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* Make sre to use multiple source like stated in the instructions and you can add citations from

other section resources as long as you already added the correct amount of citations from the
provided recourse from their original section*

3) Language

(Resources to use for this section: Articles: “Do You See What I See?” & “Why English Might
Let Go of He and She”. Textbook chapter: 4)

(Videos for this section: , ,
bxPLFt1vI , , ,
v=dEARXblgSu8 , , )

Some good information, but this isn't complete. First two paragraphs: bring in textbook support.
Also see if you can add in any more specific examples or details form the textbook. Lecture
citations: make sure they include the part of lecture and title of that part, as it is written in
Canvas. Third and fourth paragraphs: miss all necessary required citations. Information seems to
be all based on just 1 page of 1 article, make sure to use all resources provided to write
information.You need additional support. You can delta the CARTA citation If you can’t find it
from lecture, use the lecture tile in Canvas. Last paragraph: Expand this use the sources
thoroughly,. This seems to be a 3 sentence mini-paragraph. Make sure to read the required
textbook articles and videos because if not it will show in the essay.

4) Food & Substance

(Resorces for this section: textbook chapters 4&5. Articles: “The Hunters: Scarce Resources in
the Kalahari” & “The Worst Mistake in Human History”)
(Videos for this section:
v=T0GMgDXKCXw& ,
v=eG3qmDmUBUE , , ,
v=1PqgG5NNdQY )
Cite correct author for chapter 5. Foraging: overall good. Can you use the Lee article more, make
sure it shows that you read more than one page of it by citing from multiple pages. Farming:
wrong textbook author, change to correct one. Some good information, but this should definitely
use the Diamond article more thoroughly.Articles are minimally used, So you should strengthen
what was used of those sources.
6) Power & Politics I: band & tribe

(Resorces for this section: textbook chapters 7. Articles: “ Why Envy Might Be Good For Us” &
“Life Without Chiefs”)
(Videos for this section: , ,
gvTHlWw , )
First sentence: I think that needs a citation. Lecturee citations: Don’t use quotations for those
titles. Second paragraph: good lecture information, but support that with information from the
readings too. Tribes: use the Harris article for the first half of your answer too. 4th paragraph:
can you bring in some textbook information there too? You should revise it to strengthen your
use of all the readings. Try to use them all more thoroughly.

7)Power & Politics II: chiefdom & state

(Resorces for this section: textbook chapters 7. Articles: “ The Founding Indian Fathers” &“The
Revolutionary Power of Andean Folk Tales”)
(videos for this section: , , )

Chiefdoms: some good information. Expand this more by making sure you address all the
elements in the exam question fully. You can probably also find ways to use the Weatherford
article, and can also bring in the Harris article from question 6’s article too. States: short, but
some good information, but expand this more. You'll want more information from the lecture
and textbook here. Just needs expanding. Make sure explain all the concepts fully.

8)Race & Ethnicity

(Resorces for this section: textbook chapters 9. Articles: “ When Colorblind Parenting Meets
Anti-racism” & “Confronting Anti-blackness in Colorblind Cuba”)
(Videos for this section: , ,
v=dwewe4hZ2Dc )

Just expand and add more citations from the resources providied

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