg day-1

ry treatment and

action x TSSe
ble TSS fraction /

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