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Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai


Submitted By


Under The Guidance Of
(PROF. Murhekar N.H)





Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai




This is to certify that


Of 4th Semester have satisfactorily completed Micro Project on of

In subject Manufacturing Processes as per Curriculum of
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai
For the partial fulfilment of
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
In the academic year 2023-24





Samarth Polytechnic Belhe

Project Proposal

Subject: - Manufacturing Processes (22446)

Title of Micro-Project :-
Prepare A Cast Product Of Wax Material.

Brief Introduction:-
Waxes are a diverse class of organic compounds that are hydrophobic, malleable solids near
ambient temperatures. They include higher alkanes and lipids, typically with melting points
above 40°C, melting to give low viscosity liquids. Waxes are insoluble in water but soluble
in organic, non-polar solvents.

Aim of the Micro – Project :-

Wax is effective in polishing, water repellency, antifouling, Molding release, and

dispersion. It is used in a variety of applications, from cosmetics and daily necessities such
as crayons, candles and car waxes, to industrial products such as paints, inks, adhesives, and

Outcome of the microproject:-

● laminated-paper products.

● in coatings and linings

● a in adhesives

● sealing compositions.

● various types of polishes.

Action Plan

Sr. No Details Of Activity Start Date Finish Date Name Of Responsible Team
Planned Planned Members

1 All planning of Gadge Pranay Dhananjay.

micro project

2 Study About wax Lalge Pratik Prakash.


Collect information
3 about wax Casting. Waphare Aryan Suresh.

Collect information
4 types about Wax Pardeshi Anushka Suresh.

Collect raw material

5 abo Gadge Pranay Dhananjay.

6 Collect Images
About wax Casting. Lalge Pratik Prakash.

Collect Procedure
7 about wax Casting. Waphare Aryan Suresh.
8 Complete Micro
Project . Pardeshi Anushka Prasad.

Resources Required :-

Sr. No Name Of Specifications Quantity Remarks


1 Metal plate For base 2

2 paper Information 22

3 Wax Material For module 1 Kg

4 laptop Information 1
Samarth Polytechnic Belhe

Vision of the Institute

To Create Professionally Competent Engineers for Development of Society.

Mission of the Institute

To Impart Quality Education System in the Technical Field to Solve Engineering
To Create Skilled Technician to Meet the Requirements of Industry and Society.
To Enhance Educational Capabilities for Latest Technology, Ethical Practices and
M4 –
To Develop Intrusive Attitude towards Life Long Learning.
Samarth Polytechnic Belhe
Department of Mechanical .

Department VISION
To Create Professionally Competent Mechanical Engineers For
Changing Technology In Industry & Society.

Department MISSION

M1- Achieve Excellence In Technical Education To Solve Mechanical Engineering


M2- Develop Technical Skills And Innovative Ideas Through Curr- icular And Co-
curricular Activities.

M3-To Educate And Train Students To Make Competent Technician And Responsible
Citizens of Country.

M4- Develop Awareness And Interest In Lifelong Learning.

Samarth Polytechnic Belhe
Department of Mechanical Engineering.


PS01:- Diploma engineers are able to applybasic and discipline knowledge to the
conventional machinery and equipment .

PSO2:- Diploma engineers are able to identify, analyze and solve various problems using
advanced tools and relevant software's where required.

PSO3:- Diploma engineers are able to exhibit soft skills like leadership, positive attitude
professionalism in actual working environment.


PE01 - Provide socially responsible, environment friendly

Mechanical to engineering Relatedbroad-based problems adapting
professional ethics.
PEO2 - Adapt state-of-the-art Mechanical engineering broad-based
technologies to work in multi-disciplinary work environ ment.
PEO3 -Solve broad-based problems individually and as a team
member communicating effectively in the world of work.


A) Applied the knowledge of Welding term.

B) Knew the Different types of welding.
C) Use of different kind of materials.
D) Did different types of welding.
E) Produced welded materials.

