Capstone Update 2

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Capstone Update #2

What I have accomplished so far

Within the past few weeks, I have successfully started two of my paintings. Both of which will express
the struggles of art students when it comes to career choices. With my paints and brushes I’ve been
working to work on my paintings for four- six hours with each workspace. This large time frame allows
me to step back to gain a new perspective on what I could critique with the painting. Some of the factors
I have changed so far has been the saturation with the portrait style painting. I have messed around
with different green, blue, and pink undertones for the skin and have settled with a more layered
approach than what I was initially starting off with. I have successfully organized my time in order to
make sure I have enough breathing room as to not get discouraged with both paintings because my
creativity can be warped when overwhelmed with too many possibilities.

What I plan to accomplish by the end of the week

By the end of the week, I plan to learn a new technique on how to produce a semi-translucent haze of
smoke with a stretchy liquid that’s blend-able. I’ve yet to find the name of it but is saw it on an
instagram reel and I’m interested on how I can replicate or buy it. I also plan to take a picture of the first
painting (the green background one) and transfer it into procreate (a digital illustration app) to play
around with different ideas that I could do to elevate the work.

My needs (materials, time, space, mentor etc.)

Painting requires a significant amount of dedication to detail and composition, leaving myself enough
time to work and regain my next creative wave is a huge need for me in order to achieve my desired
outcome with the right message. I’ve been in contact with my in-school mentor Mr. Dykman when I
have questions of how to achieve different textures and work around ways when I encounter problems;
although, I have not heard back from the local artist I e-mailed about becoming my mentor which won't
be one of the mentors I was hopeful to achieve. As for the third mentor that I was optimistic about, my
family friend Kevin, I realized we don’t have the best communication due to his work and my necessity
for fast timed responses in order to not waste valuable time.

Challenges I encountered and how I have overcome them

My challenges I’ve encountered have been the drying process of the paint. Acrylic paint dries insanely
fast which poses a problem for blending when working on larger portions of the painting. I overcame
this by taking smaller portions of the painting to work on so I can apply different details as well as the
paint still being workable.
Pictures/Video evidence of my progress (this is mandatory)

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