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• Understand Le Châtelier’s Principle and be able to predict shifts given several changes to an equilibrium system
Text p.523 #11-13

• Graph the changes to an equilibrium system and the resulting shifts using Le Châtelier’s Principle
2C (s) + O2(g)  2CO (g)
a) oxygen is added
b) Pressure is increased by changing volume of the reaction chamber (while maintaining constant

• Understand the differences between a homogeneous and a heterogeneous equilibrium system; understand the concept of
saturation as a solubility equilibrium
• Calculate K for an equilibrium system; be able to the shift in an equilibrium system based on a Q value (reaction quotient or
trial ion product)
• Solve an equilibrium problem using an ICE table; use the 100 rule to determine if an approximation is necessary
Text p.640#10-13

For Question 12, assume there is also 0.50 mol of HI present at

the start of the reaction as well.

• Calculate Ksp, molar solubility and predict whether a precipitate will occur
Text p.640 #16-19

Solubility Equilibrium Problem:

Zn(CN)2 (Ksp = 3.1 x 10-16) was dissolved in 0.0100 mol/L NaCN solution. What is the molar solubility (in mol/L) of
zinc cyanide in the sodium cyanide solution?


Look up Ksp values in textbook (p.802)

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