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Jessica S Blog Journal #1 March 31st - April 2, 2024

By the end of the week, my goal is to complete up to three videos. Typically, learning a dance
routine of approximately one minute duration requires two hours of practice, supplemented with
the use of a timer to ensure focused attention, depending on its complexity. Additionally, the
editing process can consume an additional two hours, during which I will endeavor to create
engaging and entertaining content for viewers. The primary focus of my Capstone project is to
advance with the pre-planned draft that I initially formulated on February 28th. To commence, I
intend to arrange my filming space and select appropriate locations. The options under
consideration include my personal room, my parent’s room which features a mirror, and
potentially the garage if additional space is required. Although a mirror can enhance the quality
of my videos, I can also edit the footage to create mirrored images, thereby facilitating easier
dance follow-along for viewers. Furthermore, with the support of my mother, who is also a great
Persian dancer, I am looking forward to having her analyze my videos before posting and
provide feedback. Additionally, I intend to seek her guidance on how to dance to Persian songs in
my upcoming videos.
In the previous days, I began practicing various popular dance routines and trends to improve my
ability to synchronize movements effectively. As an enthusiastic dancer, I devote a significant
amount of time and effort to pursuing my passion. Nevertheless, one of the challenges I
encounter stems from the absence of formal dance training beyond a choreography course
undertaken during grade 11. In that course, we were tasked with replicating dance steps while
observing demonstrations on screens. While dance can occasionally result in injuries or
discomfort, initiative-taking exercise beforehand can help mitigate such risks. Furthermore, I do
not mind criticism or rejection, recognizing them as opportunities for personal growth and
improvement in my dance technique. My overarching aim is to demonstrate my capability to
both teach and learn throughout this journey, anticipating and overcoming diverse obstacles
along the way.
Thus far, I have outlined the concepts for my videos and compiled a selection of songs suitable
for dancing. While many of these choices are centered around K-pop, I intend to diversify the
genre representation to cater to a broader audience. Although I have yet to record any videos for
YouTube, I have generated a series of draft clips to assess my proficiency in executing dance
moves accurately. While these drafts are brief, typically lasting around 16 seconds, I plan to
adopt a more comprehensive approach for YouTube by mastering two distinct segments of each
song: the main chorus and designated dance breaks. Filming a few clips ahead of time improved
my capacity to be more prepared when I am on camera, as well as demonstrating my skill to
Regrettably, I encountered a setback last week when my phone was stolen, significantly
impeding progress on my project. However, I view this incident as an opportunity to exercise
personal awareness and responsibility. By embracing social responsibility and utilizing various
tracking applications, I successfully determined the whereabouts of my phone. During the initial
planning phase of my Capstone project, I also engaged in creative thinking, generating an
extensive list of potential video ideas numbering up to twelve. Although the loss of an entire
week's worth of filming was undoubtedly disheartening, I remain steadfast in my commitment to
staying on schedule and minimizing any resultant delays.

Before spring break, I started writing up to twelve video ideas to help me stay on track and give
me a starting point. It also gives me broader ideas of how I would have to edit the videos.
In addition, I have created a 1-minute video highlighting some of the dances I have been
practicing. This video includes comparisons with more professional dancers who specialize in
these styles. By comparing my movements with theirs, I want to highlight my potential and
provide viewers with an opportunity to analyze and critique my technique. These videos serve as
a reflection of my progress and areas for improvement, guiding my future practice sessions and
content creation. Furthermore, they demonstrate my commitment to continuous learning and my
aspiration to share my knowledge and skills with others. I aim to be prepared for dancing by the
end of this week.

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