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Question Bank
Course: Labour Welfare and Employment Laws
Class : II MBA AY: 2023-24
UNIT I: Labour Welfare: Concept, Scope and Philosophy, Principles and approaches of labour
welfare, Indian constitution on labour, Agencies of labour welfare and their role. Impact of ILO on
labour -welfare in India.
UNIT II: Labour welfare programmes: Statutory and non-statutory, extra mural and intra mural,
Central Board of Worker's Education; Worker's Cooperatives- Welfare Centres- Welfare Officers' Role,
Status and Function, Signs of poor welfare.
UNIT III: Labour Legislation: Objectives - Principles - Classification - Evaluation of Labour
Legislation in India - Factories Act 1948, Definitions - Objectives of Act - Factory Inspectorate: -
Measures to be taken by Factories for Health, Safety and Welfare of Workers - Working Hours.

Q. No Question Cognitive Level CO
1 Describe the Labour Welfare concept? Understanding CO-1
2 Explain the Scope and Philosophy of Labour Welfare? Remembering CO-1
Explain the Principals and Approaches of Labour
Welfare, Constitution on Labour?
Remembering CO-1
4 Explain the Role of Agencies of Labour Welfare? Understanding CO-1
5 What is the meaning of Indian constitution on Labour? Understanding CO-1
What is the Impact of ILO on Labour Welfare in
6 Remembering CO-1
Q. No Question Cognitive Level CO
1 What are the Different Labour Welfare Programmes? Understanding CO-2
Explain the Concept of Central Board of Worker's
2 Education? Understanding CO-2

Describe about Statutory and Non-statutory

3 Programmes? Understanding CO-2

Explain Extra Mural and Intra Mural

4 Remembering CO-2
5 What are the Welfare Centres and Their Cooperatives? Remembering CO-2
Describe about Welfare Officer's Role, Status,
6 Remembering CO-2
Function and Science of Poor Welfare?
Q. No Question Cognitive Level CO
What are the Labour Legislation Objectives and
1 Principals? Understanding CO-3

2 Evaluate Labour Legislation in India? Remembering CO-3

3 Describe about Factories Act 1948 and It's Objectives? Understanding CO-3

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