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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII – Eastern Visayas
School Division of Ormoc
Ormoc City

Schedule: FEBRUARY 20, 2024 Date Submitted: FEBRUARY 27, 2024

Laboratory Exercise No. 3

Animal Cell and plant cell
I. Introduction

Plant cells are eukaryotic cells that vary in several fundamental factors from other
eukaryotic organisms. Both plant and animal cells contain a nucleus along with similar
organelles. One of the distinctive aspects of a plant cell is the presence of a cell wall
outside the cell membrane.

The plant cell is rectangular and comparatively larger than the animal cell. Even
though plant and animal cells are eukaryotic and share a few cell organelles, plant cells
are quite distinct when compared to animal cells as they perform different functions.
Some of these differences can be clearly understood when the cells are examined under
an electron microscope.

Animal cell, on the other hand, is a type of eukaryotic cell that lacks a cell wall and
has a true, membrane-bound nucleus along with other cellular organelles.
these cells exhibit the presence of DNA inside the nucleus. They also comprise other
membrane-bound organelles and cellular structures which carry out specific functions
necessary for a cell to function properly.

The shape of animal cells also varies, with some being flat, others oval or rod-
shaped. There are also more intriguing shapes such as curved, spherical, concave, and
rectangular. Most of the cells are microscopic in size and can only be seen under the

Plant cells have a rigid cell wall composed of cellulose and contain chloroplasts for
photosynthesis. They typically have a large central vacuole for storage of water and
nutrients. While animal cells lack cell walls but contain centrioles and lysosomes, and
their shape is maintained by a cytoskeleton.
II. Observation

Onion Peel 4x magnification Cheek Cells 4x magnification

Onion Peel 10x magnification Cheek Cells 10x magnification

III. Discussion

(What are the main differences between an animal cell and a plant cell?)

Cell Wall: Plant cells have a rigid cell wall primarily composed of cellulose outside the cell
membrane, providing structural support and protection. Animal cells lack a cell wall,
which gives them greater flexibility in shape.

Chloroplasts: Plant cells contain chloroplasts, which are organelles responsible for
photosynthesis, allowing plants to convert light energy into chemical energy. Animal
cells do not contain chloroplasts and therefore cannot carry out photosynthesis.

Vacuoles: Plant cells typically have one large central vacuole filled with cell sap, which
helps maintain turgor pressure, store nutrients, and degrade waste products. Animal
cells may have smaller vacuoles, but they are more numerous and smaller in size
compared to the central vacuole in plant cells.

Shape: Plant cells often have a fixed, regular shape due to the presence of a cell wall and
the central vacuole. Animal cells, on the other hand, are more varied in shape and can
change shape more easily due to the absence of a cell wall.

Centrioles: Animal cells contain centrioles, which are involved in organizing microtubules
during cell division (mitosis and meiosis). Plant cells typically lack centrioles, although
some exceptions exist.

Lysosomes: Animal cells contain lysosomes, which are membrane-bound organelles

containing enzymes responsible for intracellular digestion and waste removal. Plant cells
may contain similar structures called lytic vacuoles but typically lack true lysosomes.

IV. Generalization

Plant cells and animal cells are both eukaryotic cells with distinct structures and
functions. They share similarities such as having a nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic
reticulum, Golgi apparatus, and cytoskeleton, which are essential for cellular processes.
However, they also differ in key aspects such as the cell wall, chloroplasts, vacuoles,
shape, centrioles, and lysosomes.

In summary, while plant and animal cells share fundamental organelles and
processes, their unique adaptations reflect their differing roles and environments. Plant
cells are specialized for photosynthesis and structural support, while animal cells are
adapted for diverse functions such as movement, ingestion, and digestion.

Animal and plant cells are crucial components of living organisms, serving as the
building blocks of complex tissues and organs. Their diverse structures and functions
enable multicellular organisms to carry out essential processes such as growth,
reproduction, and metabolism, supporting life on Earth.

V. References

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