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Bologa Serafima

grupa 104
At every moment, our body is crossed by a
multitude of electrical impulses that transmit,

Facts about him according to a complex algorithm, various

information or commands.

The nervous system comprises a unitary

The central nervous system (CNS) (or the nervous system of
group of organs, divided, depending on relationship life or the cerebro-spinal nervous system) is
represented by the nervous organs that make up the brain, housed
their role, into the central nervous system by the skull and spinal cord in the medullary canal of the spine.

(CNS) and the peripheral nervous system

In humans, the nervous system arises from intrauterine
development of the ectoblast of the embryonic
Through the somatic nervous system, posteromedial region, located anterior to Hensen's

information from the external node and posterior to the chordal bud.

environment is collected, with the help of

sense organs, such as the eyes,
What is he?
The nervous system is the set of
organs and structures that allow
the transmission of signals
between different parts of the
body and make possible the
coordination of voluntary and
involuntary functions, both
physical and psychological.
Its structure
The CNS consists of the
brain (which includes the
cerebrum, cerebellum, and
brainstem) and the spinal
cord. These two
components are protected
by the cranium and the
vertebral column,
does the
The nervous system carries
out the communication
between the different parts
of the body and coordinates
their voluntary and
involuntary functions. In
particular, the brain and
spinal cord integrate
information from other
organs and the external
environment, and plan
appropriate responses.
5 diseases, signs and
symptoms of the
nervous system
Here are five examples of diseases of the
nervous system:

1. Alzheimer's: A progressive condition that

affects memory and other cognitive
2. Parkinson's: A neurodegenerative disease
that affects the control of body movements.
3. Multiple Sclerosis: An autoimmune disease
that affects the central nervous system,
causing problems with movement, vision and
cognitive function.
4. Epilepsy: A disorder of the nervous system
that causes recurrent seizures and other
types of abnormal brain activity.
5. Stroke (stroke): A condition in which blood
flow to a part of the brain is interrupted,
causing brain damage and other functional

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