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Strengths and weaknesses

1. Strong Education: The fact that you 1. Lack of work experience: At this age,
are studying automotive mechanical you may not have had many
engineering indicates that you have a opportunities to gain work experience
strong educational foundation in a very yet. This can make it more difficult for
relevant field. This training provides you you to compete in the job market and
with a set of technical skills that are find employment.
highly valued in the automotive industry.
2. Lack of specific skills: You may not
2. Passion for the automotive industry: have yet had the opportunity to develop
Choosing this career suggests a specific skills related to your field of
passion for cars and mechanics. This study or career. This can affect your
passion can drive continuous learning, confidence and job prospects.
innovation, and a commitment to
excellence in your work. 3. Difficulty managing stress: As you
face new responsibilities and
3. Communication Skills: Although often challenges in adult life, you may find it
overlooked in technical fields, the ability difficult to manage stress and pressure.
to communicate effectively is essential. This can affect your emotional well-
Being able to explain complex concepts being and your ability to maintain a
clearly and concisely can be a great healthy balance in your life.
strength in engineering.

- Set a clear objective: Define the type of work experience you want to obtain and
the field in which you would like to work.
- Research opportunities: Look for internships, internships or part-time jobs related
to your field of study. Use online resources, professional networks, and personal
contacts to find these opportunities.

- Identify the skills you want to develop: Make a list of specific skills that are relevant
to your field of study and desired career.

- Research learning options: Look for online courses, workshops or training

programs that will help you develop those skills. Make sure they are quality and up
to date.

- Identify your stress triggers: Reflect on the situations or circumstances that

generate the most stress for you. It could be the academic load, personal
expectations, or social pressure.
- Learn stress management techniques: Research and practice relaxation
techniques, such as deep breathing, meditation, or regular exercise.

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