Chapter No. Topic Name Page No.


Prepare A Wax Material Of Casting Method.

Types Of Wax.

Uses Of Wax Casting. 13

Wax pattern production 13

6 Questions About wax Casting. 13

Summary 14
Introduction :-

The pattern materials consist essentially of waxes such as petroleum

waxes, natural vegetable or mineral waxes, synthetic waxes and various resinous
materials derived from the refining of petroleum and wood rosin, and mixtures of the
above. The base wax generally has a melting point of between about 120 to 180*F.

Prepare A Wax Material Casting Process :-

Wax is the oldest thermoplastic material known to man and because it can be
cast or formed while in a liquid, semi-liquid or plastic state, its history has been closely
linked with the development of arts and craft and the growth of the industry. In early
times the craftsmen of China and Egypt used the lost wax process, but the name wax
referred only to beeswax. However, today the name, especially in the investment casting
industry, is applied to any substance having a wax like property. Modern blends of
investment casting wax are complex compounds containing numerous components
● Paraffin wax

● Microcrystalline wax
● Hard wax

● Resins
● Polymers
● Filler materials

Paraffin wax is a hydrocarbon based petrochemical or petroleum distillate

produced as a by-product in the refinement of crude oil. Structure comprises of short
straight chain molecules 20 to 36 carbon atoms in length with relatively organised and
ordered properties. Typical melting range is between 32 and 66 °C. Paraffin wax is used
to affect the rheological properties, the injection temperature and fluidity of the
investment casting wax material.

Microcrystalline wax is also a hydrocarbon based petrochemical produced as a

by-product of the distillation of crude oil. Its structure comprises of branched
hydrocarbon molecules 31 to 50 carbon atoms in size with disorganised and more random
properties. Typical melting range is between 60 and 93 °C. Microcrystalline wax is used
to control the flow, the hardness, and the strength of the wax material.
Hard wax materials can be natural esters or modified hydrocarbon compounds.
Melting points ranges are from 65 to 120 °C and with typical hardness of less than one
tenth of a millimetre. Mechanically they are brittle compounds and exhibit low
viscosities. Hard wax is used to influence the hardness and surface finish of the wax

Resins fit into three main types in the context of investment casting wax,
hydrocarbon resins, synthetic resins, and natural resins, each with its own unique
advantage and all soften gradually and without sudden expansion. Resins therefore
reduce expansion and contraction characteristics associated with the crystalline structure
of other materials used to make up the blend. Resins are used to influence solidification,
shrinkage, rigidity, and hardness of the wax.

Polymers are added with ethylene-vinyl acetate or EVA the most widely used
with melting ranges between 50 and 200 °C and mechanically they usually exhibit high
ductility. Polymers can be added to influence many properties including mechanical
strength, viscosity, and dimensional stability in the investment casting wax.

Fillers are now used extensively throughout the investment casting industry
with types of filler material including cross linked polystyrene or XLPS, terephthalic
acid, bisphenol A or BPA and water. The filler material must be inert and not chemically
react with any constituents of the wax blend. They should have controlled particle size
distribution and specific gravity close to the base wax. Filler materials used must be
organic to ensure complete burnout from the mould. Fillers are added to reduce
cavitation, assist fluidity, and improve the surface finish of the investment casting wax

Fundamentally the length and the complexity of the carbon chains of the various
components influences the properties of the final wax. Accordingly, many variations are
formulated to suit differing foundry requirements and key properties such as congealing
point, melting point, hardness, viscosity, expansion, contraction, fluidity and setting rate
are all influenced by the structure and composition of the wax compound.

The complex composition of modern wax products manifests itself in a physical

behaviour different to that of other substances. Unlike other homogeneous chemical
compounds, wax does not melt immediately on heating but passes through several
intermediate states. Similarly, the structure and components used in an investment casting
wax will influence the expansion and contraction characteristics. Like other materials
wax expands on heating and contracts on cooling. In comparison with a metal the
expansion is relatively high. Wax expansion and contraction rates are not uniform but
vary with phase and structure changes during heating and cooling.
Types of wax :-
Modern investment casting wax materials can broadly be split into the following
types, pattern wax, runner wax, soluble wax, and specialist wax. All are of key
importance in the process, but pattern wax will often command the most attention and
this type of wax material can be further sub divided into the following categories.

