Backup of Research Higher Degree Graduation Summary Form - TT - MN

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Please submit this document as a Word (.doc or .docx) file to the Office of
Research Services (
The information you provide here will be included in the Graduation Booklet.
Preparing your thesis summary
A short, plain English summary of the thesis is also included in the Graduation Book at each ceremony, to better inform guests of the detail of
the research undertaken by each candidate.
The Graduation summary may be not more than fifty (50) words. It should also:
 Be framed in plain English, in order that the general audience at the ceremony can understand what the research is about. All technical and
specialist terminology should be removed;
 Include a context for the research or a very clear statement of the aim of the research (the issues being explored);
 Explain what the candidate did in the research;
 Explain what the candidate found out in the course of the research undertaken, contributed to knowledge or advanced the research
 The past tense should be use in the summary (for example … this research explored …); and
 Capitals should be kept to a minimum; they should only be used at the start of a sentence and for proper nouns.

1 Candidate’s details

Candidate’s full name Beatriz Elena Hoyos Ortiz

Student ID number 12176038

Submitted for the degree of Master of Research

Final Title of Thesis or Portfolio Biochemical characterisation of the northern Australian-grown black sesame as a source of
bioactive compounds

This summary must be in plain English and contain no more than fifty (50) words
This summary will be included in the official graduation booklet. It will not be possible to make changes to this summary once submitted.
This Australian study explored black sesame's bioactive compounds, emphasizing total antioxidant capacity, phenolics, lignans, and fatty acids.
It examined sesame's response to moisture stress and its impact on the levels of these compounds. Results indicate moisture stress could
notably enhance lignans and fatty acids.

Word Count: 50

2 Principal Supervisor’s Details

To recognise the importance of supervisors in the dissertation process, a candidate’s supervisory panel details will be provided in the graduation
booklet at the corresponding ceremony where a candidate chooses to graduate. Please append additional pages as necessary.

Principal Supervisor’s full name Mani Naiker

Principal Supervisor’s title Senior Lecturer in Chemistry

Order of Australia Recipient? (E.g. AC,
Principal Supervisor’s qualifications(s) and  Doctor of Philosophy - Charles Sturt University, Australia
Granting Institutions(*s)  Bachelor of Applied Science (Honours, Applied Chemistry) - University of Western
Sydney, Australia

3 Associate Supervisor’s Details

To recognise the importance of associate supervisors in the dissertation process, a candidate’s supervisory panel details will be provided in the
graduation booklet at the corresponding ceremony where a candidate chooses to graduate. Please append additional pages as necessary.

Associate Supervisor’s full name Tieneke Trotter

Associate Supervisor’s title Senior Lecturer in Agriculture

Order of Australia Recipient? (E.g. AC,
Associate Supervisor’s qualifications(s) Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (Sydney University)
and Granting Institutions(*s) Ph.D (The University of New England)

3 Associate Supervisor’s Details

Graduation Summary – Research Higher Degree Page 1 of 2

To recognise the importance of associate supervisors in the dissertation process, a candidate’s supervisory panel details will be provided in the
graduation booklet at the corresponding ceremony where a candidate chooses to graduate. Please append additional pages as necessary.

Associate Supervisor’s full name Surya Bhattarai

Associate Supervisor’s title Associate Professor in Agriculture

Order of Australia Recipient? (E.g. AC,
Associate Supervisor’s qualifications(s)
and Granting Institutions(*s)

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