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As I have grown older in this world, there have been several developments. Every stage of development
that each of us has gone through has helped to shape who we are today.
In my early years aged 2–4-year-old, I was incredibly fascinated about everything, including the smell,
taste, and texture of anything that attracted my attention. I also had a great urge to engage in any activity I
wanted to engage in with that thing using my small muscles. My brother once told me that any object that
I saw I wanted to have it right away or else I would throw tantrums. It seems like I fantasize everything,
thinking they are alive and can play with me. I am susceptible to errors and accidents. I have eaten
crayons and played with matches, both of which have the potential to damage me. Back then, I had no
idea what I was doing, and I just focused on exploring and learning things around me.
I was raised in a home where my parents frequently fought in front of us, my early years were not
particularly idyllic. As I got older, I began to imitate and learn things from them. There are times I
disobey them and had fights over little issues with my siblings. Because I constantly hear inappropriate
language and statements in our home, I have acquired this habit. I ascertained that words, images and
gestures are symbols for something else, but I don’t really know the definite meaning of it.
Numerous things astonished me when I began my education. I had the opportunity to engage with a
variety of people my own age and especially with our teacher, I gradually improved my cognitive, speech,
language, and social skills. I learned positive attributes as a result of what we are taught in school, which
teaches us to be decent, gentle, friendly, and generous with what we have. The feeling of relating with a
classmate, playing, and exploring your fears and strengths together is wonderful. My attitude can be
affected by a variety of things in our home, but because of the characteristics I developed at school, it has
become important for me to respect my parents and get along with my siblings.
In my middle and late youth, the knowledge I gained in my early childhood is still ingrained in my being,
but it has grown more sophisticated and logical. I came upon things that, when I was younger, I had never
anticipated. Before I had all I wanted, it's simple to make yourself happy by playing with your friends,
having new toys, sharing your favorite food etc. There were many questions I had in mind at the time, like
who am I and what on earth is my role in this place. Because of my interest in the past, I felt a great drive
to acquire the items that caught my attention, but today I have no idea what I would like to own. I become
aware of how I look and what I should be doing while I become disoriented about how I feel. Although I
am very much influenced by my peers, both positively and negatively, I started to understand my inner
self, became physically, mentally, emotionally and socially developed. As I have grown more conscious
of myself and developed into a reasonable being, I have learned to sort things out. It's also a big part of
how I learnt to understand why people act the way they do in every situation.
I am now exposed to the realities of life as an adolescent. My understanding of my true purpose and
objectives has reached its zenith. In whatever situation that lies ahead of me, I have been able to visualize
it clearly and apply rational thought. More capable of facing life's true obstacles, whether they relate to
love, work, friendship, or family, and bold enough to conquer the world. As I strive to become the best
version of myself, I have come to understand what I need to keep up with, improve, and what things I
need to forget.
As a teacher who has gone through several stages of development, I will facilitate my students' growth by
giving them time to explore the world around them and expand their learnings. I won't put any pressure
on them to perform well right away because true development takes time. Practice greater kindness and
patience with them since I believe that's how they should be treated while they're developing. I will be
their mentor and show them how to build on their strengths and counteract their weaknesses. Being
genuine in keeping an eye on them as they mature and become better people. I would love to impart to
them the learnings in my own progress of development, whether it be in the realm of academia, life, love,
friendship, or anything else. Even though I may find it challenging to do so, I am eager to witness each
step they take as they grow as individuals.

By: Bayon-on, Cherry Mae M.

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