1) Unfilled pattern wax :- These wax materials are complex compounds of many
wax and resins products. When using an unfilled wax cavitation can occur on solid
sections and chills are sometimes used to overcome this cavitation. Unfilled wax
materials have significant advantages in recycling in that once any water is removed,
most of the product can be processed for reuse.

2) Emulsified pattern wax :- These have similar base materials to an unfilled wax
but are emulsified with water. The surface finish is extremely smooth and because the
water acts partially as a filler, cavitation can be reduced. Handling and control of
emulsified wax is relatively simple but crucial to maintain the key properties of the
material and not lose water. The melting temperature should not exceed 85 °C and the
holding temperature must be controlled below 80 °C. Should the temperature exceed
these limits, the water will gradually evaporate, and the properties of the wax will
change. Use of a non-emulsified wax for the runner system is recommended to avoid
spitting of wax particles during the assembly stage.

3) Filled pattern wax :- These types of material are widely used throughout the
industry. Here the base materials are like those above, but into the compound is blended a
powdered filler material insoluble in the base wax. It is essential the filler used is organic,
to ensure complete burnout leaving no ash and there are several different filler materials
used. It is also critical to use a fine particle sized filler so that surface finish is not
impaired and to have the specific gravity of the filler as near as possible to that of the wax
base to ensure that minimum separation takes place when the wax is liquid. The
advantage of filled wax is that little or no cavitation should take place even on heavy
sections and such materials will give greater stability to large, especially thin walled
patterns. Again, process control is of key importance with continuous agitation required
once melted to keep the filler in suspension and to avoid filler separation.
Usess Of Wax casting Process :-

The process is used to create parts for transportation, agricultural, and medical
industries, to name just a few. It can be used to create objects from simple to complex in
various metals by casting an original wax model or pattern. The wax model makes an
expendable Molding that can only be used once in casting.

Wax pattern production :-

Hot wax is injected into the Molding or die and allowed to solidify . Cores may
be needed to form any internal features. The resulting wax pattern is an exact replica of
the part to be produced. The method is similar to die-casting, but with wax used instead
of molten metal

Questions About Wax Casing

1)Can I lost wax cast at home?
It is best to start lost wax casting in an established casting studio with a professional
instructor. Lost wax casting can involve more advanced equipment that can be costly to
set up. The safest and least expensive way to start lost wax casting is in a public class.
Once you have experience and a strong understanding of the process and tools involved,
you may explore setting up a lost wax casting studio at home.

2) What metals can you use for lost wax casting?

Lost-wax casting is a highly versatile technique and can be used to cast objects in gold,
silver, brass, copper, bronze, and aluminum.

3) What are the differences between lost wax casting and die casting?
The most significant difference between the die and lost wax casting process is the
Molding material. Die casting uses a metal Molding , which is a nonexpendable Molding
. Lost wax casting uses a Molding made out of plaster or ceramic shell, an expendable
Molding . In the die casting process, molten metal is forced into a Molding cavity with
high pressure.
4) What kind of wax is used for lost wax casting?
Microcrystalline wax is best for modeling because it is pliable and slightly sticky. In
addition, it’s medium-soft consistency makes it easy to work with. Paraffin wax can also
be used for lost wax casting, but it is not ideal for modeling. Paraffin wax is best used as
an additive to harden an already existing wax model. Different kinds of specialty wax can
also be used. Each type of specialty wax has a specific purpose, such as carving,
modeling, or patching, and requires knowledge of their different melting points

Summary :-
Investment casting wax compounds are complex, they consist of many different
components and consequently they exhibit a range of properties. Wax properties
influence pattern behaviour in the foundry and ultimately the quality of castings
produced. Correct product choice together with strict process and quality control
procedures is essential.
Annexure – II
Teacher Evaluation Sheet :-

Name of the student.

1)Gadge Pranay Dhananjay. 2)Lalge Pratik Prakash.

3)Waphare Aryan Suresh. 4)Pardeshi Anushka Prasad.

Name of Program:- Mechanical Engg. Semester:- 4

Course Title:- Manufacturing Processes Course Code :- 22446

Title of the Micro-Project:- “Prepare A Cast Product Of The Wax Material ”

Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro Project :-
S. Characteristic Poor Average Good Excellent
N to be assessed ( Marks 1-3 ) ( Marks 4 - 5 ) ( Marks 6 - 8 ) ( Marks 9- 10 )
1 Relevance Relate to Related to Take care of Take care of more than
to the very few LOs some Los atleast one CO one CO
Literature Not more than At-least 5 At –least About 10 relevant
Survey two relevant 7 sources, most latest
2 /information sources, at least relevant
collection sources 2 latest sources, most
(primary latest
very old
Completion of Completed Completed 50 Completed 60 Completed more than 80
3 the Target as less than 50% to 60% to 80% %
per project
Sample Size Sufficient and Sufficient and Enough data collected
small, data appropriate appropriate by sufficient and
neither sample, enough sample, enough appropriate sample size.
organized nor data generated data generated Proper inferences drawn
Analysis of presented well but not which is by organizing and
organized and organized and presenting data through
4 Data and not presented presented well tables,
representation well. No or but poor
poor inferences
inferences drawn
S. Characteristi Poor Average Good Excellent
N c to be ( Marks 1-3 ) ( Marks 4 - 5 ) ( Marks 6 - 8 ) ( Marks 9- 10 )
o. assessed
Incomplete Just Well Well
fabrication/ assembled/ assembled/ assembled/ fabricated
assembly. fabricated and fabricated with with proper functioning
parts are not proper parts. In proper shape,
functioning functioning within tolerance
well. Not in parts. In proper dimensions and good
Quality of
5 proper shape, shape, within finish/ appearance.
dimensions tolerance Creativity in design and
beyond dimensions and use of material
tolerance limit. good finish/
Appearance/ appearance.
finis h is But no
creativity in
design and use
of material
Very short, Nearly Detailed, Very detailed, correct,
poor quality sufficient and correct and clear description of
sketches, correct details clear methods,
Details about about methods, description of materials, precautions
methods, material, methods, and conclusions.
material, precautions and materials, Enough tables, charts
Report precaution conclusion, but precautions and and
Preparation and clarity is not Conclusions. sketches
6 conclusions there in Sufficient
omitted, some presentation. Graphic
details are But not enough Description.
wrong graphic
7 Major Includes major Includes major Well organized,
information is information but information includes major
Presentation not included, not well and well information ,well
information is organized and organized but presented
not well not presented not presented
organized. well well
Any other
8 upon nature
of project:
please write
indicators by
Could not Replied to Replied Replied most of the
reply to considerable properly to questions
considerable number of considerable properly
9 Defense number of questions but number of
question. question.

Micro-Project Evaluation Sheet

Process Product Assessment Total
Assessment Marks
Part A - Project Part B - individual 10
Name Project Method Project Presentation/
Propos ology Report/ Viva (4 marks)
al (2 Working
(2 marks) Model
marks) (2 marks)

1)Waphare Aryan Suresh.

2)Gadge Pranay

3)Lalge Pratik Prakash.

4)Pardeshi Anushka

Every course teacher is expected to assign marks for group evolution for each group of
students in first 3 columns as per rubrics & individual evaluation in 4 TH column for each
group of students as per rubrics based on viva.
Comments/Suggestions about team work/leadership/inter-personal communication:
Any Other Comment:
Name and designation of the Faculty Member:
(Prof. Murhekar N.H)

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